• Published 20th Feb 2016
  • 3,111 Views, 49 Comments

Equestria Girls: The Empowered World - KrspaceT

Following an explosion in the sky one night, a version of the Elements of Harmony appear in Canterlot City. The explosion releases an energy wave that grants power to several in the city, requiring former friends to reunite

  • ...

Rainbow Dash v Sunset Shimmer: Dawn of Motives



Lying in a heap under her covers, a semi-coherent mass lay dormant, unlikely to be disturbed by any natural phenomenon.

Her room was a unintentional shrine to chaos, a messy floor with three mostly distinct regions of identity seemingly in conflict with each other for what held influence with her.

The first area featured shelves decorated with trophies, medals, and other sorts of athletic achievement awards from a variety of sports: Soccer, Softball, Volleyball, Track and Field, Wrestling and Field Hockey. Several signed memorabilia decorated it, including signed soccer balls, footballs, hockey pucks, and even some that originated from the Olympics. Several official looking letters lay on the desk, most of them from nearby universities offering insane amounts of of sports scholarships.

The second area was, in a word, a nest. In particular, it was a gamer's nest. A large TV served as a central hub for a variety of gaming necessities, including multiple generations of consoles, a veritable mountain of assorted video game cases, scattered but lovingly placed figurines, most notably a Blue Knight with a shovel facing off against a cartoon duck with a large purple hat, and a red plumber standing on top of a humanoid blue hedgehog.

The third area was mostly filled with boxes of comic books, piles of comic book compiled novels, and at least 20 different posing figures, including a man dressed like a bat, a mighty blue hero with a cape, a beautiful woman with black hair, and a man in red posed as if running. Several books of a more traditional sense were scattered among them, the majority of them Daring do in some way, shape, or form.

How the sports, the video games, and the heroes did not come to life like a group of armless statues at night and attack either their owner or one another was a mystery. It was not a mystery, of course, to assume that if the unconscious mass was still friends with a certain fashionista, that the clashing colors and overall mess in this room would make the girl have a complete and utter meltdown that would either lead to total conscious shutdown in an effort to protect itself from eldritch messes or a murderous rampage against the atrocities in her sight

The mass snored on, perfectly emulating any number of monstrous cave dwelling monsters. When.....







With a groan, Rainbow began to shake and rise up, absently rubbing at her eyes as she let out a massive yawn.


Lacking higher brain function, Rainbow said the only thing that came to mind.,

"Rainbow Dash, the day will come when you have to make a choice"

Memories, however, were perfectly clear in her head, even as the blob began to slink towards a nearby shower.

Rainbow flinched as the memory came unbidden to mind as she trudged towards her shower.

Aunt Spitfire…if there ever was someone to feel conflicted about, it was her.

On one hand, she was a veteran pilot and officer with years of Air Force service under her belt who practically screamed “cool aunt”, and was a member of the Blue Angels to boot. She’d also taken Rainbow to arcades, sports games, and played with Rainbow whenever given the opportunity and overall made Rainbow Dash's childhood even more awesome than it would be otherwise..

On the other hand, she may or may not have taken part in an operation that wiped entire innocent villages off the map.

Rainbow was…conflicted, to say the least. It didn’t help she’d never find the truth now, either.

What would Aunt Spitfire think of her now? Rainbow thought as she threw her shirt and panties in the clothes basket and switched the hot water in her show up to the max and stepped in.

Would she be proud of her? Rainbow was certainly doing enough with her life, half or more of the sports teams at school, sports scholarships piling up before she’d even graduated High School.

Actually, it wasn’t even a question. Spitfire would be proud of that part of her life. It was…everything else she’d question.

Spitfire firmly believed in the system, that it’d eventually triumph. At least, that’s what her father said.

For the longest time, Rainbow had wanted to believe that, too. The police were always good, military was always fighting for their freedom, yada yada.

But…Spitfire believed that, and it had gotten her nowhere. Heck, if rumors were to be believed (and Rainbow would knock anyone out who actively spread these rumors), Spitfire had done more than just “defend freedom”, often at the orders of her own superiors.

Rainbow didn’t know. All she knew was that order and structure of such institutions often screwed things up, made things murky when they should have been simple.

See the bad guy. Beat the bad guy. Rinse and repeat.

Organization-whether its government, police, almost anything really, blurred such a clear, pristine goal. Rainbow stepped out of her shower scantily clad in a towel and opened her closet. A purple glove and hat lay partially exposed to the world. She hastily slammed the closet closed when she heard footsteps in the hall outside her bedroom, remembered she kept her clothes in there, open the closet and snatched a shirt and shorts before slamming it shut once more.

Spitfire probably wouldn’t be proud of her new nightly activities. Probably because of something dumb, like they’re “dangerous” or “illegal”, but Rainbow knew better.

She’d been given a gift, a one in a million chance to be something more, to make a difference like few else could.

There was no way she wasn’t going pass it up.


What was a lady to do in them but her routines.

Brush her teeth with her energy construct toothbrush.




Check her news feed.

Say hello to the winged girl flying outside her window.

Prepare to make breakfast and hope the scent wakes Sweetie rather than spending twenty minutes trying gently before threatening her with ice wat-.

