• Published 13th Feb 2016
  • 536 Views, 14 Comments

Discount Chocolates - pokefreak13

Rainbow Dash buys discount Hearts and Hooves chocolates for Fluttershy

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Discount Hearts and Hooves Chocolates

The door opened with a merry chime as Rainbow Dash trotted inside Sugar Cube Corner. She took a deep breath, savoring the sweet smell of freshly baked chocolate chip cookies. Her mouth began to water like a flooded river, but she quickly shook her head. After all, she was on a very important mission, so failure was not an option.

"Hello Rainbow Dash." Mr. Carrot Cake greeted from behind the counter.

"Hi." She replied before trotting over towards the counter.

"What can I get ya?" He asked, the smell of flour steamed off of his yellowish body.

"Where is your Hearts and Hooves chocolate?" She questioned.

"Um, they're right behind me." Mr. Cake answered with a raised eyebrow.

Blushing, Rainbow Dash gazed up at the shelved behind him. Sure enough all kinds of sweets were put on display there. Lolly pops with every color of the rainbow, speckled jawbreakers the size of a newborn foal's eye, to even jars upon jars of different sized gumballs. However, none of this impressed Rainbow, instead she was more focused on what was placed, or rather crammed, in the corners.

Chocolates. Some were heart shaped boxes the color of fire, while others were carefully crafted to look like roses with red foil wrapped around the petals. And the exciting part was that they were all half off, sometimes even more if Rainbow Dash could play her cards right.

"See anything you like?" Mr. Cake asked.

"How much is everything all together?" Rainbow replied while pulling out a sack of bits from her saddlebag.

"Hmm, well the last I checked we still had twenty items. And since we priced them down to......" Carrot Cake quickly pulled out a calculator from one of the drawers and began to punch in numbers, "that would be a total of thirty bits."

The pegasus frowned. That was a little more than she was expecting, however this is for a good cause.

Fluttershy stretched out on her lime green sofa, her back and legs cracking like the embers of a fire. She let out a sigh and dragged a faded yellow blanket over her body, before closing her eyes.

It was mid afternoon, which meant only one thing, nap time. After all, taking care of all those animals used up a lot of energy from Fluttershy. So she was grateful to have at least a few hours of sleep, though sometimes her animal friends would allow her to sleep well into the evening.

However, a knock at the door forced her awake. She gave her door a glare before getting up. After a few seconds to compose herself, for she didn't want to snap at whoever it was, Fluttershy opened the door.
It took her multiple trips back and forth, a wagon, and some help from her pal Scootaloo, but Rainbow Dash was finally here. A little tired and sore, but here nonetheless.

Surrounded by bags upon bags of sweets, Rainbow Dash knocked on the door. A smile adorned her face, which only grew once the door opened, revealing Fluttershy who was rubbing her eye.

"R-Rainbow? What are you doing here?" Fluttershy asked.

"Happy Hearts and hooves day Flutters!" The light blue pegasus exclaimed.

"Huh, but wasn't that a few days ag-oh my!" Fluttershy's eyes grew wide once she finally figured out what was in all those bags. "Y-you didn't have to buy me all this!"

Rainbow Dash gently pushed past her friend while dragging two of the bags inside. "Nonsense, you are my best friend after all."

Fluttershy helped drag the remaining bags inside and closed the door, her brain completely fried. After all, how much money did Rainbow even spend on these anyways?

As if reading her mind, her friend smirked, "don't worry, they were all half priced, so I didn't end up spending a fortune."

"Half priced? Wait, did you-"

"I figured that it would be much more awesome if I could give you a bunch of chocolate instead of a few. So, I simply waited for the price of Hearts and Hooves chocolates to drop before buying you some." Rainbow Dash interrupted.

"W-well, since you went through all this trouble, would you like some tea?" Fluttershy offered with a smile.

The light blue pegasus nodded her head with a smile before following her friend into the kitchen. A bag full of chocolates dragging behind her.

"That hit the spot." Rainbow sighed after guzzling down her cup of raspberry tea.

"I'm glad you liked it, Angel and I just brewed a fresh batch today." Fluttershy explained.

"You just happened to make my favorite tea on the day I was going to visit you?" Rainbow grinned, causing her friend to blush, "Fluttershy, I didn't know you were quite the stalker."

"W-well you're the one who bought all of the leftover chocolates! If anything, I'd say you were hitting on me!" Fluttershy blurted out, only to cover her mouth with her hooves.

The blue pegasus blushed a deep crimson, and her stomach began to flip. Of course Fluttershy was only joking right? They were best friends after all. Besides, Rainbow wasn't romantically interested in anypony as of now, and as far as she was concerned, neither was Fluttershy.

"Um, I-I was just joking." Fluttershy replied, trying her best to conceal her crimson cheeks.

Rainbow Dash let out a shaky chuckle, "I-I knew that. Anyways, I better get going. It's getting late, and I promised Scootaloo's dad that I'd pick her up from Rarity's."

"Y-yeah, and I need to check on some of my animals." Fluttershy replied. "Anyways, thanks for the chocolates again."

The light blue pegasus gave a small smile while climbing out of the stool. Her legs felt like jelly, but she did her best to hide it once she was out the door.

"See ya later Fluttershy!" She exclaimed before stepping outside.

"See you later Rainbow Dash." Her friend smiled before closing the door.
The soft yellow pegasus watched as her friend left. Her mind was still buzzing with what she said before. Of course she was only joking. They were only best friends after all.


Comments ( 14 )

Awww that was pretty cute

Aww, so cute!:rainbowkiss:
I hope there will be more chapters!^-^

Though this:

speckled jawbreakers the size of a newborn foal's eye

Sounds a little bit creepy:rainbowlaugh:

Thanks for letting me preread!

6932446 :rainbowlaugh: Yeah, originally I was going to compare it to a foal's head

6932756 thanks for writing it

Kinda fluffy, but I get the feeling that's what you were going for, so that's not really a problem. It was definitely cute, though.

Damn, this should have been expanded upon and given more detail, I liked where this was going.

What a sweet story. This deserves a fave. Good job! :yay:

Hehe, of course they're just best friends, what else can you think of?

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