• Published 5th Feb 2016
  • 14,767 Views, 29 Comments

Pain - BombShelter

Sometimes secrets are revealed in the strangest of ways. You never thought it happen while laying on what came close to being your death bed.

  • ...


Your memory is pretty fuzzy. You try your best to remember what happened to you. Right now you feel like you're floating in a dark void of nothingness. You try to look around, but you can't see anything, not even your own body. What happened? Are you dead?

Your memories start to flood back to you, and you already feel the pain returning to your body. You were hanging out with Rainbow Dash, your best friend, and Fluttershy. Twilight had cast a spell on you that would let you walk on clouds. Little did any of us know that it would wear off while you were in Rainbow's house. They weren't fast enough. They couldn't get to you before your body made impact with the hard ground below. You couldn't remember anything after than which meant one of two things. Either you were knocked unconscious, or you were dead. And you were really hoping for the former.

As your sense slowly start to return to you, you try to make out where you are. The first sense to return is your sense of pain. You moan and groan as you try to move your arm, only for a flaming hot rod of pain to shoot through it. This is a good sign though, pain meant you weren't dead. Well, that's one good thing to happen so far...

You try your sense of hearing next, listening in to the environment around you. There is a soft beeping noise to your right, some inaudible mumbling from all around the room, and the soft hum of a fan above you. Next up, sight. You try to open your eyes, only to see darkness. Luckily, your sense of feeling is fully back online, and you can feel a bandage wrapped around your head. That must best what is keeping you from being able to see.

You let out a moan, hoping somebody will notice that you were awake. You clench your fingers into a fist, and lightly punch the metal rail on the side of what you assume is a bed. Must be in a hospital.

"He's awake!" You hear an all to familiar voice call out. You've been in this world for, what, two months now? Yeah, two months. You've really come to learn who's voice matches up with each pony. You recognize this one as one of your closer friends, Twilight. She was the one who took you in when you first arrived here. She was the one who protected you when the entire town trying to force you out of the village.

"Really!?" Then you hear your next best friend, Rainbow Dash. She was... a little harder to describe. Very self centered, yet caring when it came down to it. She always seemed to want to hang out with you, and you were never able to turn her down. Any time you tried, she would give you the saddest look you could possibly imagine. Those big magenta eyes watering over was just way too much for your heart to handle.

"Ah can't believe it!" The third voice speaks up. Applejack, another very good friend of yours, though not as close as Twilight and Rainbow. You had met her the same day you arrived here. Hell, she was the first pony you ever met. You had accidentally ran into her in a panicked state after waking up to find yourself in the middle of an apple orchard. You had plowed into her at full speed while trying to find a way out of the orchard. Man did you freak out when she started talking to you.

You feel the warm, tingly feeling you know all too well. Magic. You feel it around your head, mainly the area around your eyes. You feel the bandage being unwrapped from the back. Once the last strip is removed from your eyes, you blink rapidly trying to take in the sudden change of lighting. Everything is blurry at first, but you soon are able to focus your vision to make out four colorful figures in the room. Three you recognize, one you don't. That one in the lab coat thingy is probably the doctor or whatever. He gives me a smile before folding up my old bandage and walking out of the room to throw it away. The four of us, the one human and three ponies, are left alone in the quiet hospital room. You moan again when you try to talk, as your throat is extremely dry, and hurts whenever you try to do anything other than moan.

"Oh Celestia, you're awake!" Rainbow runs over to the side of your bed, and looks at you with those magenta eyes that you've come to know and love. The other two follow behind her with equal amounts of worry in their eyes. Rainbow seems the most beaten up however, as she breaks into a full on sob within seconds of seeing you awake.

"We thought you were d-dead!" She sobs into your bed sheets. Despite your body protesting and screaming out in pain, you slowly raise your arm and place your hand on top of her head, feeling her silk-like hair. Your thoughts drift back to your girlfriend that you had left back on Earth. Rainbow's hair reminded you of her own soft hair. The way you used to stroke it while watching or movie, or sitting in the park, or whatever you were doing. It pains you to realize that you will never find love like that again, what with being in a land where you're the only human around. You sigh mentally at this revelation. At least you still have your friends, even if you could never love them that way.

