• Published 15th Feb 2016
  • 4,216 Views, 28 Comments

Under the Moonlight - Harmony Split

Love. Easy, is it not? For some ponies, love is more than a difficult matter, such as for Twilight. What will happen if she invites her crush? Can she contain the scream of her heart, or will she finally give in?

  • ...

Astronomia et Gratia

Under the Moonlight

Astronomia et Gratia

To say that Twilight was nervous would've been an understatement. The alicorn’s body shivered as she tried to find words for the letter that could change her life forever.

“Why is it so hard to write about feelings?” she growled.

It should've been a simple letter. A small letter to say how much she appreciated that pony as a friend, and that she would like to meet her to discuss a rather personal matter.

“Yes, that's totally smooth, Twilight,” she snorted. “Write a letter about appreciating her as a friend and then blindside her in the meeting with how you feel more than that. What could possibly go wrong?” Twilight ended her sentence, shrieked, and with a loud smack she placed her head muzzle first on the crystal table.

“Maybe I should let it be,” Twilight pondered. “By Celestia, would she even be interested in a simple mare like me? Everything she does puts me in a shadow, so why even try?”

She stopped her rambling and looked out of the window. Faint moonlight shone through it, bathing her and the crystal around her in soft light.

“How can I form the right words for you?”


Celestia smiled warmly upon her as Twilight walked into the room before stopping in front of her, but only for a moment, before she was drawn into a soft hug. “Twilight, it's so good to see you again.”

“Pr- I mean Celestia, it's good to see you too,” Twilight replied. “Thank you for seeing me so quickly.”

“You said there was an urgent matter that keeps you restless you wanted to talk about?”

“Y-Yes… You see… It's… well,” Twilight started to stammer, just to stop as a soft wing touched her shoulder.

“Calm down. You can trust me, you know that,” Celestia gave her a gently smile.

Twilight sighed before collecting all her strength, “There is a pony we both know and I like her very much. More than a friend, I mean,” she stopped and blushed before continuing. “I tried to tell her how I feel, but I failed. Writing about it seems impossible, and I don't know how to deal with it.”

“Her?” Celestia asked. “And a pony we both know?”

“Yes,” Twilight replied before hanging her head low. “She is elegant, beautiful… I can’t really find the right words to describe how wonderful she is.”

“Elegant and beautiful, I think I know who you mean,” Celestia said with a soft humm. “You two are indeed very close, and after all the adventures you’ve been through together, it is normal to develop such feelings.”

Twilight looked confused and stayed silent as Celestia moved on. “I cannot tell you the right way to approach her, but I know that Rarity is a kind mare. She will give you an honest and friendly answer, no matter what.”

“Rarity?” Twilight asked as her jaw dropped.

“Isn't she the pony you meant?”

“N-No!” Twilight sputtered. “I mean somepony closer to you than to me. Somepony that is beautiful by day, but simply stunning at night.”

The purple alicorn sported a heavy blush while it was Celestia's turn to have her jaw drop. “Luna?!”

Twilight simply nodded and expected a rant. She expected Celestia to tell her that this wasn’t going to happen, that it was simply impossible. Yet, instead, she heard Celestia giggle, then begin laughing softly.

“This is very interesting. My sister surely is a pony I can give you a few hints and tips for, Twilight,” Celestia winked, surprising Twilight.


“Of course,” Celestia replied. “We are friends, Twilight, and friends help each other.”

“Thank you, Celestia,” Twilight smiled before looking down again. “I just don't know how to approach her and I don't think I can simply walk up and tell her.”

“Sometimes, the obvious way is the best one, Twilight. Luna isn't a pony that would simply reject and hurt you from what I know. You are too precious as a friend to her,” Celestia said and Twilight's eyes went wide. “But maybe you'd like to do something for her, gaining her interest.”

Twilight scrunched her muzzle. “How could I do that? I'm just a simple pony!”

“No, Twilight. Again, you sell yourself short. You managed to do things not even Starswirl, nor I, could ever do. You are a wonderful mare, I know that without a doubt. You even earned your wings and the title of a princess, yourself. I'm proud of you, and everypony that is not should be ashamed of themselves.”

“Thank you,” Twilight blushed.

