• Published 8th Feb 2016
  • 9,986 Views, 203 Comments

The Most Annoying House Guest - Harmony Pie

Rainbow Dash thought that she had finally gotten rid of her adorable "infestation." She was very surprised to see it turn up again at the foot of her bed one night.

  • ...

Bath (Bonus Chapter)

Author's Note:

Just a fun extra chapter for the "Moarers" out there. I hope you enjoy!

Also, the picture is not mine. It just happened to fit almost perfectly.

Edit: As Count Blue Nova pointed out, the original story did say that Rainbow didn't have a bath. I missed that piece, until I already wrote it, so I hope you can over look it:twilightsmile:

Rainbow Dash awoke groggily. She firstly rolled over to the left, stretching out her wings. She blinked blearily.

Then she rolled to the right--and screamed. There was somepony staring right at her! Oh, no! What? Oh my gosh! Oh.

Rainbow Dash sighed heavily, pulling back from the intruding face. It was just Batty, of course. He was standing on the pillow, watching her without a sound.

His blue hair nearly covered his eye as his muzzle twitched carefully. The cyan pegasus groaned, pulling herself up to a slouching position.

"Geez, kid," she mumbled. "What are you doing?"'

The colt smiled slowly, his hooves bouncing a bit in their makeshift bed. "I was watching you, Blue Mommy."

Rainbow Dash just stared at him. That's not creepy at all. "While I slept?" She rubbed her face.

"Yeah. You so pwetty," he said, too quiet for Rainbow's liking. The mare immediately jolted up and crossed her arms over each other.

"Hey, I am not!" she protested, a blush blossoming over her face. "Take that back! Now!"

Batty grinned, tilting his head to the side. "Nope! You pwetty! You pwetty! You pwetty!" While the colt chanted, he did a little dance. "Is true!"

Rainbow Dash shook her head violently. "That's so not true, dude! I'm just... awesomely good looking!" She nodded in approval to herself. Yeah, that sounded right.

Batty stopped suddenly. "Oh. Ok, Blue Mommy," he agreed. Giggling, he wrapped Rainbow Dash in great fuzzy hug. The mare accepted it with a concealed daww.

Then she snapped back to attention. He was covered in crumbs.

Rainbow jerked back, giving Batty a sly look as an idea came to her head. "Do you know what you have to do now?" she asked, brushing some stray cookie bits off her coat.

The colt cocked an ear. "What, Blue Mommy?"

"You, have to take a BATH!" she cried, grabbing Batty to her chest and picking him up.

"Really?! Oh, oh, yay!" He squealed, flapping his wings in excitement.

She carried him to the bathroom, her head held high despite his reaction. She knew he loved baths, but still, colts were supposed to scream in terror at the thought. Pshh. Whatever. At least Batty would be clean.

"Alright," she sighed, dropping the grinning foal on the rug. Rainbow flicked the overhead light on as Batty jumped up and down. "Bath. Bath. Bath. Bath," he chanted, wagging his tail wildly. "Bath!"

The pegasus shook her head fondly at his antics, before flitting over to turn the water on. It poured out from the gold tap, steam already wafting from the top. She reached in with her hoof, nodding in approval when deemed Batty-worthy.

With a grunt, she pulled the crumb covered sleepwear off the colt.

"Ok, kid. Hop in."

Squealing, Batty wasted no time in leaping in the inch deep water, and causing a few flecks to fly at Rainbow's face. The cyan mare chuckled, and watched as Batty attempted to shove his face underwater.

"Hold on, little buddy," she said. "Got to wait for the bath to fill up."

Batty jerked up, giving her an odd look. "But what about..." he whispered.

Dash leaned closer, raising her eyebrow. "What about what, kid?"

Batty shifted in the water, kicking his little hooves against the pooling heat. "You forgot the toys!" he cried incredulously, shaking his head disapprovingly. He stuck out his lower lip.

Rainbow Dash pulled back, shutting her mouth. This guy was starting to know how to get to her. "But Batty," she sighed. "I don't have any foal toys."

Batty threw his gaze to the pajamas against the wall. Rainbow Dash laughed nervously.

"Alright, I might have a small action figure of Spitfire," she admitted.

The colt clapped his hooves, sinking further down in the tub in glee. "Ok, Blue Mommy!"

When Rainbow Dash returned, (with toy grasped between her hooves), Batty gave a cry of joy. He reached out and took it from the reluctant pegasus, who squinted her eyes.

"You better be careful, kid, that's a one of a kind edition," she warned, smiling.

Batty made a vague nodding motion, already making little airplane sounds as Spitfire dodged the spout of water.

"She fly through the air like a...a Blue Mommy!" he said in a low voice, as if reporting the actions of the Spitfire doll.

Rainbow Dash covered her mouth in mirth.

Batty suddenly stopped, and turned up to face Rainbow with an interesting look on his face. "Blue Mommy," he began carefully.

"I think--I think there's something on my hoof," he continued in the same tone. He reached out to the bewildered Rainbow Dash, who cocked her head at the colt.

"I don't see anything."

Batty shook his head, keeping his red eyes locked on the older mare. "You have to touch it to see it."

The logic, however ridiculous it sounded, still made Rainbow feel obliged to bring her hoof to his. "Uh, ok....."


Rainbow fell headfirst into the shallow water, her legs splaying out in a most undignified way. She gasped, twisting her head up and slipped against the sides.

"What the?!" She screeched, choking on laughter. Batty's upside down face was shaking with giggles.

"Oh, very funny." Rainbow slowly pulled herself up, pushing back her wet mane.

Batty squeaked in mock fear, sliding up against the back of the tub. But then he reconsidered, and came in to give Rainbow a hug.

