• Published 31st Jan 2016
  • 1,258 Views, 21 Comments

Sunset and Twilight Go On a Dangerous Quest Called Love While Rainbow Dash Flew This Morning - Nikkori

Twilight likes Sunset. Sunset likes Twilight. How the hay are they supposed to get together If it's kinda awkward? Well, Starlight Glimmer has a crush on a straight girl. Watch as Starlight, Sunset, and Twilight explore love and forbidden love.

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Chapter 3- Love Makes The World

Starlight was so happy. Rainbow Dash asked her on a date! A date! The Rainbow Dash asked her on a date!

"A DATE!" Starlight cried.

"I get it! You have a date with somepony! Stop screaming about it!" Spike snapped from another room. Starlight blushed.

"Sorry Spike!" Starlight apologized. She lit up as she remembered something.

She picked up her journal and her favorite pen. She began writing.

Dear Diary Journal Feeling Book,
Hey. Starlight Again. Well old pal, I have a date!!! With Rainbow Dash!!!!

I've loved Rainbow ever since I laid eyes on her. Her let's get this done attitude, her spunk, just everything. Especially her mane. Oh, her mane!

I imagine, us, two married mares, laying side by side, our Twins Sky Shine and Starry Day playing. I'm stroking Rainbow's mane as she smiles and purrs. Sky Shine is flying, rubbing in her twin sister's face that she has wings. Starry Day is using her magic to anchor her sister down. Rainbow smiles. I just think about our life. We just bask in the moment, before my Raini and I share a kiss.

If only it was real! Oh my Luna's fat flank, I really want to just press my lips against her's!!! Oh I would Kill for a kiss from her! If she Becomes a Wonderbolt, I'll be happy and famous! DJFB, I want Rainbow! I just wonder if she wants me too.....


Why else would she ask me on a date?

"Starlight, Sunset made some cookies and lemonade. Do you want any?" Twilight asked on the other side of the door.

"Yes please!" Starlight replied.

"Okay. I'll be back in a minute." Twilight's hoofsteps faded as she left.

I love her. I really do. I just hope it works out. I'm getting ready soon,

Shine on,

Starlight Starlilly Glimmer

As Starlight closed the book, she ran a hoof over the purple silk, carefully looking at the aquamarine stars, the lavender swirls, the rainbow that ran across. In cyan letters 'Starlight Starlilly Glimmer's Diary Journal Feelings Book'.

"Starlight? I have the cookies and lemonade!" Sunset said from behind the door.

Hide me! Hide me, Starlight. The book 'said'.

Starlight stashed the book in her mane. Her poof raised considerably, but hopefully New Sunbutt didn't notice. Sunset knocked on the door.

"Starlight? You know what, I'm gonna teleport this tray into your room." In a flash of aquamarine, a tray with blueberry, strawberry, chocolate, sugar, and triple C cookies with a pitcher of raspberry lemonade and a cup was on Starlight's nightstand.

"Thank you Sunset!" Starlight removed the book from her mane.

"That was a close call Mini Starlilly. Let's never do that again."

Okay Starlight! The book 'replied'.


"So Twilight...." Sunset said, looking up from Love Through The Skies.

"Yes Sunset?" Twilight looked up from A Madmare's Woes.

"These 'Human FanFictions' as you call them, how did you get them?"

"Oh!" Twilight smiled. "I created a timeline spell, so I begun hopping, and found an archive of them called 'The Library of Ponies, Dragons, Humans, and Others'. I took some books, so here we are!"

"Well, this one is great." Sunset said. Twilight brightened.

"Have you read Happiness Through The Skies? The first book?" Twilight asked.

"Uh... Maybe?" Sunset replied. Twilight gasped and snatched the book away.

"Sunset! You read this now!" Twilight levitated the first book to Sunset. "You can finish reading the sequel after you read this!"

"Actually," Sunset picked a book from the pile of different universe books.

"Try reading this!" Sunset shoved The Most Delicate Flower to Twilight. "I want to make you cry!"

"Okay Sunset. If I cry, I owe you twenty bits!"

"You're on, Sparkle!"

"That was so sad!" Twilight cried. "The way Flower Wishes waters her flowers, they way Roseluck, Lily Valley, Lily Blossom, and Blossomforth could only watch! Oh, if this was real, I would help Flower with her problem!"

