• Published 22nd Feb 2016
  • 9,898 Views, 43 Comments

Lyra holds Anon hostage. - abcd_z

She's not very good at it.

  • ...

I turn my back for two seconds, and look what happens.

"I'm going to kill you," Lyra Heartstrings said. I sat on a chair in her house, bound at the wrists and ankles with ropes. Lyra held a knife in her hoof and advanced towards me menacingly.

"I'm not worried," I told her honestly.

This caused her to stop short. "What? Why not?"

"Well, for starters that's a butter knife you're threatening me with."

She looked at the knife in her hoof.

"What- but of course it is!" she blustered. "It's so it will hurt you even more when I cut your eyeballs out!"

I frowned at her. "Wouldn't a melon baller be better for that?"

"A what?"

"Well, with a knife you'll have to dig and dig around in there," I said. "Blood gets everywhere, and you run the risk of rupturing the eyeball. It would be a huge mess."

Lyra seemed to be faintly nauseated.

"Grab a melon baller," I continued, enjoying her growing discomfort. "Dig it in, twist, and pull it out. One quick scoop and say good-bye, depth perception. Do it again and it's, 'Hey look, ma! No eyeballs!'"

Lyra's face became pale, and I think she may have started to hyperventilate. Eventually she managed to get ahold of herself.

"I don't think I have a melon baller," she said uncertainly. "Should I ask my neighbor if I can borrow one?"

I gave her a disappointed look. "Really? And what were you planning on telling them? 'Oh hey, I invited the only human in town, Anonymous, to my place, then drugged his tea and tried to torture him. Do you have an eyeball scoop I could borrow?'"

"You don't know!" Lyra protested. "I could tell her that I'm making... er..."

Lyra trailed off.

"What do you make with a melon baller?" she asked me.

"Melon balls," I replied deadpan.

"Right, right. I could tell her I'm making melon balls!"

"And if she asks you why you're making melon balls?"

"Shut up!" Lyra yelled. "I make melon balls all the time! Bitch, you don't even know! I be tripping balls!"

I wasn't sure whether she was responding to me or to her hypothetical neighbor. I wasn't sure I wanted to know.

"Oh, and just FYI," I continued, "you're not going to knock anybody out with herbal tea. I mean, what were you thinking? Chamomile extract?"

"Well, it always helps me get to sleep," she said defensively. I snorted with laughter.

Lyra swept the empty cups off the table. They fell to the ground with a loud "crash!" She looked up and transfixed me with ger gaze. The ineffectual pony of a second ago was gone, replaced by one whose body language screamed "dangerous predator". Never breaking eye contact, she slowly approached me, coming to a stop just in front of me. It was oddly hypnotic.

I felt my breath catch in my throat.

"Knife or no knife, I'm going to kill you," she said calmly, her face inches from mine. Her eyes had gone hard and I knew, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that she meant it. She was going to kill me; the only question left now was 'How?'

For the first time since I'd arrived at her home I felt a sense of dread. I nervously started shifting my wrists against the ropes holding them.

"Actually," she said, practically purring, "you have two choices. Either I kill you, slowly, painfully, or..."

I could feel myself sweat from the stress. Or? Or what?

She leaned in and whispered into my ear, "Or I get to fuck you."

I felt like an electric bolt hit my spine. My body reflexively jerked up and I straightened as tall as the chair would let me.

"Didn't expect that, did you?" she asked, sauntering around me. "A stallion's life or his purity. I wonder, which will you-"

"Fuck me." I said, completely serious.

"Wh-what?" she sputtered.

"I said fuck me. Either I die a slow and gruesome death, or I get laid. Seems like a no-brainer to me."

"Wait, what? No! That's not how this is supposed to go!"

"Wait, I should have checked," I said. "You're not gonna, like, shove stuff up my butt, right?"

Her face was one of horrified shock. "No!" she yelled. "God, no! I have no interest in putting anything in your butt!"

I smiled and sighed with relief. "Well that's good," I said. "I mean, I have a few friends who are into that stuff, but that's not really my fetish, you know what I mean?"

"What is wrong with you?!" she yelled in frustration. "You were supposed to be blissfully oblivious to my advances! We were supposed to do a one-sided dance where I would hit on you and you would have no clue about it! But that didn't work, so I had to step up my timetable!"

"What are you talking about?" I asked. "That time you hit on me, I totally caught on. You complimented my looks, and I returned the compliment before playfully mussing your hair."

"Exactly!" she ranted. "Why couldn't you have been more like the pony self-inserts in the fanfiction I read?! Even now, I'm threatening to rape you and you don't even seem to care! Do you have any idea how hard Shirou Poniya would be nosebleeding if he were in your shoes?!"

I frowned. "Well, that's not really fair of you to compare me to a fictional character. It's not my fault if I can't live up to the standards you've created in your own head for me."

Lyra huffed. "I guess not," she said.

"Now, why don't you let me go," I suggested, "and we can just chalk this up as a funny misunderstanding." I held up my rope-bound wrists to Lyra.

Lyra sighed. "Oh, all right. Come over here and let me-"

Lyra's brain caught up with her mouth. "Hey!" she yelled. "You almost got me with that one!"

I grinned widely. "It was worth a shot."

"Ugh! You are infuriating!"

I chuckled for a bit.