"Now you can play Wonderbolts with me, and look at the waterfall, and--" he was cut off by a loud bang. It came from Rainbow's mudroom.

“Thundernight Moonglade Kerfluffle Fangling?!"

Rainbow froze. "Oh, ponyfeathers."

Comments ( 80 )

This bonus chapter was great:pinkiehappy: You've got to show us what happens with his real mom.

thx! Although I'll probably leave that up for the reader:raritywink:

Oh...well I kinda figured this would be the last chapter. I'll think about it tho:twilightsmile:

A whole new chapter?

My my, how much you spoil me~

Thundernight Moonglade Kerfluffle Fangling is quite a mouthful. He must be in real trouble if someone is willing to say all that.

Umm I didn't get the last part. What's with Thundernight Moonglade Kerfluffle Fangling?

the parents came :twilightoops:

:twilightoops: :rainbowderp: :pinkiegasp:

I hope they don't accuse Rainbow of foalnapping (or batnapping).

7018491 Obviously that is his FULL LEGAL NAME. The name that is used when someone is in DEEP TROUBLE

This chapter was SO AWESOME!! <3

Though I hope this means we get a NEW bonus chapter! <3

Considering that this is technically not the first time Batty's run off for Rainbow's out of his own volition, I'm pretty sure they won't. :rainbowdetermined2:

However, I'm sure they would have a bone to pick about Rainbow just playing along with Batty's antics... :rainbowderp:

I'm dittoing the request for more. You've opened a can of worms now that we want to see explored. :raritywink:

Besides, from the beginning with the original tale, I've wanted to see a one-on-one between Rainbow and Batty's folks, to get their sides of the story, but thus far everybody's shirked doing that. So...now is your chance to be the one to break the trend! :pinkiehappy:

Somebody's in deep doo doo. :pinkiegasp:

I think Rainbow is better parent than Batty's patents.

I've long been suspecting that myself too. Part of the reason why I want to see an actual confrontation between Rainbow and Batty's parents be written finally, as that'll be when it gets confirmed or denied. After all, there's still the chance that the parents are perfectly good parents, it just might seem like it's not because we're only hearing it through Batty's youthful and bias viewpoint. And kids love to make mountains out of molehills, after all.

"Alright, I might have a small action figure of Daring," she admitted.

*then proceeds to refer to the figure as Spitfire*


thank you for pointing that out:twilightsmile:

7018321 would a small loan of a million dollars be enough?

That would be awesome.

Awwwwhahahahahaheeeee! You make me a happy Brony with this :heart:
Dooo eeeeet

Awesome bonus chapter, this is something that makes my month a heck of a lot better :rainbowkiss:
Thank you for that, i needed it.

But... In the original story, Rainbow didn't have a bath... :unsuresweetie:

It doesn't bother me, it's just a continuity error (that I realize may have been intentional for the sake of a cute story)

haha GG Mum came

That was a nice little cute bonus chapter. :rainbowkiss: :heart:

"I was watching you, Blue Mommy."
Rainbow Dash just stared at him. That's not creepy at all. "While I slept?" She rubbed her face.
"Yeah. You so pwetty,"

I see my OC isn't the only character who follows the "stalking is love!" school of displaying affection.

The most adorable stalking ever!
"He watches you while you sleep?" her friend asked incredulously.
"Yeah, isn't it adorable?" Rainbow continued.
"I suppose that's one way of putting it..."


Hmm, kinda want to see how Scootaloo reacts to Batty.

Well, this was unfairly adorable. A lovely bit of pure fluff.

I think your story gave me diabetus. It was worth it!

There're good parents Thundernight Moonglade Kerfluffle Fangling is just one slick little critter.

ps. This must continue !!!

Now that's cute! But Batty isn't the cute one. In this story, you've made Rainbow the cutest of them all. (What with her 'awesomeness in the mind' and all.) If I can fault it, it's for being too cute. At times, the story seems to try too hard for cuteness, pushing too far too fast, or outright saying things were done 'adorably'. Especially in the bonus chapter, it can at times go beyond cuteness into the realm of saccharine sweetness that rings false. (Oh, and learn the difference between a hyphen and a dash.) But that's only at times. In much of the story, it's just awesomely cute. ^.^ Again, I particularly liked what you've done with Rainbow -- her insistence on not being cute is adorable.

A review for ocalhoun's big 250k contest.
Remember to vote for the winner of the People's Choice award!
The rankings and ratings of stories in the contest are visible in real time, and you can see them here.

Ok, thank you! I completly agree:twilightblush:

Aww, thank you! And I'm honored that you would read my story!:pinkiehappy:

OOOOOO! A bonus chapter! I like that! Great read! I'm sure I gave you a comment a while back since I've read this story before but here I am again!

Well, I can certainly see why this did so well in ocalhoun's contest. That was a delightful little fic, and I must say that you're a wonderful writer for your age! I will happily give this a like and a favorite, and you a follow as well.

This needs either a third chapter, or its own sequel.
Its just too cute not to be continued.

This and the first short story were pretty great.

I think RD can just (honestly) claim that it was late and she was tired and it's not like she has a phone or anything, and the parents knew he came there before so....While it wasn't responsible, it was understandable that she didn't take him home right away.

Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't there a glaring continuity error in this story? In the original story by ocalhoun, it is stated that RD doesn't have a bath, they don't really work in cloud houses. But in this sequel, suddenly bath, a week after the events of the original...

Ah, I don't generally get to read those because they don't come with the .html (or epub) versions when you DL from the site, for some reason.

No problem! But I'm glad you liked it:twilightsmile:

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