• Published 18th Mar 2016
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By Her Side - Lady Froey

After losing her powers at the Battle of the Bands, Adagio separates herself from the Sirens and spent the last several years adjusting to living as a regular individual in the human world. Attending the local college, she runs into Sunset Shimmer.

  • ...

Chapter 7 - Spring

“Are we there yet?”

“For the last time Adagio, NO!” Sunset yelled.

Sunset was riding her bike down the highway a few miles above the speed limit. Adagio rode in the back seat, occasionally shuffling to keep herself from becoming stiff. When she first rode with Sunset, she held on for dear life. Two months since meeting her after their first encounter in art class, however, she had gotten used to being a passenger.

It was finally spring break, and today was their first day off. Not wanting to waste time, they were already on the road that morning for their spring camping trip with Sunset’s old friends from Canterlot High School.

“No need to yell. I can hear you just fine through our headsets,” Adagio grumbled.

“Sorry, I can get irked easily if I am distracted while driving,” Sunset said.

“Fair enough. We’ve been riding for over an hour, though. How much longer do we have out on the road?”

“At least forty-five minutes.”

“Ugh… geez. I thought I’d gotten used to riding on this thing, but I don’t see how you can stand it for more than an hour.”

“You just get used to it over time.”

Coming up on their right was a blue sign reading “Rest Stop: 2 Miles.”

“Hey, can we stop there for a few minutes?” Adagio asked.

“Sure,” Sunset replied.

They took the exit to the rest area and parked near the main building. As soon as Sunset stopped the bike, Adagio got off and removed her helmet, allowing her large volume of sweaty hair to move with the wind.

“Much better,” Adagio said, taking in the breeze.

“Yeah, good call.” Sunset killed the engine to her bike and got off, removing her helmet as well. “I could use a water and sit down for a few minutes.”

Adagio nodded and grabbed Sunset’s hand. The two went to the vending area and ordered two waters from a vending machine. They went back near the bike and sat up on a ledge.

“Before we get to the camp, should I—you know—worry about anyone?” Adagio asked.

“I talked to each of them on MyBook. I don’t think there is anything to worry about. Although, Rainbow Dash might be a bit of a problem.”

“Why should I worry about her?” Adagio said, raising her eyebrow.

“Well…” Sunset fiddled with her hands. “Unlike the others, she doesn’t know you’ve been dating me.”

“Wait, what!?” Adagio yelled.

“Sorry, Adagio. You did kinda hurt a lot of people she cares about last time, and with how loyal she is, she’s… let’s just say she’s not your biggest fan. We were worried she wouldn’t come at all if she knew you were coming, much less that you and I are dating. So I left it up to Applejack and Twilight to tell her about us along their drive up here.”

“Great.” Adagio rolled her eyes. “Only a few hours into the trip and I already can look forward to being an unpleasant surprise. I actually do want to have a fun time out camping with you and your friends, you know, not spend the whole time explaining myself and being judged.”

“Let’s not worry about that; let’s just focus on having fun, okay? Plus, I am sure Applejack will put in a good word for you. Same for Twilight,” Sunset said.

“What is so bad about Dash anyways?” Adagio asked.

“While loyalty is nice and all, subtlety and nuance isn’t exactly her strongest suit. The world’s pretty black and white to her. It took a long time for her to be okay with me as well.” Sunset sighed.

“Even if I have gotten better over time?”

“Yeah.” Sunset nodded. “She would probably want to see you show you’ve become better over time rather than just saying it.”

“What do you think would be the best way?”

“Unfortunately, it’ll probably just take time. Though, try not be hostile toward her like you did with Applejack the first time you met her. Other than that, just be be nice to everyone. I’ll step in if she gets out of line.”

“Fair enough, I guess.” Adagio shrugged and checked the time on her phone. It was nearly noon. “We should probably go before it gets too late.”

“Right, ready for another forty-five minutes of riding?”

“I don’t like having to sit for another hour,” Adagio said, slipping her arms around Sunset’s waist. “But being your seatbelt isn’t too bad, I suppose.”