Wait, what?

Rarity very calmly set her phone down, noted to look back at her news-feed later, turned to her window, and stared.

Fluttershy smiled and waved.

Fluttershy smiled, waved, while flying.

With giant wings coming out of her back, flapping to retain her altitude.

"Hello Rarity!" She greeted kindly, as if what she was doing was completely normal.

"Flu...flu....Fluttershy?" Oh god, was she going to turn feral again?!

She flew into her window, her wings retracting as she squeezed on in rather limberly.

"You are....certainly limber." Rarity observed nervously as Fluttershy grinned.

"Oh yes, yes I am. See, a lot of animals have very flexible bodies, including Opal."

"So....you used your powers to fit through the window?" Rarity slowly stated, even as she panned over Fluttershy for signs of fur, scales, claws, or venom sacks. "But, you don't look like your using it?"

"Oh...." Fluttershy ticked her head, even as a pair of cat ears jutted out of her head "Is this better?" At Rarity's shocked expression, Fluttershy continued.

"I just figured it out yesterday. You see, I can use my powers without changing my appearance, though what I am able to do when I'm not altered is lesser. But what I can do....oh Rarity is is wonderful. I can see so many brilliant colors, I can make myself warmer or colder, I can even be awake and sleep at the same time. Birds can turn half their brain off to sleep while they are flying, and I can do my homework with my other half of the brain and feel refreshed afterwards!"

"You can......"

"So, mind if I stay for breakfast, I'm out of pop-tarts? I mean, if it isn't any trouble....."

"No no...It's fine...perfectly fine. I'm sure Sweetie will be a perfect angel. You, um, might want to ditch the ears though, Sweetie might fondle them, and Opal does not like other cats....."


"....Of course, apparently catgirls don't count as 'other cats'." Apparently Opal was just as fond of catgirls as an anime fan was.




"A'm fine Mac......a'm fine.......someone prob'ly just talkin' 'bout me behind my back. I reckon I know who....."

"You Know Who?"

"Close Apple Bloom, close."


"Huh.......they aren't nearly as frightening as they sounded. Really, all a Capybara is is a over...over....ACHOO!"

Frowning, she wiped her book clean with magic and continued to read one of her proliferated books with only one snarky comment.

"I need to dust this place one of thee days....."


Sunset smirked as she slowly closed her locker, a distant rainbow blur racing towards here.

What to do, what to do? Well, she could set her hair on fire. But...while that would certainly be fun and make her entire day, she really didn't want that kind of public attention right now. Hmm, a little thermal tampering and aquamancy and she could coalesce the moisture in air and make a nice, slick surface for Rainbow to fall flat on in front of all her peers.

Still, while humiliating Rainbow would be fun, Rainbow's confrontations were getting old. It was time for a show of force to end this silly trend.

Subtle, almost unseen sparks at her finger tips, Sunset's mind went into overdrive, calculating the exact components of the spell she needed to even as Rainbow all but charged in, fist clenched for one, powerful punch...

"Hello Sunset," Celestia said warmly.

"Oh, Hi Celesti-ahhh!" Sunset shouted as Celestia practically materialized by her side. Rainbow jumped back as well, blinking repeatedly at the sight.

"Personally, I prefer a simple 'tia' at the end of "Celest", a bit too much emphasis on the 'a' there." Sunset stared. Rainbow blinked. Celestia sighed and turned to Rainbow and raised an eyebrow. "Don't you two have classes to be?"

Mood utterly broken, Rainbow stomped off after one last glare in Sunset's direction. For her part, Sunset lingered a moment longer.
"You're doing this on purpose," she stated.

"My, I have no idea what you're on about. Why would I, a principal with decades of experience with moody teenagers and children notice when two teens shoot each other glares and blatantly obvious aggression at every opportunity?" Celestia shook her head, smiling with mirth.
"This was a lovely little chat Sunset, but I really must be going. Have a nice day," Celestia said and walked off.

Sunset seethed and ground her teeth together.

No matter the time, place, or even damn dimension, Celestia still had the uncanny ability to be impossibly aggravating

Scowling, Sunset walked off in search of something, anything, to get her mind off of Celestia's infuriating interruptions...

"Don't move, you monetary collecting machines! Trixie has business with you!"

Sunset grinned. Cue her needed distraction.

Normally Trixie meant annoyance. But while Rainbow was a loud dog that could bite, this one was just....a loud dog.

A very loud, but ultimately harmless dog. Like a Pomeranians? Maybe a Chihuahua? Eh, she didn't know: that was Fluttershy's thing to know the difference between useless mutts. They probably just looked the same, different only by ear angles or some nonsense.

Thankfully, loud and harmless dogs could be very amusing, given the right prompting.

A subtle blue enveloping her hand, Sunset tapped the machine and typed 106 with her other hand.

"Peanut butter cracker,s peanut butter crackers....." the girl sang to herself as she got near "Trixie's going to get herself some peanut butter and...."


The skipping stopped as Sunset took a large bite out of her own packet of peanut butter crackers.

Trixie dully looked at her, looking rather cross. She then looked at the vending machine, and got even more cross.

