• Published 28th Feb 2016
  • 686 Views, 24 Comments

Spear of the Windigos (Daring Do #2) - BookeCypher

Travel back to the start of Daring Do's career as she and Zapapple Tock race to stop Ahuizotl from obtaining an artifact of untold power that could plunge Equestria into an ice age. Book 2 of the Daring Do New Revision series

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Chapter 3

Storm Talon looked up from the scrap he had been handed and at his two equine students. “You know, when I told you to bring me you next insane idea, really didn't expect you two lunatics to actually bring me another one the same bucking day.”

“We haven't had a chance to compare the map to any of the University's archives,” Daring explained. “But it looks consistent with the geography in the Unicorn mountain range.”

“Given that the school has sent expeditions into the region on several occasions,” Storm Talon replied. “I find it hard to believe that we missed an entire castle.”

“The university hasn't sent an expeditions to the area in years.” Daring pointed out. “And most of them were just scouting and surveying. Besides, this doesn't seem to be a really big castle – more like some sort of per-unification fortification. It could have been overlooked.”

“Assuming this map is real...” Storm Talon replied, his beak giving a little click as he gingerly flipped the parchment over with his talons. “You said this looked like the Unicorn range?”

Daring nodded. “The northern Unicorn range, from what I can tell.”

“Hrm...” Storm Talon set the parchment down before giving Daring a knowing look. “Wasn't your father looking around that region before he vanished?”

Daring visibly flinched before she managed a reply. “A-among other places. My father tended to...”

“I know exactly what your father tended to, Do.” Storm Talon cut her off. “Star's know I helped with enough of it. My question is why you are so bucking interested this.”

Daring couldn't meet professor Talon's eyes as she answered. “It's purely academic interest.”

Storm Talon snorted. “Academic my feathered arse. You're a shit liar, Do – just be glad I don't give a shit. You want to investigate this? Be my guest – but this sort of moon-touched idea needs approval. Presidential approval. And since you are now a duly appointed member of the Equinology department, you can pitch it yourself.”

Daring gulped. “You mean to the president of my department, right?”

Storm Talon gave his head a little tilt in that way only avians could and gave his beak a little series of clicks that Daring only recognized from prior experience as what passed for griffons as smiling. Or, in this case, smirking. “The the president of the University.”

“The new one?” Zapapple asked to be sure. “The one you call the Tyrant Queen and make sound like the Mare in the Moon or some such?”

“Which makes me very glad I don't have to make the presentation.” Storm Talon replied. “Stars and stones, I don't even run your damned department.” He paused for a moment before staring at them with a small quick of his head. “Why the buck are you talking to me and not your Department head anyway?”

Daring chuckled sheepishly. “He's gone for the day.”

Storm Talon gave another snort. “Figures as much. I'll file you a meeting request with the new despot if you want – earliest you're going to get is likely this time tomorrow. She still has to unpack of course.” Storm Talon's beak clicked again as his amber eyes seemed to alight with what Daring could only describe as a predatory glee. “In fact, shooting down your little project will probably be her first real act as President.”
“You really think she's going to refuse it?” Daring asked as Storm Talon rose from his seat, prosthetic tail and hind leg clicking a whirring softly as he started across the room.

He paused halfway, right next to Daring, before he replied gruffly. “Kid, you've got the single worse lead I've ever seen and almost no plan. If you are doing this for why I think you are, give it up – finding him isn't worth getting dead.”

Daring studied the floor between her front hooves. “How do you know?” she asked softly.

Storm Talon's hind leg clicked softly. “I know. And he would never let me hear the end of it if I let you get dead.”

“She'll be fine.” Zapapple said as she stepped in. “She's got me to keep her from getting too stupid.”

Storm looked at the Earth mare for a moment before giving a small 'harumph'. “If she's anything like her old man, you have your work cut out. You want to get this thing green-lit? Go come up with some real proof. Come up with a plan. And come up with a reason that isn't stupid or insane.” With those final words of advice, Storm Talon marched out of his own office and left the two mares behind.

