• Published 27th Feb 2016
  • 1,564 Views, 20 Comments

Secrets - ThisIsMyFateNow

  • ...

Look, I can explain...

“Tell me again why this was a good idea.” A hoof reached up to try and rub the tender spot but was stopped by a mint colored unicorn.

“I never said it was a good idea. Although, it is amazing how quick you were able to sober up when it all started,” Lyra said, as she pulled Octavia in for a reassuring hug. “At least you were sensible about getting the outline of a cello as your tattoo instead of your cutie mark.”

“Ugh. I shouldn’t have had that second bottle of... whatever that sub-par whiskey was,” Octavia lamented, wobbling slightly from the effects of so much alcohol.

“Well, it was a very successful concert and one that was worth celebrating! It’s been awhile since the Symphony received a standing ovation.”

Octavia smiled briefly at Lyra. “True, but why in the name of Celestia did I think that a tattoo was a good idea?”

“One word for you, sweetie: inebriation.”

“Why did you let me drink so much?”

“I tried to stop you after a few drinks, but somepony felt that they hadn’t celebrated enough,” Lyra teased, gently poking Octavia’s shoulder.

Sticking her tongue out at Lyra, Octavia trotted up to the front door of their shared flat in the Garment District of Canterlot. Centrally located, the spacious four bedroom flat was still out of reach for the couple, but thankfully, they had been able to find a roommate to split the cost of rent. They only wished that they could have another musician from the Symphony, instead of one with such peculiar tastes in music.

Giggling with a hoof held up to her mouth, Octavia whispered rather unsuccessfully, “We should give Vinyl a scare since she’s not expecting us for another day.”

Nodding in agreement, Lyra couldn’t help but giggle at the thought of their roommate freaking out. With the door open, the two crept forward as silently as two drunken mares can, which is to say not at all. Before they could even begin the hunt for their roommate, a golden voice flooded the flat, accompanied by a piano. Shock and surprise played across the ponies faces as they felt their hooves propel them forward to the mysterious source. Approaching their practice room, they paused at the door and stared, enraptured by the sight before them.

Vinyl Scratch let her hooves fly over the keys of the baby grand piano. The beautiful succession of notes was nothing however, to the smooth refined voice emanating from her. With their jaws hanging agape, the other two watched as she poured her heart into the song. Vinyl let the music carry her along the golden path of improvisation before coming to a close, letting out a sigh with a slight smile playing across her muzzle.

Horn aglow in the aura of her magic, Vinyl’s eyes snapped open as she began to write down notes on the song she just finished. Lost in her work, she was interrupted by the sounds of the other two mares squealing with delight. She looked at her audience as a cold pit clawed its way into the area her stomach once resided in. Jumping to her hooves she looked frantically between Lyra and Octavia and stuttered, “Look, I can explain…”

Octavia cocked her head, staring wide-eyed at her roommate before she shook herself, jaw setting into a firm line before she advanced on Vinyl. “I thought I told you that you weren’t supposed to touch the piano,” she drew out slowly, speech slightly slurred from the inebriation. “Mostly because a DJ has no need for one, and because I didn’t want it ‘upgraded’ as you once suggested.”

Eyes drawn down, Lyra paused for a moment before taking a hesitant step toward Vinyl. “Why are you in our practice room?”

Vinyl continued to trace an outline along the floor as she stared at nothing. She mumbled out an answer that the other two couldn’t hear. Head tilted to try and pick up what was said, Lyra asked again, firmness slightly overpowered by her intoxication. “I asked you what you’re doing in here Vinyl.”

A defeated sigh escaping her lips, Vinyl looked up at the mares before her. “I come in here when you’re not home.”

Stepping forward, Octavia’s face softened as she said, “Why did you never tell us that you had such a beautiful voice? Or that you can actually play the piano?”

Eyes fixed back on the ground, Vinyl mumbled, “Because a DJ isn’t supposed to be able to do those things.”

“Vinyl, you shouldn’t be ashamed of this. Although, I must know, when did you learn to play the piano?” Octavia arched an eyebrow.

