• Published 13th Feb 2016
  • 1,765 Views, 61 Comments

Pen Pals - Shaded Changeling

Young Spinnekop is a member of the forbidden Artist class of Changelings, but when Chrysalis has need of her, Spinnekop learns there is more to life than just the Hive.

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Bonus Chapter: Spinnekop's Beginnings

Author's Note:

So the next chapter is taking much longer than I thought it would... So I decided to put a filler thing in here to pass the time.
This was a small snippet I wrote a while before I wrote 'Pen Pals' as it is now. This was my first attempt to write a 'Changeling Vs. Shield Wall' Story, it is short, but it is what got me the idea.
Sorry for the wait... Things got really hectic... So hopefully this will make up for that... :twilightsheepish:
Also if you guys didn't like when Spinnekop hit the shield... You won't like this... Fair warning.

“You idiotic Nymph!” The Captain said as he kicked her in the stomach. “The plan was going perfectly, everything the Queen wanted! You just had to help that pathetic Princess!” The Captain bucked Spin away. “Spinnekop this is your last chance to surrender.”

Spin began to push herself up, her legs trembling from the force of the hits; she had to buy just a little more time, just a few more minutes. She managed to stand up on her four legs, glaring at the Captain, his dark blue armor showing none of the damage she had hoped.

“You have committed crimes against the Hive and against a direct order from the Queen.” He said. “I am giving you one last chance to come quietly, take it.”

He said it like an order and while Spin was a soldier, one that was bound to a code of honor and sacrifice for the betterment of the Hive, she merely glared at the captain with her good eye, the other having been swollen from the repeated punishment she had been dealt.

She spat out a bit of her light blue blood before replying with a very raspy, “No.”

The Captain shook his head. “So be it.” He bent down, preparing to pounce, but right before he set his muscles into the final motion to strike, he turned towards the castle. “No… NO!” He looked back at Spin. “What is that?”

Spin smiled painfully, as she looked towards the castle, a large concentration of love had begun to form there, and the Captain began to fly into the air. “You will pay for this! The Queen will have your head!”

“Tell her…She can take it…” Spin smiled. “They won…”

The Captain began to fly over the large wall of Canterlot, just as the love was released in a large pulse, smashing into the Changelings and sending them hurtling away from the castle. Most of them being pulled into the air enough to avoid the large stone wall.


As the nova smashed into Spin, she was sent hurtling at a sharp angle, however due to her proximity to the wall, she failed to gain enough altitude to avoid it.

She smashed into the wall, and heard the deafening crack of her chitin as it split. Her body was being crushed between the shield and the stone wall, as the pain began to intensify while the shield began resisting more and more, she silently begged for the wall to shatter behind her, her screams feeling dwarfed by the growing cracking sounds that stretched throughout her body, she could feel the chitin stretching trying to stay together, but ultimately failing under the enormous strain.

She felt the cracks grow in size, working their way up towards her head, This is how I die… Squashed against the shield… At least she’s safe… She thought quickly. As her Chitin’s cracks began to move towards her neck, she prayed that her Endoskeleton would hold her together, but stopped after she realized that her legs were plainly shattered. She heard the first of the chitin cracks reach up towards her jaw line, as she prayed for death, prayed for the pain to end. Then suddenly, the shield stopped.

Spin, quickly opened her eyes at the lack of pain, to find herself two stories up, and staring down at an empty street, with nothing to stop her from tumbling onto it. And that is just what happened.

Her body detached from the wall, and the second it happened, time slowed. Spin looked down to see the street below her, and turned to look at the wall she fell from, to her forelegs, which were bent and covered in large fractures.

She let out a scream, and began to tumble. Hurtling towards the ground, she prayed that she would have some miracle happen, something to save her life from certain death. However she found herself slamming into the ground with her underbelly, feeling as a large flood of her warm, light blue blood shot out of her, spreading across the street.

For a few, terrible, long seconds, she only heard her own slow, raspy breaths, along with the heavy pounding of her accelerated heart. Her open eyes darting around her field of vision, looking for someone to help.

“…help…” She tried to shout, but it only came out as a low plead. “…please…anypony…helpI…” Her vision began to fade out, and she felt like it would be the last time she would ever see again. “Please…”

Her vision faded to black as she fell into unconsciousness, a small tear rolling across her chitin.

She heard the sounds of ponies, gathering around, asking questions to each other. She tried to move, and heard their gasp.

“It’s still alive!”

“Somepony get the Guard!”

She barely held onto her hearing as she fell out again, the next time she woke, she heard metal hitting the stone, and heard some ponies drawing closer. She opened her eyes just a bit to see the Gold clad Royal Guard walking towards her, a large cage behind them.

One of them attempted to move her, and she let out a loud reflexive scream, before fading out of consciousness again.

She woke up again to find herself inside of a cage, being pulled along the streets of Canterlot. The ponies nearby staring with disgust and hatred, a few looking on concerned at the appearance of the Changeling. One of them shouted angrily at the Guards, but before she could pick up on what he said, she lost consciousness again.

When Spin finally regained her full consciousness, without fear of fading out again, she was inside of a dark stone cell, all of the pain had been numbed, and she was on a bed. A rather uncomfortable bed, but a bed none the less. She looked down at her legs, her front legs had been placed in casts, and as she looked behind her, she saw her hind legs bandaged up, and her wings were bent in a number of places.

Seeing her body so broken, with the spider web of cracks flowing through it, she lowered her head and sobbed quietly.

She continued to sob for quite a while until a soft, calming voice spoke to her. “Spindle Weave, are you okay?”

Spin looked up from the ground to see the pink Alicorn standing in front of the Cell door. “Spindle…”

Spin sobbed slightly. “I’ll never see the Hive again… Will I?”

Cadence tried to smile reassuringly, but to Spin, it was clear she didn’t think so. Spin began to sob louder, the echoes rising through the dark dungeon. She was alone, no other Changeling would be able to speak with her… and there was no way she could return… She was a traitor, committed treason against her Queen, aided in her defeat.

She regretted the choice.