"That....was the last packet of peanut butter crackers, wasn't it?"

In response, Sunset just swallowed the last of it. Nothing more needed to be said.

"Trixie.....dislikes you. Trixie dislikes you, a lot."


There was....a palpably dark feeling radiating off Sweetie all day, and Rarity was now starting to get worried even as the two arrived home.

It had lasted all day, and it wasn't what Rarity had previously seen of her. It wasn't her being cranky, or her feeling depressed because of a grade or a social flop.

It was....self loathing?

"Sweetie, are you alright?" it was the best thing Rarity could ask her at this point. What was she supposed to do or could say that didn't boil down to; 'Sweetie are you on the verge of writing gothic poetry', or 'Sweetie, are you getting vulgar text messages that will require me to introduce some nasty creatin' to a glowing energy mallet'?

"......" Sweetie didn't answer her. Perhaps she would have to ensure she wasn't on the verge of doing something incredibly stupid......

"Rarity, am I a good person?"

That.....was not what Rarity was expecting her to ask.

"Why Sweetie....what on earth would make you ask such a thing!? You are a perfectly wonderful, kind girl. Sure, you can be vexing, but that doesn't mean you don't do your chores, say please and thank you, and hold the door open for people. Did you run into one of those fire and brimstone preachers and actually listen to them as they went on and on about how mixing fabrics and mixing love will send you to hell? Because if that's the case, allow me to assure you that I'll be in hell with you, and I'll make it fabulous, with all the mixed fabrics!"

"That's not it......" Sweetie sighed, drooping over lethargically.

Drat. Rarity honestly thought that hell thing would at least perk her up. Or was she the only one who thought that was funny?

"Is someone troubling you then? If it was Sunset Shimmer then I assure you Sweetie...."

"No....she hasn't done anything, not since she nearly ran over Applebloom while we were trying to prove a stoplight sentient" Sweetie rolled over, now doing a very good impression of a rather upset Opal even as Rarity tried to process the stoplight thing.

"It's......Fluttershy." she admitted after about 10 seconds, which did not make Rarity any less confused.

"Fluttershy? I can't imagine what could possibly be the matter with her....you got along fine this morning."

"That's not it."

"Oh.......well....." Rarity was now at a loss to figure out how Fluttershy could possibly annoy someone.

She rarely smelled like her animal friends, she didn't swear, and she didn't advocate for giving chimpanzees voting rights (Okay, she'd finally dropped that one, but only after the chimpanzee ate the voting ticket). Perhaps her nervousness could possibly be the matter, but Fluttershy had not had a panic attack this morning and had only eeped 3 times on the way to school.

Okay the second time had been her. Why did chubby, hairy man have to always wear tank tops?

"It's.....just.......you and her are friends again....."

"Oh.....Sweetie do you think I'm going to ignore you for her or something?" Rarity hoped that Sweetie would never assume something so rash. The last thing Fluttershy needed was for Sweetie and her friends to come up with some hair brained, ill thought scheme to make her pay less attention to Fluttershy, possibly involving some nasty internet thing.

Or explosives. Stars above help them if they got hold of explosives again.

Rarity really did not want to think what something like that would do to the poor girl, or her sister being capable of such a dastardly thing.

"No...that's not it......it's just........I guess.....why?"

"Why? I don't get what you mean by that."

"......Why Fluttershy? Why, of all your friends.....former friends.....did you become friends with her again? Why not.....Applejack or Rainbow Dash?"

Applejack and Rainbow Dash? Why on earth would Sweetie want her to be friends again with Apple Bloom and Scootaloo's dreadful and ....


Oh dear. No wonder Sweetie seemed down.

"Sweetie..." Rarity moved over to put an arm around her moping sister, "I get why you feel that way. I'm sure it would be easier for you and your friends if....certain things had never been said. But you can't really control what fate throws at you, and fate threw Fluttershy and me back together."

Well fate, Flutterbat/something/something/snake/something, some purple energy constructs, and Sunset 'Slytherin' Shimmer. But that was somewhat complicated and did not warrant repeating.

"The way you say that, am I going to end up with an Aunt or something?" Sweetie, still somewhat depressed feeling, but sounding somewhat better.

"Sweetie, the correct term you are looking for is 'sister-in-law'......." Rarity blushed horribly, just as realized what she had just been lured into "....and do recall how I called you vexing earlier, right? Well, allow me to reiterate: you are very vexing."

"You didn't say no....." Should she tolerate Sweetie slowly perking up with these quips of hers, or should Rarity force the girl into plad as punishment for her impertinence?

Choices choices.


The Junkyard.


The place where she would finally make Rainbow Dash shut up.



Really, if she'd had a considerable income and couldn't find use for refurbishing this stuff she'd never come here.

Even now, some of it still boggled her.

Yanking out what appeared to be a pair of giant, furry dice from a wrecked car, Sunset couldn't make heads or tails of them.

"All these years, and I still don't understand them. Why make these things?" tossing them back into the wreck, she turned and walked through the monuments to decay and waste, idly checking the time with magic every so often.