"John, I'm so sorry! This is all my fault! I thought the spell would last longer than that!" Twilight says with tears in your eyes. Even Applejack is crying, and she never cries!

"Not... fault." You manage to mumble out through your dry throat, only for it to turn into a violent cough. The coughing cause pain to wrack through your body, almost making you pass out again. Black edges start to fill your vision as your entire body shake violently in pain. You try your best to calm down, and eventually your body comes to a stop and you sigh.

"It is my fault! If I had never cast that spell... I'm so sorry!" Twilight says as she too begins to sob into your sheets. Applejack gives you a sympathetic look before joining her friends, though she doesn't full on sob like they are. It breaks your heart to see them like this. It isn't any of their faults. Applejack wasn't even there, Twilight just flat out didn't know how long the spell would last on you, and Rainbow just couldn't get to you in time, despite how fast she is. Nobody is to be blamed here, yet they both seem to be taking it personally.

"I'm... fine..." You manage to croak out. You manage to look to the left, and notice a glass of water on the stand next to you. "Water..." Twilight looks up, and notices the water next to you. She uses her magic to levitate it over to you, and makes it hover in front of your lips. You take a sip of the liquid, and immediately your throat feels like new. Still somewhat sore, but at least now you can talk clearly. You decide to check over just what hurts on your body.

Left arm, probably broken, right ankle, don't remember it ever being able to bend that way, ribs, bruised but not broken. All in all, you'd say your left arm took the most damage, though it looks like the doctors already have it in a cast. Maybe they have some sort of healing magic, or at least some kind of drug like... morphine maybe? The pain is starting to get pretty annoying.

"I-I should have caught you John..." Rainbow chokes out as she looks up at you. Her hair is a mess, and her once beautiful eyes are now covered in tears and are bloodshot. It might just hurt you more to see her like this than your arm hurts you physically. You can tell she really does care for you, even if she doesn't always show it. She's always been pretty protective of you, especially in the past, maybe, month? Yeah, about a month. She's acted a little differently ever since you spent that night at the beach with her alone. You both really bonded that night, and it was one of the best memories you had.

"No, you couldn't have gotten to me in time. Physically impossible." You try to explain as you slowly curl and uncurl your fingers in here hair. Your index finger strays over to her ear, and you being to lightly scratch it. It seems to calm her a little, which puts a smile on your face.

"Would you two... like some alone time?" Applejack says from behind Rainbow. Rainbow turns around and nods before looking back at you. Your two other friends make their way out of the room, but not before saying their goodbyes and giving you sympathetic looks. Once they leave, you're alone with Rainbow, the one pony who could make you happy whenever you were down.

"I was... so worried about you." Rainbow says as her ears droop down on the side of her head.

"I'm so glad I'm not dead." You sigh out of relief.

"Yeah... that would suck wouldn't it?" Rainbow says with a somewhat fake smile.

"Yeah, I'd never get to see you again." You say as your continue to play with Rainbow's hair. You can't get enough of the silky feeling as you wrap a strand of hair around your index finger.

"W-What?" Rainbow says, somewhat surprised apparently.

"Well yeah. Ever since I woke up here, two months ago, I've been kinda... depressed I guess."

"What!? Why did you never tell me!?"

"Because I didn't want to burden you with my problems. Honestly, you're what has kept me going, Twilight too to some extent. You guys are my only reason for living at this point..."

"D-Don't say that John! I know you better than that! You're the happiest guy I know!"

"Because when I'm around my friends, I AM the happiest guy you know!" You say with tears in your eyes. You remember all the depressing thoughts you'd had since arriving here. You felt like you had lost anything, and had even thought about suicide a couple of times. You carried a concealed weapon, and it had traveled to Equestria with you, along with your phone and wallet. You'd stared down the barrel on the revolver several times, but could never bring yourself to bring the trigger. Without your new friends however, your gun would probably have one less bullet in it, and there would be one less human in this world.

"Don't make me worry about you even more John!"

"Why would you even worry so much about me? I've only known you for two months!"

"Because I love you!" Rainbow screams really loud right at you. You stop talking, thinking, and moving in less than a second. You can hear your heart monitor start beeping rapidly. You look over to see that is has passed 100 beats per minute.