After riding for thirty more minutes on the highway, Sunset took an exit and rode through a small town. She turned off the main road and took the back roads for a few minutes before they finally made it to the camp. Passing underneath a large sign reading ‘Whitetail Camp,’ they pulled up to a parking spot between a large truck and an expensive car.

“Looks like we got here last,” Sunset said, cutting off the engine to her bike.

“How can you tell?” Adagio asked as she stepped off.

“The truck is Applejack’s and the car is Rarity’s. The rest were all carpooling with them, so it’s safe to say we are the last ones.” Sunset sighed, stepping off her bike and pulling her keyring out of her pocket. She flipped through several of them.

“Makes sense; I didn’t see Applejack this morning, but our bags were picked up, so either she came by or we got robbed.” Adagio stuck out her tongue, then noticed the set of keys Sunset was holding up. “Which key are you looking for?”

“Applejack’s truck. Give me your helmet,” Sunset said.

“I didn’t know you had a key to her truck.” Adagio passed her helmet to Sunset.

“She has the key to my place, so it’s fair I have a key to her truck.” Sunset walked over to the passenger side of the truck, inserted the key and opened the door, placing both of their helmets on the passenger seat.

“I’ve actually been wondering about that. Why does she have a key to your place?”

“Well, she had to house sit for me once last year, and after going through the trouble of getting a copy made, I figured she might as well keep it. She borrows tools from my garage pretty often, so it was easier not having her ask for the key every time.”

“I guess our stuff is in here as well?” Adagio said.

“Yeah, should be in the bed of the truck,” Sunset replied.

She closed the passenger side door, making sure the door was locked, and dug through the truck bed. She passed Adagio her bag, and dropped hers next to the truck.

“Anything else?” Adagio asked.

“Yup,” Sunset pulled up a large bag and placed the bags strap along her shoulder. “This is our home for the next few days.”

“I’m looking forward to the bug bites in the morning.” Adagio rolled her eyes.

Sunset giggled and hopped out of the back of the truck bed, placing the pack on her back.

“Ready for the half hour walk?” she asked.

“Wait, seriously?” Adagio’s jaw dropped. “I thought the site was right here.”

Sunset looked down at Adagio’s feet, noticing she was wearing her old purple platform boots with spikes.

“I told you to bring good shoes for a reason,” she said.

“These are my good shoes.” Adagio made a pose, showing off her boots. “I wore these even before the Battle of the Bands. They always turn heads with the ladies.”

“I meant for hiking, smart ass.”

“Well, fortunately I have experience walking in these. Shouldn’t be too bad.”

Sunset sighed.

“I better not hear you complain along the walk then.”

They began walking from the parking lot to the path, passing by the community building and a general shop.

“So why is the campsite so far away?” Adagio asked.

“There are various smaller sites all throughout here; the best one, however, is at the back.”

“Better be worth it,” Adagio grumbled.

“It will be.” Sunset smiled, grabbing Adagio’s hand.

Adagio returned a smile and the two walked next to one another along the path, passing underneath the trees that towered over them. Enjoying the sound of ruffling leaves and birds chirping.

Sunset and Adagio continued walking down the main path, passing by a few branching paths to other campsites.

As they neared their destination, Sunset and Adagio saw two figures in the distance off the side of the path.

“Hold on,” Sunset said, squinting her eyes at the unknown figures.

“Recognize them?” Adagio asked.

Sunset immediately noticed it was two girls. Their silhouettes looked familiar, particularly their hair. One of them was seated on the ground while the other paced around her..

“I think it’s Rarity and Fluttershy. I think they may be in trouble; let’s pick up our pace.” She took off running, leaving Adagio behind.

“Hey!” Adagio reached out her hand, but Sunset was already too far ahead of her. She started to run and was uncomfortably reminded that her spiked boots didn’t bend, so she walked as fast as she could to catch up.

Sunset soon made it to Rarity and Fluttershy. Rarity was seated on the ground, clutching one of her ankles. Fluttershy circled her nervously. She looked over to Sunset and ran up to her.

“Oh thank goodness you’re here, Sunset!” Fluttershy nearly ran into her, giving her a hug. “I thought I was going to have to get help and leave Rarity here alone!”