"I know, right? I cried so hard." Sunset said. "You owe me twenty bits!" Twilight wiped away her tears before forking over the bits.

"Not fair, Sunset! You cried, so you knew it would make me cry! Give me back ten bits!" Twilight pouted. Sunset rolled her eyes before giving Twilight ten.

"Fine. Bite Me." Sunset said. Twilight grinned before pinning Sunset down.

"Hard or soft?" Twilight asked playfully. Sunset giggled before answering.

"Oh beat me while speaking naughty words in French!" Sunset laughed and Twilight did too.

"Well, hit me while reading '101 Ways To Fry An Egg on a Leg'!" Twilight lifted Sunset with her magic. Sunset giggled uncontrollably.

"Oh Twilight," Sunset cooed, "you thought you could stop me?"

"Y-Y-Yes!" Twilight laughed. Sunset's hooves touched Twilight's fur.

"Prepare for tickle torture!" Sunset began to tickle Twi. Twilight laughed hard.

"S-S-Suns-s-set!" Twilight said, struggling to form a proper word.

"S-Stop!" Sunset clearly knew Twilight was enjoying herself.

"Say Sunset Sunrise Shimmer Is The Next Alicorn Princess!" Sunset grinned.

"S-S-Suns-set S-Sunr-rise S-Shimmer Is T-The Next Ali-lic-Alicorn Princess!" Twilight exhaled at Sunset backed off.

"Wow! Celestia revealed that to you!" Sunset laughed.

"Can you please quiet down?! I'm trying to nap!" Spike's voice said annoyed. Twilight blushed.

"Sorry Spike!" Twilight said sheepishly.

The old grandfather clock in Starlight's room struck five. Starlight had opted to take a nap Just in case she needed more energy for the night's festivities. Starlight woke with a jolt.

"Wha?" Just as the clock struck for the third time, Starlight realized it was time for her to get ready.

"My Date! I need to get ready for my date!" Starlight rushed into her bathroom.

"Okay.... How are you gonna style your mane Starlight?" She asked herself. She lit up as she skillfully slipped out the pins and bands holding her mane in her usual style.

"How about taking the really cute streak and curl light the purple to the side and making a totally cute low side ponytail! And using said really cute streak as a braid in the ponytail!" Starlight searched frantically for her curling iron. Unlike Sunset, Starlight was in a hurry.

"Starlight? Are you okay?" Sunset's voice drifted through the door. "I heard you yelling."

"I'm fine Sunset. Perfectly okay." Truth was Starlight had burned herself with the curling iron. Sunset left.

"Okay Starlight. Take two parts of the front of your mane and twist them. Now put it into a ponytail......" Starlight carefully took the two twists and puts them into a ponytail. Starlight then took her aquamarine streak and made it into a regular braid. Carefully read into the ponytail. She then took the curling iron and the purple part of her mane and took the streak that was dangling away from where she had tucked it in.

"Now curl!" Starlight finished her mane. Starlight then looked at her makeup assortment.

"Aquamarine is my favorite color, but rose is Rainbow's..... rose lipstick! Aquamarine eyeshadow!" Starlight applied her choice of makeup.

"Now to pick what to wear!" Starlight began to head to her closet but stopped.

"Too much." Starlight watched as the clock ticked 6:00 pm.

"Wonder what Rainbow would say....."

Rainbow had been at Sugarcube Corner for about an hour. At first she had come to chat with Pinkie, but she said 'What the hay' and just sat down. In all, she had only been sitting for fifteen minutes. Rainbow rolled her eyes, waiting for Starlight. It was 6:09, and Rainbow had already bought two milkshakes, one chocolate for her and a new blueberry-vanilla one for Starlight. The door jingled. Without looking up, Rainbow spoke.

"Ten minutes late Starlight. Be lucky I didn't leave." Starlight blushed, (which Rainbow couldn't see) and sat down.

"Oh Rainbow! Thanks for the milkshake!" Rainbow finally looked up to see a drop dead gorgeous Starlight Glimmer.

