• Published 18th Sep 2017
  • 1,573 Views, 12 Comments

Typical 80's life! - Equestria Girls Fan 94

Veiw the world of Equestria Girls in the 80s timeline! See what happens in the girls' lives in this cool time period!

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CHS, Class of '85

February, 16th, 1985.

As the sun was shining through a bedroom window, the alarm clock went off. An arm slammed down into it, turning it off. Getting up, a girl with light green and dark green stripped hair stretched and yawned. Her name was Lemon Zest. Her mother called out to her, "Lemon, it's time to get ready for school!"

Lemon got out of her bed as she called back, "Ok, Mom!"

As Lemon got dressed, ready for school, she turned on her radio and put in her favourite cassette tape. The song 'Old time Rock 'n Roll' started playing.


Indigo Zap was outside, driving in her ‘85’ Camaro. “Just take those old records off the shelf!” – she drives past Vinyl Scratch, waving to her, who waves back. – “I stand there, listening to them by myself.”
Vinyl dances and lip-sync’s to the song – “Today’s music ain’t got the same soul, I like that old time Rock ‘n Roll!”

Meanwhile, in the CHS assembly hall...

The Groove Sisters, as they were known throughout the school, Celestia and Luna were practising their dance for the school fair. While Celestia was getting ready, Luna was reading one of her favourite comic books. "Come on, Sis! We've gotta shake this dance for the school!" Celestia scolded her younger sibling.

Luna moaned, "Alright! I'm ready! Sheesh, you're such grandma."

"I heard that!!" Celestia yelled. Luna smirked as she giggled.

“Don’t try to take me to a Disco!” – Celestia and Luna do the famous Disco moves from the 70s. – “You’ll never even get me out on the floor.”
They both end up interrupted by the teacher as they flee to avoid detention, again…. – “Ten minutes, I’ll be late for the door,”

Meanwhile, Twilight Sparkle was in her lab, playing a text game on her favourite commodore computer, the Vic 20.

“I like that old time Rock ‘n Roll!” – Twilight types in the final sentence before finishing and turning off her computer.
She looks around to see if her dog was around. "Spike!!" she called out. Spike appears from behind the table, barking happily and jumps into Twilight’s arms.

"There you are, boy! Who’s a good boy?" Twilight said as she scratched his chin. Spike barked in response to the chin scratching. "That’s right! You are! Come on, Spike. Let’s get ready for school!" she said while packing her bags for school.

"I just hope Celestia and Rainbow Dash haven’t gotten into trouble already."

In the Dash house, Rainbow Dash and Applejack were in Rainbow's room, playing on her Atari 2600. The game they were playing was Space Invaders.

Rainbow’s mother calls out to the girls, "Rainbow! Time to stop playing with your TV toys and get ready for school!"

Rainbow shouts back to her mother, "Mom! For the hundredth time, they’re called video games!"

"Come on, Rainbow Dash." Applejack said. "Cut your Mom some slack. She just ain’t used the modern technology." Rainbow Dash just sighed.

Applejack shouted, "Don’t ya’ll fret, Mrs Dash! We’ll be ready before a snake can rattle faster than cricket hopin’ through a rainstorm!"

"Thank you, Applejack! Just make sure Rainbow doesn't get another detention slip!" called out RD's mother.

Applejack smiled and said, "You got it!"

Rainbow groaned, "AWWW COME ON!! We’re just on the semi-final level!"

Applejack smirked. "Well, I hope ya’ll are ready for the Semi-Final exam."

Rainbow groaned a second time. "I don’t mean tha- Uhhhh…. Uh oh. (Gulp!)" was all she said when the memory of having to study for the Semi-Final exam flowed into her head.

Later, Lemon Zest dances down the side-walk with her headphones on and listening to her music on her Walkman cassette player.