"Y-You..." You stutter out as your hand slowly drops off her head. She stares at you with an expression that would lead you to believe she just made the biggest mistake of her life.

"I-I didn't mean to say that! Oh no..." Rainbow places her hooves on her eyes and make this weird squeaking sound like she's extremely embarrassed.

You continue to stare at her with a shocked expression. A small sound escapes your throat, but you have no idea what it was. A pony... is in love with you? An entire different species, actually IN LOVE with you!? You think it over for a minute. The signs were pretty clear now that you think about it. The constant attention, her protective nature, the fact that she would always press up against you or blush when you looked her in the eyes. But this is just wrong. She isn't a human, and you aren't a pony... Nature doesn't work like this! You love Rainbow's personality, you do think she's pretty, and you honestly wouldn't think twice about dating her... if she was human. It's her body that holds you back from really loving her the way you want to.

"But... you're a pony..." You say quietly as your heart rate starts to drop slowly.

"Is that... a problem?" Now she looks slightly offended.

"N-No! Not... really..." You sigh. "I like you Rainbow, I really do, but we just aren't the same species..." Your eyes start to water up.

"Who gives a buck!? I love you John!" Rainbow cries out. You can tell she's getting desperate now. Maybe you were being too uptight... It's not like there are any other humans here, and it's not like you're going home any time soon. What if you gave it a shot... You look into those big magenta eyes, and for the first time, you no longer see a pony, you see Rainbow Dash, a girl that you love and care about. So what if society says it's a taboo? Maybe it's time to move on from the ways of my old life, and start a new one.

"I-I love you Rainbow..." You manage to get out. She looks up at you with an expression of both happiness and shock.

"Y-You do? You really mean that?"

"Yeah... I do. I admit, the whole pony thing will take some getting used to, but like you said, who cares? I love you, and I realize that now. My eyes are finally open, and I have you to thank."

Rainbow slowly crawls onto your chest, trying her best not to hurt you in any way. She gently lies down on your ribs, and they start to hurt slightly. Her eyes close slowly, and tears start to fall down her face, although her smile is still present on her lips. The same lips that are now moving towards yours slowly. You close your eyes and accept your reality. You love this pony, and you no longer care about what her body looks like, but who she is inside.

Your chest burns like a fire, not from the pain in your ribs, but for the burning passion you have for this girl.

Your stress and pain melts away as your lips meet, and sparks fly as your mind explodes with pure joy and bliss.

Comments ( 27 )

Well... thats funny. My name is Johnny.:rainbowkiss:

I like it.

Awww, sad and cute. Once again, another great story to read.

cool little story here. Fun times also very adorkable

6905597 well your one lucky guy my name never gets use in any fanfic.....:fluttercry:

"I-I love you Rainbow..." You manage to get out. She looks up at you with an expression of both happiness and shock.

because he does, or because he want´s to gives her a chance? sometimes it looks for me like they only say that, because someone else confessed to them.

Your chest burns like a fire, not from the pain in your ribs, but for the burning passion you have for this girl.

Your stress and pain melts away as your lips meet, and sparks fly as your mind explodes with pure joy and bliss.

I admit I can´t just believe everything I see, but that was honestly pretty nice.
However even if some one-shots are pretty nice because of chapters like this one, but I would still prefer a sequel that continues after this point.

Deep secret? Please be Applejack. Please be Applejack. Please be Applejack.

(Marked to read later.)

I hope so too but after reading the comments. .it bursts your bubble

That must best what is keeping


Since my mind usually expects the worst ending (so that it is pleasantly surprised when it is a good ending), I imagined a portal opening and sucking him up back to Earth at the end.

Trust my mind to make a sad Alt. Ending

Comment posted by lunargaurd4ever deleted Feb 5th, 2016

very rushed halfway through. Its alright.

That escalated quickly. not that i mind.

John, currently one of the most generic names in existence. I wonder if it was some devious plot of yours to use that name in hopes that many readers who go by the name of "John" are affected greatly by the second POV.

Great story.

a god short one shot or possibly a lead in to a hie story.

Everytime i feel like my heart burns, this was emotional.


That was a sweet ending.

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