“You really think he'll file that meeting?” Zapapple asked as she stared at the door the professor had just left through.

“If he said he will,” Daring replied. “Then he will. Come on,” Daring gave her friend a pat on the back as she headed for the door. “We have research to do.”

This late in the day the only ponies in the library were the librarian sitting behind the main desk, and a gray unicorn walking around the stacks. Zapapple and Daring made their way past the main book stacks toward the archives section, staking a claim on one of the tables before hitting the shelves. “So,” Zapapple asked. “What are we pulling?”

“University activity in the region.” Daring replied as she approached the rolling stacks and grabbed the nearest crank with her teeth and gave it a yank. “See if they found anything in the past.”

“Might want to do some research as well,” Zapapple suggested with a shrug as she started poking around the shelves of old school reports.

“See if we can find just what they were keepin' in that place.”

“But thats what a field expedition is for!” Daring replied cheerily. “I thought you were all for field work?”

“And I thought you avoided it like the plague.” Zapapple replied. “Mind telling me whats up with all of this?”

“All of what?” Daring attempted to reply casually. It didn't work.

“All of this.” Zapapple gestured to the shelves around them. “The professor was right – something is up. If this is about your dad-”

“Of course its about my dad!” Daring replied sharply. “My father spent most of his life running around in the field, digging things up.” Her face dropped. “He disappeared because of it. I just want to know why. How.”

Zapapple let out a sigh as she walked up to hr friend, setting a hoof on her back. “See, that wasn't so hard, was it? I can understand why you want to find your father – I know I would want to. Stars and stones, I'll help you look for him – but it helps if you tell me the plan first, ya know?”

Daring looked at her friend for a moment before giving a small chuckle. “Zap, I'm going after a lost castle with hidden treasures – I couldn't stop you from coming if I tried.”

Zapapple leaned back with a smug grin. “Darn right – this is the stuff my dreams are made of. So, whats the plan?”

“The plan?” Daring replied. “The plan is to make a proposal that doesn't...”

“Make this look like the personal field trip it really is?” Zapapple finished.

“I was going to say 'sounds like a complete snip hunt' actually.” Daring replied. “But close enough.” Daring pulled a tome off of the shelf and made her way back to their table. “Either way, it means I get to do what I do best.”

“Egghead out?” Zapapple suggested.

“Research.” Daring corrected.

Zapapple sighed as she pulled a book of her own from the stacks and made her way over to their table. Over the next couple of hours, the first two books were joined by a half dozen more, followed by another half dozen. Their pile of books steadily grew as time dragged on, volumes from the school archives getting mixed in among research texts from the main shelves.

Zapapple was half-way through skimming a volume on the early history of Equestrian settlement when Daring suddenly shouted at the heavens, venting her frustration at the ceiling, before dropping her face onto the table. Zapapple stared at her friend for a moment before trying to speak. “Uh, you okay?”

“This is getting us nowhere.” Daring's muffled voice came from the book. “There's too much information – we're never going to find anything useful – gah!” Daring leaned back, hooves pressed to her face before she suddenly hopped into the air. “I need some air – be right back.” With that, Daring bolted toward the door.

“Daring!” Zapapple shouted after her airborne friend as she rounded the corner and vanished into the hall. “Slow do-” She was cut off as a crash echoed through the door. With a sigh, Zapapple rose to her hooves and trotted out into the hall to see what damage had been done.
She found Daring in a tangle of limbs with an indigo unicorn, her previously neat and ordered librarian's outfit now in complete disarray due to pegasus influence. “uugh...” she groaned, one hoof swiping a strand of blue and white-striped mane from her eyes before she froze.
Daring didn't seem to notice as she disentangled herself from the unicorn. “Hehe-sorry, you alri-”

“My glasses!” the unicorn said suddenly. “What happened to my glasses?”

“Must have flown off when I ran into you.” Daring replied. “Sorry about that.”

“...crashed...” The unicorn echoed as one eye started to twitch involuntarily. “If you broke them...”

