• Published 4th Feb 2016
  • 7,025 Views, 931 Comments

Hero Souls: Awakening - SvenFoxx

Twilight always knew she was different. She just never imagined it was her soul that was different.

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25. Rise of the Shield

Twilight had heard the beating of wings that were flapping in uniform as they drew closer to her home a while ago. As such, when the sound of something large thudding into her front yard reached her, she wasn’t too surprised.

She still tripped over herself answering the door after using her X-ray vision to check on it.

“Princess Celestia!” Twilight greeted. “Please, come in!” She moved back and out of the way, allowing Celestia and two of her Solar Guards to enter the room. “Would any of you like some tea? I just put a pot on.”

Celestia smiled at her student. “Yes, please. That sounds lovely right now,” she said. She looked at her guards. “At ease, gentlemen. You may relax if you wish and accept some tea.”

The two albino Pegasi with blue manes and golden eyes relaxed.

When Twilight returned, it was with four cups and a largish pot of tea held in her magic. She poured everyone their tea before sitting down with her own. “It’s good to see you again, Princess.”

Celestia smiled. “You as well, my student. It is good to see you up and about so quickly. Luna was telling me yesterday that you had recovered fully, even if Tender wasn’t convinced.”

Twilight sipped her tea. “I won’t deny that the small vacation is nice. Spike has been such a sweetheart and managing the library chores for me, even though I insist I’m capable.” She looked down into her cup and sighed.

Celestia raised an eyebrow. “Is something the matter with Spike’s attitude, Twilight?” she asked curiously.

Twilight shook her head. “No, nothing like that, although…” She trailed off, before forcing herself back on topic. “I just can’t get over how…” she paused, searching for a word, before sighing. “Stupid. I can’t believe how stupid I was during that fight with the Ursa. I did everything I shouldn’t have done when fighting it. I used magic against it, I used brute strength, and I got close enough for it to take me out in a single blow.” She growled. “I know better! I should have at least tried wrapping it’s legs up in null-chains, but it’s like all of the experience in my head just went out the window the moment the fight started!”

She sagged after a moment. “Princess Luna told me it’s because my memories are still settling. My pony memories are going to take precedence in terms of instinct until I finish getting used to all of this.”

Celestia hummed in thought. “I suppose it makes sense. I’ve rarely dealt with Hero Souls personally, so I only know so much. Luna was their guide whenever they cropped up throughout history.”

A silence, though it wasn’t uncomfortable, settled as the four ponies enjoyed their tea.

“What of Fluttershy?” Celestia suddenly asked. “How has she adapted to being a Hero Soul?”

Twilight frowned. “I don’t know,” she admitted. “I haven’t seen her too often in the last few days, though whenever I do she insists she’s doing fine. She seems happy enough, so I don’t question it.”

“I ask because I’d like you to pass on a message for me if you get the chance,” Celestia said.

Twilight looked at her curiously. “Sure, but you could have just sent her a letter. Why go through me?”

Celestia put her teacup down and began refilling it. “Two reasons. The first is because the message applies to you as well. The second reason is because I do not wish to risk this mystery pony that sent the Ursa against you intercepting it.” She took a longer than normal pull from the freshly brewed tea. “I have had Doctor Tender stationed here at Ponyville as a private physician for you and Fluttershy, and potentially anymore Hero Souls that pop up. If you have need of medical service, go to him. He is the only person in Equestria with an up to date medical record on you.”

“Isn’t that a risk? Leaving documents like that for someone to steal?” Twilight asked.

Celestia smirked. “Who said he had documents?”


“So what’s it like?” Rainbow Dash asked, walking among the market stalls with Fluttershy.

“What’s what like?” Fluttershy responded, somewhat distracted with examining some tomatoes.

“Having the memories of another pony in your head,” Rainbow Dash said.

Fluttershy took a moment to pay for some of the tomatoes before smiling at Rainbow Dash. “Strange,” she said simply at first. “I really have no other way to describe it, other than to say it’s indescribable. Not entirely in a good way either.”

Rainbow Dash raised an eyebrow. “How so?”

“How do you think you’ll handle having the memories of being a man… I’m sorry… stallion?”

