• Published 14th Feb 2016
  • 4,344 Views, 257 Comments

The Imperial Ace - Navanastra

An Imperial Elite pilot gets send to an unknown planet after a horribly hyperdrive malfunction and is forced to make planet fall with his crippled ship, eventually getting in contact with the world inhabitant. What will Riggs Dantion's future hold?

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Chapter 11: Let's talk, no shooting...maybe

Author's Note:

Quick question, would you guys like to see the secondary characters to be written in first person? Like Spitfire for example?

Let me know in the comments. Of course Riggs will stay in third person. I just feel that he works best at that.

Chapter 11: Let’s talk, no shooting…maybe

Edited by: fistfire, A.K.A Rarity 2.0

“Hey… uh…is that…is that a manticore tail?” One random guard asked.

Riggs noted that. “So that’s what this creature is called.” He casually thought to himself.

But other than that it was irrelevant. His gaze was more fixed on the large white one than the little grunts that surrounded her. Judging by the accessories, her look, and basically that she IS larger than anyone else around her (minus him of course) must mean that Riggs is facing a leading figure of some sort. Or at the very least someone who has been munching down on all of those vegetables all day long when she was small.

Who knows?

Riggs doesn’t know, nor does he care as he obviously had the control of the situation. He doubted that any of them, even her, are quick enough to put his hyperspace like reflexes to the test.

He has always credited for being a superb quick shot, learned rather than inborn. Some of his squad mates made jokes about the possibilities that he might secretly be force sensitive or something. Riggs of course scoffed at that, especially considering that he wasn’t born with that ability, rather he had to learn it given the environment he was forced to live in when shit suddenly became hell for him during his childhood.

Live on a desolated jungle world used for mining, run by some wanne be space pirates does favor the quick and witted. Especially with the quite aggressive wild life there.

But again, all of this really doesn’t matter as it was all in the past, and that he had completely other things to focus on. Like not to accidentally kill this species’ leader before he could even begin to get out of here. That would make getting back into civilized space a lot more difficult.

Plus charging his power packs via his ship’s solar wings is slow and rather tedious. Also not particularly recommended on some of his more ‘Heavier weapons’.

Either way it’s time to talk, not to shoot. He lowered his weapon, showing to those in front of him that he was ready to stand down. If they wouldn’t do anything funny that is.

His more passive stands must have been noticed by their leader as she too seemed to relax as she got up and began to cautiously approach the commando, much to everyone’s silent and non silent protests.

“Your Highness, be careful. If that…that thing is capable of breaking through your shields with its own magic then who knows what else this thing has up its sleeves.” Celestia’s officer warned which in turn was silently agreed by everyone else.

Celestia just waved him off. “I am well aware of that captain. Which is why I’m the one approaching it while all of you stay here and tend to those that need it. If a fight truly breaks out then I am afraid to say that none of you would really be much of a help.” Celestia answered without looking behind her.

Her officer was still unsure about this but he had to respect the princess’s wishes regardless of his own standing on the matter.

She is over a 1000 years old after all.

Riggs on the other hand was just relaxed, or rather, how far he is allowing himself to relax in the first place. Obviously letting your guard down fully in an alien world could very easily backfire on you if the right criteria are in place.

So he just visually pretended to be relaxed while his grip on both the trigger and the gun were still firm.

Eventually both parties were staring each other down in the middle of the field. Both of them silent as they stared each other down for any signs of hostility or planned attack.

The first one to speak was Celestia. “Greetings, for simplicity sake let me just introduce myself.” She began before gesturing to herself. “I am Princess Celestia, leader and Co-ruler of the fine Kingdom of Equestria, the same land which just borders the very ground we are now standing on. Pray tell, who do I have to honor of conversing with this very moment?” She introduced herself before requesting the name of the commander.

This made Riggs think for just a moment. “A princess she said. Well then, its a bit disappointing that I have landed in a place that doesn’t understand the difference between a kingdom and a self-governed principality. But whatever, beggars can’t be chooser I suppose.” He thought to himself before mentally deciding to play along.