“Now, what you can do...” Celestia smiled. “Invite her to parties, or to stargazing. There is nothing you can do to honor Luna more than to invite her stargazing. Drop hints with what you like about her, maybe even her night. If she is interested as well, she will notice you.”

“Is it really that easy?” Twilight asked skeptically. “This hardly sounds logical.”

“Twilight, I'm not the right pony to talk with about this, but love is never easy,” Celestia laughed softly.

“I don't know if I want to talk with my sister-in-law about this,” Twilight blushed.

Celestia raised an eyebrow. “Do you really think she would spread anything around?”


“Then try out what I said, but also ask her for advice. After all, love is her specialty.”

“Is Luna here at the moment?” Twilight suddenly asked.

Celestia hummed, “I think she is about to go to bed. We just had breakfast before you arrived, and after her walk she usually retreats to her chambers. Maybe you can find her in her wing, you know where it is?”

Twilight nodded happily, “Yes, I just hope I'm not disturbing her.”

“Only one way to find out for sure,” Celestia smiled.

“Thank you so much, Celestia,” Twilight beamed a smile and hugged her former mentor tightly before galloping out of the room.

“Twilight, right side,” Celestia chuckled, just to see the purple alicorn blush and quickly change direction.

It didn't take Twilight long to find her destination since she still knew the castle pretty well. She met Luna in the hallway, but barely so, as the princess of the night was already in front of her chambers.

“Twilight Sparkle, what a surprise,” Luna said, stiffing a yawn.

“Princess, I mean, Luna! I'm sorry to disturb you,” Twilight blushed, but Luna quickly waved a hoof.

“Thou would never disturb us,” Luna said before blinking and coughing, “How can I help you?”

“I… I wanted to say that your night was beautiful again, and to ask if you would,” Twilight stopped and gulped. “Just if it isn't too much of a hassle… If you would come by some night and stargaze with me,” her voice went down to a squeak at the last sentence, her blush heavily deepened.

“We, that is, I would be delighted to,” Luna said with a smile before yawning, this time failing to stifle it. “Next night there is no court. Is this time fine with thee?”

“Perfect!” Twilight practically squealed. “Sorry for disturbing you again and have a good night. Uh, I mean day!” she hastily added before quickly scrambling off.

She didn’t even noticed the gently smile and the gaze from Luna that lasted long after she was out of sight.


It was a restless day for Twilight. No matter how much she tried to rest for a bit, she just couldn't sleep. The product of this restlessness was an unnerved purple alicorn pacing around in front of Spike in the evening.

“Calm down, Twilight,” the dragon said. “You're going to pace a groove into the ground.”

Twilight snorted. “Calm down? I’ve got around four more hours before I expect the princess, I can't calm down! What if I ruin everything? This is bad. This is sooo bad!”

“You're overreacting! You're just stargazing with Princess Luna!”

“Right. Just Stargazing. Read this,” Twilight replied and tossed him a letter.

Spike raised an eyebrow, but read it.

Dear Twilight,

My only advice:

Listen to your heart, not your head.



“What?” Spike asked, confused.

“This is not helping at all! How can you stop listening to your head? I don't even know what my heart says,” the alicorn winced.

The young dragon scratched his head. “I don't get it.”

“It's okay, Spike,” Twilight sighed. “I'll tell you when you're older.”

Spike just shook his head and went back to the kitchen to continue cleaning up.

“Listen to your heart… What does my heart even say about Luna?” Twilight pondered. “She is beautiful, amazing, kind, funny sometimes, just perfect. Every time I'm near her my legs start getting weak and my heart beats faster. I'm so nervous if she’s around.” She sighed. “I have no idea how this is going to help, it just makes me that much more nervous!”

This was way more difficult than she had thought. Celestia’s meant well, but she had no idea how she could stir Luna’s interest. She was probably just a foal to the lunar mare. I’m not worthy of her and she thinks of me as just a friend after all. The thought hurt Twilight, more than she would have expected.

“I have to try and make this a good night!” she said out loud. “Preparations and planning are my strength after all. I can make this night a success and then I’ll see what she thinks of it.”

Yes, this was a good plan. It was a plan where Twilight could shine and show off her strengths. Something, Luna simply had to notice. She just had to make sure that everything went smoothly.

“Spiiike,” Twilight yelled. “Where are the telescopes and the astronomy charts? I need them!”

