• Published 22nd Jan 2016
  • 701 Views, 10 Comments

Scootaloo's New Home - Little Ling

After finding Scootaloo outside in the winter, Rainbow Dash, with Twilight's help, take care of Scootaloo

  • ...

The First Night

Author's Note:

Hello! Thank you for reading this chapter! I would like to ask you to please comment down below about what you think. Constructive criticism is encouraged, and helpful! Tell me what you honestly think, I can take it! Thank you again!

The orange filly trudged slowly through the knee-high snow, barely able to see ahead of her. “The weather team sure did a good job this winter,” she said, shivering. “Too bad my mother doesn’t care,” she added, with a tear. As she walked further, she started to sob. “Why doesn’t my mother care for me? Why does she only care about her bucking alcohol?!” She stopped where she stood to cry some more.

Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash was nearly freezing while flying to her large cloud house, when she heard the sobbing. “Why would anypony be out here now? It’s freezing!” She immediately flew quickly towards the source. As she neared the sobbing, she recognized the filly standing in the snow. “Scootaloo?! What in the hay are you doing out here?! Why aren’t you with your mom?” she asked worriedly.

“She’s too busy drinking to care” the freezing Scootaloo replied to her idol, still sobbing. “She was drunk, and tried to hit me, so I ran.”

Rainbow Dash was horrified to hear this. “But, she shouldn’t be…”

Scootaloo cut off Rainbow, screaming, “I KNOW! But she does anyway! Since dad died, that is all she ever does! Drink, drink, drink! She doesn’t even know I’m there half the time!”

Rainbow Dash could only stare at her snow covered body in shock, a million thoughts running through her head. When Scootaloo shivered again, she was ripped back into reality. “What? Oh Scootaloo, I didn’t know! Why didn’t you tell me? You know what, it doesn’t matter. Come on, I’ll bring you to my house. Get on, and hold tight” she said as she crouched down.

“But, I don’t want to be a burden, plus I’ve lasted this long” Scootaloo replied, with another shiver.

“I don’t care, get on. You won’t be a burden, trust me.” Rainbow said quickly. With this, Scootaloo hesitantly got on Rainbow’s back, and held around her neck tightly. Scootaloo found Rainbow’s neck to be unexpectedly soft, and pushed her head into it. Once Rainbow felt the filly latch on to her, she quickly took off and flew towards her home.

Once they arrived, Rainbow quickly flew inside and crouched down to let Scootaloo off. After she hopped off, she watched as Rainbow spread her wings wide and shook them, snow falling on the ground. Rainbow led Scootaloo to the kitchen, gesturing at a chair. She then went to work preparing hot chocolate. “I assume you would like some hot chocolate,” she asked with a backward glance.

“Yes please,” Scootaloo replied, feeling a little bit warmer in the fluffy home. She went to the wooden table, and sat in a hard wooden chair sitting beside it. As she was sitting, she lowered her head to the table in thought. A few seconds later, she felt a blanket wrap around her. When she looked up, she found Rainbow with the blanket, still in her mouth. “Thank you, Rainbow,” she said. Once the blanket was released from Rainbow’s mouth, Scootaloo wrapped the warm, fuzzy blanket around her, making sure to leave nothing but her head exposed.

“No problem, squirt” Rainbow replied, worry in her voice. “You can stay here tonight, if you would like.” After this, she went back to making the hot chocolate.

“Really? Thank you Rainbow” Scootaloo said, a hint of awe and relief in her voice. She watched Rainbow prepare the two cups of hot chocolate, finishing by putting marshmallows in the cups. She shivered lightly, still a little bit cold, even while smothered beneath the heavy, comfortable blanket.

“Here you go, Squirt” Rainbow replied, setting the drink in front of Scootaloo. “So, what happened with your mother?”

Scootaloo said nothing, took her drink, and stared at the marshmallows floating in the dark, delicious looking drink. Eventually, she did take a drink, the flavor instantly making her feel better. As the warm liquid slid down her throat, she could feel herself warming up slowly from the inside out.

“I’m sorry, don’t say anything if you don’t want to,” Rainbow replied quickly, seeing Scootaloo’s reaction. They sat in silence, the only sounds being the howling winds outside, and the occasional slurping of the drinks.