Eyes closed, Vinyl sighed before sitting back on the piano bench. She looked at her roommates before beginning. “I’ve never told you two how I got my cutie mark did I?”

Shaking their heads in unison, Octavia and Lyra entered the room fully and made a wobbly line toward the couch. While they climbed up and got comfortable, leaning on each other, Vinyl continued her story. “I haven’t always been a DJ. It wasn’t until a few years ago that I began my journey into electronic music. I got my cutie mark for singing when I was younger. At first, I was excited because what filly doesn’t want her cutie mark? But as I got older, I came to resent it. A lot. I mean, so many other ponies can sing. I wanted to stand out. I didn’t want to be just another voice on the radio.”

“How did you make the leap from singing to being a DJ?” With a giggle, Octavia found herself falling against Lyra.

“Because I didn’t want someone else telling me what I should be doing. I snuck out one night and found myself at a club. It was there that I discovered electronic music and fell in love. To see the control the DJ had over the crowd was mesmerizing. I knew then, I wanted to— no. I needed to become a DJ.” Stomping a hoof, Vinyl took a deep breath to calm down.

“You don’t have to give up this—” Octavia motioned to the piano “—just because you are a DJ. You don’t have to limit yourself to what you think others expect of you.”

“There’s nothing to be ashamed of Vinyl. We all have things we would prefer that others not find out.” Octavia looked to Lyra before continuing, “Should I show her?”

A wide grin spread across Lyra’s face as she nodded slowly, trying to keep the room from spinning too much. The gray pony slid off the couch and stumbled slightly on her way out of the room. “Don’t go anywhere.”

Looking up to Lyra, Vinyl sighed. “What are your thoughts on all of this?”

Lyra grinned. “You have a beautiful voice. One that I would never have guessed hides under that raspy tone you use for speaking.”

“You’re not angry or upset that I’m in your music room?” Hope crept into Vinyl’s voice

Letting her eyes wander around the room, Lyra shrugged, “I mean, I’m a bit upset as we just thought you would bring nothing but wanton destruction to our instruments in an attempt to play them.”

Vinyl interrupted Lyra indignantly. “What would ever give you the idea that I would be so destructive?”

“I’ve seen your room.”

Grinning sheepishly, Vinyl was saved from embarrassing herself further by the return of Octavia carrying a small crate of records. Looking at it curiously, Vinyl noticed that it appeared to be laden with works of classical music. Things that normally stop a DJ from rifling through said collection.

Reaching in, Octavia gently removed a sleeve that was instantly recognizable to Vinyl. It was a pressing of her first album as DJ PON3. Looking to Octavia, eyebrows scrunching down together, she asked, “Why do you have that?”

A slow blush spread across Octavia’s face, the color diffused slightly by the darkness of her fur. “I, um, really enjoy listening to your music.” Finishing the short sentence in a rush, her blush increased in intensity, suffusing her whole face in a delightful shade of crimson.

Eyes widening in recognition, Vinyl gasped as a few things fell into place. “You were the mare at the last signing all bundled up with the test pressing of my first album...” She trailed off, looking at the rare gem Octavia was holding.

Octavia nodded. “I actually have all of your albums.” Looking at the ground, she didn’t see Vinyl approach until a pair of white hooves enter her field of view. Glancing up, face afire, she grinned weakly at her.

“Why did you never say anything, Tavi? Well, you did say things. Like how my music is, and I quote, ‘A disgrace to musicians everywhere and an assault against our ears’.” A smile slowly spread across her face as Viny gently placed a hoof on Octavia’s and helped guide the rare print back into its spot. “Let me guess, you hide your secret music in between all of your classical records?”

Octavia whispered, “I didn’t want you going through my music and finding your records in there.”

Grinning in response, Vinyl couldn’t help but chuckle. “Well, at least you’re fairly smart about it, because it worked. Which is why I didn’t know you have one of the test pressings.” As her laugh faded, tears started to gather in the corners of her eyes “So, you guys don’t hate me?” Looking to her two roommates, the tears started to flow freely down her face.