“Uh… maybe it’s time you take a look in the observatory of the castle,” Spike called back.

She blinked. He was right. Her new castle had an observatory with telescopes. She also knew that Spike had taken the new star charts Luna gave her there after her old, personal charts burned at the Golden Oak.

I just never really inspected it, she thought with a wince.

It wasn’t a long way to the top of the tower with the balcony in her castle, she just never found the time or the right moment to go and look at it. Opening the big crystal double doors, she immediately regret it.

The room encompassed the whole tower, leading outside to a giant balcony that was just perfect for stargazing. Bookshelves and a few other pieces of furniture were rowed at the wall, loaded with books, scrolls and a few telescopes.

“This is amazing,” Twilight whispered before turning back to the door. “Spike! Where did you put the star charts Luna sent me?”

There was no answer, but after just a few seconds she heard the tapping sounds of his feet on the cold crystal making their way up the stairs. “I’ll help you.”

“Spike, that’s cheating. I invited the princess, so I should prepare everything.”

He ignored her and went to a shelf right at the door, pulling a few bigger scrolls out. “Here, these are the charts. Can I at least prepare some drinks and snacks?”

Twilight looked at him before sighing playfully and rolling her eyes. “Fine, my number one assistant. You can prepare something to drink and snacks.”

“I’ll have everything ready, I won’t leave you hanging, Twilight,” Spike smiled before leaving again.

Twilight smiled as she watched him leave, taking the stairs down before turning back to the matter at hoof. She pulled one telescope from the shelf with her magic and carried it to the balcony, setting it up. There was a small pin on the underside where she was able to put the chart.

Looking up into the sky, she frowned. I don’t know if it’ll get cold. I should get a blanket and put a few cushions out. She wasn’t worried about rain, after talking with Rainbow Dash she was one-hundred percent sure that there wouldn’t be a single drop of rain that night.

Quickly, she rushed down to her chambers and opened the closet with the spare blankets, grabbing a big one before also taking a few cushions in her magic and making her way back up. She set them down in the center of the balcony at a good spot where there would be nothing hinder the sights.

A silent rustle of wings startled her. She turned to see Luna smiling at her.

“Good evening, Twilight,” she said, bowing her head slightly. “We hope we’re not disturbing thee.”

“Luna!” Twilight gasped before slightly blushing. “Of course you’re not disturbing, I was just preparing everything for our night.”

“I see,” Luna smiled.

“Can I ask you something?” Twilight asked.

“Of course.”

“Is the old Canterlot speech easier for you? Or is it just by accident that you always switch back to it?” Twilight really was curious about it.

If she hadn’t known better, she would’ve swore Luna was blushing. “It is by accident at some times, but also because it is easier. You do not forget a thousand year old habbit by a few moons, Twilight Sparkle.”

“Oh, thank you Luna.”

“‘Tis a pleasure to answer your questions,” Luna smiled before looking at the cushions. “May I?”

Twilight nodded, “Of course. May I also ask why you are so early? I didn’t expect you for at least three more hours.”

Luna raised an eyebrow in amusement. “We set no certain time, we just said this night. Do not worry about your efforts though, Twilight. Everything is fine and I appreciate your invitation,” she replied before making herself comfortable on the cushions.

“I really hope the sky stays clear tonight,” Twilight said before settling in after Luna, making certain to keep a safe distance to the dark-blue alicorn.

“I would not be afraid of that. As I understand it, the skies over Ponyville will stay cloud free for the whole night,” Luna chuckled in a hint of amusement.

Twilight missed it. “Oh? That’s great!”

“Yes, it certainly is,” Luna mused.

“I didn’t know if we would need the charts since I guess you know the night sky and it’s stars better than anypony else alive,” Twilight blushed. “But I’m not that familiar, although I’m learning.”

Luna smiled gently and slightly bowed her head. “It would be my pleasure to teach you about my stars.”

Twilight’s blush intensified and she sighed. “Luna? Do you think we’re friends?”

“Of course we are,” Luna’s ears perked up. “Ever since you freed me, I thought of you as a friend and a dear one at that since your help on Nightmare Night.”

“That’s good to know,” Twilight smiled before looking up. “The moon and the stars are looking lovely. Almost like they’re meant to be together. Did you ever have the feeling that there was something that matched you just like that?”

