• Published 2nd Feb 2016
  • 1,659 Views, 130 Comments

Ice Fall - Bluespectre

Celestia has gone. The forces of the night, victorious at the battle of River Valley, push on towards the castle of the two sisters. Two friends find themselves caught up in the maelstrom of war and their lives will likely never be the same again.

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Chapter Fifty Two - Carved Memories



Celestia rose from her throne and stretched. Her wings were stiff from sitting for too long and ached as she flexed her muscles before settling them back by her sides once more. Physically she was fine, but mentally, she was simply exhausted. The reports coming in had been encouraging of course, for the most part, but the inevitable final clash was undeniably close at hoof. The Legion, initially chasing their tails as their supply routes, stores and reinforcements were picked off by raids, had begun to re-organise. She had to respect their flexibility, they rarely stuck to one course of action and would adapt to new circumstances readily, but that in itself had caused them problems. Reports had arrived confirming the confused state of Legion units, the broken communications lines and uncertainty, but naturally, sooner or later, somepony was going to take charge of the situation. By all accounts, that was slowly but surely beginning to happen. Dray’s last report showed Nightmare Moon’s forces centralising their units to one point, massing no doubt in anticipation of a single final decisive battle against their enemy. Their target, without doubtl, would be the castle…and her.

Worst of all were the reports she’d had from further afield - from towns and hamlets across Equestria where the Legion had ‘reacted’ to attacks and…she’d had to put the report down. Nopony could ever see this…nopony…Celestia closed her eyes and took a breath, trying to push the mental images out of her mind. There would be a reckoning one day, a price to pay, and by the Gods they would pay for it.

The Princess levitated over a goblet of water and sipped it, trying to clear her mind, to put all those awful descriptions out of her head before she retired for the evening. The last thing she needed was nightmares, but that was all she seemed to be having lately, and she couldn’t blame Luna, or that ‘thing’ this time. She stroked the key that hung from the chain around her neck gently - it would soon be time. She just hoped that they…that she…would be strong enough when it arrived. Celestia’s thoughts were suddenly and rather rudely interrupted by the large doors to the throne room opening, followed by a defeaning barrage of confused and angry voices:

“I say! Get off me, you blasted ruffian!”

“I’ve told you already, you can’t go in there!”

“Will you get your hooves off me? I could turn you into a mouse if I wanted to!”

“Hold him down!”

“Ouch! Watch where you’re putting those bloody great…oof! Right! That does it! Hope you like cheese, you blasted…”

Golden light flared around the mass of struggling equines as the Princess’s voice boomed out around them,


Everypony pony froze, except for the guards who quickly bowed low to the glowing Princess of the sun. The white alicorn shook out her flowing rainbow mane and scrutinised the strange group of creatures who had barged into her throne room. One of them she recognised - Strata, the indigo coated unicorn, then there was another one, a grey unicorn stallion with a short white beard, a ridiculous hat covered in bells and a long blue cloak, similarly covered in the tinkling brass ornamentation, the whole finished off with embroidered stars and moons. Behind them, the court usher pushed past in a fluster, desperately trying to adjust his hat and tabard,

“Your Majesty!” He blurted out, bowing, “Please, I beg your forgiveness for this intolerable intrustion. I was leading these two here when I lost them and…”

“-It was because your tour was so intolerably boring.” The grey pony cut in.

The court ushers faced turned scarlet, “BORING?!” He shrieked, “I’m not a bloody tour guide!”

Celetia’s voice rolled out around them, “SILENCE!” She tried to hide the amusement in her voice, “Who are you?”

“I’m Strata, Your Majesty.”

“I know that!” Celestia rolled her eyes in exasperation, “I meant the other one!”

The grey pony bowed, sweeping his hat off his head in a flourish of magic,

“My lady, I am Starswirl the bearded, mage and wizard to the discerning and exemplar of mystical magics to the masses. My particular interests are in thaumaturgical re-emergence and conjunctive…Eep!”

Celestia’s forehooves grabbed him by the shoulders and bore him up so she was face to face with him,

“You…you are Starswirl the bearded?”

“Well…um…yes, actually.” He pointed to his beard, “Although I prefer just being called Starswirl if you don’t mind.”

Celestia glanced from the grey pony to Strata and then to the guards who were still bowing in the doorway,

“You may leave us.”

The doors closed.

