• Published 25th Jun 2016
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Antumbra - Ice Star

A story of three Alicorn siblings living in an exotic desert kingdom long before Celestia and Luna were born, yet they have more influence on the lives of the Two Sisters than they realize...

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Chapter 10: Amira the First Sage

Amira Fire-sight. It was a powerful name, so unlike herself. She was simply Amira, and something from such and early time could fade like clouds did into wispy trails before vanishing.

That's it, just Amira. She was Amira the earth pony mare with a coat of gold and a mane and tail of white, after the foalhood incident where she was struck by lightning. She could not recall what color they had been before, her mind was not the eternal and amazing thing of the gods. She was Amira.

And somehow she stunned the village elders by surviving such a thing. She was Amira of the buffalo, growing up in their land with an Arabian father and a buffalo-raised pony mother. She had always been just Amira when her mane and tail were still sunset-pink, as she was told, and she knew only tales of the land she had now journeyed to. The tales were very, very real. Fireside stories of a land she had never been to detailing a lake that mirrored the sky, trees like sprigs, and fruit sweeter than rain were not lies. Amira the peasant saw them all before her now, as she strolled through the streets of Marecca with only a bag decorated with beads and feathers by her side, hiding her starry mark.

Amira the earth pony gazed around her, completely awestruck by the sand-bordered land from which her father hailed. Passing ponies, horses, and other creatures turned to glance briefly at this dazed stranger who must be a tourist. Perhaps they had seen how hungrily she had been grazing in an oasis-park, not too long ago.

They did not know, but Amira was far from a tourist. She knew the language of her father, her mother, and enough Equish - also known as Everfree - to get by, even if she did speak with an accent that belonged to neither.

She was here for a reason as well. Unlike many of the marks of earth ponies, Amira's was not relating to what one would call 'earthly'.

Not long after that would have been fatal event as a foal, the young Amira had begun to see things in the nightly fires of her camp. Small fleeting images like someone dropping a bowl.

And then the visions started coming true. More strange things would follow.

Magical things that set Amira apart from her tribe were examples of powers such as hers, which were the kind told about in the tales of the grand universities of the south where Queen Elinora alongside a newer, much younger queen, her sister Stellaura worked to eradicate every instance of ignorance that could be.

Noting her talent, Amira was encouraged to visit the capital city of Marecca to see if any school would take her. After all, Amira was trained medicine mare of unrivaled skill among buffalo. The only thing that wasn't in her favor were her motor skills: after the accident she developed a tic, and small bouts shivering or twitching followed by a faint burst of sparks that would erupt from her, and would cause her to fumble and trip often.

With the help of a few Arabian subjects she soon found herself stumbling into the highest acclaimed magic school that Marecca had to offer. And they accepted her.

From there she became known all across all the southern kingdoms as the the Buffalo Pony. Amira published many treatises on various aspects of spell theory and many forms of magic exclusive to the unicorn scholars she worked alongside and the Alicorns she never personally met.

It was only when she was about to deliver one of her latest papers on medicine - which like her visions - was a life-long passion that she met Queen Elinora, who took an immediate liking to the cowardly, ever-frazzled, yet polite pony who always enjoyed staying behind a desk, and listening to lectures.

Amira the Buffalo Pony became Amira the the Queen's Pupil, where she discovered her skill with tinkering. She was still a clumsy and bashful mare with a lopsided smile but with Elinora's teachings Amira developed an elegance to go along with her manners.

In time, Amira the Queen's Pupil became Amira Fire-sight, demigod princess, and that was where she was standing in front of a shining new mosaic that showed this mare, her white mane clumsily pinned up in a bun, clad in shining new regalia with her shiny and new smile.

It seemed like when you're a demigod everything is shiny and new, like nothing can go wrong. With the powerful Queen Elinora beside her, things certainly felt that way.

Amira kept telling herself all sorts of things. She wasn't as new to the horn and wings as she'd like to believe. She'd had them for almost three moons now.

Amira came to this hall often. In the first two moons she had talked to fellow demigods from other countries. They told her the exact same things she should expect - it helped somewhat, especially since there were quite a few others to talk to. Demigods were not as common as their unascended pony counterparts. There were only fifty-four, if she were to count herself, alive currently.

Most of them told her how she would most likely be establishing her own vassal kingdom. All of them seemed to understand how to rule and it wasn't like Amira knew nothing of government, it's just that she wasn't much of a ruler. Nopony else seemed to understand that most demigods were either winged unicorns or pegacorns. Hardly any currently alive were terracorns like herself.

She wasn't sure if she wanted a vassal kingdom. There would be so many creatures under her care and if something happened to them...

Elinora faced her student. "Well Amira have you decided what you will be doing now?"

Amira thought of the buffalo she was raised with. They were her family , and while they were not discriminated these citizens of the desert were not the best represented either... but they needed no ruler like Elinora, or any other godly being.

"I will become a sage and teach others as you have taught me."