"Still like that old time ROCK ‘N ROLL!” – Lemon wore a multi-coloured skirt and a Footloose T-shirt. She also wore high-tops and zigzagged socks. – “That kind of music just SOOTHES THE SOUL!” - Lemon high-fives Ditzy Doo as she walks past. – “I reminisce about the DAYS OF OLD!” – Lemon walks up to a classroom door and opens it. – "I like that OLD TIME ROCK N' ROLL!"

While Lemon was sitting in her classroom, the Rainbooms were sitting in their classroom. Twilight and Sunset Shimmer were happily studying while the others were bored.

Rarity was sitting at her desk, doing her nails. "I do hope this isn't going to be another long day." she said. "I've work to do, outfits to design, styles to make!"

Applejack rolled her eyes. "That’s what you’re worryin’ about? Really?"

Luna, who was sitting next to Rarity, leaned towards her and whispered, "You do know that there are other things to think about than dress designs, right?"

Rarity scoffed and spoke, "Well, I never! Of course I think about other things!" With that, she turned her head with a 'hmpf!'

"Really? That’s not what this video tape says." said Pinkie Pie, who was holding a video tape labelled 'Rarity's secret.' "You know, the dance practising, the messy room, the practising to say ‘I love you’ to Strongheart…"

Rarity blushed madly when she saw the tape. She tried to grab it from Pinkie. "G-GIVE ME THAT TAPE!!" she shouted quietly. Rainbow laughed at the whole scene.

Twilight and Sunset both told them to be quiet. "SHHHH!! We’re trying to study!" they both said.

Just then, the teacher, Silk Burn, walked up to them with a glaring look on his face. "Does somebody need a detention?" he asked.

Everyone looked down as they all said together, "No, Mr Silk Burn." He smiled and turned around, facing the chalk board once again.

"Good. Now then, as I was saying…" And so, class continued.

After class had finished, the Rainbooms went to the music room to band practice. While Twilight and Sunset were talking about the latest ideas for their projects, Rainbow Dash was relieved that Mr Silk Burn's class was over.

Rainbow groaned, "Finally! I can't believe that boring teacher made us go through an extra two hours of class, just for talking in class!"

Fluttershy spoke, "Um... Well, to be fair, we did interrupt him w-while he was teaching."

"It still blows!" Rainbow said, showing her bored face. Things did NOT go well for her.

Sunset picked up her guitar and adjusted her microphone as she said, "Come on, Rainbow. At least we've got some free time to practice our music. That's a positive!"

"Yeah, I guess." Rainbow grumbled.

"Well then, let's quit talkin' and get to rockin'!" said Applejack, being in the positive mood she always is in.

As she picked up her bass, Twilight walked over to her microphone and called out to Rarity. "Ready, Rarity?"

"Ready, darlings!" The fashionista said.

Pinkie cried out loud as she tapped her drumsticks together, "ONE, TWO, THREE!!!"

Rarity started playing her keyboard, playing some electric music. Soon, everyone else started playing. Twilight took hold of the microphone and started singing her favourite song, 'Opposites Attract'.

Twilight: Baby, it seems we never ever agree, you like the movies and I like TV.

Elsewhere, Flash Sentry and new student, Jelly Walnut were in the assembly hall, practising music themselves.

Flash: I take them serious and you take them light.
Twilight: I go to bed early,
Flash: And I party all night!
Twilight & Flash: Our friends are saying,
Flash: We ain't gonna last.
Twilight: Cause I move slowly,
Flash: And baby, I'm fast.
Twilight: I like it quiet,
Flash: And I like to SHOUT!
Twilight & Flash: But when we get together, it just all works out!

Twilight: I take two steps forward,
Flash: I take two steps back,
Twilight & Flash: We get together cause opposites attract, you know,
Twilight: It ain't fiction,
Flash: Just a natural fact,
Twilight & Flash: We come together cause Opposites Attract!

When Twilight and Flash both finished, Applejack and Jelly came up next.