Still an hour until Rainbow showed up, but Sunset felt like getting here early. Might as well ensure she had all the energy she needed to scare Rainbow into proper behavior.....



The sound of a loud truck entering the area caught Sunset's attention and her gaze rapidly shifted towards the front gate.

Oh the for love of magic, a drop off!

Sunset kicked the rusted wreck of an old car. She didn't want nor need witnesses, but the universe felt like throwing them at her today, it seems.

Sunset's eyes widened.

If those bastards messed with her bike...

Sunset took a deep breath. Maybe if she was lucky they'd leave quickly enough.

If she was unlucky...

Well, she had never been adverse to teaching harsh lessons to delightfully attentive and likely bound idiots.

While Sunset didn't think it would take that much magic to make Rainbow heel, she'd prefer to have more magic than less on hand for when the eyesore showed up.


A bit of running found Sunset at the wide open gate to the junk yard, wide enough for a truck to drive through.

One in fact had, though it was not quite the normal sort of truck that came here.

It was that kind of truck, the name of which she could care less about, that hauled a lot of stuff in a secondary trailer to and from places. The truck itself was red, and the trailer a metallic silver.

Thankfully it was far away from her bike, carefully hidden inside a small alcove in a mountain of junk and covered by a tarp.

Not quite sure what the truck was doing here, Sunset eyed it warily, even as the front door opened out and a man stepped out.

The man was aged looking, though he wasn't as ancient looking as the Apple family hag. He was in good shape, a imposing looking man in a red jacket with a blue undershirt and jeans.

He also had a mustache on his face, a fashion statement Sunset had never quite grasped. It looked odd no matter the species.

He, despite the fact that Sunset thought she was rather well hidden, seemed to be looking right at her.

"Hello there miss, would you mind telling me where the interstate is. I am on my way to Griffon Rock you see, and I took a wrong turn somewhere either in Mission or Paw Paw. "

Directions? He went to the junkyard, for directions?

Popping out, figuring that hiding wasn't going to do her any good, she approached him.

"Sorry, but I really couldn't tell you how to get anywhere outside of Canterlot, never left this city since I started walking." Trotting was a different story.

"Oh, that is a shame.........." he looked at her ponderously before continuing "Say, what is a girl like you doing out here?"

"I don't think that is any of your business." she replied tersely.

"Oh....well I suppose it was a bit rude of me to ask you out out of nowhere like that. Very well, my name is Orion. Orion Peace, what is your name?"

Orion Peace, the trucker? Huh, odd name. She'd expect, Smokestack or Wheeler or something.

"Sunset, Sunset Shimmer, and what I'm doing is none of your business."

"I see......" he walked forward, idly looking around the junk yard like he was surveying a garden, moving in a way that was well practiced, long done, and somehow didn't dirty his boots much.

It was a walking style she had only witnessed once, and said walker used it to get her cake, avoid nobles, and be incredibly aggravating.

"This is a quiet place, rarely watched by others. Are you planning to do something you should not? If so, I can empathize. As a young man I did many things I was not encouraged to do by those with authority over me. I learned many thing from those individuals deemed dis-respectable ....."

"If this is your way of asking me if I'm doing drugs out here, then you don't have to worry yourself." Sunset felt a growing wave of irritation sweep over her. What in the world did a random trucker expect patronizing her with useless advice like this?

Who did he think he was?

"Ah, that is good. One can put many things into themselves. First knowledge, experience, friendship, and joy. Cruelty, greed, pain: one should save that for last, and delay it for as long as one can."

Sunset tried tuning the man out, she really did, but every word out of his mouth brought back flashbacks of all the "go make friends" lectures Celestia loved to give.

"Now that you've assured your conscience that the teenager you randomly met one day isn't a druggie, why don't you just go back on the road and find Griffin Rock, wherever that is. You've got two choices in highway direction, why don't you just pick one and go."

Her snappy response did not phase the man, who merely looked at her in contemplation. It wasn't in the way a teenage boy would look at her, and she'd honestly she'd prefer if he did look at her that way.

Instead, he seemed to be.....observing her, in a deeper way than just her female anatomy's size.

"In my time, I have met many people. As you can well imagine, I have seen countless miles in my time, and with them countless people. I have seen all sorts of eyes young Sunset.....and I must say I have seen your eyes before."

"I knew a good friend with those eyes. Your eyes are not as intense as his were, you lack his drive to go to the end for his ideals. Pray that your eyes never gain that intensity. I can see much potential in you, I can only hope that you do not squander it as he did."

With that, he turned and walked back to truck, even as a flabbergasted Sunset tried to comprehend the.....whatever it was he just said.

"What in the name of the freakin' sun......what about my eyes? I don't know what crazy place you went to, but no one has eyes like mine. You could never have met someone with my eyes! And what do you mean I lack drive, I have plenty of drive!"

Before entering his vehicle, he acknowledged her sputtering with one more phrase.

"You do Sunset, you do. I just hope you use it for good reasons, before it is too late."

He promptly backed out with his truck, and drove off into the distance.

Sunset just stared after him, quite annoyed.

