• Published 27th Aug 2019
  • 6,304 Views, 505 Comments

Chaotic Harmony: Do Over - shirotora

A human finds himself in Equestria where other humans - turned into one of the various native races - have been living for hundreds of years.

  • ...

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Chapter 53: An Unexpected Ally?

To say we were surprised was a gross understatement. I think the word ‘flabbergasted’ fit better.

I could only sit and watch as the tigerian was bound in magic blocking chains and loaded into the back of a carriage. She offered no resistance, even when they muzzled her, even cooperating with her captors.

“This is so confusing!” Twilight shouted in frustration.

“No kiddin’,” I said.

“I mean, there's no reason for it to fail like that.”

“Huh?” I finally pulled my gaze away from the prisoner to see Twilight studying the broken plinth.

“The anchor!” Twilight shouted. “We did everything by the book, but it failed! How?!”

I sighed. “Maybe it didn't.”

“Of course it did!” Twilight practically growled. “It destroyed the anchor.”

“Yeah, and maybe that was the point,” I said. “Mah guess is that the ritual in that book was supposed to destroy it.”

“It says it's to strengthen it!”

I rolled my eyes. “The book lied.”

Twilight groaned and scoffed, but ultimately relented. “Okay, fine. Yes, that is a possibility, as much as I hate the idea. I'm going to have to research this Esoteric Script. Maybe I'll find a hint.”

We were silent for a few seconds before I spoke. “Ah want to talk to her.”

“Who?” Twilight asked.

“The prisoner.”

Twilight glanced up as the prisoner carriage shrunk away into the distance. “This is really bothering you, isn't it?”

“You remember mah first meetin’ with your mom. Tigerians are all innately evil spawns of Kronos,” I said a little more spitefully than I probably should have. “That's what everyone says. The only reason Ah'm not is because Ah'm a Terran. Except tigerians aren't spawns of Kronos, they're children of Loki. Now, we have one kill her own brethren and surrender herself to us, peacefully. You know how the princess is with anything to do with her father. Ah'm sorry, but Ah don’t think her judgment can be trusted to deal with this.”

I got to my feet. “Ah'm goin’ to escort them, and the prisoner. Then, Ah'm gettin’ some answers.”

Twilight sighed. “I'll send Luna a letter and ask her to make sure mom doesn't do anything rash.”

“Thank you.”

The flight there was stressful. A million questions and possibilities raced through my mind. Most of them weren't good.

I didn't even realize we had arrived until the carriage started its descent. I could already see Celestia waiting on the landing platform alongside Luna.

I shot ahead of the carriage to land first, jumped off my bike and rushed to the princesses.


Celestia turned and gave me a strianed smile. “Worry not, Mister Tora, I am only here to observe. I recognize my bias and have surrendered all authority in this matter to Luna.” She turned to watched the carriage land, her expression hardening. “If she attempts to harm anyone, though...”

I sighed in relief.

“What of you, Shiro?” Luna asked. “I wouldn't have thought something like this would be so important to you.”

I chuckled mirthlessly. “Niether did Ah, but... ever since Verin Ah've been thinkin’ a lot. Verin wasn't exactly what Ah would usually call ‘evil’. Yes, he served an evil master for an evil cause, but what else did he have down there? If all your life you heard Kronos was good and we're all the bad guys who put you in literal hell, wouldn't you serve Kronos, too?”

“You believe there is hope to reform them?” Celestia asked.

I sighed. “Ah'm not so naive to think they all can, but... maybe a few.”

Luna nodded. “We shall keep the possibility in mind, but I ask you not to hope too much. While I accept the possibility, it still seems small. You may accompany me as I question the prisoner, but please refrain from speaking unless asked to or it is something of importance.”

“Ah can do that.”

I'll admit, I didn't know if this was excessive or not.

The prisoner was bound up in a muzzle and at least a dozen magic nullifying chains, two on each limb, two around her waist, and two around her chest. On top of that, she had a collar around her neck adorned with glowing green runes that reaked of deadly magic.

