• Published 28th Jan 2016
  • 961 Views, 29 Comments

My Language is Music - SoloBrony

Against her better judgement, Octavia goes to Changeling Hive Chrysalis via the cultural-exchange program in order to investigate a mysterious composer.

  • ...

It's not a comedy

Stargazer had done her best to prepare me for the appearance of Hive Chrysalis, but I was still shocked by it when we first stepped off of the platform, saddlebags in tow. Somehow, the sheer size of it was what struck me; despite living under the open sky my whole life, there was something about seeing an entire city have a roof that impressed upon me the scale of it all. It was a massive subterranean city, broken up into 'clusters', each with its own color and appearance.

But the two landmarks that truly caught my eye were the massive underground waterfall, and the massive spire of rock which ran through the center. I stared at the structure – named, fittingly enough, The Spire – and I quailed at its appearance. Much in the way that changeling hooves resemble pony hooves, The Spire resembled the towers of Canterlot; it was a gnarled, jagged mirror of it, with holes and alcoves visible all throughout.

"That's where we're headed. Octavia, are you okay?"

Stargazer's voice broke me from my reverie. She had barely spoken during the train ride, but now she was watching me with an expression full of concern. Astra and Vinyl, meanwhile, had hung back several paces; Astra had begun animatedly talking about all of the things she had heard about, pointing them out to Vinyl, who was nodding enthusiastically and taking it all in.

"Y-yes, I just... it's just, so different."

In reality, my mind had gone back to the rumors I had heard about changelings abducting ponies, bringing them back here. Harvesting love from them. I didn't know if any of those rumors were true, but something about the idea of this being the last thing somepony saw before being imprisoned...

"That's not all that's on your mind, is it? Octavia, I don't know what you've heard, but... maybe it'll put your mind at ease to know that Celestia and Twilight have both been through here; they wouldn't let anything untoward go unaddressed."

I frowned apologetically. It wasn't my intent to bother my new friend, and I almost felt bad about the news of Celestia's presence reassuring me.

"I'm sorry. You're right, it's not all that was on my mind, but don't worry about it. I'll be fine."

Stargazer winked at me, and tapped me on the shoulder as we began walking together.

"You've got me here with you. You'll be fine."

I watched her saunter back to rejoin the others, and I contemplated her behavior. I was all-too-aware that her awareness of my emotional distress was probably a byproduct of her training as an infiltrator; training which was meant to allow her to manipulate others. It put me instinctively on-guard, but I was also aware that she was almost painfully shy; the most I could gather about it was that ponies had not treated her too well since her secret became public.

Despite that, she was trying to be here for me. I wanted to respect that, and so I did my best to be at-ease as we made our way to The Spire. As we walked, we caught many curious glances from passersby; eyes of all colors watched us from every corner of the street. Astra had briefly explained that a changeling's eye-color was related to their 'caste', but I hadn't caught all of the details. What stood out more was the variety of hairstyles; I'd been of the impression that all changelings shared the same hairstyle (or lack thereof), but apparently this had gone out of style within the hive some time ago, and now changelings regularly transformed themselves to have various types of hair.

It was an altogether surreal experience. On the one hand, the hive was far darker than a normal city during the day; while certainly adequately lit, I couldn't help but think of it as a city at night, and yet it felt like a city during the day. The hive was bustling with activity, and as much as I felt like an oddity there, most of the changelings went about their business with nary a thought to spare for our presence. Once I got over my initial trepidation, I found the contrast of the hive's darkness with the glowing crystals and lanterns throughout to be nothing short of breathtaking. I knew I'd be composing songs to capture this feeling for years to come, and I focused on those thoughts while the others trotted behind me and chattered about the sights.

Our arrival at The Spire was hardly climactic; there wasn't even a guard at the imposing entrance. We simply walked inside, and after Stargazer had had a short chat with the receptionist, explaining what all of us were here for, we were sent to a small waiting-chamber nearby. According to Stargazer, some high-level functionary wanted to meet with us. Soon enough, a silver-eyed changeling with a clipboard entered the chamber and called for me; I hesitated, but at the urging of my companions, I strode with him out of the room. Without so much as turning to greet me, he began walking for a spiral staircase on the side of The Spire.

"Lili-Iqqel has called for you; I'm Ezuo-Nihkel, and I'll be guiding you to her. You were inquiring as to our musical history?"

His voice was flat and uninterested. I strode alongside him, watching him carefully, but he seemed engrossed in whatever he was reading; I half-expected him to stumble when we started on the staircase, but he proceeded on easily; it all seemed very routine for him.

"That's, uh... somewhat accurate. Is she a musician?"

He snorted and smirked.

"Hardly. She's the Queen's right-hand advisor, and the overseer of the Cultural Exchange Program; meeting with her is a great honor, you know."

I won't deny some deep unease at the thought that I'd be so close to the Changeling Queen; the very same 'Queen Chrysalis' who had led an invasion on Canterlot, who had all but successfully captured Equestria's capitol, and who had personally injured and incapacitated Princess Celestia. 'Honored' wasn't quite what I felt.

"Ah. I, ah... I'm honored, then?"

I gave a shot at a sincere smile, but it came out uneven. Thankfully, he didn't even seem to notice.

"I'm sure. So, how are you liking the hive so far? Is it just as beautiful as the pamphlets said?"

