• Published 5th Jul 2012
  • 5,218 Views, 107 Comments

What Just Happened? - tastetheRainbowDash

What would happen if these ponies were mysteriously transformed???

  • ...

They're Here!

Twilight turned. She saw two blue eyes staring at her from the bushes. Spike decided to run to another bush, just to be safe.

"Uh, hello?" the changeling shouted in the general direction of the bushes. The eyes blinked. Then a soft chuckle was heard.

"Hellooooo, Twilight Sparkle," came an very distinguishable voice. But it didn't sound like the owner's usual hyper and happy voice. It was more like her "friend" was trying to frighten her.

"Pinkie? Pinkie Pie, is that you?" called the changeling named Twilight.

"Nuh-uh-uh!" was spoken by a pink mare with a flat mane coming out of the shadows.

"Phew, Pinkie. You scared me!" Twilight laughed.Then she stopped. Her so-called friend was giving her a stare that said, "I'm being completely and utterly serious". Twilight stared back, clearly surprised at her ex-friend.

"Who's Pinkie?" the creepy Pinkie's "clone" said.

Twilight thought for a moment. How could she tell Pinkie that Pinkie was her? Did that even make sence.

Twilight didn't need to think about it any longer. She gave a muffled cry and then passed out.

Spike silently slid from his hiding place and went back to the library to wait until the meetup time.


Fluttershy was flying in the air holding the penguin that was Rainbow Dash. The dragon knew that she wouldn't be able to see Pinkie Pie from up here, and she wasn't even sure what Pinkie would look like after her transformation. Then came the sound of death. Or at least a strong military service.

Fluttershy had no idea what was happening. She didn't know that every first Tuesday of the month the Equestrian Air Protection Agency (EAPA) flew by to inspect the safety of the weather machines. Unfortunately, she didn't.

"Fluttershy!" came a far away voice. Well, it wasn't far away. It was the penguin in the dragon's claws. "Land on the ground!"

Fluttershy obeyed. What other choice did she have? She didn't want to die, not yet. "R-Rainbow Dash, how did you know what to do?"

"I'm captain of the Ponyville Flight and Weather team! I know everything that happens in these skies." Fluttershy raised her eyebrow and Dash blushed. "Okay, maybe not everything."

Laughing, the two friends started to walk away when three pegasi landed in front of them. "Well, well, well. An unmonitored dragon and a-a..." the brown colt spoke, looking closely at Rainbow Dash.

"Dude, we're both pegasi," the penguin said in a matter of fact tone.

"Sure you are. What are your names?"

"You should already know me. I'm the captain of the Ponyville Flight and Weather teams," Rainbow stroked back the rainbow colored feathers sprouting from her cyan head.

The three EAPA agents started laughing, hard. One fell over. "Yeah, yeah. What about the dragon?"

Fluttershy, who had already backed up a few feet, looked up, startled. "That's Fluttershy," Rainbow spoke up for her friend. The three ponies laughed harder, which was almost impossible.

"Gotta problem with us?" Rainbow Dash shouted at the pegasi.

The one who continuously spoke replied with heavy sarcasm. "Oh, no,n-" a muffled yell cut him off.

"TWILIGHT!" Fluttershy the dragon and Rainbow Dash the penguin shouted together, the penguin jumping onto the dragon. Fluttershy ran and flew as quickly as she could in the direction of the scream.


Applejack and Rarity were, of course, walking past the wolf's home. She knew to keep hidden, out of sight, so as to not disgrace her family. Rarity the boar, like Applejack, walked in the shadows. She had a reputation of fabulosity to uphold. Rarity yawned.

Looking around for her hyper friend was difficult. And boring. She would much rather be in her shop designing her beautiful dresses and suits for ponies to wear. She heard an odd rumble.

"Applejack, be a dear and tell me what that noise is?" the swine asked the wolf.

"Mmmm..." Applejack thought out loud. "Deer sounds delicious right now."

"Ummm, Applejack?" Rarity asked, backing away into the sunlight.

"Yes," the wolf licked her lips, "pig?"

"You sh-shouldn't be thinking like that," the pig replies, clearly frightened at her now carnivore friend.

"Why not?"

"BECAUSE YOU ARE A PONY, AND PONIES DO NOT EAT," she paused, scrunching her nose. "Meat."

"Ah guess yer right, swine. Ah guess Ah'll settle fer some apples. Want one?"

"No, no, I'm good," the pig replied, still in slight shock that one of her best friends would try to eat her.

"Okay, suit yerself," Applejack said right before climbing the nearest tree and grabbing some apples.

Just as the wolf jumped down, she heard a scream from far away. Rarity had obviously not noticed the scream, but had noticed the change in Applejack's behavior.

"What is it, Applejack?" the white swine asked.

The orange wolf simply replied, "Twilight," as she grabbed Rarity and ran to the opposite side of town.


Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy landed on the ground where Twilight was taken from.

"Twilight?" shouted Rainbow Dash into the abyss, searching for the missing changeling. The cream dragon was still holding her so she could project her voice more easily.

Surprisingly, the penguin got an answer.

"Rainbow Dash?" yelled a panting Applejack. Okay, so an answer from an orange wolf wasn't expected.

"Applejack, Rarity!" shouted a happy Fluttershy, but not too loudly.

"But where's Twilight?" asked a small white boar, Rarity.

"Oh, don't worry, she's with me," came the same voice that Twilight Sparkle had heard only moments before.

Author's Note:

Sorry I took so long on this chapter. I had to come up with stuff for Rarity and Applejack. So I made Applejack go all wolf and almost eat Rarity. Hope you liked this chapter!