• Member Since 25th Jan, 2014
  • offline last seen Last Wednesday

Discorded SheepcityUSA

Sub-Par author with a somewhat light-hearted and silly writing style.


Celestia's morning consists of a few things. Waking up, coffee, personal grooming, and raising the sun. Not usually does this routine consist of Celestia finding one of the cutest fillies she's ever seen drinking the hot sauce in her fridge. This alone brings her several questions...

One of the big ones being why this filly's mane seems to catch on fire out of nowhere.

How can something so adorable also have such disturbing undertones? Celestia is going to find out when she sees just where Honeysuckle comes from.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 24 )

That was quite adorable. Can we please have some more?

The last thing she’d expected to see was a cream-colored earth pony filly with an orange mane tied up in pigtails sitting in her fridge, drinking hot sauce straight out of the bottle. A few drops of said hot sauce had managed to make its way onto the bright pink hoodie the filly wore.

To be fair, that's about as unexpected as the Spanish Inquisition.

“What is your business here, your highness?” he asked in a deep and intimidating voice. Celestia didn’t respond at first and instead picked Honeysuckle off her back and held her out to him. Honey seemed very happy at the sight of Hades and gave him a big smile.

And here I was expecting Disney's Hades. Oh well.

Hades rolled his eyes a little. “I know, I know. It was her mother’s idea. Apparently she thought my ideas would make foals afraid of her. In all fairness though, if I’d gotten my way she’d have to explain why the word ‘Diavolo Doombringer’ was written on her application for college sometime down the road.”

Persephone's got a point.


You couldn't resist, could you?

Is it bad that I can already see Honey and the CMC hanging out together?

The D'aaaawww.... is over 9000! Seriously though, this not only needs a sequel but a full length one covering multiple chapters. It'll be flippin hilarious.

I love it. Honey is so adoable.

She can really hold her spicy food I guess. Good thing too. She vomits magma.

I bet that's a pain to clean up. Lets just hope she never gets sick.


Oh ya! Honeysuckle and the CMC. Somebody call Spike, we have the perfect revenge on Garble and company.

You know for one moment I thought that this guy would be her father.
Anyway I love the way this story was presented. Now the only thing I am wondering is what kind of pony her mother is, marrying Hades and all. I am hoping you will write some more about honeysuckle.

6907674 I probably will end up writing more with Honey later. If/when I do a sequel it'll probably be multi-chaptered and have some moments with Honey's mother (all I'll say about Honey's mom for the time being is that she's mortal. :rainbowwild:)

6907703 Ok now in my head her mother is a ponified version of meg from hercules.
The coat color from honey fits, she's mortal and had dealings with hades. Probably completely wrong, but that's my headcannon now.

6906714 After drinking four bottles of Hell-Branded hot sauce? I'll be surprised Hades doesn't get military-grade medical supplies and a personal medic for her after this.

This is amazing.

It'd love to see more of her, and my discord avatar OC, what troubles they could cause cantorlot and everyone, with adorable dooooom hit me up, we can do a thing.

6930317 I don't like having to defend my stories but... I just felt the need to address one of the later things.

this is a nostalgia critic ripoff
satan's daughter being abnormally cute
not original

Yes because Nostalgia Critic was the first one in the entire world to ever do anything like this. Nobody has EVER written the lord of all evil's spawn being cute. And fuck me for writing about an idea I wanted to do that just happened to be remotely similar. Nobody is ever allowed to write anything like this ever again. :unsuresweetie: That's like saying nobody should have insane characters because the Joker exists.


1. You said specifically that it was a ripoff of Nostalgia Critic. Nothing else.
2. It's my story and I'm allowed to write it how I feel like.
3. Your entire comment was nitpicky to all hell and not helpful criticism at all with anything resembling that being the most vague and obnoxious responses to it possible. Giving one-line explanations to why you think a certain thing is bad is not helpful on how to improve. You seriously complained about me using "~" at one or two points.

Also I don't like every story on this site. You don't see me insulting people for writing it like you're doing. Now before my comment section is infested with an argument about this. Blocked.

Somehow I knew something like this would happen.

This story is seriously cute, and I wonder if you can add to it. Maybe some slice of life snippets (ie. times later in the story line where Celestia encounters Honeysuckle again.) Or even have other ponies encounter her. The only problems I can find in this story is at the beginning where your wording is maybe a bit rough. Otherwise great story

Despite what many ponies choose to believe about Celestia, it was undeniable to those that personally knew her that she was NOT a morning pony in any sense of the word.

That does sound like our 'Tia. Given ultimate power to dictate when morning is, she sets it earlier than she wants to get up.

The filly stopped drinking for a minute to look up at Celestia, giving her a cute smile. “Howdy! Don’t mind me, just pretend I’m not even here.”

You blew it. All you had to say was "I'm not actually here" and 'Tia would have chalked you up as a sleepy hallucination. But you had to go and corroborate your existence.

“Well, I just had a real craving for something hot, and my search brought me here. My dad normally doesn’t let me have hot things that much. He says they’ll burn a hole in my belly.”
Celestia felt genuinely disturbed at the sound of that. ‘Well, that sounds rather morbid’ she thought to herself.

Sounds just like plenty of other thing parents tell children to me.

Honey’s ears folded a little and she frowned. “I-I don’t know. I get it from my dad. His mane is on fire all the time, is that bad?” she asked.

Nah, it's pretty common in my experience. There was a metal-walled portion of my high school's cafeteria so those with flaming manes could sit down to eat without burning the paint off the walls, for example.

“Hades! Open the door!” She shouted, hoping to get a response.

Hades! Hades! Hades, over here! Hades, look over here you daft ninny of a god! Hades! Haaaadeees!

Don’t give me any of that Honey. If you got lost and didn’t come back, your mother and I would be devastated.

I hear rumors that Persephone doesn't really care about anything, but I suppose I shouldn't believe everything I hear.

In all fairness though, if I’d gotten my way she’d have to explain why the word ‘Diavolo Doombringer’ was written on her application for college sometime down the road.

Hey, it'd make her memorable to the application committee, and I doubt they'd have any preconceived notions about the name. It might not be such a bad idea.

“Oh come on! I was going to tell the prisoners about how beautiful the outside world they’d never get to see again looked in excruciating detail too!” Honey groaned as she trotted out of Celestia’s view.

Damn. That kid is evil!

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