He gestured to himself with his left hand. “Well, greetings then to you too. I am Storm Commando Riggs Dantion. Member of Shadow squad and Elite Pilot of the Galactic Imperium…or well, I was I suppose.” He answered with his helmets voice com making him sound allot more artificial to those around him.

Though the last part was not missed by the princess. “Was, what do you mean by was?” She questioned, tilting her head a little bit.

Riggs just shrugged. “Not particularly important, especially when you should be asking much more important questions besides my background.” He casually commented while pointing over at his collection of “guests”.

Celestia followed his gesture. Her eyes momentarily losing its mask before returning back to her more natural look when she looked back at the lone Commando.

Riggs could already the feel the question inside her head, so before she could even voice her concerns he answered the question for her.

“In case you are wondering, no, no they were not harmed nor is anyone of the 30ish guards that I came across here missing from action. They are all fine and accounted for, only a tad bit uncomfortable given their bindings.” He quickly explained.

Celestia just nods to this before once again stealing a swift look over at both the missing ponies and her sister. She felt glad to know that nopony was seriously injured or worse, but still, one question still remind.

She looked back at the alien. “If that is the case, then I would also believe that it should be fine with you that I take all of these ponies back with me to Equestria? Their families and friends are worried sick, and I would be willing to give this incident a pass if you simply allow us to take them and leave.” She suggested, which to Riggs sounded more like a subtle demand rather than a request.

Monarchs, they really are all the same no matter what planet or species.

But truth be told, he really didn’t had any real good reasons to keep any of these colorful furries in his confines. So as far as he was concerned, she can have them all back.

On one condition though.

“You can have them.” He answered before leaning towards the princess. “On one condition though.” He added with a raised finger.

This of course made Celestia suspicious. “What condition?”

Riggs straightened back up as he answered. “Simply…” He began” A safe place to pitch up camp somewhere within your borders, because…” I pointed at the severed manticore’s tail”…this area isn’t exactly camp friendly as you can see.” He explained, which Celestia could understand.

Riggs continued. ”AND an easy access to some raw material like scrap metal and what not.” He finally laid down, which in turn, got the immediate attention of a certain officers behind the princess.

“Why you two legged beast. Using all of your prisoners to barter with the princess. Why in Equestria’s name would we…” He tried to argue before the princess swiftly cut him off with a glare.

“Enough Captain, I said that I will confront this being alone while you and the rest go tend to your fellow kin. Your input was unnecessary.” She ordered, much to the dismay to the now known captain.

He bowed. “My apologies Princess, for momentarily forgetting my place and duties. It won’t happened again I promise.” He respectively apologized which the princess accepted with a nod.

With the incident out of the way she focused back at the soldier in front of her.

“Is that all? Nothing more…substantial or over the top?” She investigated curiously.

Riggs just shook his head. “No, I have little use for any money or riches that your kind values here. My problems, or at least here on your world, cannot be fixed with and over excessive possession of material wealth and money alone. Just raw material and a safe place to camp out would be fine.” He clarified.

Celestia took a couple of moments to think this over, before agreeing to Riggs terms and giving him a nod of approval.

“Very well, if your testimony of these ponies being unharmed and all accounted for then, I will have no issues in upholding my end of the bargain. Once everything has been checked out you will receive a safe area within Equestria’s borders and access to any scrap yard or blacksmith if needed. Just be sure to not cause any trouble within the populace and everything will be fine.” She finalized.

“Well that depends.” Riggs added to the princess’s mild surprise.

“Depends on what?” She questioned cautiously.

Riggs holstered his rifle over his right shoulder as he replied. “That your citizens don’t cause ME any unnecessary trouble. Out in the populace it's fine. But openly approaching my camp and my ship to just be troublesome is not. Nobody, and I mean nobody touches my ship over there as I do not trust your thumb-less hooves to cause anymore unnecessary damage to it than it already has.” He pointed at this ship to his right which the princess followed.

She simply nods. “Should easily be arranged.”

Riggs smiled at that a little bit under his helmet. “Finally some actually progress for once.” Riggs thought.

