• Published 31st May 2016
  • 1,223 Views, 32 Comments

Election in Ponyville - StormLuna

Mayor Mare is in the final year of her fourth term and has decided to run for a fifth. While she has been re-elected easily in past elections, stronger opponents will make this election much tougher for the mayor.

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Discussions with Celestia

After what seemed to be forever the train pulled into Canterlot. Pinkie, Rainbow and Mayor Mare all headed towards the castle while Amethyst decided to go to the cafe for a meal. While it isn't right by the castle, Amethyst would be able to monitor the entrance and see when her future opponents would leave.

As the three arrived at the castle they were greeted by the guards. They first saw the mayor. One of them asked, "Halt, who goes there?"

Mayor Mare replied, "I need to speak to Princess Celestia about filing for my candidacy for mayor of Ponyville."

The guard replied, "Alright but there will be a line to speak to her as filing day has arrived for most of the communities of Equestria." They let her pass and they next saw Pinkie and Rainbow. They knew the two were friends of the princess so they simply let them pass without any questions.

The three saw a huge line and Pinkie gasped, "Wow, that's a lot of ponies! No way they're all running for Ponyville!"

Mayor Mare replied, "Actually it is filing day for most of the communities in Equestria so we could have a long wait."

Rainbow added, "No kidding."

Despite them going to soon be running against one another, the three did keep things civil and just discussed average, everyday things. Finally after an hour and a half Mayor Mare finally was able to talk to Celestia. Celestia saw her and asked, "I take it you're running for re-election?"

The mayor replied, "Yes. I have decided to run again."

Celestia asked, "So what party are you planning on running under or will you be an independent again?"

Mayor Mare replied, "As always, I will run as an independent."

Celestia handed the mayor the proper papers and she filled them out. The forms are quite simple so the mayor was able to quickly fill them out and give them to Celestia. Celestia looked over the papers and replied, "Alright, you're on the ballot. As always if there were to be more than three ponies running down there a debate in late March and a primary in April will be necessary."

Mayor Mare replied, "I know your Majesty but like always, I don't think I'll have to worry about that."

Celestia said, "I have the same feeling, you have a good day."

The mayor bowed and left the castle as Pinkie approached Celestia. Celestia asked, "Pinkie, what are you doing here?" She gave her a slight look of disapproval and continued, "Can't you see it is filing day. If you're wanting to schedule some sort of party for your friends, can't it wait until tomorrow?"

Pinkie replied, "Well actually I'm here to file my papers to run for mayor! I think Ponyville needs more parties so I'm going to change that!"

It was all Celestia could do to not start laughing. She asked, "Seriously? You're running for mayor down there?"

Pinkie replied, "Yeah, you act surprised."

Celestia knew that she couldn't just come out and say that she was surprised so like she did with Mayor Mare she asked, "And what party do you plan on running under?"

Pinkie replied, "I am going to run under the FUN party!"

Celestia could only sigh. She handed Pinkie the proper papers and pointed her hoof to the party affiliation section. She said, "Pinkie, you will have to check other and enter "fun party" into what you are running under."

Pinkie replied, "Okey-dokey!"

Pinkie began to fill out the papers and despite her never having dealt with paperwork such as this before, she was able to fill out the form easily. She handed the papers to Celestia. Celestia said, "Alright Pinkie, you're on the ballot. I'll keep you informed on important dates such as when the debate will be and I'm sure the Ponyville Express along with ENC will want to interview you."

Pinkie asked, "What is ENC?"

Celestia replied, "The Equestria News Channel. They like to have interviews with mayoral candidates across the country."

Pinkie said, "Okey-dokey" as she headed out of the castle.

Next Rainbow Dash approached the princess. Celestia asked, "Are you here to run for mayor too?"

Rainbow replied, "Yeah, I think Ponyville could be cooler so I'm going to run."

Celestia gave Rainbow a slight look of disapproval and asked, "Ok Rainbow, what party do you plan on running under?"

Rainbow replied, "I'm running under the Coolness party because I think Ponyville could be cooler. It is so boring with how things are now."

Celestia handed Rainbow the papers and gave her the same instructions she gave Pinkie. She asked, "Rainbow, you do know that Ponyville has never had a non-earth pony mayor don't you? This could be tough for you."