“Starswirl…” Celestia closed her eyes, fighting back the tears, the sheer emotion of the moment. Her mother had spoken of this stallion, and Strata had mentioned a mage of great power too…this couldn’t be him could it? She look him up and down, shaking her head. He looked...well, comical really, eccentric even, but then, talent often came with a more ‘colourful’ side didn’t it?

“But…how?” She looked to his cohort, “Strata?”

The indigo unicorn shrugged, “He came in with the Wind Wraith, Your Majesty.”

“Indeed!” Starswirl said as Celestia lowered him back to the floor, “Would you like to hear my tale?”

Celestia laughed, clopping his hooves together,

“I would love to hear your story, but first, may I offer you refreshments?”

Starswirl and Strata both nodded and together, the three settled in to while away the evening, listening to Starswirl’s tale of adventures and hijinks which, if true, were both exciting and terrifying. The worst, and most exhilarating amongst them, was his adventure to what was quite obviously the lost Crystal Empire. Starswirl had been reluctant to talk about that one, but Strata had, rather thoughtfully, reminded him about it. Celestia’s heart had skipped a beat at that part of the tale. She remembered it all too well - that awful battle, the dreadful magics she’d used, the power that literally ripped an entire portion of the world away and locked it in another dimension forever. To hear it was still…’there’, it made her blood run cold. That monster, the name of whom she hadn’t heard mentioned, nor uttered for over a thousand years except as a story to frighten foals. She swallowed. It gave her shivers even thinking about it…Sombra. Those poor ponies, those lost souls, trapped with that ‘thing’. It was the stuff of nightmares, and many, many times she’d wondered if there’d been another way, a simpler and more direct way. But if there was, neither she nor Luna had known what it was.

Starswirl put down his cup, “…and naturally, I personally sent several of those hideous flying beasts crashing down into the chasm below before we finally arrived here Your Majesty.” He smiled, “Now, Strata tells me you have a portal I may be able to help you with?”

Celestia wings began to twitch, “Yes indeed. Please, Starswirl, Strata, would you kindly follow me?”


The streets were cold, freezing in fact. It had been a bloody stupid idea to come out without a cloak after all, and he’d left his gear back on board the Wind Wraith. He didn’t know what to do. Should he go back and get his things? He’d have to really, wouldn’t he, otherwise he’d have no money, no food and probably hypothermia just to round everything off nicely. Chalk snorted, tossing his mane and began heading back to the ship, groaning inwardly. After walking out on Gretel, he’d probably be barred from stepping hoof on the deck of one of her ships ever again. Not that he really wanted to. After all, she’d made it pretty clear she didn’t really…He neighed and picked up speed. He didn’t want to think about it!

The crew let him come aboard without a fuss. Maybe they didn’t know yet, or maybe nopony really cared. He’d been walking for ages and the hard cobbles had been making his legs ache, but still, it had only been a few hours. Maybe that was why his heart hurt so much too, ‘maybe’…He should use that as a metaphor for his life, shouldn’t he…’maybe’. With a snort, Chalk wandered down to the bunk he’d been using and gathered his things; at least they were still there, and hadn’t been thrown out or bartered away yet - even his sword was still there. He closed his eyes against a sudden wave of anguish that threatened to drown him in its bitter embrace. Chalk sighed; what a fool he’d been to think that he could actually make a difference, that somehow, somewhere, there was somepony in this world who actually needed him and that he was something more than just an insignificant nopony that girls only wanted to fool around with. After all, that was all he was, wasn’t it? A plaything…a toy. He used to think that Bracken was jealous of him because he got all the girls…all the ones who would throw themselves at him because of how he looked. What an idiot! It was all a laugh wasn’t it? All of it. Nopony gave a damn, he was just picked up, used, and then dropped when the novelty had worn off. Bracken had found something he never could: that special somepony who would love you unconditionally, who would be with you always because they loved you for who you were, not what you were. Chalk brushed a tear away as he pulled his cloaked over himself. He blew everything, didn’t he? Everything…

Up on deck, only the ship’s watch were up and bid him good night. He nodded to them, glancing for a moment at the closed cabin door of the Captain’s quarters. She’d be back on the Revenge now anyway, having a good time with her friends and forgetting all about the stupid white coated idiot. He paused,

“Hey lads, know any cheap taverns in town?”

A golden coated patchwork stallion shouted over, “Aye, the Four Horse Shoes. Head for the fountain and take a right. Its about fifty yards up on the left.”

