• Published 11th Feb 2016
  • 878 Views, 11 Comments

Let's See How They Like It - SilverShine

Everyday, the Sirens are bullied at school by those few kids who haven't learned the true magic of friendship. The human 5, Sunset Shimmer and the rest of CHS has forgiven them. So Adagio comes up with a plan... Let's see how they like it.

  • ...

I Have An Idea!

Adagio Dazzle walked to school, head held high. If she couldn't keep her powers, she would at least keep her pride. Even if...

"Hey Mistress Mind Control!"

Adagio groaned. If she heard one more insult from that group, she was going to kill someone. Why can't they just forgive me, Aria and Sonata like everybody else? She smirked. Probably because they're jerks.

"I was talking to you, you orange haired freak!" Thunderlane approached her directly. "I don't understand why everyone has forgiven you and your sisters for what you did. It's stupid. You're stupid."

"You know Thunderlane," Adagio started being sarcastic. "I could really get used to this whole stupid thing. It's totally not like you say it everyday or something."

"Ooo, burn!" A high pitched voice said behind them. They turned and saw Pinkie Pie watching.

"Seriously, Pinkie?" Thunderlane and Adagio said in unison.

"Fine, I'll go," Pinkie sighed, and walked off towards the school, leaving Adagio alone once more.

"Now that's out of the way... I think we need to have a little chat," By the sound of Thunderlane's voice, he wanted to do much more than chat. Not only that, but the rest of the group came closing in on her.

Thunderlane directed a punch to Adagio's nose. She dodged in time to make sure it didn't hit her nose, but not fast enough to avoid getting hit completely. It hit her cheek, which stung for a moment, then Adagio decided to fight back, as much as she didn't want to.

Adagio aimed a punch at Thunderlane's forehead, and hit him right in the middle of it. He stepped back, dizzy but enraged, as the rest of the group flew at her. They repeatedly punched and kicked her, giving her a bleeding nose, a black eye and a possibly fractured left wrist.

But then, two raspy voices rang out.

"HEY! LEAVE HER ALONE!" Adagio turned her head and saw Rainbow Dash and Aria. She smirked at her attacker.

"Well, I think we have company. Now if you don't mind, I think you should leave me alone." Aria and Rainbow could make a pretty good team when necessary, and even a dolt head like Thunderlane realised that. But before any of the group could run off like the cowards they were, the two jumped on them and knocked most down. They got up, but a steady glare from all three of them made them back off.

"Thanks for that," Adagio said, trying to get up, but gasping when she put pressure on her wrist.

"Here, I'll help you up," said Rainbow, putting her hand out. Adagio let Rainbow pull her up and she dusted herself off.

"I'll take you to Nurse Redheart's office," Aria said sullenly. But she was always sullen and sulky, so there was nothing new there.

Sonata was always a late sleeper, so Aria and Adagio normally just went without her. Today was no different, so they just kept walking to school to get to the nurses office. They reached the door, and stepped in.

"Excuse me, Nurse Redheart, but I think Adagio has a broken wrist," Aria explained. The nurse looked up, and gasped.

"Oh dear, here let me help you," Nurse Redheart said, picking up some bandages. "Based on they way it looks, I think you've just fractured it. But see a doctor after school, just to check."

"Thanks," Adagio said, wincing as the bandage was pulled tight. "Well, I guess we should be off to class."

"Anytime girls!" And the two walked out.

They made their way through the hallways to their classrooms. Sonata had got here before them, but looked just as distressed as Aria. When Adagio looked on her desk, she saw why.

This was going to be a long day.

Just calmly walking home when they intercepted Adagio and her sisters in the street.


Thunderlane and his group approached the Sirens.

"We never did pay you back for earlier," he said threateningly. "I think that's a good idea."

"At least leave Sonata out of it," Aria said. "She wasn't even here."

"But she is one of you freaks. So I think she will do fine for the punishment."

Thunderlane grabbed Sonata by the collar that used to have their gem on it. Adagio could deal with her own pain, but hurting her sister? That was the last straw.

But she was going to do this cunningly, not brutally. She had a plan.

"No, it was my fault. So leave Sonata alone."

They all turned to her, surprise in their eyes.

"Well, since you admitted it, I guess you have to take the punishment for the crime."

Thunderlane let go of Sonata, and stalked towards Adagio.

"Go!" she hissed to her sisters. "I'll catch up later!"

To say she was hurt was an understatement. In addition to her earlier injuries, she now had another black eye, a burst lip and an emotional wound from the torrent of abusive words they hurled at her. But she was barely listening to them. It was all going to plan.

