• Published 17th Feb 2016
  • 1,116 Views, 28 Comments

In the dark of Nightmare Moon - Tempest_Flare

After her loss to Twilight Sparkle Nightmare Moon finds herself in the company of the true lost element of harmony and its barer her long thought dead sister Tempest Flare the middle filly in birth but the most powerful of the Royal alicorn sisters.

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Prologue the lost sisters

In The Dark Of Nightmare Moon

The lost sisters

“What’s going on? Where am I?” Nightmare Moon called out. All around her were a multitude of doors. Some she had glimpsed at when she hid in Luna before trying to create an eternal night the first time 1,000 years ago and again when she was returning from her banishment on the moon.

This time was different from the last two, though. She wasn't attached to Luna and now had her own ethereal form. And she was just floating in front of the doors instead of just glimpsing them or using the one that connected the surfaces of the moon and Equis. Now, this time, she had a chance to explore her new surroundings and decided to do just that.

As she wandered through the void she was drawn to a particular door by a voice she recognized as one she had heard from Luna's memory. And the last time she was here she had paused momentarily before she used the door that she had unsealed with the power of the night. In that moment, she had heard the same voice. Wondering who knew her name but then passed through the door when she didn't immediately hear the voice call out again. This time, she had heard the voice call out more than just her name she heard it say things like “how can I help you be loved for the night like I love you?” and “why do I like two fictional night goddesses and most think of them as fiction? They feel real to me. Like I was meant to be a friend to both?”

Nightmare heard these things and got an idea. ‘I think this one should know of my appreciation for the kind words it has spoken.’ And as she opened the door she felt a powerful draw to the word she had exposed and the female she observed though it was a bit of a new sensation she remembered a similar feeling when she first found Luna. This was very powerful. So much so that it literally pulled her off her hooves and into the world that she had seen from the void.

I had just finished my thoughts on my new fanfic that featured Nightmare Moon returning to Equis. Not to take over but rather give Tia a break from her duties.

But as before I failed to gain a better rep than with my last fic; I still had ponies (as stated in my earlier works I always have my mains use pony pronouns even when breaking the fourth wall.) thinking that Nightmare was either a dark side to Luna or a separate entity who had inhabited Luna's body and the mainstream view still was one of a villain to be hated and destroyed or at least to be locked away and forgotten. While a small amount of fanfics I've seen were about her trying to make up for her deeds or her being purified they always have her be evil through loneliness or pure negatives and the ones that do mix the two were always my faves but I went further I gave her a true title and place of power that allowed her the privilege to give her sister's duty breaks. Mostly Tia cause of day court's pressure and stress but every version I wrote of it got ten or fewer views and two likes at most I even told the readers it was a dark comedy but the stories never took.

I contemplated how I could use the basics of the idea to tell what I wanted when I heard a rather LOUD thump land just outside my window. Now my window was on the second story so to make that sound the thing must've hit some invisible barrier like the spell I put on my outer windowsill for fun and for protection from dark forces like the dreams of my past lives.

See I'm a witch. I've known magic was a real thing since I was the fifteen. I woke up from one of my recurring dreams of my past lives and found a pin of a random symbol inside of my left-hand glove and a tattoo on the back of the same hand. Now at the time I was out in the woods and no one knew that I was there. So for me to wake up and have two random things show up on my person was startling, to say the least, but what was even weirder was when I went to open my tent the tattoo started glowing and the tent unzipped itself. That's when I first used my magic.

In the following months, I practiced with it and found I was what most fanfic writers called a Mary Sue. I could lift tons of stuff with telekinesis. Literally! The heaviest thing I lifted without straining my power was over 40 tons! I had yet to find my limit in weight and number of objects but I hadn't really tried to go past that point with my telekinesis.

As I got the hang of my new power I learned things that I thought only existed in TV books and movies. I found that I had a deep well of physical strength as well as a large resistance to the harm of all kinds. Then came the day a dream of all children came true.

I was seventeen at the time and I had just moved to my new home. I was watching dbz and had just finished the Cell saga. I had loved the imagery of the final beam struggle and in the heat of the moment, I raised my right hand and shouted the infamous phrase “ka me ha!” at the top of my lungs expecting nothing to happen but instead the blue ki beam shot from my hand and obliterated my television. I instantly dropped my hand cutting the flow of power and looked at my left hand and just like when I used my magic it was glowing but this time, it didn't stop when I cut the power. In fact, as I was looking at it started to change and I felt myself change with it.

From that day forward I started to have the dark dreams of my past lives. Each one got worse to the point that I learned spells to help filter the gore out of them. The ones I had that I couldn't filter told me things about my powers I already knew that I was using magic (that came to me when I first used it). The dream I had before the power appeared was of when I first used my magic in my human past lives. It seemed the power manifested itself when I turned fifteen or sometime in that year. But my new power was also a curse of sorts as it came from a dragon's soul. The power I now had been that of the ancient race the Dragonoid. The Dragonoid had the powers of all races that inhabited the planet and the forms of the dominant sapient species on said planet the form of a dragon and the true form of the Dragonoid a human-dragon hybrid plus in the dominant form if the species didn't have wings they grew them if they did the wings get bigger.