Chalk smiled, “Thanks. Night boys.”


Back on those bloody cobbles once again, Chalk’s legs ached all the way to the surprisingly neat little tavern with the flower boxes outside. Several patrons were stood in the shelter of the awning, buttoning up cloaks or capes and bid him good evening before walking off into the night. Inside, the landlord was helping the barmares tidy up,

“Sorry sir,” one the mares said noticing him coming in, “we’re closing for the night.”

“Oh, sorry. I was just looking for a room for the night.” Chalk turned to go.

The landlord trotted up to him, “A room? I think we have one left.” He called to one of the mares, “Tiptree, don’t we have a spare room available?”

“Number six is free.” The violet mare called back, “Four bits for the night, two extra for breakfast.”

Chalk nodded, “Thanks, I’ll take it.”

“Excellent.” The landlord, wiped his hooves on his apron, “Tiptree will see you up.”

As was typical of the capital, the room was tidy and well appointed, if a little basic. It was no fortress of the four winds, that was for sure. No hot water, no running water, no toilet, but at least there was a clean bed, pitcher and a bowl.

“Bog’s along the landin’, love.” The mare said, pocketing the tip with a grin, “And, y’know if you erm, need anythin’ else?” she leaned against the door frame and raised an eyebrow. Chalk put down his bags and shook his head,

“Thanks, but I just want to sleep.”

“Huh!” the barmare slammed the door shut and flounced off back down the stairs.

Chalk slumped onto the bed, staring out of the window. The stars and moon were mostly hidden by the surrounding tall buildings, with the only light coming from the lone oil lamp beside the bed. He watched the single flame as it burned quietly away, occasionally flickering ever so slightly in some unseen breeze, seemingly echoing the solitude he felt inside,

“Just you and me eh?” he said quietly and piled up the last of his belongings. Perhaps tomorrow he’d go back and inform the army about his return - he should do. he’d completed his mission after all. Dray would probably discharge him, but what then? Could he go home, back to his parents and just simply forget everything that had happened? He’d think about it in the morning. With a sigh, he slipped under the covers and closed his eyes, trying to empty his mind.

He’d just started to drop off when there was a hammering noise outside and then a crash from downstairs together with a barrage of shouting. Chalks eye’s flew open. Was it the army? Damn it! He knew he should have reported back straight away! The bloody provost were here! He reached down for his sword and paused. They weren’t his enemy, but…but what if they were? What if it wasn’t the provost, what it were…

The door to his room flew open, a huge black shape outlined in the light from the lamp behing held up behind it.

“Listen to me!” The Landlord pleaded, “I said you can’t just barge in here! This is a private room and no guests are allowed after…”

“How much?”

The landlord blinked, “What?”

“I said, how much is this flea ridden cess pit worth?”

“I beg your pardon?”

The large shape turned round to the Landlord and threw a heavy sounding bag of bits at him,

“Here, I’ll buy it off you, so shut up and sod off.”

The Landlord cleared his throat, “I…that is…yes..come on girls, lets leave them alone…”

The voices trailed away and the door was shut with a heavy thump. Chalk felt his hoof catch the corner of his sword; at least he knew where it was if he…

Hoofsteps came closer to the bed as the shadowy figure approached. Carefully, whoever it was, lowered themselves onto the end of the bed and sighed,

“Are you going to use that?”

Chalk closed his eyes, his voice a bare whisper, “Of course not.”

“You hurt me, you know.” The dark shape leaned across and turned up the lantern, “You just ran off and left me.”

Chalk could feel his eyes stinging and tried to compose himself, “I know. But it’s better this way.”

“Is it? Why?”

“You don’t need me, Gretel, you are a ship’s Captain, a commander of ponies, you can have anypony you want. I’m just a…a nopony.”

There was a pause, “I never thought I’d hear you feeling sorry for yourself.”

“You don’t know everything about me.” He said quietly, “If you did, you wouldn’t be here now.”

“You mean about what happened when you were a foal?” She asked

“How did…?”

“You talk in your sleep.”


Gretel took a deep breath, “Look, Chalky, I didn’t give you an answer before.”

“You didn’t have to.” Chalk replied softly, “I know.”

“No, you don’t! That’s just the point!” Gretel snapped suddenly, “You just appeared out of nowhere, said…said ‘that’ and you expected me to be able to give you a decision just like that?!”