At least they dressed her in some kind of simple clothing after striping her of what she brought with her. There was a reason I could tell she was a ‘she’, after all.

The tigress herself was rather small, maybe standing to my chest if she was standing upright, and had the muscle definition more similar to Twilight than Rainbow Dash. I had a feeling she wasn't a warrior.

Luna decided we had studied her enough, and approached. “Prisoner. Do you know who we are?”

The tigress spoke in a low, timid voice. “You are Luna, goddess of the moon, night, and dreams. And Shirotora, the tigerian from another world."

“And who are you?” Luna asked.

“I am Valrin, lorekeeper formerly of the court of Kronos.”

“Formerly?” Luna inquired.

“I slew my kin and surrendered to you. I have betrayed him, knowingly and willingly.”

Finally, Luna asked the big question, “And why did you do that?”

Valrin was silent for a moment, seemingly gathering her thoughts. “Every tigerian alive today, other than Shirotora, will die. Kronos has ensured such. If he wins, he will wipe out all life on this world to recreate it in his image. He claims we will have a place in this world, but he lies. We are tainted by chaos, and he can not abide such a thing.

“If he falls, we will be eradicated. Just as he can not abide us, being chaos touched, you can not abide us being touched by him.”

Luna and I shared a curious glance, but said nothing.

“There is only one way our species will live on. Only tigerians born in the light, away from his shadow can be suffered to live. I, along with many others, have realized this. We are a hundred strong females, young and fertile.”

I suddenly didn't like where this was going.

“We will give ourselves to be used as breeding stock, if you will take our cubs in to raise them as your own. Teach them your ways, and when we are no longer of use, our wombs baren, let our sins die with us.”

“Well, shit.”

Luna took a seat beside me. “Well said. This was... not what I expected.”

“Agreed.” Even Celestia was taken back by Valrin's plea.

We had joined her her in the adjacent observation room to discuss what was said.

“So... what do we do?” I asked.

“Are we certain she's being truthful?” Celestia asked.

“That's the million bit question, isn't it?” I said. “I mean, we figure that out, the rest is easy, right? If she's lyin’, we lock her up and throw away the key. If she's bein’ honest, we help her and the rest of the ones lookin’ to get out from under Kronos’ thumb.”

“If only it were that easy,” Luna said. “Father is cunning. He is a master strategist and manipulator. Whether or not Valrin is being truthful isn't so easy as ‘she is’ or ‘she isn't’. She may well be telling the truth as she knows it, but that doesn't mean this isn't a trap. She could be an unwitting pawn.”

“And if she is, we still can't keep her locked up,” I said. “Ah don’t think she's lyin’, but Ah agree we can't just let her go... and Ah better not have to say we aren't usin’ her for ‘breedin’ stock’.”

“Of course you don't,” Luna said with an eye roll.

She paced back and forth for a minute, thinking, before stopping. “For now, she will be confined to the dungeon. We will make one of the cells comfortable and grant her anything she desires within reason.”

“While we prepare a cell, we shall treat our new guest to dinner.” Luna stopped and looked at me. “Or rather, you will. You will sit and dine with Valrin and get to know her.”

I gave her a confused look. “Why me, though? Ah mean, sure we're the same species, but Ah'm pretty sure Ah probably scare her, considerin’ Ah'm a herald and all, sworn to defeat her people.”

Luna gave me a knowing smirk. “Oh, sweet, naive youth. Did you not see the glances she gave you in the interrogation room?”

“Uh...” I countered, expertly.

“They were looks I usually see given to my sister. They were looks of awe and admiration.”

I groaned, rubbing my snout in frustration. “So, you want me to have dinner with a possible fangirl?”

“‘Want’?” Luna cackled. “Oh, no. It's a royal order.”

I gave her a deadpan stare. “You're sister's prettier than you.”

Instead of the desired reaction, Luna just gave a Cheshire grin. “Not according to your dreams.”


I took in a deep breath, letting it out slowly. This was going to be... interesting to say the least.

