• Published 22nd Jan 2016
  • 1,471 Views, 60 Comments

If Fear Divides, Courage Unites - SoloBrony

A changeling pays Ponyville Elementary a visit to teach the foals about changelings. Just one catch: he's terrified of ponies.

  • ...

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I kept up my prancing and whistling routine all through the town. I got a few odd looks, but hey, if they're going to hate me, they're going to hate me, right? Not much I could do about that. I only stopped when I rounded the last corner to the house and saw an older, salt-and-pepper grey pony standing there, staring at it.

Uh oh. Why are they just... standing there?

The way the pony was staring at the house was almost uncanny. It was like he was transfixed.

Wait, maybe he's here to destroy it?! Maybe he's one of those anti-exchange ponies who's here to make sure changelings don't have a place to stay in Equestria! OR MAYBE HE'S A CHANGELING INFILTRATOR AND HE REJECTS THE EXCHANGE TREATY AND CAME ALL OF THIS WAY TO—

I took a step back, and then it occurred to me that I really had no idea what was going on, causing me to stop.

Okay. Okay. What would I do if I were a suave changeling infiltrator?

I ran over the scenario in my mind. First, I'd take some unassuming pony disguise, and I'd calmly walk up beside him, surveying the house as though it interested me, too. Then I'd have to say something witty, like out of a book or something, like 'you know it isn't for sale, right?'

Then, I'd figure out his intentions from there. Heck, I could pretend to be anti-changeling too, in case he leans that way.

Yeah, that's totally how an infiltrator would handle this! Okay, I'll do that!

I did my best to calmly – suavely – strut up beside the pony and look at the structure. He looked over at me in confusion, and I just gave him my best cocky grin.

"You know it's for sale, right?"

He frowned, looking at the house.

"Oh... is it?"

"Huh? Oh, wait, no! I mean it isn't for sale!"

I suddenly realized that I wasn't even in disguise.

And that, dear nymphs, is why uncle Terrent will never, ever make it as an infiltrator.

The pony glanced back to me, their frown disappearing.

"Oh, that's good to hear. It's supposed to be a... halfway house, right? For changelings?"

My brain went into overdrive trying to come up with the best-possible, most-suave-possible response that could tell me his intentions without revealing the critical data he was requesting.

"Uhh... yes?"


"Oh, good. So this is the right place. I'm Cooke, by the way. I, uh, take it that you're Terrent?"

The pony proffered his hoof to me. I stared at it, remembering all of the things Krittith had told me about this pony; he would often go on about what a brilliant historian Cooke was, and how great their talks were. He would talk about the years undercover at Canterlot University, when their friendship was the only thing keeping him sane. All of those talks were tinged with just a bit of sadness at how it all turned out.

Because Cooke was the reason Krittith had to leave Canterlot. It was Cooke's group of faculty that tried to block the Cultural Exchange Treaty. It was Cooke that Krittith had been hoping to reveal his secret to – and it was Cooke that had precluded that by spearheading a group stating that changelings shouldn't be welcome in Equestria.

Well. What do you know. He actually is one of those anti-exchange ponies, after all.

He slowly lowered his hoof, and glanced away from me. He spoke again, his tone sombre.

"I'm sorry. Look, if you'd rather that I—"

"Why are you here?"

"... To help finish this place. It's what Krittith wanted it used for, right?"

I studied the ground for a few moments, contemplating. As angry as I wanted to be, I couldn't justify it.

I knew Krittith for a few weeks. This pony... he knew him for years. Besides, it's not like I don't understand what it's like to be afraid of someone just because they're different.

When I looked up, he was looking me in the eyes again.

"I'd like to help you finish this place... and maybe talk about him, if you'd like that."

I hadn't been able to finish the house. Part of it was that Krittith and I had always worked together on it; his voice made the work go by so much easier. I hated working alone.

"Yeah. Yeah, that'd be nice."

And so we got to work, building something to honor Krittith's dream of ponies and changelings being friends – and also the house.



"Ah, man! I didn't realize it was that late. I'll have to stop for now, Cheerilee was expecting me for dinner."