Chalk closed his eyes, “The look on your face…”

“You frightened me!” Gretel said raising her voice, “Don’t you understand that? Chalky, you’re the only pony I’ve ever…I’ve…damn it!” she clambered over the covers and pinned him down, fixing him with her big maroon eyes, “I love you, you bloody stupid horses cock, can’t you see that? Or do you need bloody glasses?” Chalk closed his eyes, his emotions threatening to bubble over. All he could manage was a nod, but Gretel wasn’t finished with him yet, “You told me you knew how I felt, didn’t you?” she said.

He nodded again.

“Do you doubt that now?”

Chalk shook his head, “No. Gretel, look, I’ve been away for a long time, I abandoned you, and…”

A hoof was shoved into his muzzle.

“If I hear another word of self doubt or you putting yourself down again, I will be seriously angry with you Mister Chalk. I mean it, seriously angry. That’s not the stallion I love, the one I love is bright, energetic and full of life.” She reached down and kissed him, “But I know this is a part of you too, and your past, like mine, is something that neither of us can ever change.” She stroked his mane gently, brushing her lips against his, “It doesn’t have to control who you are” she murmured, “not my Chalky…” she kissed him on the muzzle, “Not my husband.”

As Gretel’s words gradually sank in, Chalk squeezed his eyes shut and tried to reach up to her, to take her in his embrace, but she was squashing him into the mattress.

“Oh!” she suddenly realised with a chuckle, “Just a minute…”

The big red mare rolled off the bed. Moments later, Chalk felt the mattress move and the covers lift as something warm and soft pressed into him,

“That’s better.” she chuckled, “Well?”


“Mmm?” Gretel echoed.

Chalk tried to clear his throat, “I…erm…yes.”

“Yes, what?”

“I don’t know!” Chalk squeaked turning to face her, “I just…I…I don’t know what to say!”

Gretel shook her head and bopped his nose with her hoof,

“Then tell me how you feel, that’s a good start.”

“I…I love you.” Chalk whispered, feeling a suddenly rush of embarrassment.

“And I love you.” Gretel nodded with a smile, “Now, what do you want to do?”

Chalk looked into her eyes, “I want to marry you.”

The Captain kissed him on the muzzle, “And I want to marry you too.”

“You do?”

“Mmhmm” Gretel snuggled into him, reached up and nibbled his ear, “Did you know that Cyclone’s pregnant?”


“You do remember how foals are made, don’t you?” she asked quietly.

“Of course, I do. Gretel, I...Mmm” Chalk groaned as a wave of warmth from his ear spread through him, making him shiver.

Gretel ran her hoof down his chest, “I do, and it’s been a very, very long time Mister Chalk.” Her scent tickled Chalk’s nose as she moved against him. “The way I see it,” she purred, “you have a lot of time to make up for.” Gretel suddenly leaned over him and blew out the lamp, “…Safety first…”


“Remarkable, simply remarkable!” the grey stallion rushed around the stone room, setting up pieces of equipment and making notes, somehow, all at the same time. “I’ve never seen a complete one before, well, there was that one at Manewaring Hills but that was long dead, and perhaps that one in the forest too, but it was like the magic in them had been sucked out of them like a deflated balloon!” Starswirl waved his hooves to emphasise his words, much to Celestia’s amusement. “I mean, there was that one in the fortress of course, but that was different to this! That one was what I’d like to call a ‘direct access portal’.” He paused, “Yes, I like that. You can never have too many acronyms I always say.” He wrote it down in his notebook, “D.A.P. great!” Carrying on around the room, Strata passed him equipment somehow without even needing to ask what the bizarre grey unicorn needed next. “A shame we don’t have that young black stallion with the blue hair with us. Remarkable creature, and an earth pony would you believe? Could actually see ley energy!”

“He could?” Strata asked in surprise.

“Didn’t I mention it?” Starswirl shrugged, “I thought I did?”

“You said you opened the portal on your own.”

“Oh, tish, tosh! Of course, he helped a little, but I did all the fundamental and thaumaturgical work. He just sort of…tweaked bits.”

Celestia shook her head, “Where is this earth pony?”

“Hmm?” the mage looked up from making more notes, “Oh, he stayed behind at the fortress with the wendigo.”

The Princess’s eyes went wide, “Why?”