"It is very beautiful. It's like a city perpetually under nightfall."

"Ooh, that's a good line. I should include that in the next edition of the pamphlets."

"I'm sorry... what pamphlet are you talking about? Was I supposed to get one?"

He quirked an eyebrow at me quizzically, making eye contact for the first time.

"You mean you weren't drawn here by the tourism pamphlets I wrote?"

"Oh, ah, no. I came here to investigate something. I heard that Celestia had found someone named Cecily here...?"

Nihkel froze on the spot, almost as if my words had stabbed him. He just stood there, watching me, which put me quite on-edge. After a few moments, he started to speak, very slowly.

"Oh. Ooohh. So that's why Iqqel wants to speak with you."

"I'm sorry? What's this now?"

He waved me off and started ascending the staircase more quickly.

"I, uh, should let her explain."

If I was nervous before – and I was, I hope you understand – it was far worse now, but his sudden reaction to the name 'Cecily' also evoked a sense of excitement in me; maybe I'd found what I needed after all!

Once we reached the top of the staircase, we opened a large set of double-doors, only for none other than Princess Celestia to almost stumble on me; she gracefully slid to the side at the last moment, and I froze in horror at the near-accident.

"Ah, Miss Melody. It's good to see you again; I hope your meeting goes well."

And that's all she said before she continued walking, some red-eyed changeling chatting with her as they headed down the staircase I had just come from. I worked my jaw uselessly a few times, but I didn't so much as utter a sound in response. I couldn't even count the social faux-pas that had just taken place; I hadn't bowed, she had dodged me and stepped off of the center of the pathway, I hadn't greeted her appropriately... it was a travesty of etiquette.

And yet the primary thing on my mind was that she knew my name. I'd performed at Canterlot Palace before, but I'd hardly expected the Princess of the Sun to know my name. Nihkel just chuckled at my expense while I tried to force a sentence out.

"That, that was Princess Celestia! What's she doing here?!"

"I believe she's heading down to greet Astra and Stargazer, actually. Hrm, I suppose your other companion will be subject to her visitation, as well."

"Whuh?! Buh?!"

I realized that I had apparently just missed out on an audience with the Princess in return for meeting with some mysterious changeling advisor. I almost felt cheated.

"Wow. How did you ever make it as a Speaker?"

Nihkel chuckled at his joke, but I just stared at him in confusion.

"What are you talking about?"

"Your eyes. Aren't you a Speaker?"

I reared my head back a bit in confusion.

"What's wrong with my eyes?"

"Nothing, just... is it not that way for ponies? Your eyes are purple."

"Does that mean a changeling is a Speaker?"

He nodded, frowning in consideration.

"Perhaps I need to learn more about ponies. It could help with my pamphlets. Anyway, we should get a move-on."

After passing a few more hallways, we came to a large set of double-doors, with a pair of strong guards stationed in front. They let Nihkel in without a word, but they stopped me to look inside my saddlebags. Once satisfied, they let me in, though they eyed me – not with suspicion, but with curiosity, which was somehow even more unnerving. I tried smiling at them sheepishly as we passed through, and then looked around the new room. It was some sort of large antechamber, with several paintings, soft cushions, and a fireplace. Behind a large desk, a single purple-eyed changeling sat, scribbling something down with a quill. She glanced up at us as we entered, and gingerly spat the quill out into a nearby inkwell, before scrutinizing me over her glasses. She idly gestured at Nihkel.

"You are dismissed, Ezuo-Nihkel. Thank you."

Nihkel nodded, and turned around. Something about his smug grin didn't help my nerves. As the doors shut behind me, the changeling behind the desk stood up, and walked around it to stand face-to-face with me. Her eyes were so intense that it felt like she was patting down my soul for hidden weapons.

"You are Octavia Melody, correct?"

"Yes, that's right. And you're... Lily Iqqel, was it?"

She paused a second. There was just the faintest twitching of her eye.

"Just 'Iqqel' is fine."

She raised a hoof, and I accepted her hoofshake.

"I'm told you wished to inquire about... 'Cecily Cambirvir?' "

"Yes, that's correct. Do you know of her?"

"I may, presuming we're thinking of the same person."

That comment took me off-guard. It started to strike me how odd all of this had been; why were the changelings taking this inquiry so seriously, and yet being so cagey about telling me anything? It frustrated me to no end. Well, I'd had enough; I strode over to the desk, and I hefted one of my saddlebags onto it, opening it up so that its contents half-slid out.

"I'm looking for the pony who composed these. Now, I realize that it's very little to go on, but the composer's identity has been a complete mystery to everypony for more than a decade. I heard somepony named Cecily had been found here in the hive, and I was hoping you could tell me if I'd wasted my trip."

Okay, so perhaps I was a bit overly aggressive with the Queen's right-hand advisor, but I was somewhat eager to leave. It was all I could do to maintain some level of composure – no pun intended – about the situation. Iqqel, for her part, politely ignored my tone, and looked over the documents.

"These manuscripts are available in Equestria?"

"Yes, that's right. Nopony knows where they came from, but they're considered a major part of modern classical music!"

Iqqel smiled at that. She practically beamed at me, which caught me entirely off-guard.

"You came to the right place, Miss Melody. The 'Cecily' you're looking for is here; I'll introduce you."