Applejack: Who'd thought,
Jelly: We could be lovers? She makes the bed,
Applejack: And he steals the covers.
jelly: She likes it neat,
Applejack: And he makes a mess, I take it easy,
Jelly: Baby, I get obsessed! She's got the money,
Applejack: And he's always broke, I don't like cigarettes,
Jelly: I like to smoke!
Jelly & AJ: Things in common,
Jelly: They just ain't a one,
Jelly & AJ: But when we get together, we have nothing but fun!

Applejack: I take two steps forward,
Jelly: I take two steps back,
Jelly & AJ: We come together cause opposites attract, you know,
Applejack: It ain't fiction.
Jelly: Just a natural fact,
Jelly & AJ: We come together cause Opposites Attract!

Rainbow Dash plays a guitar solo before they continued.

Applejack: Ain't it somethin' how we lasted this long?
Jelly: You and me, proving everyone wrong.
Twilight: Don't think we'll ever get our differences patched,
Flash: Don't really matter cause we're perfectly matched!

Twilight: I take two steps forward,
Flash: I take two steps back,
Flash & Twilight: We come together cause opposites attract, you know,
Applejack: It ain't fiction,
Jelly: Just naturel fact,
Jelly & AJ: We come together cause,
Flash, Jelly, Twilight & AJ: Opposites Attract!

When they finished, the music stopped.

Rainbow yelled out load, "SO AWESOME!!! If we keep this up, we'll grow up to be the world's greatest band!!"

"Yeah! I'm surprised how much your singing voices are improving." said Sunset to Twilight as she put her guitar down.

Twilight blushed madly by Sunset's compliment. "Oh, that voice? It wasn't anything special." she said.

"Nothing special?!" Pinkie cried with a HUUUUGE gasp. "How could you SAY THAT?!!! You're like the science girl version of Robert Palmer!!!"

Rarity spoke up, "I must agree! And I think two certain boys will think so too. Hehe."

"Y-you think so?" Twilight and AJ both said together, slightly blushing a little bit.

Fluttershy smiled as she assured her friends. "Oh, we're sure they would think you both have beautiful voices! Even the animals think so!"

"Yeah!" everyone agreed. just then, a knock on the door was heard. The door opened, revealing Cheerilee to have a smile on her face.

"Hey girls! How's it going?" Cheerilee said.

Sunset replied, "It's going great, Cheerilee. Just a few more songs and we'll officially be CHS's representing band!"

Rainbow spoke up next, "Although the only reason Twilight agreed to join our band was that the grand prize for the competition is the new Commodore 64 computer system." Twilight blushed with slight anger.

"Hey!" she shouted. "That computer can do so much more things for my research and studies!"

Rainbow just rolled her eyes at the science geek girl. "Riiiiight."

Cheerilee just smiled at her friends' quick bicker before speaking, "Well, seeing as school's nearly over and if you're interested, Celestia and that jerk from New York, Sombra, are facing off in a basketball game! Wanna come?" she jabbed her thumb in the direction of the game.

"Sure!" everyone said, wanting to see Celestia beat that jerk off his feat. After packing their instruments away, the girls exited the music room to get to their next class.

Later on, the final school bell rang. School was over and every one can go home. After they left the school, the girls went to the nearest basketball court. They saw Celestia smirking at Sombra, who was starting to look tired. After a while of playing, Sombra scored 4 while Celestia scored 7 and had won.

Celestia cheered in triumph. "HA! I n your face, Sob-ra! In your face!!!" she boasted in front of said opponent, who was angry about being called that nickname.

Sombra growled in complete anger, but had no choice but to let it go, seeing as teachers were around. "Grrrrrrr!!!!!" was all he could say to her before storming off.

Soon, everyone collected their things and started walking towards their houses.

While walking together, Cheerilee just remembered the news she wanted to tell the others. "Hey girls, guess what?!" she said.

"Your Mom's dating again?" asked Luna.


"You've gotten into the dancing club?" asked Rainbow Dash.

"No, although I hope to, someday."