“Good to see you two, what happened?” Sunset asked.

“It’s horrible Sunset! Fluttershy and I were walking to the campsite, and along the way that blasted pothole over there nearly killed me!” She pointed to a small hole along the path. “I fell and now I can’t walk. I think I may have broken something.”

“I don’t think it’s that bad Rarity,” Fluttershy said. “We just need help to carry you to the camp.”

“Nonsense! We need an ambulance!” Rarity wailed.

“Could you help me carry her then, Fluttershy?” Sunset asked.

“Umm, well… I am not exactly the lifting type,” she replied, rubbing her arm.

“I’m here!” Adagio yelled, stopping and bending over to catch her breath.

“Oh. Hello…” Rarity trailed off, her whining offset by her unease. She looked over at Adagio and did a double-take, waving meekly. “My, you certainly have…” Her eyes wandered over Adagio’s broad figure. “Grown.”

“H-hi,” Fluttershy whispered, immediately hiding behind Sunset for cover.

“Yeah.” Adagio rolled her eyes. “Nice meeting you two as well.” She took a few quick breaths between her words and straightened herself up. “What did I miss, Sunny?”

“Rarity fell and got herself hurt. She can’t walk on her own and I need your help to carry her.”

“She’s going to help?” Rarity raised an eyebrow.

“Yup.” Sunset nodded. “Adagio helped push my bike up the hill in the rain. She’s stronger than she looks.” Sunset winked to Adagio, with her returning a smile.

“Well, let’s help the beauty queen,” Adagio said getting beside Rarity.

“Here, Fluttershy.” Sunset took the tent bag off her shoulder and passed it to her. “It’s a bit heavy, but still lighter than carrying Rarity.”

Sunset then walked over to the opposite side of Rarity, where Adagio stood. She knelt down and wrapped an arm around Rarity just below her shoulders, gesturing with her head for Adagio to do the same.

“Okay, Rarity, tell us when you are ready,” Sunset said.

“Sunset, if I don’t make it—”

“She’s ready,” Adagio said, cutting her off.

Sunset rolled her eyes, then made sure to have a good grip on Rarity.

“Okay, on the count of three: one… two… three!”

Sunset and Adagio raised Rarity off the ground. Slowly, she lowered her good foot to the ground and put her weight onto it, keeping the other in the air.

“I think she’s heavier than the bike, Sunny. Not sure if I can do this.” Adagio grinned.

Sunset and Fluttershy couldn’t keep themselves from cracking up.

“That’s not funny!” Rarity yelled, attempting to wave her arms.

“All right, let’s get her to the camp,” Sunset said. “Applejack should be able to help her.”

The four began to move forward slowly, soon completing their walk to the campsite.

“I can’t make it any farther. Leave me behind girls!” Rarity yelled.

“Actually, Rarity, I think we’re here,” Fluttershy said, pointing at the campsite that stood in front of them.


Adagio took a quick glance around the campsite. She saw a single-floor cabin sitting in the center. Judging by the wear and tear, it had been there for quite some time. In front of the structure was a wooden picnic table that was long enough to seat a family gathering.

Although surrounded by the forest, the campsite itself was very open. Two trees near the center were the only sources of shade. A large open lake with a small dock lay behind the cabin.

Tying it all together was a fire pit between the lake and cabin.

“Finally! Everyone’s here!” A girl with a large volume of pink hair screamed, withdrawing a canon from nowhere and firing confetti. She then noticed Rarity and her minor injuries. “Oh no! Rarity, are you okay?”

“Good to see you, dear, and I think I’ll be okay.” Rarity sighed.

“Hey, Pinkie. Where’s Applejack?” Sunset asked.

“Right here,” Applejack said, coming out of the cabin. “Bring her to the picnic table; I’ll go grab the med kit.”

Sunset and Adagio sat Rarity down at the picnic table. Applejack went back inside the cabin and quickly came out with a small plastic box containing various medical items and sat next to Rarity.

“Nice seeing ya’ll made it here, though. What happened to Rarity?”

