• Published 31st Jan 2016
  • 597 Views, 25 Comments

Tales of a Gallant Knight of Equestria - SoloBrony

Gather round, little ones, and hear the tales of Sir Talon! Hear of the adventures of one of Equestria's greatest – and suavest – knights, who defended the realm with both rapier and rapier-like wit!

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Not enough action!

Is everyone settled in? Good, good. Let us begin on a truly important day for our dashing hero.

"Sir Talon? The court of Princess Celestia is now ready for you."

Our hero steeled himself, trying to suppress his nerves, and approached the grand double doors that would lead to Princess Celestia's grand hall. You might think it silly that a warrior who had just faced a rampaging monster not a week prior would feel even the slightest anxiety over something as silly as a promotion, or a meeting with royalty. Talon would have agreed with that sentiment, as he resolved not to show even the slightest fear, no matter how imposing the princess might be – I mean, just look at her!

And so he strode through the opening double doors, pride and confidence in every step. He was careful to avert his eyes from the princess, and approached to precisely the distance that was ordained for a knight before swooping into a low, gracious bow – pride did not mean he had to be rude, after all! There was a moment of silence before Celestia realized he was awaiting her command.

"Rise, Sir Talon."

He did so – and his back was grateful to him – and beamed at the sun princess, awaiting her command. A long moment passed, as Princess Celestia examined him carefully. Internally, the silence was killing him; Talon was sure Celestia saw right through him, that all of his darkest secrets were on grand display to the princess. He half-expected to be thrown to the dungeons for something-or-other any moment... and something about the idea that she was simply toying with him greatly amused him. His smile just became broader as they watched each other, and Celestia finally broke the silence, some frustration in her voice.

"Sir Talon, do you know why you have been summoned here?"

"M'lady, I was hoping it would be my first mission in your service. I am eager to aid the ponies of Equestria!"

Talon was surprised by his own enthusiasm – and the sincerity with which it was spoken. Even now, the role of 'hero' seemed an absurd fantasy... but if he was given the chance to live it out, then he swore to himself, here and now, that he would seize the opportunity, and even if fate did not afford him long in this role, he would be the greatest of heroes for every day he was given.

The princess, for her part, twitched slightly at his manner of address, and cracked a faint smile.

"You seem entirely too enthused about facing danger, sir. Could it be that my newest knight is a thrillseeker?"

"Nay, m'lady – it is simply that Canterlot is insufferable. Wouldst that I would be sent to a dark cave, filled with irritable dragons, that I might have better company than my fellow noblemen!"

Sir Talon, having thrown all caution to the wind now, simply smiled roguishly up at the princess, and awaited his summary execution. He was surprised – though of course he did not show it – to see an amused smirk form on Princess Celestia's face, though her guards were glancing at each other with some unease.

"Such harsh words, Sir Talon. Holding a noble title myself, I can't help but feel put-out that you would rather the company of irritable dragons."

Talon knew he had to think fast.

"Well, m'lady, it is only natural for a knight to wish to be a champion, accomplishing what others cannot and saving the day, is it not?"

The princess quirked an eyebrow, a curious expression taking hold as she responded.

"It is."

"And so it must be seen that your company is, quite simply, the least desirable for a knight – for how could any star shine bright enough to be seen when standing next to the sun herself?"

Princess Celestia actually laughed at that, and Talon felt a rush of energy. It emboldened him to speak further, his roguish grin deepening to a companionable smile.

"I should apologize for my earlier faux pas, however. It was far from my intent to imply that your company was poor, but let it be seen that I was hardly given my station for some great talent for discourse; I don't believe repeatedly stomping on a creature counts as a grand diplomatic achievement, though I suppose it was still more personable than what a few of my colleagues could manage."

Talon was honestly embarrassed by the brutish way in which he had subdued the monster for which he'd been promoted, but there was no point in avoiding it. The princess simply chuckled further, and then waved a hoof dismissively as she spoke.

"And yet, you did manage some diplomacy. After all, did you not convince the creature to surrender before it was seriously hurt?"

" 'Tis true, and yet I still cannot help but feel that such violence was an expediency unbefitting a true professional. Now that I am in your service, I ought be more careful."

The princess watched him for a time, considering, and then levitated a small scroll over to him from the side of her throne. He clasped it with a wing, curious as to its contents, yet not wishing to take his attention off of the princess while in her presence.

"This was the formal request for royal assistance. I believe you will be well-suited to the task, Sir Talon, though I fear it may be far less exciting than what you had in mind."

"No task is too small for your humble servant, m'lady – but if danger arises, I ask you send me into it. It is better that I go than somepony... somepony else."

The princess nodded, and with that, their meeting was over. As he walked away, Talon could hardly believe that he was being given such a chance; the princess had, incredibly, decided to trust him! He read over the simple, unassuming assignment, and was determined that such a simple quest would be completed with performance above and beyond what anypony could expect.

Little did anyone know that the assignment would prove to be far more dangerous than it seemed.