With that out of a way, there was now nothing but to uphold his end of the bargain by untying all of his prisoners and transferring them all to the rightful owners.

He allowed himself to relax some more as he made his way over to his camp where all of his bargain leverage was piled up. He would normally be ok with them untying their kin themselves, but given the fact that all of his stuff was close by, he still wouldn’t trust a pre-space faring species from doing anything stupid with all of the high-tech gear that is stored inside his containers.

Or at least that is his first assumption really, given their primitive outlook, weapons and golden armor. Like literally made of gold, which for actual military use is just down right terrible.

Celestia followed him from behind, keeping an eye on him as he led her to his camp. She gave a few silent orders for some of her guards to follow her, which they did without any hesitation.

The first newcomer that Riggs hadn’t accounted for his original pile was the blue colored one that looked somewhat similar in comparison to the white one. Only physically smaller…and allot louder.

She was bitching and complaining about the fact that she was tied up and bested by a small metal ball, a ball who was also sitting on top of her squirming from beeping and chirping triumphal at her discomfort.

Riggs immediately gave BB-5 the order to release her, which the droid did. But not before rolling off the blue one’s back and retracting his cord in such a way which forced his captive to be spun around in place rapidly much to her distorted protests.

Dust began to kick up from her rapid spinning, which in turn forced Celestia and those who followed her to cough into their hooves and shield themselves with them from it.

When the deed was done, the dust settled, only to leave a very dirty and disoriented blue pony laying in the ground. Free from her bindings and totally out of commission.

For a moment that is.

Riggs watched as the big white one quickly approached the blue smaller one after the dust settled.

“Sister, are you alright?” Celestia asked as she looked down at the dizzy eyes of her sister.

This caused Riggs to pause. “Her sister? Well that makes sense then I guess, given their similar autonomy of wings and horn.” He thought.

Riggs just shrugged, deciding to just leave them as they be and just went up with the task of slowly, and tediously untying each and every one of these “guards” just so that things can proceed much faster. He obviously also has to re-store all of his containers and supply crates back into his TIE, which just made him groan by just thinking about it.

It’s a funny aspect of reality. Packing something out is always easier than packing something in.


Spitfire just looked around herself as a lot of guards around her were helping up, looked over for any injuries before being escorted over to the princess’s side.

For her, this basically marks the end of her time in the woods and a chance to finally return to civilization to a more comfortable and predictable life style. Only if that was the only result she had to look forward to, she obviously still had to confront both Soarin and Fleefoot about her… bad choice she made when basically risking their lives for something stupid for the sake of image, pride and a serious sense of overzealousness.

Standing right next to her was her cousin, equally watching this spectacle with a hint of finality. Though a bit more positive in comparison to her.

Spitfire just sighed which in turn caught Cloudchaser’s attention next to her. “Hey, what’s the matter there Spits? Aren’t you happy that we are finally returning back to Equestria?” Cloud asked as she looked over at her grievously looking cousin.

Spitfire shook her head. “No…no, not at all, especially with the expected backlash I will most definitely receive when re-uniting back with Soarin and Fleefoot. I am certainly not looking forward to it. Not to mention the rest of the team, or the press that is most certainly going to show up at my doorstep afterwards.” Spits sighed with her ears drooping against her skull.

Cloudchaser could feel for her cousin’s fears. Judging from what she told her so far, the level of misjudged confidence and complete oversight that she had was huge. Certainly something for anypony to be pissed off by, IF they managed to survive the ordeal that is. But then again, having somepony die thanks to your decision would certainly be worse, especially towards Spitfire herself and the rest of her credibility and carrier.

Cloud rested a caring hoof onto Spitfire’s shoulder. She gave Spits an encouraging smile which she returned with a sad one before sighed again.

“Buck me.” She mumbled to herself.


The sun was already on its path to cross the horizon when all of the untying and packing was done. The whole ordeal pretty much took the rest of the day. Riggs having basically done most of the untying with the rest being done by the ponies. Quite an intriguing sight to see wings basically act like fingers. Makes no direct sense within Riggs mind, given his personal knowledge about them.