I had worked with the palace chef to whip up a nice, carnivore friendly meal. Now, I was pushing a meal cart into the dungeon. The cells were already nicer than what you would see on Earth, so it didn't take them long to make one a little nicer.

Valrin was sitting in her cell at the desk along the side wall when I arrived. She was reading a few books she had timidly requested about Equestrian history.

As soon as she saw me she jumped to her paws. She stood upright, shoulders drawn in, head down, eyes on the floor. “M-master Shirotora. I was not expecting you so soon.”

I gave her a warm smile. “It's fine. No need to be so formal with me. Ah'm just here to talk and get to know you a little better. You hungry?”

She glanced up at the cart in confusion. “I... am.”

“Good!” I said as the guard unlocked the cell and let me in. “Leave it unlocked for now and wait in the hall, please. She won't run, at least not with me here.”

The guard nodded. “Very well, sir.”

As he left, I parked the cart in the center of the cell and activated a crystal on its side. The cart's sides extended, table settings and chairs appearing at the ends.

“Please, have a seat.” I gestured to the chair.

She hesitated but did as she was asked. Meanwhile, I lifted the lid on the plater. Seeing as I was serving a fellow omnivore, I decided on preparing a southern classic; chicken and waffles.

She watched in fascination as I placed a large waffle on the plates. It wasn't a super sweet breakfast waffle, though. That's a mistake most folks make with this dish. These waffles are made with less sugar and the addition of sour cream, making them more savory and less sweet. Then, I place a nice, large fried boneless chicken thigh in the center of the waffle and drizzle it all with maple syrup.

She took her seat when I did and did her best to mimic me as I took my fork and knife and cut a piece of chicken and a bit of waffle and ate both together. It was clear she didn't usually use utensils.

As soon as it entered her mouth, I could practically see the fireworks of flavor in her face.

“I... I had heard tales of the decadence of the surface, but... if this is what you serve prisoners, the stories were lacking.”

I chuckled. “We don't feed prisoners food like this. Only guests.”

“But I am a prisoner.”

I sighed. “Yes, but only until we decide whether or not we can trust what you say. If we decide we can trust you, you'll be released. Granted, you might still have restrictions, but you won't be in a cell.”

“You would allow an enemy among the people?”

I gave her a reassuring smile. “If you're bein’ honest, you aren't our enemy. In fact, that would make the others you mentioned innocent civilians in need of rescue.”

Tears welled up in her eyes. “I... do not know what to say. Words can not express my gratitude to you.”

“Then don't bother tryin’. Enjoy your meal. Soon, you'll be able to share one with your friends.”

She did just that, tears in her eyes and a smile in her face.

I had to admit, I couldn't believe she could be lying. The look of pure bliss as she ate what was probably the greatest meal of her life was far to honest.

After we finished, I placed the dirty dishes on the platter and activated the crystal on the side again, returning the table to its cart form.

“Again, words can not express my gratitude,” Valrin said.

I smiled. “As Ah said. You don't need to.”

I noticed a slight blush as she continued. “I must warn you... I am not experienced.”

I gave her a confused look at that. “Experienced?”

“W-with... mating...”

I almost tripped over my own paws. “What?! Wait, is that what you think this is?”

She tilted her head, brow furrowed. “Is it not? You fed me and dined with me after I offered myself to you.”

“You...” I face palmed. She was talking to me specifically when she offered herself as breeding stock. “No, Valrin. Ah simply wanted to get to know you better. No one will ever make you... do that. When we decide you can be trusted, you will be able to go out and find a male you actually want to have a child with.”

“But... what if I do wish to have your child?”

“You don't even know me. Besides, Ah'm married.” I sighed. “Ah'll tell you what. After you get out of here, you, me, and Jynx, mah wife, will hang out and talk about it. Then, maybe, if we get along well enough and Jynx is okay with it... we'll consider it.”

I sighed again as I left her to her thoughts.

Mah life is a damn datin’ sim.

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