"Come on," I said. "It was at least a little funny."

"No it was not!"

I sighed. You can't please every pony, I guess. Still, it was about time to wrap up this little farce.

I said, "Lyra, look at me. I'm serious now: this is your last chance. Let me go now."

Lyra grinned. "I think I'll just kill you instead," she said.

"Oh, you could try, but..." I held up my hands, which were no longer bound by the ropes. "You might have a hard time of it."

Before Lyra could react I grabbed her and heaved her onto my lap. My right arm snaked around her torso and trapped her against my chest.

"I got loose of my bonds a while ago," I said. "You really need to work on your ropework skills."

She struggled to get free, but with my free hand I grabbed a handful of her mane, near the scalp, and gently but firmly pulled backwards. She stopped struggling and moaned softly. I whispered into her ear.

"Here's the deal," I said, softly but firmly. "You are going to do exactly what I want. Exactly how I want."

She moaned.

"You will help me fulfill every single fucked-up fantasy I have ever had, and do you know what will happen if you try to make me stop?"

She moaned even harder but otherwise didn't respond.

I pulled her mane again. "Do you?" I challenged.

"You'll take me anyways?" she asked, her voice a combination of fear and arousal.

"No." I said. "I'll stop."

I let go of her and leaned back in the chair, opening as much distance as I could while still keeping her on my lap. She looked at me uncomprehendingly.

"If you ever want me to stop," I explained, "just say the word and I will. Do you understand?"

Lyra nodded. I reached over and pulled her mane again, making her whimper.

"More?" I asked, teasingly.

"Yes," she whispered.

I grinned. It was a long time before I left that house.

It was even longer before Lyra could walk straight again.

Comments ( 43 )



Yeah, my comedy stories tend to get that reaction. :)

"Shut up!" Lyra yelled. "I make melon balls all the time! Bitch, you don't even know! I be tripping balls!"

Fo sho, homie, fo sho.

Shirou Poniya

oh god my sides

Mentally stable Anon actually engages in consensual sex with one of our beloved talking horsies!? WHAT IS THIS!? WHAT IS THIS BIZARRE AND STRANGE CONCEPT!?

Shirou Poniya

I'm pretty sure Shirou's response would be closer to one of the following:

Go all Hero of Justice up in that shit.
Just be incredibly freaked out. No rape fetish there.

Honestly, if I were in Anons place, I would be wondering why I was being held hostage by a magical technicolor horse that can talk.

And why I would be doing lewd sexual stuff with said horse.

A good story, nonetheless. :rainbowlaugh:

"Do you have any idea how hard Shirou Poniya would be nosebleeding if he were in your shoes?!"

Man, I really screwed Shirou up in the head, didn't I?

(In case I change my avatar in the future and the joke gets lost to time, this is my current avatar)

As much as i'm trying to enjoy this i can't help but say things that'll ruin the humor. So if you don't want the story to ruined do not check the spoilers. For your info rape is not the pain or the whole losing your purity thing. It's the guilt that is the problem. People would often go into depression or suicide after the said forced action was done. Rape is a serious thing and should not be taken lightly.

Was that an archer reference


Not an intentional one. What did you think the reference was?

"Your going to want a melon baller"
The "bastered chef" episode with Anthony Bourdain

Den-ouda-den. Best pairing. OTP.

I thought anon's fantasy was going to be to pet her and have a nice tea party.

Another great adventure in the life of Anon! XD



I concur with your assertations.

Also OP, suggested only has two gs, not three.

An effective deconstruction, it's edge-lordy as hell but I'll give it a pass since I presume part of the comedy is supposed to be how ridiculous red-and-black grimdark is. Reminds me of the good old days of shit-posting on failchan.


Fixed the typo, thanks.

Honestly, I hadn't intended it as a deconstruction. I got two story ideas from "Rainbow Dash is Hitting on You" and wove them together. First, the final line of that story could be interpreted as yandere RD. The rest of the story doesn't really support that interpretation, but the idea stuck with me. Second, the main character of that fic was oblivious to the mare's interest (as are 9/10ths of MLP fanfic protagonists), so I naturally decided to write a fic subverting this trope, where the mare mistakenly expected typical protagonist behavior from the main character. Put the two ideas together and you get this story.

I have to write one of these :) you might have started a trend.

i like it!:moustache:

If I was him, I'd probably leave and never come back, dis bitch be tripping balls alright, I wonder if Pinkie is her seller:pinkiecrazy:

Hey, man. Hey. Keep it clean, alright? This is a family website.


Lyra needs to be careful with what she wished for :trollestia:

"Fuck me." I said, completely serious.
"Wh-what?" she sputtered.
"I said fuck me. Either I die a slow and gruesome death, or I get laid. Seems like a no-brainer to me."

Seems about right for most bronies, me included :pinkiecrazy: hahaha

Nice story dude, heheh


I think if you had to choose between death and getting sex, most would pick sex.

Or as Gottfriend once called it: "It's either death or Ugu!"

Indeed, I mean, who wouldn't want to get laid by the best human obsessed unicorn?

Lyra and human screwing....excellent.

What an excellent way to start my day, with a bout of histerical laughter. Thank you dear author.^^

Anon: "You will help me fulfill every single fucked-up fantasy I have ever had."

Lyra: "I'm scaroused."

meep o.o

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