"Just great, that is all I need in my life: getting a lecture from the bad mustached trucker Celestia!" Sunset stomped with a low growl before she checked the time. "Rainbow better get here soon, I need something to vent on!"


Thankfully Rainbow was punctual.

Sunset crossed her arms and watched the girl approach from the opposite end of a clearing within the metal jungle.

"So, you didn't get lost. Then again, I shouldn't be surprised: sniffing this place out can't that hard for someone like you."

"Yeah yeah, keep calling me a dog Sunset: that'll make it so much better when I introduce you to the ground. Repeatedly, if possible," Rainbow cheekily replied.

Sunset rolled her eyes "Heh, Cute. Hopefully you bring something of worth to this duel of ours, or I'm just going to be the only one laughing"

"A Duel? Seriously? Who even says that?" Rainbow flicked her hair and shot Sunset a smirk."Or maybe you've realized how outclassed you really are and you're challenging me to a card game or something instead? Gotta say, I'm surprised there's more to your personality than just "Queen Bitch".

Sunset pinched the bridge of her nose and groaned. She glared at Rainbow "I...words do not have the power necessary to explain how much I hate you right now."

"Oh you know me, your majesty. Eternal pain in your ass, at your service," Rainbow said with a flourish.

"That's it. I'm done," Sunset said, arcane sparks at her fingertips as her hand shot up. The wrecks and skeletons of old cars shuddered with a screech of metal on metal and shifting debris and shot high into the air. Then, they spun around in a spiraling dance even as an astonished Rainbow Dash looked on.

"Rainbow, Rainbow..." Sunset tsked, shaking her head. "You seem to be under the impression that you're some sort of threat, that you can put a stop to me." The cars spread into a figure eight, before forming a crude caricature of a middle finger. "As cute as that bark of yours is, for all you're strength, in all actuality, you're really nothing to me."

The dance of the floating cars continued, as they posed mid-air in the shape of a star, before forming a single stack and slowly descending to the ground in a orderly fashion.

The blue glow vanished, leaving only a perfectly aligned stack of cards on Rainbow's left.

"So.....still feeling like picking a fight? Or perhaps, you'll do the smart thing, go home, eat that pint of ice cream I'm sure you have, and pretend this never happened and stop bothering me. After all, what could you possible do to someone like me, kick a soccer ball at my face?"

Satisfied, Sunset turned and walked away. While a primal part of her wanted nothing more than to beat Rainbow into the ground, the cold, logical part of herself knew she might not be able to bring herself to stop. Really, it was for the best; after all, even a moron like Rainbow Dash would know better than to keep bothering her after, right


Sunset blinked. A car went sailing overhead, and slammed into a nearby pile of garbage, visible, physics defying sparks of electricity dancing upon it for a few moments before dissipating, She turned and saw Rainbow with a smug smirk.


Sunset saw Rainbow Dash, surrounded by a glowing rainbow light, lifting her stack of cars, and throwing them into the air.

They flew across the junk in multiple directions, before loudly slamming down and shattering anything they struck on impact.

"You know, when you told me to come here, I was actually worried. I mean, I thought I was the only one who had superpowers, and, as much as you royally suck, it'd be like punching Sweetie Belle. I mean, sure, it'd be satisfying to put you in your place, but fairness would come nowhere near that fight," Rainbow grinned, the sort of mad little grin seen only on individuals about to deliver the beat down to end all beat downs "But now.......you have powers too. That means that not only can Ikick your ass, I don't even have to feel bad about it."

First Rarity and Fluttershy, and now Rainbow Dash.

Idly, Sunset wondered if there was a pattern. First Rarity and Fluttershy, and now Rainbow Dash. She made a mental note to herself to look into this later.

"Oh yeah, and one more thing Sunset."

A whoosh of air was Sunset's only warning as Rainbow appeared right in front of her, crossing a distance larger than that of the school's gymnasium in a single second.

"Hitting hard isn't the only thing I can do."

A shimmering blue aura enveloped her body and promptly cracked as Rainbow punched her in the gut.

Even with that protection, getting punched through a mountain of junk still hurt.

A lot.


Well, Sunset Shimmer has super powers.

That sucks.

But, that really didn't matter nearly as much punching Sunset through a pile of filthy junk. Scratch that off her bucket list, revised since last Friday when she first found herself with a set of kickass powers.

Punch Sunset Shimmer through a pile of something nasty, check.

Now all she had left was to graduate high school, not flunk out of college, run to North Korea and remove their nuclear weapons (and prank the living hell out of Kim Jong whoever), and some less challenging goals of hers.

A bright glow filled up the hole. Quickly running through several scenarios in her head, Rainbow wisely stepped to the side as a powerful blast of light rocketed out of the hole as Sunset stepped out; said jerk looking surprisingly well for being hit with enough force to total a car, though her hair was now frazzled looking and her clothes, barring her signature jacket probably needed some stitching.Well, that and dark stains of...something, all over Sunset and her clothes.

Considering she had no idea what the full extent of Sunset's powers were, it would probably be a poor idea to taunt Sunset. On the other hand, another voice told her it'd be hilarious.

"Word of advice: bright, obvious glows are pretty good stereotypical tells for 'powerful energy blast coming this way'. Might want to work on that."

