• Member Since 31st Dec, 2015
  • offline last seen 6 hours ago

Silver Malice

Creativity is always a leap of faith. You're faced with a blank page, blank easel, or an empty stage--Julia Cameron. Now let's see some PONIES!


Pinkie has been dying to set off on her own for ages now and travel beyond the party-free lifestyle of the rock farm. Equipped with nothing but a few bits and belongings and a joyous spirit she sets out for the first time into the big wide world...Only for her to run into Equestria's number one quack and mad scientist, Dr. Von Goul, whose been looking for a test subject for his latest experiment, the Fourth Pool.

The Fourth Pool is rumored to be able to give one who bathes in its waters the power of unimaginable sight and ability, that is if you don't self-combust or melt into a puddle instead.

Can Pinkie Pie handle the ancient magic of the pool? and can Dr, Von Goul handle Pinkie if she can? And how did Pinkie manage to find her way to Ponyville? Let's find out.

The cover art belongs to the talented John Joseco (johnjoseco)

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 6 )

This is very underrated. It has some minor grammar problems (check them out) but its very enjoyable. I'm not that of a comic reader but I expected a Deadpool cameo or something... the scene where Pinkie has a vision of her friends is great though.

7018010 I was arguing whether or not i should put him in there, I used the cover art mainly because i like the comparison between Pinkie and Dead-pool, given their fourth wall breaking abilities, so I might edit it so he has a cameo in the fourth wall breaking scene.

Mainly the whole thing was supposed to parody the Deadpool movie, while also fulfilling my idea of how Pinkie got her powers. The whole seeing her friends thing was a last moment of inspiration, but it's my favorite part if i say so myself.

I'll go over my story again, but if you can point out any particular grammar errors you noticed it would be very much appreciated.

7018226 Sorry it took this long, but I had to be sure and I read it again the next days. These are the errors:

he stammered

Missing a point.

“You see ever since i was a young colt, i was intrigued by how our world works, where our magic comes from, what it is fully capable of. I swore i would spend my life working to find out those answers. Such dedication takes time, energy, and of course bits, lots of bits, so much so that it is hard to pay for assistants.

Backwards quotation marks.

“With no assistants or willingly test subjects, one has to do with what they can, so i used myself to test my experiments. My eyes used to be green, can you believe that? Green like grass, but a pigment changing spell gone awry saw the end of that…I used to have muscle tone and proper stature as well, but while i was exploring the possibility of shrinking spells, well you can see what happened.”

and your horn?”

did you know that unicorns horns are basically just bones? tough bones but still bones…i was trying a bone strengthen spell when it backfired and it caused an opposite effect. The tip of my horn was made brittle and weak, i had to do something to keep it from snapping off…losing your horn, means you lose your magic, you lose your ability to manipulate life magic, i couldn’t allow that.”

so how is this going to work?” She asked.

The grey Unicorn smiled, “our tests have given you the stamina to withstand the power of the water, the injections have accustomed your body to different kinds of magical effects, and our waterboarding sessions have allowed you to hold your breath and cool while submerged. So what’s going to happen is, i’m going to drop you right into a vat filled with water from the Fourth Pool, then see what happens.”
“Oh,” Pinkie mumbled. “Is that all?”
The other stallion nodded his head, “in truth it doesn’t sound very scientific i agree, however, one thing about experimental research is, sometimes you just have to…drop right in, and see what happens.”
Pinkie gave a loud groan, “really and you complain about my bad jokes?”

“Your magical energy is strong, your body is strong and soon we will see if it’s compatible with the energy of the pool, and if so, then a whole new world of tests can begin, if not…i'll just find someone else.”

“Well you survived…i was hoping you would…we can start testing to see exactly what effects the pool has left on you.”

Pinkie looked over at him her eyes wide, “but…but this is not where I’m supposed to be…”

R-R-Ranbow Dash…

Rainbow Dash.

And for a quick advice, don't tell it's your first story, no one will give you compassion.

7030381 I never ask for what i don’t deserve...I asked for absolute honesty (i can take it) and appreciate it when it was given. Thank you very much for your efforts :)

When I saw the cover, I thought, "Oh, this is going to be Deadpool, but with Pinkie Pie... how original :ajbemused:..." and almost passed it up. The only reason I checked it out was because it was short, and I'll be honest, I'm glad I did. It's not the best quality - though that will improve with practice - but it's a unique take on Pinkie's abilities. The fact that she doesn't remember any of it fits her character so much better than most of the other explanations I've seen, or even personally come up with.

Over all, I'm glad I gave this a chance, and look forward to seeing you grow and improve as an author. Of course, I will say that I can be a harsh critic, but I never criticize without also giving tips, opinions, or thoughts on how to improve, nor do I expect anyone to take my advice as if it were gospel. I have too many problem with my own fics to think I'm an expert.

I'm definitely sharing this.

7101173 Thank you, this was actually the first thing I wrote on here, and yeah it's not the best thing, mainly because i wanted to go alone, with no editor for the first time, and did editing on my own. I'm sure with an editor i could have refined it even more, but i kind of like it as a testament to what i was, so if/when i improve i can show how i did so.

Glad you liked the story, and thanks for all the support and criticism.

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