“I’m more upset that you didn’t trust us enough to tell us about your musical background than anything.” Looking about, Lyra saw her practice lyre still propped up in the corner. Narrowing her eyes, she looked back to Vinyl. “You haven’t touched my lyre, have you?”

Shaking her head vehemently, Vinyl held up a hoof to assure her that she had done no such thing. “I only use the piano,” she said hastily.

“What was the song you were singing before you noticed us watching you?”

“Oh, I was working on something new for Sapphire Shores. Songwriting for her and Coloratura is a lot more lucrative than being a DJ, but being a DJ is what I love. This—” she gestured to the piano“—is to help pay the bills.”

“Well, I think it’s brilliant. Who knew that there was some actual musical talent within you?” Octavia teased gently, giving Vinyl a brief hug.

Even though the ribbing was good natured, Vinyl’s legs started to shake as her eyes became distant, focusing on a point only she could see. Feeling her rear legs give out, the tears start to fall again, leaving long wet trails down Vinyl’s fur. Her ears were laid flat against her head as a sob escaped her. Looking at each other, Lyra and Octavia approached her gently and sat down next to her, offering her comfort in the form of their presence.

Wrapping Octavia and Lyra in a hug, Vinyl continued to cry until there were no more tears left. Pulling them in closer, she was startled by a sudden yelp from Octavia. Leaning back, dried tears streaking her face, Vinyl spied the tell-tale cellophane wrapping taped on the back of Octavia’s neck. Looking at the blushing mare with her face splitting into a wide grin, Vinyl moved out of the embrace and quickly flipped Octavia’s mane out of the way. “Tavi!” Vinyl exclaims. “You’ve gotten a tattoo.”

Eyes widening, the now frantic earth pony said, “Look, I can explain…”

Author's Note:

Oh man. This story. I'm not sure if I love it or hate it. This is (hopefully) its final form. After slamming it together in about 2 hours and convincing Stahl to edit it, I submitted it for the Writeoff Association's prompt "Look, I can explain..." From there, it got torn to shreds. So, after many moons, it's been rewritten and is now here for you consumption. Huge shoutout to GoldenWing for all of his help and educating me on how to actually write. If you find you can't write, please check out the School For New Writers.

Comments ( 20 )

I like it :) It creates a nice atmosphere, and it is a really nice and short story.
Keep up that amazing writing :)


Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it :)

i like this story im gona give this a tumbs up (sorry for my english)


Thank you! Glad you enjoyed it :D

A Fun little Read. Now I want to see the Three of them write a song together,

That was rather amusing and well written. Though I feel you missed out with Tavi and Lyra when Vinyl revealed she was song writing for Sapphire Shore's and Coloratura. :twilightsmile: I imagine their jaws would have dropped even further.


Who knows what might happen!


I probably could have done more. Who knows. Maybe there will be a sequel.

Saw this via Twitter. Added to my reading list! :)


Didn't you participate in the Writeoff that I submitted this for?

6983186 Yep, though your entry didn't get onto my prelim slate, so I have not yet read it.

(I passed on voting in the finals, due to real life stuff leaving me well short of adequate time to fairly read/judge whoever made the finalist list)


Ah. Well, I'm going to be making a blog post with a link to what I submitted. This story has been heavily revised and edited compared to what I sent in :)

6983202 Ah, okay. Looking forward to it! :)

I love this story, it's sweet and made me laugh my ass off. :pinkiehappy:


I'm glad you enjoyed it!


I'm considering it. I can easily explore a secret that Octavia has. And even Lyra.

Ah man, this was a treat! You start funny, sneak attack my feels, and get a giggle at the end, all in under 2000 words. Bravo, my friend!


I'm glad you enjoyed it! For me, this is probably my favorite story out of what I've written this far. It went from a terrible terrible piece written for a contest to this. Mostly I have my two editors of this story to thank. Especially Goldenwing.

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