“Buggered if I know!” Starswirl said trotting up to the large stone archway, “Best ask young Chalk Dust. Fascinating unicorn that, and a wind mage would you believe. Not only that, but here we have a descendant of the shipwrights of the Crystal Empire too! I’m going to need a lot more time, and a lot more notepads!”

Celestia shook her head and smiled to herself. With these two, surely they would be able to re-open the portal to the human world and finally, finally, bring Rush home. Starswirl seemed a little bizarre though, that outrageous outfit he wore was certainly testimony to that, but then so was Strata in some respects. In an odd way, they raised her spirits - not simply because of their work to try and activate the portal, but simply their lighthearted outlook on life. How she wished she could feel that way herself! But until this terrible war was brought to an end, it was unlikely she could ever truly find the happiness within her own heart. The Princess gazed up at the large stone archway, a wistful gaze on her face. In some respects she’d left her heart on another world, with one whom she may never see again…

Celestia jumped back in shock as a bright purple flash seared the room followed by a deafening ‘pop’, making the her ears shriek in response. Starswirl and Strata were lying on their sides, smoke wafting from their singed fur. Strata coughed,

“I don’t think that worked out too well.”

“I said we had the convertor matrix set too high.” Starswirl brushed the burnt fur from his muzzle, “Pretty good result though, I have to say.”

Celestia gave herself a shake, her nose wrinkling at the acrid smell of burnt hair, “Pretty good?

“Oh yes!” Starswirl chirped, “Theres life in the old girl yet!”

Good Gods! If that was ‘pretty good’, Celestia though to herself, she’d hate to see what happened when something ‘bad’ happened. She gave herself a shake and walked over to get herself a drink of water,

“Master Starswirl, if you need anything, please feel free to use the castle library. If there are any specific books you need that aren’t there, ask me. I may be able to acquire it for you.”

“Really? Wonderful!” Starswirl’s eyes lit up, “I’ll have a list made up shortly.”

“Oh.” Celestia’s face dropped, “Er, don’t worry, just pass your list to the guard outside and he’ll ask the staff to collect them.”

Strata and Starswirl both nodded and returned to their work.

“I’ll just be going then.” The Princess said quietly, backing towards the door.

“Mmhmm.” Starswirl nodded to Strata, “What do you think about altering the ley-flux capacitor?”

The door closed with a click.

Celestia sighed. What a pair! She gave her legs a stretch and nodded to the guard who snapped to attention,

“See to it they get everything they need.”

The guard nodded smartly, “Yes, Your Majesty.”

She gave him a smile, watching out of the corner of her eye as he blushed. Celestia felt a ripple of excitement run through her; she was a mare in her prime, and took very good care of her appearance - not only for official reasons of course, but for her own too. She wanted to look her best for when Rush walked through that portal and saw her. A sudden thrill ran down her spine making her buck slightly. Fortunately, a quick check revealed nopony around, much to her relief, and she gave a slightly embarrassed whinny before breaking into a run as she charged off along the corridor and up the stairs. It wouldn’t be long now…it wouldn’t be long!

Rooms went by in a blur; corners, stairs, windows, doors, all of it as insubstantial as mist in the morning sun. The Princess felt like singing, shouting in joy and sheer exuberance. For the first time in an age, there was hope…Hope! She just wanted to run and run, imagining a dark brown stallion beside her, the two of them running free across the meadows and the hillsides, drinking from the clear waters of streams and lying together in the long grass. She would gaze into his eyes as he brushed her mane, the two of them drawing closer and closer, until…

She nickered loudly and collapsed against one of the tapestries, panting. She hadn’t felt like this is so long! And now here she was, the ruler of Equestria acting like a school foal. She chuckled, leaning against the ancient needlework. It was one of the ones she’d never really understood when she was younger, but now it was all too apparent. It was a depiction of a mare and a stallion, bowing before a golden alicorn who was holding a pair of equally golden scales. In all things, mother had told her, there should be balance. The day should have the night, the sun the moon, and she should have her stallion. Perhaps it was a little melancholy to think of such things as this now, after all, the country had never been so divided, and yet…she didn’t care…she just didn’t care! For once, she just wanted to feel joy, even if it was only fleeting and insubstantial. Starswirl and Strata could fail, her hopes falling upon land as fertile as rock and scorched sand, but for now…now she was happy.