Sunset swept a hand over the side of face and flicked a bit of attached slime away with disgust before shooting Rainbow a deadly glare.

"Noted, and congratulations. You can hit harder. What a life changing accomplishment you dim-wit." Sunset said, sarcasm dripping with every word.

You can only make perfection more perfect." Rainbow said with a laugh.

"Well, when I see perfection I'll be sure to tell it that." Sunset conjured a ball of blue energy in each hand and threw them at Rainbow, rapid fire.

A long history of Zelda games told Rainbow exactly what to do in response, and so with a glowing arm she reflected the ball right back at Sunset.

Sunset vanished before it hit her, but she seemed rather annoyed by her mad skills regardless.

"Nice tricks Sunset, but no amount of....whatever it is you are doing can beat meeeeeee!"

Rainbow promptly lost control of herself when she started to glow blue, along with her own amazing rainbow colors, and started spinning like a mad top.

Sunset lazily flapped a glowing hand around in motion to her spinning, merely walked over to her with a infuriating grin.

"Oh yes I believe I can."

Rainbow promptly stopped spinning as Sunset stopped moving her hand, but a thrust of Sunset's hand right in her face got herself sent flying backwards into a junk pile, hitting it with a loud crunch.

"Doesn't feel so good does it Dashy?" Sunset questioned mockingly, even as Rainbow struggled out of her trash entombment.


Oh hell no! No was anyone allowed to call her that anymore.

Especially not Sunset Shimmer!

Grabbing a nearby engine block with some effort as she burst out of the pile Rainbow threw it right at the girl, just as a blue barrier formed in front of her.

While the engine block shattered on impact with it, Sunset was still knocked to the ground, likely leaving some nice, deep, ugly stains on her precious leather jacket.

Oh how gratifying that was to imagine.

So gratifying in fact the next engine block she picked up seemed to be far easier to lift and throw at the girl.

Apparently not wanting to have to go through the impact of an engine block again Sunset blew the engine block up with a ball of blue light, before snapping her fingers.

Suddenly the trash heap behind her caught fire.

So did every other heap of trash around them, forming a ring of fire around the two of them, covering every piece of trash within at least 500 feet.

"You set the......are you freaking insane!?" Rainbow demanded as Sunset narrowed her eyes at her.

"You threw a....whatever that freakin' thing was at me! Twice! Of course I'm a little furious!"

"That is not what I meant!"

"Then, articulate better!"

Growling, and hoping nothing in this dump was explosive or anything, Rainbow glared at Sunset before speaking, harshly.

"Telekinesis, barriers, freaking pyromancy!? How many powers did you freakin' get!?"

Sunset snapped her fingers petunately, and Rainbow's face started to itch. Rubbing it, the athlete found herself, horrifyingly, with a thick covering of pitch-black facial hair.

"The best one. Now...." with another snap of her fingers Rainbow's writs and ankles suddenly slammed together as blue energy cuffs formed around them, causing the now facial haired girl to hit the ground with a loud oomph.

"Give up."

"Never. I'd die before I ever surrendered to you." Rainbow growled, trying not to ingest any of her facial hair. How did men live like this?!

"You want me to......what sort a.......what kind of....." Sunset seemed aghast at the idea of delivering a lethal blow, Rainbow had to admit she was surprised.

Was it so hard for her to just, set her on fire or something? Did Sunset Shimmer have a boundary she wouldn't cross?!

Who'd have thought the resident cold hearted bitch of Canterlot High had any limits?

Glowing blue once more Rainbow was yanked right up into Sunset's face, her immobilized form now standing up and right in front of the bully.

"Well if you won't yield....." Sunset mused darkly, even as her gaze was turned to Rainbow's neck.

Rainbow suddenly had the horrifying image of Sunset biting her neck like some sort of vampire, but thankfully that didn't end up being the case.

No, a new glow formed around the locket she had found the other day while dealing with criminals, snapping it off her neck as it flew right towards Sunset.

"Hey! I found that!"

"Well, so did I, and now I get another one of these....."

Sunset stopped talking, on account of the overwhelming urge to drop to clutch her head as she screamed in agony.


Just as the Element entered her grasp, Sunset felt everything.

Every synapse, every nerve, every hair screaming, as if electrified.

It hurt, it hurt like a moon banishment spell to the face, in daytime.

Screaming loudly and collapsing to the ground, Sunset dropped the locket to the ground as she rapidly flailed the hand that first touched around, as if trying to extinguish a fire gnawing at her flesh.

As the pain ceased, Sunset noted her hand that served as ground zero. It was covered in a nasty red looking coloration, looking like someone had burned Rainbow's little logo she had on everything, like some imitation cutie mark, into her palm.

Thankfully it didn't look like it would scar into that shape (she did not need to be branded like that), but it still was not going to be fun to do anything with that hand until it healed.

The boot to her face, showed that her binding spell on Rainbow had not survived contact with the element, though her intact teeth showed her guard spell was still in effect.

She was still hit with enough force to send her rolling several feet. Dazed, she blinked, a seething Rainbow Dash over her cracking her knuckles, the element around her neck, her last few spells no longer affecting her.