"Sonata, can I speak to you for a moment?" Adagio called into her sisters room.

"Sure, come in!" Sonata replied, and Adagio brought up an image of sadness to her face. She had practised this charade many times before, and only someone like Aria would see through it.

"It's just... I want to tell you something," Adagio fake sighed and looked at her sister straight in the eyes. "Listen carefully Sonata. I'm going to do something. It serious, it's dangerous and I'll most likely die. I just wanted to tell you. To get it off my chest."

"Okay, but why tell me?" Sonata was confused. "You could have told anyone else, like Fluttershy, or Applejack or-"

"I told you because we're sisters," Adagio explained. "And we have a bond that could never break." Adagio pretended to be constricted with emotion. Sonata really was.

Adagio left the room, and headed out to the bridge not too far from their apartment. She stood there for a moment, contemplating whether this was a good idea of not. But it would be worth it to see the looks on their faces, she thought. She admired the nature for a minute more, before putting the final phase of her plan into action.

She jumped.

Aria and Sonata walked to school, very different from the Sonata and Aria who had walked to school the previous day. Sonata's eyes were red and puffy from crying, and the normally emotionless face of Aria was contorted into a mixture of sadness and anger. There was Thunderlane and his group again but today, they honestly couldn't care less.

"Where's Mistress Mind Control today?" Thunderlane smirked.

"YOU! YOU LITTLE B**CH!" Sonata rushed up to him and punched him squarely in the nose. He stepped back, shocked. Aria ran up and did the same.

"YOU DID IT! YOU KILLED HER!" Sonata continued her torrent of words.

"Killed who?" Thunderlane asked.


"W-what? I-I didn't mean to-"


"I didn't mean to kill her..." Thunderlane's voice was quiet, like a mouse squeak.

"WELL IT'S DONE NOW!" Sonata was on the point of breaking down.

The rest of the day did not go well for the two. One just exploded if you so much as dared to go anywhere near her, and the other just sulked, but more than usual. They just couldn't deal with the fact that Adagio had died, let alone taken her own life.

When they were walking down the hallways after school, they spotted Thunderlane, who shrank back. Sonata almost rushed at him, but Aria held her back.

"Don't, Sonata," she said in a calming voice. "It won't make anything better, and it won't bring Adagio back."

"O-okay," But Sonata turned to Thunderlane nonetheless. "Just know, you worthless pile of s**t, that while Adagio is gone in real life, she is still here." She tapped her heart. "And here." She tapped he head.

"And also right over here."

"Adagio?" Sonata and Aria ran towards her. It was indeed Adagio, leaning against the wall with her arms folded and legs crossed. The two younger sisters hugged their older sister and she hugged them back.

"But-we saw-you-" Sonata could hardly speak, let alone coherently.

"P.E. comes in handy when climbing up rocks," Adagio smirked, then turned to Thunderlane and his "friends".

"If I hear you have hurt my sisters or hurt me, Thunderlane, I will tear you apart limb by limb and make all your cronies watch. Okay?"

Thunderlane nodded, and he had the group ran away from her.

"Why did you do that?" Aria asked.

"Well, it was partly because I wanted to see the look on their faces, but also because it was the first thing that crossed my mind after yesterday.

Let's see how they like it."

Author's Note:

This idea came to me when reading Bond of Sisters by MyLittleGeneration (don't even ask how this idea came from that). But anyways, hope you enjoyed this!

Comments ( 11 )

I came because it was an adagio story....I didn't read because I've struggled with bullying,suicide attempts, and family before....if I read. It'd probably bring bad memories. Good luck on your stories though.

6925469 But I'll probably write another Adagio story sometime, so you can read that when I get round to it.

6925695 hmm that was interesting I liked it :pinkiehappy:

Interesting, and you had me there for a minute! I thought Adagio really died! And I never knew Sonata would ever be so violent! Great fic, I really enjoyed it. :pinkiehappy: Upvoted, faved, and I'm following you!

6926085 Thanks! I've just always thought Sonata would be violent if she got angry enough. It just seemed to fit her. And Aria would just be quiet.

Kind of what I was thinking as well.

6925469 Same. I'm 50/50 right now.

Is it strange that I was smirking when Thunderlane was cowering in fear of Sonata?:moustache:
I can't really see Sonata cussing, but hey, death (or supposed deaths) of loved ones does make one do crazy things.
For this, you get a fave and a like.

6942702 I was smirking when writing it.

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