Cooke quirked an eyebrow at me.

"Oh? You've got a date?"

"Don't be silly. She just asked me to din—"

Wait. Wait... Oooooh.


"... Oh."


Cooke facehoofed. Now I knew what it was like to be on the outside looking in.

"Terrent... I'll help you find something to wear."

Comments ( 15 )

All those emotions calmly swirling inside me.
It's nice.

:pinkiegasp: Cheerilee and a changling?:pinkiehappy:
:duck: A mare and a dragon?:moustache:
:flutterrage: Discord?
:rainbowhuh: Soarin?
:ajsmug: Apples?
:twilightoops: books?


I was not expecting that for an ending.

"And so we got to work, building something to honor Krittith's dream of ponies and changelings being friends – and also the house."

Truly a fantastic way to end the story, and it really re-frames all the stuff leading up to it. Everything before were tiny steps to this moment, narratively, and thematically. The class, Cheerilee, the house, the lady. Every little exchange, scene, and action Terrent takes, no matter how small or silly, is leading to this, here, between him, Cooke, and the home that Krittith built for everyone - and also the house.

It really bumps this from a great story to a fantastic one. Courage Unites indeed.

Also, dat epilogue.

I ship it. I totally ship it. I ship it like the fist of an angry god.

The odd looks aren't from you prancing and whistling, Terrent. They're from ponies wondering if Pinkie Pie had been a changeling all along.

And it's very nice to see Cooke's character arc land him here. A lovely conclusion to the story, especially since Cooke will be very helpful in getting Terrent to comprehend these bizarre ponies and their incomprehensible ways.

Damn already ended?

Goddamnit, stop one-upping my jokes, heh.

I am considering writing a standalone sort of sequel to this down the line, starring Terrent, once the epilogues are done.

6878631 Yeah, how could you just leave this story at incomming doom I mean date :D

Reading this soon.

6878631 Oooooh, it can't come soon enough. I already love him as a character. He's just so adorable.

That was very nice. I hope him and Cheerile will be happy together.


Dam. Good one. I kindda hoped the two will have the scene where they open up and the feels flow out.

7277124 Spike at your service. She smashes boulders with her face after getting Spike to assemble them.

I imagined smaller pitchforks and torches.


Ya know, I've noticed that characters in this series smirk a lot.

I mean, a third of them have horns on their heads!
I paused for a moment.
Wait. WE have horns on our heads. Ooooh, that's why ponies are scared of us.

Okay, this guy is seeming just dumb enough to be really funny.

One of the foals had to be told that, despite the intimidating appearance of their fangs, changelings don't like getting hit in the teeth any more than any other pony.


I suddenly realized where my wings had taken me. I landed on the ground, and took a moment to look at the half-finished house.

Aaaaaand gut-punch. Guess that's the Drama tag showing up.

Yeah, the dumb delivers again, now with more (at least temporarily) thwarted shipping.

That ending with Cooke, it's a great emotional moment, all while tying up his thread, that of Terrent's problems working on the house, and moving in that direction with Terrent's anxiety with respect to ponies. Now that's narrative efficiency.

Lol I thought the ending was abrupt.

And that, dear nymphs, is why uncle Terrent will never, ever make it as an infiltrator.

Best line ever.



Okay. Okay. What would I do if I were a suave changeling infiltrator?

Don't go there. You're not :rainbowlaugh:

I suddenly realized that I wasn't even in disguise.

So suave. Very infiltrator. But mostly, much changeling :derpytongue2:

"Why are you here?"

"... To help finish this place. It's what Krittith wanted it used for, right?"

Ugh. I know Krittith was one of the other characters, but I seriously have no idea what happened to him...


Wat. :ajbemused:

"Oh? You've got a date?"

"Don't be silly. She just asked me to din—"

Wait. Wait... Oooooh.


"... Oh."

Finally :rainbowlaugh:

The ending was quite sudden, but I guess no more is really needed here if you already know the rest of the story.

Blargh. I'm really gonna have to reread this whole thing from the start.

Accidental death due to construction accident.

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