Meaning the girl was no longer bound, or mustached.

"Well, I wish I could say I planned that, but I have no idea what just happened. But, I think I'll enjoy this next part quite a bit. Did you think my feet were the only parts of me I could move fast? So can my fists!"

One aspect of Sunset could move faster than Rainbow's fist: thought. And, for all her multitude of thoughts, Sunset could only think one thing: That is the stupidest thing I have ever heard anyone say.

On the other hand, her body was barely responsive from the shock, and Sunset could do nothing as she was promptly pounded by fist after fist from Rainbow Dash. All the glowing fists were moving faster than anything shy of a Wonderbolt performance back in Equestria, and spell or not it was painful.

However, as the barrage went on into minutes her human form finally responded, and let loose a blue magical burst.

Childish, but it was enough to force Rainbow off her and allow Sunset to get back on her feet.

She was quite unsteady on them though.

"This, ends, now!" Sunset snarled, even as she channeled every last bit of magical energy she had left into her left hand. A giant blue ball of magic, enough repulsing magic to sent Rainbow flying through the fire wall so fast she wouldn't get singed, and send her right into Canterlot's west wing, was ready to strike the damn girl once and for all, and end this fight!

Rainbow saw her challenge, and responded with her own glowing fist, doing its best to have more colors than most noble gardens. It didn't look at intense as her own magical attack, but she suspected it would hurt quite a lot if it hit her.

"For once Shimmer, I agree with you!"

And so Rainbow's fist collided with all of Sunset's magic.

The result.



"Rainbow? Rainbow?"


Someone poked her in the face.

Opening her eyes, Rainbow realized two things.

One, she was suddenly lying in a rather smashed up part of the local park, where she looked like she had been the meteor that had laid waste to all around her.

Two, Scootaloo was hovering over her, and had been the one to poke her.

"So, I take it Sunset Shimmer was a bit harder than you thought?" Her sister observed.

"Heh, a bit sis, a bit. Turns out, I'm not the only super around. Of course, I knocked Sunset just as hard as she knocked me, and I doubt she has a cool little sis to find her afterwards, so I'm going to say I won that one."

Scootaloo nodded in affirmative as she extended a helpful hand, helping Rainbow back onto her feet.


The unconscious body of Sunset Shimmer had landed into a suburban backyard some distance away from the dump, her guard spell finally flickering away as it spared her many, many cripplings today.

Her landing had been observed however, and her observer had dashed out of her house to see the crashed teenage girl.

Her dog accompanied her.

"Spike," the 4-eyed girl in a lab-coat stated in amazement at the sight of the girl."Remind me, what laws forbid human abduction for the sake of science?"

"Wuf!" Spike the dog happily reminded her.

"Hmm, you are right, aren't you? Well, I'll just have to weigh the cost and benefits. On one hand, I could call an ambulance and get her to a hospital where she'd assuredly be taken care of by professionals." Twilight tapped a finger on her chin.

"On the other hand, this is a genuine enhanced human in my backyard if her, "Twilight peered closer at Sunset's slowly rising chest and promptly blushed when she realized just how little of the girl's shirt remained to guard her modesty, "uh-hmm, continued breathing is any indication, she clearly survived a tremendous impact into my backyard.. If I take her to my lab, I get a chance to add to my samples, conduct tests, and further science far more than any High School class will ever manage." Twilight brightened. "Oh, and I finally get to put my first aid training to use!"

"Woof." Spike stoically commented.

"Don't give me that. Besides, I'm sure she doesn't want authorities snooping around her or that terrible hospital food. But...yeah, first aid definitely comes first." Twilight blinked and suddenly looked around, painfully aware of the possibility of nosy neighbors. "Quick, Spike, help me get her inside!"



A pair of teenage girls walked down a dark, somewhat seedy street in a somewhat rough looking city, both dressed in impeccable black suits as if they had just been playing a high-end musical event, or were training to be members of the secret service.

Given that the black haired one was pretty thin looking and lacked muscle-tone or menacing black shades, and the blue haired one had purple menacing shades instead of black menacing shades, very unprofessional hair, and was lugging a large instrument case as if it were nothing, one should lean the musical route.

"You know, I never understand the thought process of naming cities. I mean really, who in their right mind thought naming a place Rundown City would be a good idea?" the dark haired one questioned, her voice heavily accented as if from across the pond. Her companion shrugged, not voicing any opinion of why it was named Rundown City.

".....Oh, yes.....well I suppose I should thank you, again, for coming out with me tonight. I know that the concerts I'm asked to play can be a little...boring for you Vinyl, if more for the company than the music itself."

Vinyl's facial expression morphed a bit, including her shades which moved in a somewhat abnormal manner, creating an expression that clearly read 'Only the parts without you in it are boring, Octavia'.

Octavia blushed, but managed to get herself recomposed and continued "So, seeing as I should expect a nice big check in my account box tomorrow, perhaps we should eat out. Rundown City is known for many things, but it's restaurant reputation is apparently just as high as it's crime rate. I recall seeing a German place while we were on the train, as well as a seafood place and an Italian restaurant. Anything you'd prefer?"

