• Published 25th Apr 2016
  • 7,020 Views, 141 Comments

Shattered Ice - Inukshuk

Desperate to help a colt Pinkie volunteers to take him in. But is Pinkie really ready to provide the proper environment that would help encourage the colt to overcome his challenges?

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Prologue: A Long Winter Night

A young boy staggered along the Arctic sea ice desperately looking for any kind of shelter. Unfortunately though only the odd snow drift that broke the monotonousness barren landscape. A cold arctic wind pelted the boy with blowing snow, each little ice crystal felt like a small needle had pricked his skin. Every step took more and more effort as the relentless environment around had robbed him of the feeling in his extremities. In their place was left painful numb throbbing.

Finally the young boy took his final step, gravity took over and the young boy barely noticed that a hard wind swept snow drift had rose up to meet his face. He let out a groan and tried to push up off the ice but it was no use. His arms did not have the strength left to lift his exhausted body. All he was could do was curl up into a little ball and wait for the inevitable. He wanted to cry but the bone chilling wind instantly froze any tears that came out. The best he could manage was whimper.

Through the endless blowing snow a pair of black eyes approached then stopped just outside of his reach. In front of him sat a small arctic fox. Its fluffy white fur made it difficult to see against the snow on which it sat. If it were not for its black eyes and nose the fox would have been all but invisible to the young boy.

The boy stared at the white fox and it stared back. After a couple of minutes the fox broke the staring contest stood and turned its back to the boy. Desperation began to cloud the boy's mind as the fox took a couple of steps away. He did not want to be alone even if his only company was a fox. Using what energy the boy could muster he tried to get the fox's attention.


The fox stopped and turned its head to look at the boy once more. "Please don't leave me", pleaded the boy. The fox tilted its head curious. The Fox with a very human like gesture raised one of its fore-paws and motioned for the boy to follow it as it started to take slow deliberate steps away from the boy.

Desperate not to lose sight of the fox the boy tried once more to get up off the numbing ice. This time his arms did not give out even as his body remained numb to the word around him. As the boy took his first steps the chilling arctic wind began to increase in intensity picking up the loose snow turning his world white. The fox could no longer be seen but the boy knew which direction to go so he took another step, then another. With each step the boy's body began to feel different. After twenty steps the boy was exhausted once more and could no longer stand uptight. He collapsed onto a patch of soft white snow and his world faded to black.

Pinkie Pie began to clean Sugarcube Corner after closing for the day. It was not going to be an easy task as certain events had turned the interior of the cozy little bakery into a war zone of multicoloured frosting. No surface was left unscathed from the relentless cupcake war started by three rather rambunctious fillies and pinkie's emergency store of food fight cupcakes.

Pinkie pulled out the cleaning supplies she had obtained from Magic Eraser and proceeded scrub every nook and cranny of Sugarcube Corner. Five minutes later Pinkie ran a hoof across her forehead clearing away the sweat that threatened to get into her eyes and admired her work. Sugarcube Corner was now spotless and not a moment to soon as the door to the bakery opened and in walked Mrs Cake with her two foals: Pound and Pumpkin Cake her back. A cold winter chill followed the new arrivals into bakery leaving a spattering of fresh snow on the floor of the entrance.

"Brrr", Mrs. Cake shivered, "That's got to be one of the worst Everfree winter storms I have ever been in."

"Welcome back Mrs. Cake", said Pinkie as she gave a friendly wave. "Did the twins enjoy their play date?"

"They sure did", said Mrs. Cake as she turned her head to face the twins and gave each of them a nuzzle. Playful giggles escaped the twins at the show of motherly affection. "In-fact I think we have already set up a time to go it again next week."

Mrs. Cake took a moment to look around the bakery to make sure every thing was order. To her surprise Sugarcube Corner was much cleaner than normal. The bakery was spotless, looking down at the floor Mrs. Cake could even see her reflection gleaming off the tiles. She turned to look at Pinkie who was still smiling like her normal Pinkie self but something was different. Pinkie's coat glistening with the sweat of recent exertion and colourful frosting stained her bright pink mane. Mrs. Cake's smile disappeared taking on a more serious tone as she approached the Pink Party Pony. "What have I said about food fights in the bakery?"

"Oh it was not a food fight it was 'cw1' also known as the great cupcake war."

Mrs. Cake facehoofed, "Pinkie, a cupcake war is still a food fight. Please promise me this will not happen again while you are watching Sugarcube Corner"

"OK Mrs. Cake, Cross my heart hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye." said pinkie while she went through the motions for a pinkie promise.

"Thank you dear" said Mrs. Cake while letting out a sigh of relief. "Now why don't you get cleaned up and I will start on supper. You still have frosting in your mane."