For me, I got a set of the most beautiful black angel wings I ever saw. I wondered how I could hide 23 foot wide wings but if I wanted to go out and talk to people they would fold up against my back and under a slightly baggy shirt, they were unnoticeable.

When I tried to transform into the dragon form I got a surprise. I didn't just change forms I got the memory of all the time I was in this form along with the spells I learned to like the barrier I put on the window sill.

I had learned of my first life after I watched mlp: fim for the first time when I saw Woona and Tia I suddenly got flashbacks of the day I died on Equis. I still didn't have all the pieces but I knew that I was the lost sister, the middle filly in birth order but not in power I was the most powerful of the three royal sisters because I would control Destiny itself. The elements of harmony were born of my heart for when I was born the seed that the tree of harmony grew from the Heart of Destiny fused itself with my heart and gave me the power of the Dragonoid race.

I had always known that my luck and timing were the product of magic but I thought it was just my extra power affecting my surroundings, not me using Destiny to help my life. This also told me that the tattoo I had been actually a cutie mark and after seeing the new forms the elements took I understood the whole thing the heart in the center was my element the Heart of Destiny and the six different fires with the colors of each mare and the element each held in the center of the fire that matched their mane and coat I was the seventh element. The truly lost element.

That night I found that when I cleared my mind I could see The Weave. The Weave was the cords of Destiny that attached all to my power but I still didn't know how I was affecting it. One thing I knew was I was no longer Tia and Woona’s sister but now a new alicorn, so if I ever was to visit Equis I could marry my Woona. Then something in The Weave revealed itself. I had seen Nightmare and loved her like I loved Woona and The Weave said that she was still out there. That's when I started writing my fanfics where she was not purely evil but a kind sister of sorts I thought Woona would like that I was telling the story from Nightmare's point of view with what she had told me she wanted to do for me and Tia.

The door pulled Nightmare through with such force she was falling at terminal velocity and before she did more than slow her descent to a safe speed she hit something and knocked herself senseless. Groaning she tried to stand on her hooves only to stagger dizzily and fell against a window with a loud thump and passed out.

As I got up to look outside I heard another thump. This one louder and much closer. My desk was a good twelve feet away from my window and at an angle so I couldn't see it at night. And since it was 2:36am I had to get up to look out the damn thing so the second thump made me even more worried that I was in trouble.

When I got to the thing and opened it I looked down cause the outer sill was a couple inch lower than the inner one due to the shutters that used to close needing to be flush with the house for some reason. What I saw made me gasp. It was Nightmare Moon and she looked to be unconscious. Knowing the barrier spell could hold the weight of two fully loaded dump trucks (I had done the test myself in dragon form which was the same weight) I climbed out onto it and turned into my Dragonoid form (the human-dragon hybrid form was named that because it is short for Humanoid Dragon). Using its massive brute strength to lift the alicorn into my home and on the bed, I kept in my home office/second master bedroom I made sure she was comfortable and got back to work.

I had just finished the prolog of my new fic when Nightmare started coming to. I changed into my alicorn form cause I thought she would freak out if she saw a Dragonoid sitting down. To tell the truth I wasn't sure when got my pony form back. I would sometimes just wake up an alicorn and have to deal with it for a day or two. At one point I had taken a nap at the office I owned and woke up a pony. I then decided to try to turn human again and after about ten tries I got back to my human form. That afternoon I learned how to change to all my different forms smoothly and quickly so if I needed each forms looks and abilities I could switch at a moment's notice.

When Nightmare fully awoke she looked confused like she was lost but when she saw me she got wide eyed and I saw tears welling up as she said a nickname, my nickname, my PONY nickname: “Tempé!” She whispered. Then more loudly she said, “Tempé, i-is that you?”

“Yes, Moonie it’s me.” I answer as she starts crying and looking terrified.

“How? I was looking for a female creature to reward for their kind thoughts of me but instead, I find my long lost sister where said being stood?”

“I must be the thing you're looking for.” I said as I changed back to my human form.“Is this what the creature looked like?”

She nodded staring in astonishment at how smooth the transition was.

After snapping my fingers in front of her to bring her back to reality I continued “I know you aren't Luna and I don't care. My new pony form is in no way related to you or our old sisters so if you need anything even if you just want to lay down with me you can but know this: The Weave has told me what you are and what you can do so I hope you behave yourself and not dream hop. Human dreams are not the kind to walk into lightly.”

Chuckling inwardly at her surprised look I left the room to let Moonie rest. As I headed to the main master bedroom I thought to myself ‘ I wonder if she'll heed my warning and stay to her own dreams. Well, I'll find out soon enough.’

As I lay in my bed I took stock of what had happened to me but after one look at my alarm, I knew that I had to sleep. I was always more of a night creature if my experience told me anything.

I had been asleep for a few minutes when I started to dream. The surrounding images were blurry at first but they soon coalesced into solid shapes.

Author's Note:

The next chapter will be the first dimension hop.