• Member Since 25th Jan, 2014
  • offline last seen Last Wednesday

Discorded SheepcityUSA

Sub-Par author with a somewhat light-hearted and silly writing style.


Starlight is now on the path to reformation, but judging from her behavior as of late, it'd seem she still has quite a ways to go. It's become apparent to Twilight and her friends that Starlight is having a difficult time letting go of her questionable ideals about friendship. But they won't give up on her, not yet anyway.

However, Starlight's greatest challenge in changing herself for the better has now reared its head in the form of Laughingstock; a pony whose cutie mark she took but failed to convert to her ideology back in her village. He's now in Ponyville, desperate for work as his cutie mark is still mysteriously missing. As imagined, he's not happy with Starlight in the slightest. After all, living without a cutie mark but bearing one that reminds him of just who did this to him would make anyone mad.

Not helping is the fact that Starlight doesn't seem to feel too sorry about it.

Rated T for language and unfortunate circumstance.

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 26 )

For the most part, ponies are a peaceful race.

That sentence, and the entire first paragraph along with it, make for a pretty boring beginning.

Interesting premise, to say the least. Though, I will point out that "everyone" is rarely used, and would be more canon to say "everypony". Also, bucking instead of the actual word.

7141245 Nearly every time I use the actual swear words, I get people going on that I should use the pony fandom equivalents instead, and whenever I use the pony equivalents of those words, I get comments from other people saying that the actual words have more emphasis behind them. I've tried both and I can't ever please everyone on that front so at some point I just said "screw it" and used the real swear words all the time. The story's rated T for language for a reason. It's just how I do things.

Besides in the situation Laughingstock is in that's meant to be taken as seriously as a heart attack, lets face it. Saying "Buck" in those situations would sound really stupid.

7141278 ah, you have my apologies, both for the prior comment and on behalf of the flip flop nature of readers.

Also, you're totally right. Buck would sound ridiculous.

7141668 You don't have to apologize for anything, you were just making an observation. :twilightsmile:

This looks good. And I think you have a better handle on writing Starlight than the actual show writers themselves!

7204420 Thank you. :twilightsmile: I'm actually kind of proud of where I want this story to go. I just haven't had as much time as I'd like to write really ANYTHING because I'm finishing up my first year of college right now and I can't screw it up.

7204446 College first for you? Good. You have your priorities right.[/sincere]

7141245 It is more canon, but...they should be using "everyone" or "everybody" since not every being in Equestria is a pony. I wonder how Spike, Discord, the SENTIENT cows, the Donkeys, other dragons, serpents, and heck, even weird mutant Ahuizotl (however it is spelled) feel about constantly being excluded when talked about. It's as if they are non-beings since, well, they aren't part of "everypony" and why not "fucking" instead of "bucking"? As I said, not everyone can buck. I'd love to see Discord try and buck without defying the laws of physics, or one of the cows. Dragons can buck with their tail, but I'd call that "smacking".:pinkiecrazy:

7218933 I believe more than one story has touched upon that. As for the "everypony vs everybody" thing... well, there are other ones. "Everygriff" has been suggested, and a few others. Also, who says Discord can't "buck"? He can be a quadruped, if he chooses to.

Hope college is going well. :) And looks like Spike's day just went from 'bad' to 'oh dear sweet Celestia this is gonna hurt'.

Makes a lot of sense. Also, Laughingstock has a great point. Why the everloving hell wasn't she locked up?

Great chapter. Nice setting of the stage.

7378142 Starlight would just overpower her guards and escape or kill anypony she considers an enemy.
Many folks may not like it but Starlight has been shown time and time again to be stupidly powerful and that's why Twilight made her student, to help Starlight understand why she was wrong and put her power to use for the greater good.

7378954 In-universe, use a magic inhibition spell like we saw in Equestria Games.

Out-of-universe, just lock her up and say it sticks.

by no means where they nice.

Oh... I sense big problems with Laughingstock later on.