Daring found herself stepping back involuntarily as the unicorn glared...well, not quite at her, but in her general direction. She didn't know what was up, but she had the feeling that she really didn't want to know what would happen if they were broken. “I'm sure they're...” Daring paused mid-step as she felt her rear hoof about to step on something she really didn't want to step on. Keeping an eye on the librarian, Daring reached one wing back and plucked up the glasses. “Found them! See, perfectly fine.”

The unicorn snapped the glasses out of Daring's grip with a burst of magic and settled them back on her nose. After a moment of assuring herself that they were, in fact, fine, her anger dissipated as suddenly as it appeared. “Much better – I apologize for that, Miss...”

“Do.” Daring replied, holding out a hoof. “Daring Do. You new around here?”

The unicorn stared at Daring's hoof for a moment before returning the gesture. “Not quite. I'm the head librarian.”

“Really?” Daring said before turning to look behind her. “Hey, Zap! I think I found somepony who can help us with our research.
That seemed to get the unicorns attention. “Research?”

“Yup.” Daring replied. “Trying to find some old Unicorn castle up in the mountains – having some trouble finding what we need. Mind giving us a hoof, uh...”

“Tabula Rasa,” The Unicorn replied. “And I think I might know just the thing.” She led the pair back into the stacks, walking with easy confidence of a pony who knew exactly where they were going. “Now, lets see...where was that...” Tabula muttered to herself as she scanned the shelfs. A pair of massive emerald, slit-pupils eyes suddenly opened in the darkeness. Daring and Zapapple reeled back in surprise, but Tabula took it in stride. “Ah, thank you Esmeralda.” She reached a hoof up to pull out a book, and along with it came a black cat that settled onto Tabula's back, resting its head just above her cutie mark – which, Daring noticed, were some sort of lay tablet with writing. Made since for a Librarian, she guessed.

“Now, I think this will help you out immensely.” Tabula said as she levitated the book from her own grasp and over to Daring.

“Wow,” Daring said as she started skimming through the book. “This is perfect.”

“Guess you aren't the biggest egghead I've meet anymore, eh Daring?” Zapapple ribbed her friend.

“Professor Egghead here has a distinct advantage.” Daring replied. “Not sure its fair.”

“Uh...” Tabula said with a blink as she tried to work out if she had just been complimented or insulted. “...thank you?”

“So,” Daring asked as she tucked the book under one wing. “Think you could find us some more?”

Many hours – and quite a few more tips from Tabula – later, the librarian had departed and Zapapple felt her energy waning. “Sweet Celestia I could use some coffee...” she groaned as she looked up and across the table. At the other end of the table, Daring had her nose buried in a dusty old book whose title Zapapple couldn't make out. Despite how Zapapple was feeling, Daring seemed unfazed by the late hour. “Hey, Daring did you see any coffee on are way in?” No reply. “Uh, Daring?” Still nothing. “Hey, Daring!”

Daring finally looked up from her book. “Huh?”

“I asked about coffee.” Zapapple replied. “Are you alright?”

“There should be a coffee machine just past the front desk.” Daring replied before going back to her book. “It should be free. Just remember to refill it if you kill the pot – they get kind of testy if you leave it empty.”

“Daring, I wasn't actually talking about coffee...” Zapapple sighed. “I'm trying to get you to have a conversation. You've had your nose buried in some book or another for hours – can't we take a break?”

“Not yet.” Daring replied. “I think I've got a good lead here – it looks like the University might have sent a team into the region before. You can go get some rest – don't hang around for my sake.”

“Pretty sure the definition of friend is hanging around for your sake, Daring.” Zapapple replied as she rose from her chair and stretched her legs, each on giving that satisfying pop that usually squicked Daring out. “Ah – that's better. Nothing like a good....stretch.” Zapapple sighed as she saw that her friend had already buried herself in her book again.

Zapapple made the short walk around the table, pulling out the chair next to Daring before dropping into it. “Daring, I know you want to find all the answers right this minute, but it just doesn't work that way. Put the book down, and lets go grab some rest. The books aren't going anywhere.”