But personally he had seen much more outlandish shit from his travels across the galaxy. So this, certainly is nothing compared to the stuff he has seen so far. Either revolving around blasting rebels or doing some other type of dirty work that revolves around shooting and exploding.

Either way, the deed was done and so was his packing. It was now the princesses part to respect her part of the bargain and pinpoint a location for him to fly over and land with his ship.

True to her word she did just that, and even gave Riggs the name’s location and exact direction as to where he was allowed to land with his ship. A large hill overlooking a place called Ponyville or so he remembered.

A strange name but certainly not an unspeakable one like some of the other names Riggs had encountered so far.

Both Riggs and the now known two princesses were facing each other off in the middle of the field, right in front of Riggs ship. Behind the princesses were all of the guards, both those who came and those that have been recently freed.

Celestia was the first to speak, as the low setting sun was casting long and stretched shadows all around them, thanks to the dense forest behind them.

“Well, as promised, we have provided you a safe location where you and your…” Celestia looked over at Riggs’ Defender. “…Advanced flying device can land and set up camp for the foreseeable future. I will also personally inform a well trusted pony of mine back in Ponyville about your presence and to also instruct the rest of the town to stay clear of you camp. As long as you stay civil and peaceful towards my ponies, the ponies in ponyville will do the same to you. If you have any trouble there, either with the locals or any other means, please contact the pony who is going to personally seek you out after your arrival, or try and reach me personally. Other than that there is nothing else to add.” Celestia explained in one single go.

Riggs on the other end just nodded to this information. Personally he was just happy to finally have a much more…secure place to camp out right next to civilization, no matter how primitive or backwater it might be.

As long as they have basic resources like food or metal at their disposal it’s more or less good enough for him. He will most likely stay around his ship anyway. Not really bothering to ‘socialize’ as Hedge would put it. Hedge in comparison was the more social addictive type of the group anyway, while he and Berron where the more introverted types of the team.

Ahh yes his team. Riggs wondered if they actually made it to the rendevous point or not. Would certainly makes his return to civilized space a bit more pointless if he knew that the Empire has intercepted them. But even if they did they would have one hell of a time in trying to bind them down in the first place.

There is a reason why they were allowed to first fly the Tie-Phantom and later get moved to the Tie-defender program as well. Only those with superb military skill and record were allowed to fly those wonder machines.

But he is getting distracted, reminiscent to the fact that Celestia was giving him a curious look from where she stood. Most likely due to his silence.

He just rested his right hand on his thigh and nodded. “Well thank you. I have obviously no quarrels with your kind so you have nothing to worry about me causing any ruckus. Usually the ruckus finds me, but that is obviously not my fault.” Riggs casually replied.

Celestia immediately looked worried. “Should I then send guards to your location then?” she suggested, which Riggs denied.

“Thanks but no thanks. I can easily handle myself, plus your guards would mostly be in my way anyway.” He again casually responded.

Some of the freed guards behind Celestia gave Riggs a glare for that comment, which Riggs obviously ignored of course.

Celestia just nods before spreading her wings which a lot of ponies behind her did the same. “Well, in that case I bid you goodbye for now sir Riggs. I hope that my decision to trust you won’t end up biting me in the flank. Other than that I wish you good luck.” She responds before taking to the air, followed by her sister.

The rest of the gang soon followed, all spreading their wings and following their monarchs.

The only one left standing on the spot where Spitfire, Cloudchaser and the guards mare named Storm Cloud. The reason why was simple. Spitfire very much still needed assistance when it come to getting back home, as her wings were still clearly wrapped up under the bandage that Riggs provided for.

The three mares just looked on, as Riggs turning away and making his way over to his ship with the little prototype droid in tow.

Spitfire sighed, before looking in-between her companions with a questionable look. “Well, what are you two waiting for? Waiting for him to lift off in his space machine? Come on, just help me up and let’s go.” She questioned.

Cloud actually nods. “Well…yeah to be honest. For one Storm Cloud over here hasn’t even seen this thing fly or even heard its terrifying screeching noise it makes when doing so…and well…she wanted to see it for herself when I told her about it.“ She responded while rubbing the back of her neck. ”And second, I wanted to see this thing fly again before we can start with the long and rather awkward trip back to civilization…no offense though Spits.” She added in a sheepish tone.