The guards snapped to attention when they saw her approaching and apparently noticed the lightness in her step. Celestia gave them both a pleasant smile and returned the looks she received with a wink. It was a good end to a good day - a day with hope, a day with…

She stared at the peach coloured mare sitting by the fire dressed in a maids uniform. There was something…‘off’ about the girl, something that smelt like…Luna. Celestia had seen this mare about the castle she was sure, but what was this? There was no sense of magic here, no wards had been broken, but the girl had a distant look in her eyes that she didn’t like.

The Princess smiled pleasantly, “Hello, I don’t believe I know you. Are you new?”

The young mare’s eyes kept their vacant gaze, but her voice…that creatures voice, emerged as a viper from its nest.

“Good evening, ‘Sister’.”

Celestia glowered at the mare, reminding herself that this living being was not the owner of the voice, nor the cunning intelligence behind it. She kept her voice neutral,

“You have some audacity to send your servant into my bed chamber, Nightmare Moon.”

“Have I?” the voice replied, “There was a time when we played together, as sisters do, Celestia. Have you forgotten so readily? Am I now so forgotten in your heart as to be unwelcome in our own home?”

The white alicorn snorted, “Do not speak as though you know me, demon, you are not my sister. Let me speak to her.”

“As you wish.”

A gentler, more familiar voice replaced the first, “Tia?”

“Luna?” Celestia’s heart skipped a beat, “Is that really you? Or is that monster trying to fool me again?”

“No, sister, it is I.”

The Princess shook her mane, trying to control her surging emotions, “I won’t ask why that ‘thing’ sent this child in here, although I suspect I shall be finding out all too soon. I would, however, prefer to hear it from you.”

There was a pause before Luna spoke once more,

“Tia, the world is broken. Nightmare Moon and I wish only to restore the balance and bring all our peoples together as they once were. Is this so wrong?”

Celestia’s eyes narrowed, “Killing our people and bathing in the blood of innocents to achieve your goals is your way of achieving balance, is it?” She shook her mane irritably, “No…it’s not is it? It’s that damnable monster that infests your heart and soul: the demon I should have purged from you when it first appeared.”

“You don’t understand, do you?” Luna said helplessly, “You have never felt true love sister. You…”

Celestia’s rage peaked, “What do you know about me? NOTHING!” she began to feel her temper flaring, her joyous mood from earlier evaporating in the horrible reality of what her sister had done, and what she had become. She took a deep breath, releasing her grip on her magic and hung her head, “Luna…please, come home…”

“I can’t…” the voice sounded strained, “You know why.”

“I don’t know why!” Celestia cried out, “That monster that lives in the mountains has a wife, Luna, he’s married! Your obsession with it has warped your mind and your soul. Your love can…”

“You don’t know anything about me, Tia!” Luna shouted, “You never listen! You never even heard me until…until it was too late. I can’t simply turn back time and change things to suit your ego.”

“My ego” the Princess of the sun said darkly, “You talk of my ego? You are the one who threw her soul into the abyss when you…”

“ENOUGH OF THIS!” Nightmare Moon’s voice boomed through the room, “Celestia, I will not allow you to hurt Luna any more. Your days of tyranny will soon be at an end and the people of this land will see the true beauty of the night, and all our peoples shall be as one beneath the moon!” Celestia stared at the peach coated mare, building her magic, readying a shield. “I have come to tell you one thing, Celestia.” The mare smiled, “I am coming. Ready your defences, prepare your troops and steel your heart. I am coming.”

Celestia smiled, “I am waiting for you demon. Bring all your dark hell spawned vermin with you - I shall send them into the fires of Tartarus along with all your vile kind.”

The room filled with Nightmare Moons echoing laugh, “We shall see…’Sister’…we shall see.”

The peach mare blinked, her eyes losing the blankness and stared straight up at Celestia in shock. The Princess smiled at her, a moment before the mare let out a deafening scream and fell to the floor in a heap.

The doors flew open.

“Your Majesty!” the guards swept into the room, one of them stopping to check on the peach mare, “Is she…?”

“No, she’s unconscious.” Celestia shook her head slowly, “Did you see her come in here?”

The guard looked at his colleague who shook his head too, “No, Your Majesty.”

She wasn’t surprised.

“Have her sent to the surgeons office and looked after. Keep her under guard and never let her out of your sight.”