“Like the moon and the stars?” Luna asked confused. “I don’t know what you mean, but I feel connected to my work, to my true element.”

“I meant more like a pony. Did you ever think there was a pony that matched you perfectly?” Twilight asked, her voice barely more than a whisper.

To her surprise, Luna blushed. “We don’t know. We know a pony that might deserve our attention, but we haven’t had somepony as our lover in a thousand years.”

“Oh,” Twilight's ears dropped. “I have one as well, but I’m just a simple pony…”

“Prey tell, who is this special pony that has caught your heart?” Luna asked silently.

“I… Oh, look! This star is shining so brightly!” Twilight suddenly cut off, the blush eminent burning on her cheeks.

“Twilight Sparkle, who is this pony that caught your attention?” Luna asked again. “We are curious.”

“Luna… I don’t know if that is the right time to talk about it,” Twilight said quietly.

“Thou does not trust us?”

“Luna, the speech,” Twilight giggled.

“Don’t change the topic!”

“Luna…” Twilight winced as the Royal Canterlot Voice hurt her ears.

“We demand to know it now! Who is this stallion that has caught our dearest friend’s attention?” Luna said, her voice booming. As Twilight stayed silent, her muzzle scrunched slightly. “A mare, then? Who is this mare? Prey tell, who caught thy heart, Twilight Sparkle?”

“YOU, It’s you!” Twilight blurted out before snapping her hoof over her muzzle, eyes wide in shock.

Luna blinked once. Then twice. Then her jaw dropped in a unprincess like manner. “Me?”

Twilight shook her head, the first tear making its way down her muzzle. “I guess there is no use in denying it anymore. Yes, you. I’ve had a crush on your for a while now, but never had the courage to tell you.”

Before the tear could drop it was caught by a dark-blue feather. “Please, do not cry, Twilight Sparkle. Since thou have been truthful with us, it is our turn to do so as well,” Luna said before coughing with a smile. “The pony deserving my attention is you.”

Twilight tensed and looked up. “Is that true?”

“Yes,” Luna nodded slowly. “I just did not know how to act on it. It is new to me.”

“So we both failed in talking with each other. If it wasn’t about this, I would find it quite funny,” Twilight mused.

“Indeed,” Luna answered, her expression quite unreadable.

They both stood silent for seconds, trying to avoid each other's gaze by shying away with a blush. Twilight couldn’t help but notice that Luna simply looked beautiful in the moonlight. Her waving, ethereal mane, her dark-blue coat that seemed to illuminate moonlight itself.

“Is something the matter?” Luna asked as she caught Twilight staring for a while without shying away.

The purple alicorn blushed heavily. “Just noticed that I really like your eyes.”

“Oh, we thank you kindly,” Luna replied meekly, a small blush forming on her cheeks again. “We do find your violet eyes attractive as well.”

They were both more than glad as Spike arrived with two glasses of cider and a few snacks. “Uh, did I interrupt something?” he asked.

“Oh, no, no, nothing. We… we were just talking, yes!” Twilight quickly stammered out.

Spike inspected her for a few moments before shaking his head. “I’m just worried about you, Twilight. You’ve acted strangely the whole day,” he replied before bowing quickly at Luna and making his leave again. “If you need anything, just say so Twilight.”

“You’ve acted strangely the whole day?” Luna raised an eyebrow. “I suppose it would be a great coincidence if it was about my visit, no?”

“Uhm… You see… I was just…” Twilight lost her words before smacking her head down into her forehooves. “Yes! I just wanted to have a good time with you and now I blurted this out and ruined everything,” she cried out.

Twilight expected Luna to leave, to tell her she was silly. Yet, she looked up as something soft laid across her back, seeing that it was Luna’s wing. “Twilight, you didn’t ruin anything. I told you already that we do have certain feelings for you, I just have problems acting them out. This is new for me, you are the first important pony to me besides my sister for centuries.”

“I never had a special somepony in my life either,” Twilight admitted, enjoying the feeling of Luna’s feathers on her back. “Do you… do you think there is a possibility that we could explore this further? Together?”

Luna hummed and raised a hoof to her chin in thought. It took her some time to answer, time where Twilight grew more and more nervous. “Yes, I think this is a good idea,” Luna finally said with a small smile.