“But something else might.” Daring shot back as she finally looked up from her book and stared at Zapapple. Up close, the pegasus looked a mess – strands of gray mane sticking out at odd angles, pink eyes bloodshot and a few tan feathers sticking out at strange angles after being pressed against the back of a chair for hours. None of it seemed to bother Daring. “Something on that mountain could disappear – something could get misfiled overnight...” Daring suddenly shot a panicked gaze at the stacks. “What if they reorganize the library overnight? What if they toss out a bunch of old books and one of them is the key to all of this?! What if-”

“Daring, don't make me slap you.” Zapapple warned her. “I know what you get liked when your worked up, and it helps absolutely nopony. Just breathe.” Daring took a few deep breathes, as instructed. “There.” Zapapple gave her friend a small, reassuring smile. “Better?” she got a small nod in return. “So, how about that break?”

“I...” Daring hesitated for a moment. “I wish I could, Zap. But I don't think I could sleep right now if I tried. I'm just too tense from...” she waved a hoof at all of the books around her.

Zapapple let out another sigh. “Well, if you aren't going anywhere, I guess I'm not going anywhere either.” Zapapple leaned back in her chair. “besides, somepony has to make sure you don't work yourself ragged.”

“If you're going to hang around, at least make yourself useful and hand me that book.” Daring pointed across the table as she sank back into her research.

“I assume you have some sort of plan?” Zapapple asked as she pulled the book over.

Daring quickly took the book and started flipping through it. “I'll think of something.”

“Thats what worries me.” Zapapple replied with a sigh before pulling a book of her own over and flipping it open.

The next thing Zapapple knew, she was jolted awake as the Univerity clock tower rung out, counting out the hours to tell her it was way too early to be up after last night's research marathon. “Dammit, Daring...” Zapapple groaned as she rubbed at her face idly with one hoof before pulling it back. The pale blue fur of her leg was streaked with drool. Well, she thought, she'd had worse pillows – Her calculus book was less comfortable then her leg and a lot harder to wash. She grimaced a little as she wiped her leg off on the nearest convenient surface before returning to her search for her friend. “Hey, Daring! Where'd you get off too?”

“Over here!” came a muffled reply. Zapapple turned drowsily just in time to see a rather haggard looking tan pegaus trot around the corner, saddle bags stuffed full of over-sized scrolls and rolled up posters. “Sorry if I don't look so good. Some grey unicorn drank all the coffee and forgot to put on a new pot. You'd think somepony with a coffee-based Cutie-Mark would know better.”

Zapapple blinked. “Don't look so...Daring, have you been here all night!?”

Daring dropped her saddlebags with a sigh of relief before she replied. “Of course not – I had to head a couple blocks down to get some of these visuals printed up, and I stopped for a coffee or three on the way back.”

Zapapple groaned as she felt a familiar headache starting to return. “Darn it, Daring – we talked about doing all-nighters like this...”

“We only talked a little.” Daring shot back as she started digging through her bags. “And last night was sort of contrary to every other talk we had ever had, so...”

Zapapple brought a hoof up to her forehead. Headache returned – hello, old friend! “How long do we have before the presentation?”
Daring looked back over her shoulder at a clock hanging on the wall. “A couple of hours. Why?”

Zapapple rose to her hooves and grabbed her friend by the tail as she started to forcibly drag her from the library. “You're a mess.” She managed around a mouthful of gray-scale hair. “And so am I – we're goin' to the showers. No way the president is goin' to sign off on anythin' if we look like a couple of vagrants.”

“Agreed.” Daring nodded as she was dragged along. “And you don't think I can walk out of here on my own why...?”

“Don' trust ya.” Zapapple replied simply.

Daring slumped a little. “Ah.”

Luckily for for Daring's tail the University had some showers not too far from the library, attached to one of the squash courts nearby. Daring was loathe to admit it to Zapapple, but after last night that shower felt absolutely divine. She was once again confronted with the fact that her focus on whatever task she had set herself too might have been a tad...single-minded. Well, that was why you had friends, wasn't it?
Daring spent a little longer under the blissfully warm water before turning off the faucet and giving herself a quick shake-off to rid herself of most of the water before stepping out of the stall. Zapapple was standing in the changing room, trying to wring out her multichrome tail. “I think I might have forgotten a small detail.”