Rainbow filled out the papers and replied, "I know your Majesty but don't worry. Once everypony sees that I want to make things cooler, they'll vote for me."

Celestia took the papers and sighed, "Alright Rainbow, like I told Pinkie, I'll keep you informed about everything important such as the debate and like with Pinkie, I'll let you know that news agencies will want to speak with you." She paused for a couple of seconds and continued, "Oh and if one more pony were to file down there, there would be a primary election in April which would involve a first debate in late March."

Rainbow replied, "Alright your Majesty. I'll keep my eyes peeled for any information you'll send me."

Rainbow bowed and left the castle. Celestia just sighed in frustration because she still had a long line of ponies waiting to file in other communities and realized that the election in Ponyville would basically be a non-event. While she would never admit it, she was secretly hoping that a good candidate would run against Mayor Mare.

Amethyst continued to watch the castle and after she saw her soon to be opponents board the train for Ponyville, she rushed towards the castle where she had to answer to the guards. After stating her reason for needing to visit Celestia they let her in. The line was gone when Amethyst arrived in the throne room. Celestia yawned as the deadline would pass in ten minutes. She saw a light purple unicorn approach her. She asked, "Are you here to file your candidacy for mayor of where you live?"

Amethyst replied, "Yes, I'm here to file the papers to run for mayor of Ponyville."

Celestia's ears perked up. The pony in front of her seemed to have a more serious attitude which caused her to realize maybe the election down there would be worthwhile after all. She asked, "What is your name?"

Amethyst replied, "My name is Amethyst Star your Majesty."

Celestia asked, "What party are you planning on running under?"

Amethyst replied, "I am running under The Reform Party. I see a whole lot of waste down in Ponyville, wasteful spending, improper use of town resources and I simply think things could be handled in a more efficient and proper manner."

Celestia smiled and gave Amethyst the papers. As Amethyst was filling out the paperwork Celestia couldn't help but feel a sense of relief. When Amethyst handed her the papers Celestia said, "Alright, you're on the ballot." She gave Amethyst a concerned look and continued, "Good luck to you but you do know that there has never been a non-earth pony mayor in Ponyville, don't you?"

Amethyst replied, "I do know that but I am hoping that the citizens down there will look at a candidate based on substance and their stance on the issues rather than what type of pony they are. Besides, Ponyville has a good mix of different types of ponies and I already have plans on what I would do that once announced, I should get a fair amount of support."

Celestia smiled and replied, "Alright. Now that there are four ponies running for mayor down there, there will be a first debate and a primary election to weed out the two weakest candidates. Then there will be a debate in the fall prior to the election in November."

Amethyst asked, "So when will all of this take place?"

Celestia replied, "Well the first debate will be on March 22nd while the primary will be on April 5th. If you get past the primary, the fall debate will be in late October and the general election will be on November 8th." Celestia paused and continued, "Oh, and you will have news agencies wanting to interview you such as The Ponyville Express and ENC. The national news network likes to interview mayoral candidates across the land."

Amethyst excitedly asked, "I wonder if Sunny Flames will want to interview me? I'm such a huge fan!"

Celestia replied, "Well once the folks at ENC hear about you and your plans for eliminating waste, I'm sure she'll want to interview you. She shares similar views on such things."

Amethyst said, "That is good because maybe if my message gets spread across the country, candidates in other communities will want to eliminate waste as well."

Celestia replied, "That would be nice." She wanted to get to work on all the letters she had to send out to the candidates so she continued, "Well Amethyst, you have a good day and good luck."

Amethyst bowed and replied, "Thank you your Majesty. You have a wonderful day."

Amethyst headed towards the door and once she left the castle entirely Celestia smiled. She said to herself, "Finally, a pony running down there that isn't just about either everything being just fine or a pony just running because they don't like one little thing."

The clock tower struck five and the filing deadline passed. Celestia began filling out letters to send out to all the candidates running for mayor in each town letting them know when the debates and elections would be. She couldn't help but snicker a little, "Mayor Mare will be really surprised when she has to take part in a primary and sees that she will have a real candidate to go up against!"