It was a Pegasus stallion of white color and a very neatly cut mane, and an enormous smile on his face that spread nearly ear-to-ear.

If I remember correctly, Double Diamond is an Earth pony.

She wouldn’t stand for this. She got out of her bed, holding a pillow in her magic as she trotted to the window. Starlight very slowly opened the window and gave the bird a death glare. “You have exactly three seconds to leave before you get smothered.” She growled irritably. The bird held a terrified look on her for a moment before he got the message and flew away as fast as his wings would allow him.

I would have kept singing.

“AAAAGH OKAY I’M SORRY I WOKE YOU UP!” Spike screamed as he was now being chased through the halls of the crystal castle by a very irritated purple unicorn. He’d gotten her up like Twilight asked him, but not exactly getting the reception he was hoping for. But maybe he could at least get Starlight to chase him to the map room.

Something tells me he’s regretting not sending her to Tartarus.

Eventually, after much running and dodging flying pillows being tossed by Starlight, Spike eventually managed to make it into the map room where the rest of his friends awaited for them. He quickly ducked under the map before Starlight made it in. Once she DID though, she was really a sight to behold. Out of breath, even worse bed-head than she had before, and unbridled rage. “WHERE’D HE GO?!?” She yelled.

Spike, get your fire ready.

Starlight flinched a little bit at Twilight’s patting. “I never said you could touch me. I might not be trying to hurt you now, but we’re not on that personal of a basis yet.” She said with the slightest hint of aggression and a little scowl.

Send the b*ch to f*cking Tartarus already.

If he hadn’t tired himself out, he might’ve gone on another loud and self-destructive tangent. Since he DID tire himself out though, he resorted to simply cursing somepony’s name under his breath. “I tell you what. The day I knock that bitch’s teeth out’ll be a real happy day for me.”

I hope he does it.

While the rest of the girls tried to give Starlight a good talking to regarding how they should go about teaching her the ways of friendship, Spike had decided that maybe it was a good idea to get out of Starlight’s hair for a while. She really wasn’t in the best of moods this morning after he woke her up and he didn’t want another incident like this morning happening. Though he would’ve liked an apology along the lines of ‘Sorry I overreacted and tried to smother you with a pillow Spike.’ He wasn’t really expecting it because he knew just how difficult it is to work with Starlight, but it didn’t make him feel much better about it.

Yup, he’s definitely regretting not sending her to Tartarus.

“Do I really look like I care? Do I?” Laughingstock growled in frustration. Who was this kid trying to impress with his proper grammar here?

Guess you don’t want no food.

“Ya know, you’re makin’ this awfully difficult. If ya didn’t wanna listen to us, why’re ya even here?” Applejack asked, clearly annoyed at Starlight’s seemingly uncaring behavior.

Glad I’m not the only one.

Starlight was about to continue her house of cards endeavor but stopped to answer Applejack’s question, expression not really changing all that much. “Be honest, you’re good at that. Where else was I going to go? I don’t exactly trust that you’d keep my past crimes a secret from Equestria. Sooner or later, someone would recognize me, and inevitably someone would kill me. It’d be in my better interest to stay here and let you try all you feel like to change my ways. Nopony said I had to listen.” Starlight replied, shrugging her shoulders.

I wouldn’t mind if they did that.

As partially expected, Starlight just dismissed her question. “Do you think I’m stupid? Of course I do. Which is why I wanted him to just stay with me after he was de-marked. In my society, that would NEVER have been a problem for him. But no, he just had to go and play rebel and escape. Now he’s paying the price for his own stupidity.”

Is she really blaming him?

Twilight quickly got in between the two of them, hoping it would at least keep them from coming to blows. Because if it did come down to it, the facts where that Starlight would physically destroy Laughingstock. “So um….you must be Laughingstock. We were just talking about you. I’m sure you know who WE are.”

I don’t know about that. He seems determined.

Please let this continue. I want to see him sucker punch starlight so bad.

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