• Member Since 20th Apr, 2013
  • offline last seen 33 minutes ago

Crack-Fic Casey

Presenting the best version of the weirdest idea!


There are many worlds, in the multiverse. There is our own, where we use technology to control the destiny of the earth. There are others, where magic is the supreme force. And sometimes, these two worlds can overlap. This is what happens next...

Basically a test story for a more complicated story to come.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 11 )
Comment posted by Crack-Fic Casey deleted May 30th, 2016

The chapter has its fair share of punctuational errors (specifically surrounding the use of "said" tags for quotations), but nothing too terrible. On the story side of things, it's really neat and I look forward to seeing more.

Thank you for the views. Could you tell me what rule I am specifically breaking in regards to punctuation?

It's easier to show correct examples:
“Words,” said Character, “and the same words continued.”
“Words?” asked Character. “And now different words.” Then stuff happened.
“Words!” Character exclaimed.
Unless you're starting a new sentence after the talking ends, no matter what the quote finishes with, you keep the "said tag" starting with a lowercase letter (unless it's the character's name).

First off, is "arc" spelled "arch" in some countries? Second, please give us more as soon as possible, because apparently this world is vastly different and I want the "wait, what?" ending to be explained.

The bad news is that I don't expect to update until mid-late march. The good news is that I plan to release each arch together, so that you get a complete story. I've have most of the next chapter done, if you want to proofread.
I think Arc and Arch might be slightly different words. I'm not sure. I've been using arc to refer to a literal arc of something, like lightning, and arch to refer to a sequence of connected stories that form a metaphorical arch.

I talked to another guy, and it turns out I was just misusing Arch. Sorry.

Lack of color taste aside, if you're looking for an co author, I'd love to help out.

As much as I really loved the idea of Fluttershy being a super hero that exclusively fights monsters, this ended up slowly turning into the Power Rangers story I advertised earlier. If you still want to help, I'd love to have you, but I'd understand if you don't.


Of course. PM me with the details.

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