“No towels?” Daring asked.

“No towels.” Zapapple replied. “It's going to take us ages to dry properly.”

Daring replied with a grin as she spread her wings, and it took a moment for Zapapple to notice. As soon as she did, her eyes widened as she started backstepping. “Daring, don't. Daring you can't! Don't, don't DON'T-”

Too late. Daring brought her wings down in a powerful flap, and the entire room was rocked by a massive gust of wind. Zapapple teetered on her hooves as she felt the pegasus-generated windstorm pull every drop of moisture from her blue coat. “Darn it Daring!” Zapapple yelled through the roar of the confined cyclone.

Daring simply gave her wings another flap that nearly drove Zapapple into the wall before she finally folded her wings and grinned at Zapapple. “There – now we're dry.”

“Yeah.” Zapapple replied as she started to try and smooth out her throughly frazzled coat. “But some of us aren't accustomed to preening after every shower.”

“Consider it a life-experience.” Daring replied as she started to straighten out her feathers.

“You're crazy idea's have given me a plethora of live experiences, Daring.” Zapapple replied. “You ever think to run this ideas past me before you try them?”

“It got us dry, didn't it?” Daring replied around a mouth full of primary flight feathers. “I was just trying to expedite our situation.”

“Sure you were.” Zapapple replied with a roll of her eyes. “So, time to go put together that presentation?”

“Already finished the bulk of it.” Daring replied as she stretched a little. “I could really go for some coffee...”

“How about some sleep?” Zapapple suggested.

“No time.” Daring replied. “Believe me, some sleep sounds great right now, but we have a presentation to make in – what? An hour?”

“Hour an a half.” Zapapple corrected.

“Thats just enough time to get our notes sorted out and make our way to the presidents office.” Daring said with far too much perk for how little proper sleep either of them were running on. “Onward to victory!”

Zapapple let out another sigh. Way too much perk.

Ninety minutes later, the pair were sitting on a air of chairs sitting in the hall just outside the presidents office. The passage way was packed with a jumble of crates, many partially unpacked while others waited to be cracked open.

One of the already cracked open crates was sitting next to their chairs, just off to Daring's side. It's lid sat tantalizingly ajar, the shadowy darkness inside concealing its contents.

Daring's hoof was halfway through its slow approach to the box before Zapapple's hoof hit her in the back of the head. “Ow!” Daring said as she glanced turned to her friend, both hooves now busy rubbing at her bruised noggin.

“Don't touch it.” Zapapple ordered flatly.

“Why not?” Daring's response was simple and earned her a level stare from Zapapple.

“You are about to ask the new president to fund a trip.” Zapapple said calmly. “The new president who is a former royal guard and nicknamed by the professor 'the Tyrant Queen. Does digging through her stuff seem like a particularly good idea?”

Daring gulped. She hadn't thought of that. “hehe...no?”

“Darn right, 'no'.” Zapapple replied. “Just...check your notes again.”

“I think if I check my notes again I'll go crazy and jump out the window.” Daring replied as he dropped her head into her hooves. “Gah! Why did I think this was a good idea yesterday?”

“Because you didn't take any time to actually think it through.” Zapapple helpfully explained. “You did what you always do – run with your first impulse and make it up as you go.”

“If you thought it was a bad idea, why didn't you stop me?” Daring asked as her panic started to get to the better of her.

“Because I did think this through.” Zapapple replied. “And I think this is going to be great – an expedition of our own? Where we get to call the shots? Sign me up. Don't tell me you're getting cold hooves?”

“No!” Daring replied quickly. “Maybe....” She added more hesitantly. “...okay, maybe a little.”

“Deep breathes, Daring.” Zapapple said as she wrapped a foreleg around her friend's shoulders reassuringly. “Deep breathes. If anypony can convince this mare to fund this, its you.”

Daring glanced up from her hooves at her friend as her ears perked up a little. “Really?”