“We were walking together, and she tripped on a pothole along the path,” Fluttershy said. “We were there for a few minutes, and then Sunset and um… her girlfriend ran into us.”

“Well, good on ya for helping Rarity. It’s probably just a minor sprain; let’s check the damage.” Applejack took off Rarity’s shoes with care, but she still winced at the slight movement of her foot and Applejack began to check spots along Rarity’s ankle.

Adagio watched Applejack give first aid, then looked back at Sunset.

“Why can’t you handle my feet like that, Sunny?” She snickered.

Sunset raised an eyebrow.

“Really, Adagio?” she replied.

“Not even here for ten minutes and you're already cracking jokes?” Applejack said.

“Who said that was a joke?” Adagio grinned.

“She’s funny!” Pinkie giggled.

Rarity merely stared at Adagio, uncertain whether to be offended that Adagio was making light of her wound. She elected to remain silent. Fluttershy did the same, only she turned a bit red from the comment.

“Anyways,” Applejack said, placing her attention back on Rarity. “As I predicted, just a minor sprain. Keep it wrapped up for a day or two, put some ice on it for now, and don’t put any strain on it throughout the day.”

“Oh, thank goodness,” she sighed with relief.

“So,” Applejack said. “I take it y’all have already been introduced to each other?”

“Quick introductions, really, not formally.” Rarity extended her hand to Adagio, “Thank you for assisting me, Ms. Dazzle, and sorry for the comment I made earlier.” She looked down at Adagio’s boots. “I also adore your choice of footwear by the way.”

“No worries,” Adagio’s hand joined Rarity’s, giving a quick and formal shake, “and thanks.” She leaned over to Sunset. “Told you someone would appreciate the boots,” she whispered.

Sunset rolled her eyes.

Fluttershy stood close next to Sunset, still a bit shy to talk to Adagio. Applejack noticed her keeping her distance.

“C’mon Fluttershy, introduce yourself to Adagio like you would anyone else,” she said.

“I already did,” she replied timidly.

“Saying hi and hiding behind Sunset doesn’t count as a formal introduction, dear,” Rarity said.

“Also don’t stick too close to Sunny. Some of my bad girl tendencies may have rubbed off on her.” Adagio grinned.

“Eeep!” Fluttershy jumped away from Sunset.

Adagio sighed, and stepped forward, holding her hand out to Fluttershy.

“Just to be real for a moment, Fluttershy, I’m here to have fun, not to cause trouble.”

Fluttershy kept her hands away from Adagio, not sure of what to say. Instead she quickly joined her hand with Adagio’s, shook it, and withdrew it immediately.

“N-nice to meet you Adagio,” she said shyly.

Adagio shrugged at her gesture.

“It’s a start. Nice to meet you as well Fluttershy.”

“Oh! I forgot to introduce myself as well!” Pinkie yelled, hopping up to Adagio.

“Don’t tell me,” Adagio raised her hands, quickly examining Pinkie Pie. “Energetic with bright pink hair... You obviously have to be Rainbow Dash.” She smirked.

“No silly,” she laughed. “I’m Pinkie Pie!”

I’m Rainbow Dash!” yelled a girl at the opposite end of the camp.

Everyone turned their heads to see Rainbow and Twilight carrying a few sticks. They went over to the fire pit area and dropped off their load onto a pile of previously picked up sticks. They then walked up to the rest of the girls.

“Hey Adagio, Sunset, good to see you two!” Twilight waved to them.

“Good to see you too, Twilight.” Adagio waved back. She lowered her hand and looked at Rainbow. “So, you’re Dash?”

“Uh-huh.” She folded her arms, looking at Adagio and Sunset. “I’m happy to see you found someone Sunset, I am just surprised it’s… Her.”

“Good to see you, too, Rainbow.” Sunset grabbed Adagio’s hand. “And yes, it was a bit of shock for everyone finding out we are dating, but Adagio has changed for the better.”

“Yeah, whatever,” Rainbow grumbled, walking past both Sunset and Adagio, up to Applejack. “Hey, AJ, can we talk for a moment? In private?”

