• Member Since 6th Feb, 2016
  • offline last seen Jun 1st, 2017

John the brony and yknow

If you are reading this, I can say you're interested about me! :D thanks a lot, drop by one of my fics and comment please, if you may...


You, a great, famous scientist, after many years of being stuck in Equestria, find a way to return home, the only problem is that there is no way back.

Something, or someone, will try to stop you, even though it will be a benefit to everyone... Except for one pony.

Proofread by this guy.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 11 )

The government is always the one to ruin people lives right?

You are sitting on a metal chair in your bright basement laboratory, looking at the clock, restlessly waiting for someone, whom you invited earlier, came, that someone was Fluttershy, your yellow pegasus pony with pink hair best friend, you love every little detail of her, from her long pink mane to her yellow wings feathers.

This is a very long sentence. Break it up a bit.


Actually it isn't a long sentence, it's really short compared with the sentences you can find in books. The problem is that it need a better use of commas and periods. Example:

You are sitting on a metal chair in your bright basement laboratory while looking at the clock, restlessly waiting for someone whom you invited earlier to come, that someone was Fluttershy, your yellow pegasus pony with pink hair and best friend, you love every little detail of her, from her long pink mane to her yellow wings feathers.

The story isn't bad either, it only need a fix in some grammar issues, also props on ending it with that sad ending, showing that love doesn't win all the time, but I think you're underestimating the government (the government isn't that dumb). Maybe it would have done that in the past (before the 20th century) but not today.

Now, some things I detected:

Now it is she who blushes.


Now she is the one blushing.

I don't know why Twilight never wanted me to know how it worked, so I moved it here and started studying it by myself.


I'm not sure why Twilight never allowed me to study it, so I took it here and started to analyze it all by myself.

7342358 Hey Reaper, Yes, like, sad ending, I was sad the day I wrote that.

About the sentences... The first one, you're right, the second one, it's not that Twilight never allowed him to do that, she just didn't want Anon to know how it worked, It's like she avoided talking about it and stuff, your observations are still very appreciated thanks :)


You're welcome ;)

The thing that is bothering me is the fact that the government would still go to equestria to collect resources and info about the planet

7641352 yeah, they are pretty evil there :(


Trump be like: WE need those magic bricks from Equestria to finish my wall!

Hmmm… this story gives me an idea for a story of my own. Interesting read

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