Zapapple nodded. “Really. I mean, come on – you convinced me to head into the basement after I had come up with a plan, and you managed that without any preparation. After a full night of research? You'll have her lending you half the department to go with us!”

“I don't need half the department, Zap.” Daring replied. “This is just supposed to be a scouting expedition!”

“Exactly.” Zapapple replied. “You'll get us what we need, Daring.”

Before Daring could say anything else, the door to the office swung open and a familiar looking avian head poked out. “Alright, you two. Get your behinds in here.”

“Professor Storm Talon?” Daring said as she got to her hooves. “What are you doing here?”

“The president decided that it would be helpful to have me around during your presentation.” Storm Talon said with a huff. “What I get for sticking my neck out for you two.”

“Much obliged, professor.” Zapapple said with a small smile as she helped Daring with her overstuffed bags.

“Yeah, yeah.” Storm Talon muttered as he held the door open for the two. “Just get in here so I get this over with. I've got other places to be.”
The pair shuffled into the office. Daring had been in there a couple of times before when it was still the last president's office. He had been big fan of old art and stuff and his office had been stuffed to the gills with it – paintings, sculptures, and tables covered in smaller pieces he had collected.

All of that was gone now. What had replaced it was an impressively large amount of book cases and filing cabinets. The room was still getting organized, but a pattern was already starting to show – on one side, books and on the other files. Simple, but effective. The only piece she did recognize from the last administration was the large, ornate wooden desk that the president was sitting behind. There were a few pictures hanging on the wall behind her, and they all looked like pictures of royal guards or that sort of thing.

The president looked up from whatever paperwork she was looking at and gave Daring a small smile. “Ah, Miss Do.” The president rose from behind her desk and started around it toward them. She was an earth pony, steel gray with a dark purple mane. Daring tried not to gulp to loudly as she noticed the presidents cutie mark – a dagger wrapped in some sort of wispy scarf. “A pleasure to finally meet you. I am president Masra. You may refer to me as 'president' or 'ma'am', understood?”

Daring managed a little nod. “Yes ma'am.”

Her smile widened a little as she turned to Zapapple. “Miss Tock? Any confusion on this matter?”

“No ma'am.” Zapapple replied quickly. Behind them, Storm Talon gave a little snort.

“Excellent!” Masra replied cheerily as she walked back round her desk and retook her seat. “Please, sit down. Professor Storm Talon says you have a proposal for an expedition?”

Daring took a deep breath before she started. “The other day Zapapple Tock and I found a map inside the Book of Days we recovered from the University's forgotten archives...”

“The Book of Days?” Masra arced an eyebrow. “That is the journal of Clover the Clever, correct?”

“Yes Ma'am.” Daring replied. “The map we found inside was newer then the journal, and the writing on it matches notes that were scrawled in the margins of the journal – which leads us to conclude that the map was placed their by somepony in order to make sure that it wasn't lost.”
“Which makes a fair bit of sense if the journal was already considered important.” Zapapple added. “They could be fairly sure their hiding spot wasn't going to be tossed out on them.”

“Exactly.” Daring said before she continued. “Now both the map and the notes in the journal mention some sort of castle.” Daring reached into her bag before dropping a large roll onto the president's table and unrolling it. The poster-sized piece was a enlarged version of the map. “Some of the text along the bottom tear seems to line up with the text from the journal concerning what is in the castle.”

Marsa studied the poster before her. “And what, exactly, would that be Miss Do?”

Daring shrugged. “It doesn't say. Whatever it is, the pony writing this was terrified of it or what it stood for. But that isn't the most interesting part.”
“And what is the most interesting part then?” Storm Talon asked, his usually foul temper briefly supplanted by genuine curiosity.

Daring replied by pulling out another item from her bags – this time a massive ream of paper. “I've poured over the records for every expedition the University has ever sent to the region, and then I cross-referenced their travels to the most probable location of this castle. None of our expeditions in the last thirty years have passed anywhere near the site – I don't think they ever would have even gotten a look at the valley.”