The guards saluted and left. As the door closed, Celestia let out the breath she’d been holding in and walked over to the book case. It was still there, that most precious thing, that memory of a love she still clung to with all the hope she had left within her. It was something Nightmare Moon could never take from her. Never. She snorted loudly; how in Equestria was she supposed to sleep now? Wrapping herself in her quilt, she slid into bed and took the box with her, placing it next to her on the other pillow. Silently, she kissed it, and gazed at the carvings inscribed on its surface. It was so precious, so fragile, and was all she had left of him other than her memories. She closed her eyes,

“Don’t forget me.” She whispered, “Please.”

Morning came, the sun rising above the hills and bathing the castle in sunlight. Snow had begun to fall, late this year, but still as beautiful as it had ever been, as it had been in the bamboo forest all those months ago. Celestia sighed, sipping her tea and listened to the heavy hoofsteps of the General as he approached. He bowed and waited for her to speak.

“They’re on the move, aren’t they.” She said quietly.

Dray nodded, “Aye.” He scrubbed his mane, “We’d better be ready, Your Majesty.”

“I expect we shall soon see if our friends come through for us then shan’t we.” The Princess said quietly, “They can be such fickle creatures, dragons.”

“The griffins too, Your Majesty.” Dray replied.

“Griffins are mercenaries General,” Celestia said with a shrug, “gold is their only loyalty.”

The grey stallion nodded, “But good fighters nonetheless.”

“Victory at any cost” Celestia murmured, “So long as it doesn’t bankrupt us, General, perhaps the thestral’s own motto applies to us also.”

Dray grimaced. She was right, and he wished she wasn’t. He took out a scroll from his pack and passed it to her, “The Yaks and Llamalians are yet to respond.”

The Princess read the messages and sighed, “Do you think they will?”

“No.” The grey stallion said honestly, “I think they will wait until one side triumphs over the other and then hit us, hoping to snatch Equestria from the weakened victors with minimal effort.”

Celestia raised an eyebrow, “A gut feeling?”

Dray shook his head, “History is a good teacher.”

It was. The yaks and llama’s had been killing each other in droves for generations, to the point where the Equestrians even began to wonder if there were any of the foolish creatures still left in the world. Nopony knew what had started the conflict, and in all likelihood they were so used to it, they no longer cared anyway. Yaks hated llama’s and llama’s hated yaks, it was almost like some perverted natural order in the world. Still, it was worth bearing in mind Dray’s concerns in case what he feared was borne out. Sooner or later, one side or the other would gain a decisive advantage over the other, and with the resources Equestria had to offer, bondage, be it from Nightmare Moon and the Legion, or from one of the warring foreign nations, was still bondage regardless of who held the lash. She would think more on this later.

“Your thoughts, General?” She asked.

Dray nodded, “The way I see it, we have few choices. The castle will be the enemy’s primary target, I have no doubt about that. We can continue to harry them, weakening their numbers and their resolve as we have been, or engage their main force on a ground of our choosing and on our terms.”

“I will be frank, Dray.” The Princess said levelly, “Do you think our forces can prevail?”

He looked up at her, “As our forces stand now? If we pulled everypony in, If we prepared adequate defences, had all our allies and could fight the way we need to be able to, then yes. Yes I do.”


“I don’t think we can have any.” Dray said coolly, “If we are to have any chance at all of winning, we have to hit them and hit them hard, then keep on hitting them until they are completely destroyed.” He raised an eyebrow, “I have to ask, I take it negotiations are no longer an option?”

Celestia shook her head sadly, “No. Not now.”

Dray nodded, “If we are to have a chance, then it must be here.” He tapped a place on his map, “At River Valley.”

The Princess stared at the innocuous name of the scroll, “Why?”

“The terrain, the fact that our veterans will want to avenge their fallen comrades there, and that is was the site of our first victory - of sorts.” He gave the Princess a meaningful look, “The enemy leader will most likely be there for similar reasons.”

Celestia snorted, “Oh, she will be. She intends this to be the final blow that will destroy me, General, and take the crown of Equestria. For my part, I intend to bring an end to this diabolical farce, and rid our home of this scourge once and for all.” She tossed her mane, sending the beautiful rainbow colours dancing, “You are my General, Dray. We are all in your hooves.”

“Then our course if clear,” the grey stallion replied settling back on his haunches, “we meet them at River Valley.” He slammed his hoof onto the map, his face set in a grimace of determination, “And we will annihilate them.”

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