• Published 11th Feb 2016
  • 5,694 Views, 35 Comments

A Simple Crusader Crush - FNAFBRONY

Sweetie Belle has a crush on Somepony- er, dragon

  • ...

Chapter 5: The Reveal

Author's Note:

Was gonna post this earlier, but stuff got in the way. Hope you enjoy this chapter. :trollestia:

“Find anything yet?” Sweetie Belle called out to her friends. They were still looking for the perfect type of gem. One that Spike will care for, and not eat on the spot. It was hard, but it was for a good cause. If they don't find the right gift, then Sweetie Belle may never get the dragon of her dreams

“Nothing yet,” Applebloom called back. “But we'll find something.”

“We want you to be happy,” Scootaloo yelled. “It's never fun if you're depressed about a rejection. This has to be right.”

“Thanks,” Sweetie said. “It's just… really hard to find a gem perfect for him.”

“We'll find one eventually.” Applebloom replied.


The sun began to set, and most of the ponies had left, heading for their houses. All the stands in the marketplace were closed, leaving only three fillies.

“There were no gems the entire time!” Scootaloo shouted, anger in her tone.

“Calm down Scootaloo,” said Applebloom. “It's not like it's the end of the world. We can try again tomorrow morning. Right Sweetie Belle?”

“Yeah, yeah,” Sweetie Belle said through a yawn. “I need to get some sleep. Then I can think straight.”

“Alright,” Scootaloo said. “Good night Sweetie Belle.”

“See ya in the morning” Applebloom added.

As the two other members of the CMC walked away into the darkness, Sweetie Belle looked around, all on her own.

“Tomorrow Spike,” she said to herself, a little sad. “Tomorrow.”


As Rarity continued to work on her dress, she heard a door open from downstairs. She waited for the pony to speak up, letting her know who was there. To her surprise, nopony said a thing.

“Hello,” she called. “Is anypony there?”

“It's just me Rarity.” the voice said back. Rarity recognized the voice as Sweetie Belle’s, her little sister. However, it was not like her at all. She was always full of happiness. But here, she said it full of, was sounded like sadness.

Sweetie Belle walked up the stairs of the boutique, both tired and depressed. As Sweetie walked into her room, Rarity just stared into space, thinking.

Why is Sweetie Belle so sorrow,” she thought. "Maybe something happened today that made her feel this way. I'm going to talk to her.

Rarity stood up and began to walk down the hall, going as slow as possible, until she reached Sweetie’s room. She took a deep breath and quietly knocked on the door. Silence rose, as Rarity waited for her sister to respond. After a few seconds of waiting, Rarity got impatient and opened the door. She saw Sweetie Belle, lying in her bed, blankets covering her entire body.

“Sweetie Belle,” Rarity spoke. “How was your day? Did you have fun?”

Sweetie Belle let out a small sigh before replying. “Yeah. It was okay. How was yours?”

“Oh, it was exhausting,” Rarity answered. “I had some dresses to fix up, had to grab a few things in town, and I have to get ready for tomorrow night. I have--”

“--A picnic date with... Spike?” Sweetie Belle interrupted, finishing her sentence. This made Rarity a little confused.

“How do you know about that?” she asked her sister.

“Spike told me... a few minutes before... you found out.” Sweetie Belle said, heart pounding and sweat dripping from her forehead. “We were… right outside... the boutique.”

Rarity looked at her sweating sister with a suspicious look. Something was wrong, and she had to know. She pulled up the blanket to look at her.

“Sweetie Belle,” she said. “Is there something wrong? You're sweating.”

“No,” Sweetie replied. “Nothing is… wrong. I'm perfectly... fine.” Sweetie was now sweating even more, and her cheeks was turning a light pink colour.

“Sweetie Belle, I can tell something is wrong,” Rarity said. “Please tell me so I can help.”

“Promise you… won't tell… anypony?” Sweetie Belle asked her.

“I promise, with all my heart,” she replied. “I would never give away a secret that'll make you sad.”

Silence rose between the two, as Sweetie began to have several thoughts through her mind. Would Rarity be mad for liking Spike? Would she help her out with her problem? She took a deep breath, turned her head to her sister, and spoke.

“I have… a crush… on… Spike.” she said it so quietly, it was almost hard to hear. But, Rarity heard it, and a shocked look went straight on her face.

Sweetie Belle looked like she was about to cry. She tried to hold back tears, but couldn't find the urge to do so. She broke down and started to sob.

“Oh, Sweetie Belle,” she said, placing her hoof on Sweetie’s head. “It's alright if you like him. You should go out and tell him.”

“But he likes you,” Sweetie said through sniffles. “I can't tell him now. He’s the reason why you're going on the picnic.”

Sweetie Belle was right. Spike had liked Rarity since the day they met. As Spike’s feelings got bigger, Rarity hadn't thought of actually being his Special Somepony. She knew about his crush on her, but she didn't care for it. As a result, Rarity only thought of Spike as a friend, and nothing else.

“Oh,” was all Rarity could let out. “That's right. Well, there has to be a way to him to like you.”

“And if you find one,” Sweetie Belle let out. “Come tell me.”

Rarity stared at Sweetie, who turned away from her and continued to cry. Rarity began to walk out of Sweetie’s room, feeling guilty for her. When she was out of the room, she closed the door, and began to trot down to her own room.

“Tomorrow is Hearts and Hooves Day.” She said to herself. “And almost everypony is going to have a beautiful day.”

She sighed. “Almost everypony.”

When she finally reached her room, she opened the door, turned off the shining light, and got into bed. As she started at the empty void in her mind, trying to think of a way to have Spike and Sweetie together.

“There has to be a way,” she said. “There has to.”