• Published 26th Jan 2016
  • 4,124 Views, 184 Comments

Expecting - Shahrazad

During her tenure as the Terrible and Despotic Trixie, the showmare had certain needs. Needs a certain stallion helped her with. Getting in her good graces couldn’t hurt… and he got in real good. And it certainly didn’t hurt.

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Chapter 4 - The Morning After

“‘M sorry… Ah didn’t think Granny’d get up b’fore us.”

Applejack continued to scowl across the breakfast table where Trixie and Big Mac sat.

“Jus’ be thankful it were Granny, an’ not Apple Bloom.” Applejack shook her head. “What would little Bloom think if she came in seein’ her brother doin’ that?!

“Trixie does not understand what the problem is,” Trixie said, as she shovelled a forkful of waffle into her mouth. “Trixie and her fiancé were only spooning.”

“An’ Ah’m guessin’ jus’ a little spoonin’ was what made Granny run out screamin’?” Applejack asked.

Big Mac sank lower in his seat, his already red coat flushing even darker.

“That… that was just a-a misunderstanding!” Trixie stammered.

“Oh, so it were jus’ a misunderstanding when Granny came t’ wake ‘im up and found ‘im rubbin’ his mornin’— Apple Bloom!” Applejack shouted.

“Huh?” the sleepy filly asked, rubbing her eyes. “Why are ya shoutin’, sis? What’d Ah do wrong now?

“N-Nothin’ wrong… Ah— Ah was— jus’ sayin’ good mornin’, Apple Bloom.” Applejack’s eyes darted left and right, desperately avoiding her sister’s gaze.

“Oh… okay. Well, g’mornin’,” the filly muttered, as she pulled herself up to the table. Apple Bloom pulled a stack of waffles towards her plate, piled on a healthy serving, then drowned it all in syrup and cream.

“Apple Bloom!” Applejack barked, as the filly lifted a fork-full of waffles to her mouth. “Y’all know we eat as a family… so ya kin wait fer Granny!”

“But Granny said she had t’ see t’ our steamed guest. An’ Miss Trixie didn’t wait!”

“Trixie is eating for two, and the foal needed… waffles.”

“An’ she ain’t family,” Applejack muttered. After a dark glare from her brother, she amended, “Yet. She ain’t family yet, so she can start early. But you, little Apple, ya kin wait—”

“Just five more minutes, Spike!”

Twilight’s voice rattled the entire house, having apparently engaged the Royal Canterlot Voice as a means of snoozing her draconic alarm clock. Moments later, a beleaguered-looking Granny Smith trotted down the stairs, her bonnet barely on anymore, and her mane looking distinctly windswept.

“Razzem-frazzem royalty,” Granny Smith muttered darkly as she entered the kitchen. Rounding the corner, she spied Trixie stuffing her muzzle with waffles while Apple Bloom, Big Mac, and Applejack waited patiently. “Is there a reason ya couldn’t wait fer the rest of us, Miss Trixie?”

“Applejack says it’s ‘cause she ain’t family!” Apple Bloom burst out. “An’ ‘cause she’s eating for two!”

“Well, Miss Trixie is gunna be an Apple—” Granny Smith leveled a glare towards Applejack. “—whether everypony in the family likes it or not.” Granny Smith smacked Trixie’s hoof, causing her to drop her fork. “An’ as an Apple, we wait an’ eat together.”

Granny Smith sat at the head of the table, and filled her own plate with waffles. Once everyone had filled their plates (or refilled, in Trixie’s case), Granny gave the nod for everyone to start.

“Wait, we ain’t gunna wait for Twi?” Applejack asked.

Trixie looked forlornly at her uneaten waffles (hiding the already partially eaten one beneath), and wondered how long it would take her royal snore-iness to get up.

“She ain’t family,” Granny Smith said with a huff, before digging in.

Trixie grinned as she lifted the syrupy waffle goodness to her mouth. “And Trixie is eating for two!”

“No, you must scrub them harder… like this!” Trixie’s horn glowed as the tea towels danced in the air around the dishes, supported in her telekinesis. “You must dry them with all your might, then they will sparkle… see?”

Trixie levitated a plate towards the filly, her horn glowing slightly brighter as she applied a minor glamour on the plate. The filly held the literally sparkling plate in her hooves, gasping in wonder.