Octavia gestured to her, pointing at her suit. Octavia blinked in realization.

"Oh yes, I see your point. The Italian place would have a lot of sauces and I'd hate to get a stain. So, guess it's between strudel and salmon then...."

"Alright you two, hands up!"

Both girls stopped walking and turned around, only to find a dirty dressed thug with wild blond hair pointing a gun at them.

"Give me your money."

The two girls exchanged looks, and not the panicked ones that one would expect.

"Odd, I was told I only had a 30% chance of being mugged. Well, I suppose I gambled wrong."

"Quit your chit-chat and hand me your money!"

Vinyl looked at the man as one would an eyesore. Knowing what was going through her head right now, Octavia reached for and took hold of her cello, noticeably losing her balance briefly as she took hold of the heavy instrument.

"Oh, an instrument....well I guess I can sell that thing for some good cash.....now give it here girly. I'll shoot your pretty little friend there if you refuse...."

"Do deal with him Vinyl, would you dear?"

"Ha ha.....'deal with me'. Really, what do you they teach you back home, to talk back....."

He was silenced when Vinyl punched him in the face, sending the man falling to the sidewalk, clutching his nose in pain.


His gun clattered to the ground at Vinyl's feet. She bent it over to pick it up, even as the thug got back up, though still clutching his now bleeding nose.

"My nose.....you broke my......a girl can't hit that hard! Tell me, are you one of those cross-dressin' men...."

He was silenced by Vinyl showing him his pistol, one of her hands on the muzzle and the other on the grip.

She promptly twisted her wrists, snapping the gun in half like it was a twig.

As the broken weapon fell to the pavement at her feet, the knave got wise and ran for it, still clutching his broken nose and stumbling a bit as he did so.

Octavia handed Vinyl the case, which she took back without noticeable issue from the sudden increase in load.

"Impressive dear, I'm surprised you showed restraint on him."

Vinyl's expression read something along the lines of 'Had he been bolder he would have warranted 'no restraint'. Octavia tried no think what that would have looked like.

"So, where were we.....oh yes German or Seafood....but now that I think it about it I did notice a Mexican place as well...."




"Telekinesis, barriers, freaking pyromancy!? How many powers did you freakin' get!?"

Sunset snapped her fingers petunately, and Rainbow's face started to itch. Rubbing it, the athlete found herself, horrifyingly, with a thick covering of pitch-black facial hair.

"The best one. Now...." with another snap of her fingers Rainbow's writs and ankles suddenly slammed together as blue energy cuffs formed around them, causing the now facial haired girl to hit the ground with a loud oomph.

"Give up."

"Never. I'd die before I ever surrendered to you." Rainbow growled, trying not to ingest any of her facial hair. How did men live like this?!

"You want me to......what sort a.......what kind of....." Sunset seemed aghast at the idea of delivering a lethal blow, Rainbow had to admit she was surprised.

Was it so hard for her to just, set her on fire or something? Did Sunset Shimmer have a boundary she wouldn't cross?!

Who'd have thought the girl had any limits?

Glowing blue once more Rainbow was yanked right up into Sunset's face, her immobilized form now standing up and right in front of the bully.

"Well if you won't yield....." Sunset mused darkly, even as a glowing hand was placed harshly on Rainbow's forehead, flashing brightly.

As she removed it, Rainbow glared at her.

"Oh, what the bloody hell was that supposed to do, ya twit!"

Rainbow blinked in confusion, not sure why was talking like a Harry Potter character.

"Now will you give up?" Sunset demanded.

"Sod off!"

"....I have no idea what you just said but I think it was an insult. Perhaps I should have read more about that mouth-removing spell instead...."

Author's Note:

1: In our world, Disney Infinity Figures was originally going to have Darkwing Duck as a character, though Olaf took his spot in the end. He is on the short list to appear later though, and in a recent poll conducted by the guys in charge of it had him second only to Mabel Pines. So it's likely he'll be in either an update if they keep 3.0 going for a while, or in 4.0, but here he was made into a figure and Rainbow picked him up for her collection despite probably not owning Disney Infinity.

2: Ever hear a Dodongo? Yeah, that's what Rainbow sounds like when she sleeps.

3: I'm American by the way. I also happen to have had family members serve and know guys in high school who are now preparing to serve. I even live close to New York City and did so even back in 2001. So yeah...the political part is something I have all the right to say

4: Yes, I did have to put that bashing in of the Holiday Special. That thing has inspired far too many Suicide attempts in fics, and I am honestly surprised I have not seen some dark fic where Sunset did kill herself over it and the Humane CMC ended up causing a inter-world diplomatic disaster. First contact should not involve an alien monarch taking 3 teenage girls to her world for trial for cyberbullying a former student of hers to death.

5: This is important. Before anyone flames or hits the dislike button, the moral implications of the fight this chapter will be looked at next chapter. So, relax...the beta won't let me get away with not addressing it there.

6: The Omake Rainbow Dash, after Sunset's actions, now talks with her G3 voice. And that's terrible

7: Fluttershy's animal powers for today include Evolutionary Accelerated Arctic Tern, Domestic Cats