After what seemed like hours, but was only a minute or so, Scootaloo spoke softly, nearly inaudible. “I was in my bedroom doing homework, when suddenly mom burst in. She was more drunk than I have ever seen her before, and she was holding a bottle. She stumbled toward me quickly, muttering about how she hated me. Then she tried to hit me with the bottle of beer she was drinking, but I ran underneath her and out of the house.” Scootaloo started to sob again, to which Rainbow lowered her head.

Lifting her head, Rainbow said, “That’s enough, Scootaloo. You don’t need to say anymore. You’re here now, that’s what matters. Are you done with your drink?”

“Yes, Rainbow. Thank you, it was delicious,” Scootaloo replied, wiping tears from her face. She then yawned loudly. “Can I go to bed now? I’m really tired.”

“Sure,” Rainbow said.

“Thanks, I’ll crash on the couch.” With this, Scootaloo started towards the den, but stopped after hearing Rainbow’s words.

“Waddya mean, Squirt? You can sleep on my bed, I’ll take the couch,” Rainbow stated, matter-of-factly.

“Really? I’m fine on the couch.”

“No, take my bed. I’ll show you upstairs.” With this, Rainbow led Scootaloo up the steps to a hallway. She then entered the door situated at the end of the hall. Scootaloo looked around in amazement, seeing her idols bedroom full of memorabilia. There was Wonderbolts stuff everywhere! Posters on the walls, pillows, and even a Wonderbolts bed sheet!

“Wow, Rainbow! This is amazing! I didn’t know you liked the Wonderbolts THIS much!” Scootaloo exclaimed in shock. “This is so cool!”

“Heh, thanks Squirt. Alright, get up on the bed, I’ll tuck you in.” Rainbow gestured towards the bed, waiting for Scootaloo to hop onto it.

With a large jump and flapping wings, Scootaloo jumped up onto the bed. “This bed is so comfy, Rainbow! It’s like it is made of clouds!”

“Actually, it is!” Rainbow lifted the Wonderbolts sheet to reveal a cloud shaped into a bed underneath.

“Wow, that is so cool!” Scootaloo said while looking at the cloud. She then yawned again.

“Alright, lay down,” Rainbow said. After Scootaloo complied, Rainbow tucked her in.

“I want a cloud bed in my bedroom! Too bad mom doesn’t care…” she started to cry again.

“Hey, you never know. And stop crying, she’s not here. I’ll make sure it stays that way. Good night Scootaloo, may Luna protect your dreams.” Rainbow said quickly, wanting to stop Scootaloo’s tears from flowing. After hugging Scootaloo for what seemed like minutes, Rainbow tucked her in, wrapping the soft, warm blanket around her.

“Alright, you’re right, Rainbow. Good night,” Scootaloo sniffled. “Thank you again.”

“No problem, Squirt,” Rainbow said, as she closed the door behind her.

Comments ( 10 )

I kind of like the idea behind this. However, some of your sentences are redundent like,

Once they arrived, Rainbow quickly flew inside. Once inside, Rainbow crouched fown to let Scootaloo off.

I'd Just start that second sentence with Rainbow.

6861482 Somehow, I missed that. I appreciate you pointing it out. It is now fixed.

This feels just a little too similar to the opening of I'll Always be Here for You...you may want to be careful about crossing that line between plagiarism and inspiration.

Well, I must say, you have made my D'aww meter completely explode.

Great story so far! I absolutely love Scootadoption stories. I just advise you to check your punctuation and sentence flow so you aren't criticized too much about it.

6861778 It is similar. I have already talked to The Abyss about it. The story will be different, I will be sure of it, as will he! I did pretty much use his beginning as a place for me to get started. Thank you for reading the chapter, and taking the time to comment.

6861887 Okay, thank you. I will be sure to have some one else proofread as well, and I will be aware of punctuation and flow in the future. Thank you for reading, and taking the time to comment, I truly appreciate the feedback!

It's great. Just needs maybe a bit of editing.

7332253 Awesome, thank you!

this was an adorable story, although tbh I hate seeing scoots all mopey, but hey it was still good

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