“But…” Trixie leaned down and whispered conspiratorially into Apple Bloom’s ear, “…it takes lots of practice. Lots and lots of practice. In fact, Trixie is not sure she should share her practice with you. If she did not practice on all the dishes—”

“Ah’ll do ‘em!” Apple Bloom shouted. Trixie stepped back.

“Trixie is not sure. This is a very secret technique—” She put a little more magic into making the plate sparkle even brighter.

“Ah’ll do ‘em,” Apple Bloom cut her off. She looked around the corner of the door, seeing Granny Smith sitting at the kitchen table with her big brother and sister. She leaned back towards Trixie and whispered, “Uhh, Granny Smith is… perticular… ‘bout her dishes; ya gotta get ‘em jus’ right. Ah better do ‘em, so ya don’t get in trouble.” Apple Bloom smirked. “‘Cause Granny Smith doesn’t like her plates… too sparkly. Yeah… so Ah better do ‘em,” Apple Bloom pushed Trixie towards the door. “Ya better go out an’, uhh, do… wedding… things.”

“Are you suuure, Apple Bloom?” Trixie asked.

“Ah’m sure! Ya jus’ get back out there, an Ah’ll get th’ dishes.”

Trixie ‘reluctantly’ exited the kitchen, allowing a smirk to flash on her face as she crossed the threshold. She could overhear the filly muttering in the kitchen as she left.

“Ah’ll make these dishes sparkle so much Ah’m sure t’ get mah cutie mark!”

Dishes done!

“Done already?” Granny Smith asked as Trixie returned.

“Trixie wanted to help, but Apple Bloom wanted to do them all by herself.”

“Really?” Applejack asked, a questioning eyebrow raised. “Th’ filly who was complainin’ as she walked inta th’ kitchen said she’d do ‘em herself?”

Trixie nodded. “Yes, she was adamant that Trixie should not help.”

“Really?” Applejack deadpanned. “Well… we’ll jus’ see about that!”

Applejack pushed herself away from the table and stood. Trotting to the kitchen door, she found Apple Bloom vigorously washing and drying each plate. Some plates even failed some kind of inspection, and were placed back into the sink and re-washed.

“Ya need Miss Trixie t’ come back in there an’ give ya a hoof?” Applejack asked.

“No! Ah can do ‘em mahself!” Apple Bloom replied.

“Ya sure?”

“Ah’m sure!” Apple Bloom yelled back. “Awww, ya broke mah concentration! Now Ah have t’ start this one again!”

Applejack left the kitchen bewildered, as Apple Bloom dropped the plate back into the sink and began washing again.

“Oh, good morning, Applejack.” Twilight was finally awake, sitting opposite Big Mac and Trixie, next to a disgruntled-looking Granny Smith. “Thank you for saving me some breakfast, but you should know it’s okay to wake me up—” Granny Smith glowered at the comment, but it went unnoticed by the princess. “—Just because I’m a princess, doesn’t mean I can’t get up at the same time as everypony else!”

Big Mac and Trixie chuckled, while Applejack looked nervously towards Granny Smith.

“Don’t ya worry none, sugarcube,” Applejack coughed. “Jus’ tryin’ t’ be hospitable like.”

“Oh, hospital! That reminds me… Trixie, do you have your pregnancy health record in your cart? We should take it to the hospital today, see if we can get you a local OBGYN. It would make sense, if you’re going to be staying in Ponyville.”

“Pregnancy record?” Trixie asked.

“You know, the little white booklet… the one your doctor gave to you when you first saw them in—” Twilight paused. “Actually, where did you see your first OBGYN?”

“Trixie has not seen a doctor yet, she has been too busy with her show.”

“You haven’t seen a doctor yet?” Twilight asked, gasping.

“No, I’ve been—”

Oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh! You haven’t seen a doctor? But there are so many tests!” Twilight started panicking. A burst of magic and the princess teleported to the opposite side of the table, next to Trixie. “You’re late for so many tests! Have you emptied your bladder this morning? How much did you eat? We’ll have to get going right away!”

Another burst of magic, and the panicked alicorn was gone.

Everypony looked to each other in silent shock.

Another burst of magic, and Twilight returned. She wrapped her hooves around Trixie’s neck, pulling the struggling mare close.

“I forgot the pregnant mare!” Twilight yelled. “How did I forget the pregnant mare? We’ll be back later, I promise!”

Another burst of magic, and both unicorn and alicorn were gone.

“Applejack,” Big Mac said, breaking the silence. “Yer friends with some crazy mares.”

“Eeyup,” was all the stunned Applejack could respond with.