Before Twilight could say something, or release the squeal she was holding, Luna shifted her head and nuzzled her gently, leaving her with a burning blush.

“I think you promised me a night of stargazing,” Luna said with a smile before raising her wing to allow Twilight to scoot closer.

She hesitated, but after a loving gaze from Luna’s wonderful cyan eyes, she just couldn’t help herself anymore. She closed the distance to Luna and pressed her coat against hers, humming softly.Twilight was even able to feel Luna’s heartbeat gently, but faster than usual.

It was the place where she belonged, where she had to be. Even if it would take a while, Twilight was certain she could make this work. She was certain to be at Luna’s side for more than just one night under the moonlight.

Author's Note:

There you have a small TwiLuna fluff.
It's just one story atm, just as told in my blog, but there will be more.
Oh, and Happy Hearts and Hooves Day! :pinkiehappy:

Comments ( 28 )

Can't say no to some lovely TwiLuna.

I love everything about this story: From the characterization, to the question where Twilight asked Luna to stargaze with her. That was adorable.

Great story.



Thank you :twilightsmile:
This will not be the only TwiLuna fluff from me.
Actually, my plans are to write a sequel and develope this.

6938072 TwiLuna is best ship; will be watching


Oh, this sounds lovely. If you're going to do to this what you've done in Your Music Makes My Heart Beat, you have another rabid reader. I really enjoy your writing style. Looking forward to this!

Thanks :twilightsmile:

It won't be entirely different.
But I can't promise a date I'll start on it. Probably not before april-may since I'm trying to focus on 2 stories atm

Feels kind of rushed... Like... they just jumped right into it...

Other than that, it's good.


With only a small nuzzle and a tiny affection of a wing laid around another pony?
Seriously, that's the most slow-paced story I ever wrote :twilightsmile:

6941348 No, I mean the conversation... It went from like, one or two questions about the start and then shoehorned right into 'oh yah btw I liek you'...

I don't know, just an observation.


It was a progress.
Note the way Luna looked, and then how stressed and nervous Twilight was.
It all had it's right place to happen :twilightsmile:

TwiLuna best fics ever! This is so adorable :heart: We need that sequel :rainbowkiss:

Thank you.
And by time, sure :twilightsmile:
Just let me finish my other works first:twilightsheepish:
Should only take a few months... Or years...
Drad :rainbowderp:


Celestia said with a soft hum.

Original sentence: Celestia said with a soft humm. one m not two.

Luna said, stifling a yawn.

Original sentence: Luna said, stiffing a yawn. stifling not stiffing

She didn’t even noticed the gentle smile and the gaze from Luna that lasted long after she was out of sight.

Original sentence She didn’t even noticed the gently smile and the gaze from Luna that lasted long after she was out of sight.

Celestia meant well, but she had no idea how she could stir Luna’s interest

Original sentence: Celestia’s meant well, but she had no idea how she could stir Luna’s interest

6947773 Np xD, take your time.

The story can't be over! I need more! Please make a sequel!

There will be a sequel.
Just not that quickly.

6980419 OK then as long as there will be a sequel!

The story felt a little rushed near the end, but not too shabby. Only one mistake I found really glaring (I'm a grammar nazi, so I notice mistakes and find them more noticeable) but you used prey kn the wrong place. Twice. :pinkiegasp: For each time Luna says "prey tell" actually. It should be "pray tell". Anyways, looking forward to sequel! :rainbowdetermined2:

“We demand to know it now! Who is this stallion that has caught our dearest friend’s attention?” Luna said, her voice booming. As Twilight stayed silent, her muzzle scrunched slightly. “A mare, then? Who is this mare? Prey tell, who caught thy heart, Twilight Sparkle?”

not sure why but as I read it I felt like luna want to knew to send that pony very very far away like to another planet or tie them to a star that about to go supernova.....

ah guess it went over in the edits, thanks!
Well... I shan't say anything to that.
Wait for the sequel :rainbowwild:


There will be, but it will take a bit longer.
I'm on vacation from next week wednesday on, so don't expect any updates for two weeks, sry

7085086 lol that is alright, I start play wow again....

so cute <3

for more than just one night under the moonlight.

oooh myy....

This is an adorable romance fic

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