Starlight's hair was in a intricate ponytail, her aquamarine streak placed in a braid in the ponytail. Starlight's eyes looked wonderful with the aquamarine eyeshadow and her lips popped out just enough. Rainbow's eyes widened.

"S-Starlight?" Rainbow stuttered. Starlight became worried.

"How about some cake? May I suggest the new Starry Day cake?" unknown to the two ponies staring at each other, Pinkie Pie had bounced up to them.

"What's in the Starry Day cake?" Rainbow snapped out of stupor enough to ask Pinkie a question. Pinkie smiled before answering.

"It's a Vanilla-Blue Velvet cake with special mini star bits of lemon cake! The lemon bits are frosted with lemonade icing and blackberry icing is used for the sky! A Rainbow runs across. It's a three layer cake and is served with whipped cream! Only nine bits for the whole cake!" Pinkie grinned proudly before continuing. "Would you like a full cake?"

Starlight took out ten bits. "Yes please." Starlight brought out eight bits. "I would like some chocolate devotion ice cream and Rainbow would like-"

"-Elemental Showdown." Rainbow said simply.

"Rainbow would like an Elemental Showdown sundae. I'm fully aware it costs only six bits. Keep the change." Starlight handed Pinkie eighteen bits.

"Thank you! I'll fix your milkshakes too!" Pinkie shoved the bits in a tiny pair of saddlebags before taking the been melted milkshakes. She the bounced away. Rainbow thanked Pinkie before talking to Starlight.

"You look beautiful." Rainbow commented. Starlight squeed internally.

Oh My Luna's Full Moon! Rainbow just said I look beautiful! Diary Journal Feelings Book, be prepared!

"Thank you Rainbow!" Starlight giggled. "I hoped I looked good." Rainbow smiled.

"Well, you have a mirror!" Rainbow smirked just as Pinkie arrived balancing a tray holding a cake, two milkshakes, two cupcakes, and two bowls of ice cream.

"Uh Pinkie? We didn't order cupcakes." Starlight said. Pinkie giggled.

"Haven't you noticed? It's on the house. The rule is we close at ten. It's 6:57 right now, and Applejack is taking her date here at eight, so I have to try to get as many baked goods eaten before I can start eating some!" Pinkie placed the tray down. "Well, to go bake some more!" Pinkie bounced off.

"So Starlight," Rainbow cut herself a piece of cake, "you look gorgeous. I love your mane. You have to do this again. I'm sounding like Rarity, aren't I?" Rainbow pressed a hoof to her face. Starlight tittered.

"Thanks. I really like this style too. Anyway, Rainbow? What's it like to fly?"

"Never again Sunset!" Twilight shoved books called Cupcakes, Sweet Apple Massacre, and Rainbow Factory. Sunset snickered.

"I'm sorry Twilight. Force me to do genocide on Undertale or something horrible." Sunset said. Twilight, spooked out of her mind handed Sunset a case of books labeled 'Gore and Dark'.

"Read these and then Genocide on Undertale." Twilight commanded.

"Whatever you say Princess! Now-" Sunset was cut off by Applejack bursting through the door.

"Twi! Ah need help!" Twilight then noticed the red splatters on Applejack's front hooves.

"Applejack! What's wrong?" Twilight said calmly.

"Ah need t' clean up fer mah date!" Applejack stared Twilight in the eye. "Ah wuz gonna go to Rarity, but Ah knew what would happen if Ah did." AJ looked at Sunset.

"Can Sunset help me instead?" Applejack asked. Sunset sighed a sigh of relief.

"Of course Applejack." Sunset said. Applejack smiled before trotting to Sunset's bathroom. As Sunset and AJ disappeared, Twilight sighed.

"Spike! Grab the mop and the towel. I need help cleaning red paint!" Twilight called. She shook her head.

My friends and Crush........

Rainbow Dash was straight. Her friends new that. Scootaloo knew that. Hay, even Carrot Top knew Rainbow Dash liked stallions. How come Starlight didn't know? It was old news actually.

This was a simple gathering between friends, and only that.

Now if only Starlight understood that.

Author's Note:

Triple C cookies are actually a cake.

A three layer chocolate cake with chocolate icing and chocolate chips. Chocolate ice cream if desired.

Elemental Showdown Sundae- A skillful ice cream cake modeled after all of the elements of harmony.

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