Spitfire just frowned but sighed. Knowing full well that she was kinda right with her assumption that this is certainly going to be one heck of an awkward trip back home.

Her, Spitfire, Captain of the Wonderbolts and one of the fastest ponies who ever lived, being flown home by two Pegasi carrying her like a newborn foal.

She was certain that the paparazzi back home is going to have a field day with her when she finally arrives.

She just shook her head, before focusing back at the jagged wing spacecraft that Riggs just entered from on top. For a moment there was just silence, before the innards of the metal beast suddenly came to life, giving off a soft humming sound that quickly built up.

Storm Cloud to her right was stock still as the craft gently lifted off up into the air with seemingly ease, before pivoting towards the direction where Equestria was location. Soon a screeching sound echoed all through the air as the craft suddenly and surprisingly shot off on top of them with such acceleration that it would be downright impossible for anything that the ponies knew.

The craft quickly disappeared above the canopy of the forest, having long past the already retreating group of ponies as its speeds of into the horizon at velocities never seen before. Stunning and shocking a lot of pegasi and even the princesses in the process.

Storm Cloud closed her mouth that she didn’t knew was hanging open. “What the…how is something so BIG and not very aerodynamic looking able to accelerate so fast in such a small amount of time and in such speeds? Nothing known to ponykind should even be remotely close in doing something like that. Even with magic.” The mare questioned, still looking at the general direction the craft has disappeared off.

Cloud huffed. “Beats me, but you got to remember that this is a highly advanced alien spacecraft we are talking about here. If the thing can travel through the stars, then it really shouldn’t be that much surprising to see it fly like that. Especially with such speeds that would even make Rainbow Dash jealous.” She commented.

Spitfire ignored the exchange of the two as she was more mentally occupied with the challenges she has to face once back home. Again, she didn’t like the idea but it was something she had to go through if she ever wanted to have a sense of simplicity back into her life. Though she has a feeling that thanks to this encounter, her life would most likely be far from predictable from this point on. She has a feeling that this Riggs fellow is going be sticking on her mind for weeks to come.

He just seemed too characteristically mysterious to her, not just because he was an alien, but rather because of his hidden sense of care, deadly precision, brutality and dismissive nature that he openly displays. A very odd combination and something that just intrigued her even just a little bit.

Spitfire groaned. “Great, now I am somewhat falling for an alien as well. Dear heaven what the hay is wrong with me?” She thought, before a tap to her shoulder got her back to reality.

“Well we are ready now to carry you back home Cous. Just don’t squirm and we might get there faster than you think.” Cloud announced with a grin.

Spitfire just rolled her eyes. “Yeah, yeah whatever. Just don’t grab me on my flank and I won’t have a reason to squirm in the first place.” Spits responded, which just made to two mares chuckle much to Spitfire’s facial discomfort.

The two mares began to grab right under Spitfire’s belly with their hooves before flapping their wings and slowly but surely taking off from the ground.

Spitfire of course felt somewhat uncomfortable with this method, especially with her legs just dangling from her body, which must be a rather ridiculously looking sight for anyone who was lucky enough to see her.

Lucky for her there aren’t any in the middle of nowhere. So she was more or less safe in that department. That would soon change though once they eventually reach the outskirts of Equestria.

Spitfire needed to make a mental note to ask these two to land somewhere outside any town or settlement so that she could simply trot the rest for the sake of dignity.

Once the three were at a high enough altitude, both Cloud and Storm began to tilt themselves a bit forward in order to accelerate themselves in that given direction.

With that, the three were off into the sunset as well. Spitfire dangling awkwardly between the two while both Cloud and Storm where keeping her steady.

Spitfire will certainly have a few words to say to both her cousin and this private wanne be guard.

Flying with two different styles while carrying something is certainly one great way in keeping the “experience” moving all over the place. But then again, her own constant complaining and squirming wasn’t making the experience and effort for these two anywhere near as pleasant.