“Uhh… Sure.” Applejack looked back at the rest of the group, none of whom gave much of a response. “Y’all just enjoy yourselves. We’ll be back soon.”

She and Rainbow Dash broke themselves off from the group, leaving the campsite.

Adagio placed her hands in her pockets, looking down at the ground. Sunset walked up beside her and placed her hand on her shoulder.

“Are you going to be okay?” she asked.

“I think so,” Adagio sighed. “Not even here for an hour and I am already causing problems.”

“You’re not the one causing it. That’s Rainbow’s fault. Let’s just keep our distance from her for now.” Sunset looked over at the picnic table where everyone sat, they waved to Adagio and Sunset. “I’m sure the others would like to chat with us.”

Adagio turned around and looked over at the picnic table, seeing Twilight, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Fluttershy. While she knew Rainbow was likely going to be a problem, it looked like Sunset’s other friends were open to giving her a chance.

“Yeah.” Adagio smiled weakly. “I’ll try not to worry about it.”

They both walked back over to the picnic table and sat next to each other.

“Did Rainbow say anything mean?” Twilight asked.

“No, but I can tell she doesn’t want me here,” Adagio said.

“She’s been upset since Applejack and I told her about you and Sunset,” Twilight said.

“I can tell,” Adagio replied.

“Sorry for Rainbow,” Fluttershy said. “It does take her time to adjust to past enemies becoming friends. Sunset knows about that experience.”

“I remember how much fun that was.” Sunset sighed. “That and all of you taking jabs at me for turning into a she demon.”

“None taken,” they all said.

“Wait, the demon bit was real?” Adagio asked.

“Um…” Sunset rubbed her shoulder. “Yeah?”

“…That sounds kind of hot,” Adagio cooed.

Sunset’s friends couldn’t keep themselves from giggling.

“S-shut up Adagio.” Sunset turned red, at the same time cracking an innocent smile. “Are you going to embarrass me this entire trip?”

“Who says I’m going to stop after the trip?” she said with a grin.

After catching up with one another, everyone separated and began applying the final touches to the camp. The cabin had a kitchen and two bedrooms. The size of the cabin was limited, however, so Adagio, Sunset, Applejack and Fluttershy opted to sleep in tents outside. Applejack set up her tent she was to share with Fluttershy near the cabin, while Adagio and Sunset began setting up their tent near the lake.

“Is there a reason you want to be away from everyone?” Sunset asked, unpacking the bag that contained all of the items to their tent.

“Applejack said she gave us the tent for privacy. It’s not private if it’s right next to the cabin.” Adagio picked up the tent and lay it out with Sunset. “Besides, I have some plans later.”

“What kind of plans?”

“You’ll blush again if I tell you, and I’d rather it be a surprise.”

“I don’t get that embarrassed from having… you know…” She paused. “Sex.”

“It’s not sex, though I am up for doing that tonight once everyone’s asleep.”

Sunset began to blush again.

“Also, you are bad at telling lies.” Adagio grinned.

With Sunset assisting her, it didn’t take much time to get the tent up. Once they got their air mattress filled up and had thrown all their items inside the tent, it was late in the afternoon.

Meanwhile, Applejack and Rainbow set up another tent next to the cabin. Everyone else began working on dinner inside, with Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie being in charge. By the time the sun was setting, dinner was ready and everyone was sat around the campfire.

Rainbow took a bite of her burger and made a sour face.

“How do you eat this, Fluttershy? It tastes nothing like beef,” she said.

“Dash, have some respect,” Applejack said. “She made us dinner. Either appreciate it or make something for your damn self.”

“I also made desert, but you have to finish your meal first!” Pinkie added.

“Whatever,” Rainbow grumbled, eating her burger as best she could.

“What kind of burgers are these, actually?” Adagio said, taking a look at her patty. “Nothing like i’ve seen before.”

“Black bean burgers,” Fluttershy smiled. “My own recipe.”

Adagio took a bite. The texture of the patty was quite different from anything she’d tasted, and the flavor and spices were of another world. She nodded and gave Fluttershy a thumbs up for her appreciation of the meal.