Rainbow Dash shivered. “Yikes. No thanks,” she stated.

Fluttershy nodded. “There are upsides, such as the Super-Soldier Serum somehow working on me.”

“Super-Soldier Serum?”

Fluttershy paused, considering how to explain it. “Steve Rogers was a weak and frail man. He was also prone to getting sick often,” she started. “He was often bullied for his weakness, and to make matters worse his family struggled to make ends meet.”

“He was a nerd?” Rainbow Dash asked in distaste, before frowning. “Wait, then where did you get all that strength?” she asked, speaking of Fluttershy’s bulkier frame.

Fluttershy shook her head. “No, Steve was just an unfortunate child born with a lot of problems in his body, problems that the medicine of that day and age couldn’t fix.” She smiled. “But that didn’t mean he didn’t have a strong heart. He was raised to know right from wrong, and always believed that you should offer help when you see someone who needs it. Even when his body made it difficult, he always tried to help people, always tried to stand up to bullies and the like. He believed in Justice.”

Rainbow Dash considered that, and could see how that would end for someone who was weak and frail like Fluttershy had described. It didn’t matter how many times you tried, you would get knocked down again and again. But the way Fluttershy talked of this Steve guy, it sounded like he didn’t quit, even when he probably should have.

Rainbow Dash could respect that kind of dedication.

“And then World War Two happened,” Fluttershy said with a dark expression.

Rainbow Dash blinked. “Wait, world war, as in a war that spanned the entire world?” she asked in shock.

Fluttershy nodded. “Humans are a passionate species, and often let their emotions guide them over their common sense. This has led to two world wars, but has also produced incredible people, people you would be proud to just know of. One such person was Steve. Even though he was weak, even though his own body seemed to be against him, he didn’t care. He tried to sign up for the army to help protect his home and country.” She sighed. “He was turned away due to his physical inability.”

“What?!” Rainbow Dash screeched. “They couldn’t have assigned him some kind of desk job? Maybe put him in the intelligence division of their army?” she asked.

Fluttershy smirked at her, and Rainbow Dash blanched upon realizing how nerdy she sounded. After a moment Fluttershy sighed. “As homesick as Steve was for that time, even he knew the world was a brutal and unfair place back them. He wasn’t entirely surprised that he got denied. Dismayed, yes, but not surprised.

“On his way out the door, he was approached regarding a chance to become more than just a soldier. He was told the procedure was untested, likely to kill him, and may even have mental side-effects if it did work… but he took a chance, and agreed.” Fluttershy placed a hoof over her heart, smiling. “He was injected with a chemical cocktail that enhanced his body in every way, pushing him to absolute peak of the human body. He was as strong, fast, and durable as a human could possibly be.”

Rainbow Dash whistled, impressed. “A Super Soldier, hence the name of the serum,” she concluded.

Fluttershy nodded. “And somehow, I have no idea how, that serum got in me as well when I awakened his memories, making me the same thing he was. I was pushed to the absolute limits of the Pegasus body.”

She turned to focus on her shopping again, never noticing the look that came over Rainbow Dash’s face at that declaration.

Author's Note:

Null-chains, or Nullification Chains, are chains made of a very hard to produce alloy, often called unobtanium jokingly as Celestia refuses to reveal the source of the alloy. The metal is like a black hole for magic, greedily absorbing it from any who are in contact with the chains, and leaves them magicless. The chains are used to contain magical prisoners.

But there is a flaw in the design. The chains cannot absorb magic that is capable of extreme adaptation, such as the diverse magic of Alicorns, or the chaotic magic of Discord. It will however yank the magic around in an attempt, which is extremely painful for the wearer.

I am not very knowledgeable in Steve Rogers' life before he became Captain America. I only know he was particularly scrawny and frail, hence his denial into the army, and that he had a strong moral compass. So I forged my own little backstory for him.

And I've always held the belief that Rainbow Dash is smarter than she lets on, but hides it because she didn't think the Wonderbolts would want what she considers nerds. Besides, the Wonderbolts are at least partially a military organization in this story, so Rainbow Dash would have of course researched military structure in her zeal for them.

Yes, I realize how hypocritical that makes her sound. No one's perfect.

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