"Ya'll got a date with Big Mac?" Applejack asked, just before giving Cheerilee a death glare. "Cause if ya are, I'm watchin' you!!"

Cheerilee blushed madly when AJ asked that. "N-n-no!!"

Pinkie walked up to Cheerilee and asked, "You've found out that Equestria Girls Fan 94 has finally finished building the shed with his dad?!!!"

Cheerilee shouted, "No!!! Wait.... who?"

"Nothing." Pinkie said, shifting her eyes back and forth.

Cheerilee stared at Pinkie for a few seconds before continuing, "....Aaaaanyways, my dentist says I only have seven weeks left before my braces are finally removed!!!"

Sunset cheered for her. "Wow! You sure are excited about it." she said.

Cheerilee's face had a huge grin on it. "Are you kidding?! Why wouldn't I be? If I get my braces off, I could finally get boys to want to kiss me!!!"

"You know, Cheerilee, it doesn't matter if you have braces or not, I'm sure guys will like you for just who you are." Sunset said, placing her arm around Cherilee's shoulder.

Twilight assured her, "Yeah! I mean, I use to think that boys wouldn't like a girl who wears glasses until I met Flash Sentry. He made me see that appearances don't matter."

"And besides," said Celestia. "There are plenty of guys who're into girls with braces, like Big Mac!"

Cheerilee blushed when she heard this one small fact. "H-he likes girls in braces?" she nervously asked.

AJ leaned over towards Celestia and quietly growled at her. "I told ya not to tell 'er that!!!"

Celestia sweetdropped when she just remembered that rule AJ gave her. ".....oops. Sorry!"

Rainbow grinned as she put her fist in the air and said, "Well, enough of that! Let's get over to Pinkie's!! Dibs on the games!!!"

"PARTY!!!!" Pinkie cheered as she jumped up and down in place. "SLEEPOVER AT MY PLACE!!!!"

While the girls went to Pinkie's house, Lemon Zest walked by and turned on her cassette player, playing Faith by George Michael. Lemon started dancing and lip-syncing along.

"Baby! I know you're asking me to stay, say please, please, please don't go away, you say I'm giving you the blues." - Lemon dances off into the sunset as the music continues. - "Maybe, you mean every word you say, can't help but think of yesterday and another who tied me down the loverboy rules!"

"Before this river, there comes an ocean."
"Before you throw my heart back on the floor!"
"Oh, baby, I'd reconsider my foolish notion."
"Well, I need someone to hold me but I'll wait for something more...."

Typical 80s life!

Lemon cries out load, "...Cause I gotta have Faith! Whooo!!!"

To be continued....

Author's Note:

I don't own MLP or anything within this story. All thing within here belongs to their rightful owners!:scootangel: The only things I do own are my OCs.

I know that my story's timeline is in 1985 and Opposites Attract by Paula Abdul was made in 1989 but I thought it would be Twilight and Flash's song and while Faith by George Michael was made in 1987, I thought it would be my story's theme song!

Comments ( 12 )

Now I just wanna see the girls go to Manehatten for something and Dash gets a Neightendo Entertainment System during the market testing period. Also I think Twilight would still have a really powerful(and huge) custom computer and be on Usenet, the internet was "born" in 80's it was just pretty much limited to ULTRA nerds like Twilight and scientists.

I am interested in where this goes.

I was interested in it at first, but then I saw youtube videos and emojis put in the story. Definitely turned me off.

Well, gee, forgive me for trying to add in a little Meta-humour for Pinkie! 😠

It just doesn't really work in writing (if only because a song lasts longer than it takes to reach the next video).

I just thought I could give the readers a little beat while reading it! Believe it or not, some people prefer to listen to music WHILE reading/writing.

I will be setting this into tracking mode. I'd like to see where this goes :twilightsmile:

Comment posted by Equestria Girls Fan 94 deleted Jun 14th, 2023

No gangsta rap, c walking and NWA?

I now have an inspiration to make one of those stories-that-are-a-group-of-stories.

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