“You have four expeditions here.” Marsa pointed out as she flipped through the papers Daring had presented. “I distinctly remember that there was a fifth expedition into the Unicorn Range.”

“That was more then thirty years ago, Ma'am.” Zapapple pointed out.

“As I am well aware.” Masra replied before turning back to Daring. “I am also aware of that expeditions official status. Are you?”

“They went into the mountains and were never heard from again.” Daring replied. “Ours isn't the only one. Seven expeditions in the last fifty years traveled through the area and simply vanished.”

“Impossible.” Storm Talon waved a clawed hand dismissively. “Someone would have noticed.”

“Every expedition entered the range from a different direction.” Zapapple pointed out. “And all of them were heading to different locations – One wasn't even interested in the range and was just passing through. The only connection is that, if you look at the maps for the range, the most likely route sends them all through the same mostly unmapped section of the range.”

“And you wish to take an expedition into this area?” Masra replied. “Knowing that it is most likely deadly?”

“The other expeditions didn't know what they were walking into!” Daring replied. “We would know better. A small expedition would be able to confirm the site location and make initial surveys of the region – we could will in some big blanks on the map at the same time.”

“Quite an efficient expenditure of resources, as you present it.” Masra said with a grin. “But I remain uneasy. You wish me to send a large contingent of my own ponies into a complete unknown.”

“But we know-” Daring started, but was quickly cut off.

“You know nothing.” Masra cut her off sharply. “You yourself have pointed out that we have no knowledge even of the terrain, let alone what hazards we might face.”

“But, ma'am” Daring started to reply. “This expedition would be a chance for-”

“For you to hunt for clues concerning the whereabouts of your father, yes?” Masra completed for her and Daring winced.

“Why does everypony know about my father?” Daring mumbled quietly, but not quietly enough since Masra quickly replied.

“You're father was – is, a well-known figure.” Masra said, her voice tinged with sympathy. “Especially around this campus. His records of travel have long sense become a matter of public record – and I make a point of knowing the history of my ponies. Many around here would love to find a lead related to his whereabouts, and nopony deserves it more then you.” Masra's expression suddenly hardened. “But that does not permit me to expend university resources on the faintest of leads.”

Daring slumped. “I...I understand.” That was it. It was over. Her first lead – her first REAL lead on her father in as long as she could remember, and just like that it was gone. But it wasn't gone – it was just out of reach. That, in a way, made it that much worse. It could have been the one – the clue that lead her back to her father – but she would never know.

Unless – if she couldn't have university backing, she would just do it herself. She would get help from Coco, or her brother – from whoever it took, whatever it took, no matter the cost.

“I know that face.” Daring looked up in surprise, brought out of her thoughts by the presidents words. She had that small smile on again. “I've seen it many a time – often in my mirror. That, Miss Do, is the look of a mare with a plan – most likely a very, very, bad plan. You are likely considering going out and hunting down this lead yourself, aren't you?”

“Ma'am,” Zapapple tried to assure the president nervously. “Daring would never...”

“If I have to.” Daring said, cutting of her friend. “I will. I don't care if I have to head up the coast in a row boat! I'll walk all the way there if I have too!”

“Daring,” Storm Talon cut in. “You have almost no experience in the field...”

“I'll learn!” Daring replied heatedly. “The one thing I won't do is sit around here when a clue about my father might be somewhere out there! I don't care what you say, Professor. I don't care what the president says. I don't care what the whole school says. I don't care what anypony says – if there is a chance I can find my father, I'm taking it.”

“Every inch the stubborn bastard that your old man was.” Storm Talon said with a huff, but his beak softly clicked all the same. “As much as I would like to find him, if only to get what he owes me, I can't help you on this Daring.”

“And as I have said,” Masra added. “The University cannot fund an expedition.” She paused for a moment. “But...”

Daring and Zapapple's ears perked up almost instantly. “But...?”

The president spread her hooves and gave a simple shrug. “It would not be remiss for the University to fund a small scouting party to determine if the area is of interest.” She grinned at Daring. “Say, two ponies?”

Zapapple had to physically restrain Daring from tackling the president in a hug.