“So, Sunset, how did you and Adagio get together?” Rarity asked, moving the conversation elsewhere.

Sunset quickly swallowed her food.

“I already said we met in college. We just happened to have the same art class and ended up getting together.”

“Yes dear, but didn’t you mention something earlier today about Adagio helping you push your bike?”

Sunset nodded.

“My bike wouldn’t start after school and Applejack was out of town. It was beginning to rain and Adagio helped me push it from campus to her apartment complex nearby.”

“That sounds rough, but it was very noble of you Adagio,” Twilight added.

“It was damn heavy, and the rain wasn’t helping, but Sunny was in need of help, and I was the only one around.” Adagio shrugged.

“Surely there was another reason, darling,” Rarity said.

“A reason?” Adagio tilted her head, puzzled.

“She’s asking if you did it because you liked her,” Applejack said.

“Oh, well… I cared about her at least.” Adagio took a bite of her burger, avoiding the conversation.

“Adagio is not exactly the one for sappy love stories, but we do love each other.” Sunset sat herself up against Adagio. “Right, dear?”

Adagio looked at Sunset and thought back to those months back when they were in the park and her apartment. She still remembered humming the tune to her and Sunset sitting up against her. She knew she still had some power behind her voice, but was it the reason Sunset actually loved her? What if Sunset never really had these feelings for her?


Adagio shook her head, coming back to reality.

“Sorry, did you say something?” she said.

“You were just staring into blank space. Are you okay?” Sunset asked.

Adagio looked at everyone around the campfire, they were all staring at her, not sure what was happening or going through her mind.

“I’m fine, just thinking about… stuff.”

“Are you sure, Adagio?” Twilight asked.

“Yeah.” Adagio shuffled her food on her plate. “You know how fuzzy my memory is, Twilight. Sometimes my mind can just get overloaded with things, and it just sort of pulls me away from reality.”

“I understand.” Twilight went back to her meal.

“We should finish up, before our food gets cold.” Sunset said, sticking close to Adagio as they finished up their meals.

Everyone only nodded and went back to finishing up their burgers.

Once they’d had dessert and shared a few campfire stories, everyone began heading to bed, wanting to get an early start the next morning and catch the sunrise.

Adagio was lying on the mattress inside the tent. Sunset and Applejack stood out in front of it.

“If there is an emergency, Fluttershy and I will be in the tent next to the cabin,” Applejack said.

“Thanks Applejack,” Sunset said.

Applejack nodded and looked over at Adagio inside the tent.

“Hey, Adagio.”

“Yeah?” she said, lifting her head and blinking as she looked at Applejack.

“I’m sorry about Dash. When I talked to her in private I did my best to keep her in a good mood and tell her you are nothing to worry about, but it’s hard to keep her on a leash sometimes.”

“It’s fine,” Adagio sighed. “I just wish I didn’t have to worry about anything while I was here.”

“You aren’t alone in that. Just to let you know, Adagio, I trust you. So do the rest of the girls.”

Adagio laid her head back down, looking up at the night sky through the top mesh of the tent.

“…Thanks, Applejack.”

“You’re welcome. Night, y’all.” Applejack walked away from Sunset and Adagio’s tent. She went over to the camp fire area to make sure everything was completely out, and soon made it back to her and Fluttershy’s tent next to the cabin.

Sunset walked into the tent and zipped up the entrance. She made sure to zip up the mesh windows as well, keeping only the top section of the tent uncovered with its mesh liner.

She lay on the air mattress next to Adagio, pulling a thick blanket over them. She rested her head against Adagio’s, and they held one another as they looked up at the stars.

“This is nice,” Sunset said. “Other than Rainbow, did you have a good day?”

“I did,” Adagio sighed. “I just hope she is not a problem throughout this trip.”

“She won’t be.” Sunset sat up and kissed Adagio on the lips. “I’ll make sure of it.”

Adagio smiled and placed her hands along Sunset’s waist, pulling in her in as they enjoyed the evening together.

Author's Note:

Special thanks to editors Madeline L-Equine and Gardrek for helping with this chapter.