"Okie dokie Lokie" said pinkie as she began to make her way towards the stairs. Pinkie stopped dead in her tracks as her parts of her body began to shake. It began with the twitching of her knee, then a shiver ran down her spine ending with her tail twitching. Mrs. Cake who watched Pinkie's Pinkie sense kick in. Pinkie turned to face Mrs. Cake as her eyes grew wide and a large smile crept onto her face.

"Pinkie, what does that combination mean?", Mrs. Cake tentatively asked taking a couple steps back and starting to look for cover. No one really knew how Pinkie's pinkie sense worked and she was not familiar with that combination so it put her a bit on edge.

A short gasp escaped Pinkie, "There is a new pony in town!", she exclaimed. Without giving Mrs. Cake a second to process what was said, Pinkie disappeared in a puff of pink smoke. The door the Sugarcube Corner abruptly opened and closed leaving Mrs. Cake standing there dumbfounded.

"I will need to remember that twitchy knee, shivery spine, and twitchy tail means there is a new pony in town", Mrs. Cake said out loud to no one in particular as she shook her head at Pinkie's antics. Shrugging off what had just transpired Mrs. Cake began to make her way towards the kitchen to prepare supper for her and the twins.

Mrs. cake had not been kidding when she said the winter storm raging outside was bad. Visibility was only a few meters making it thought to see the edges for the road. This though did was not much concern to Pinkie. She new the general direction she needed to go and that was all she needed. Pinkie stopped as the road turned into the vast field that made up the park. Squinting Pinkie tried to see past the endless wall of snow.

She had been searching now for twenty minutes now and still had not found the new pony on town. She took a couple steps into the park in the direction she sensed the new comer. At the edge of her vision a black smudge came into view. Overcome with anticipation Pinkie rushed over to inspect the black object.

As she came closer the black of the object turned into the mane of a young earth pony colt. The colt's fur was as white as the snow around him which made it difficult to tell where his body ended and the snow began.

The colt was shivering profusely, his eyes were closed and his breathing seemed to be laboured. Pinkie reached out a hoof and gave the foal a soft nudge. The colt did not respond at first but slowly his eyes began to open. The colt's eyes seemed to be looking through Pinkie which made the him look almost lifeless. The colt groaned and mumbled something too quiet for Pinkie to hear then the colt's eyes slowly began to close once more.

The sickly state of the colt caused Pinkie to begin to panic. The foal needed medical attention and he needed it fast if he was going to have a chance. Pinkie Approached the colt, Pinkie reached down and gently lifted the colt onto her back. An another quiet unintelligible mumble came from the colt. Once Pinkie ensured the colt was secure on her back she took off towards the hospital at her best possible speed.

Five minutes later the doors to Ponyville hospital burst open. Nurse Red Heart had been sitting behind the desk at the end of the lobby jumped in alarm. "Nurse help him please!" exclaimed Pinkie while pulling the foal off her back and holding him close to her chest in her forelegs.

Nurse Red Heart turned to glare at pinkie for interrupting her but the state she saw Pinkie in made her become very worried. Pinkie's signature curly mane and tail had wilted becoming completely straight adding to the utter look of sadness and desperation Pinkie's face wore. In Pinkie's fore-hooves was held a shivering white colt.

Nurse Red heart proceeded to grab a gurney and quickly brought it towards Pinkie. "Place him on the bed" instructed Nurse Red Heart. Carefully Pinkie placed the colt on the gurney and took a step back. Nurse Red Heart gave the white and black colt a quick visual assessment. "He appears to be suffering from hypothermia.", Stated Red Heart while turning towards Pinkie, " Where did you find him?"

Taking a deep breath Pinkie began to explain " My pinkie sense told that there was a new pony in town so I followed sense in the direction it was telling me the to go. I stumbled upon him laying in the snow shivering with his eyes closed in the park. I tried to wake him, but when he looked me eyes seemed as if he was looking through me. he then said something I could not understand and seemed to fall back asleep."

"Were there any signs of his parents?"

"Nope, I did not see any sign of his parents being around where I found him and my Pinkie sense did not detect any other new people in town".

"Hmmm, well then Pinkie you can leave if you want while I treat the colt but I will need you to come in the morning to tell the proper authorities what you have told me."

"Perfect this gives me time to plan a a combination 'welcome to Ponyville' and 'you almost died from hypothermia' party!" Pinkie exclaimed becoming animated with new found energy.

"Pinkie I don't think....", before Nurse Red Heart could protest further Pinkie disappeared in a blur of pink. With a sigh Nurse Red Heart proceeded to move the colt into one of the rooms.

Author's Note:

I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of my first story. The challenges are just beginning for our nameless and now furry friend.

I do not have a proof reader at the moment so please point out any typos (I have a bad habit of changing tenses so point those out please). Also In honor of 'The Great Cupcake War' if you could colour your text in your quote you will gain brownie points, These points can be used at some unspecified time to obtain an object of great importance.