• Published 5th Mar 2016
  • 1,255 Views, 6 Comments

It's all up to... Caramel!? - videomaster21XX

It's up to Caramel to take a stand and defend Equestria against a new threat! Can a pony who screws up as much as he does really save us? Read to find out!

  • ...

I'm a hero?

“I’m really sorry Applejack…” Caramel said again as he stood there with the orange mare. Said mare simply sighed before turning toward him..

“In all honesty I’m used ta it by now,” she said while adjusting her stenson. “though I really wish you’d take better care not to loose seeds all the time.” Caramel felt his ears droop.

“I know, I know. I’m just a useless pony.” He mumbled as they both continued to sweep the field for the small grey bag containing apple seeds that he was suppose to have planted in the west orchid hours ago. Except of course, instead of doing that, he went and dropped the bag somewhere in this field. At least he hoped it was in this field.

“Now I didna say anything like that!” Applejack cried as she stopped dead in her tracks. Fixing him with a glare as she went on, “Ya know we here at the farm appreciate you and everything you do!” Caramel flinched at her tone. He hadn’t expected her to be so adamant about his help. It almost made him blush.

“B-but I keep messing up-” He began before Applejack shoved a hoof in his mouth.

“And yet ya keep trying right? Look that’s all that matters.” She gave him a warm smile. “So yer a bit of a slippery hooves when it comes to seeds. You haven’t lost nearly as many as previous years!” Slowly he raised his head.

“Well, yeah I suppose not.” She grinned..

“That’s the spirit!” She said, slapping him on the back. “Yer a kind smart pony Caramel, I’m sure you’ll achieve great things!”

“Uh, y-yeah thanks boss.” He replied as a thought crossed his mind. Well he was here, and she was here. She just spoke well of him, so why not? “Like maybe a date with a certain orange mare?” Her expressed dulled.

“Sorry Sugarcube. I like ya and all, but as a friend.” Caramel could feel his heart stop. He knew it was a stupid thing to ask.

“Now don’t look like that!” Applejack said with a huff. “We can still be friends!” Caramel winced.

“Y-Yeah sure.” Didn’t mares realize just how much that stung?

“Cheer up Sugar. I’m sure you’ll find a good mare. Heck, I’ll bet she’ll be real pretty to.” Caramel almost scoffed.

“Yeah, and maybe I’ll save Equestria while I’m at it!” Applejack was about to respond when some movement to the left caught their attention. They weren’t too far from the Everfree forest, so it was wise to stay alert for any possible stray timberwolves.

What approached them however, was certainly not a timberwolf. Strutting up to them, a smirk on her face was a rather beautiful pink pegasus mare. Caramel was floored with just how pretty she was. Her reddish pink mane and tail were perfectly styled, despite her having apparently just traveled through the Everfree. Her body was well toned and curved in just the right way. The only thing that mared her image was her eyes. Though they were a wonderfully brilliant blue, they betrayed ill intent. Perhaps the most curious thing about her though, was the heart shaped rainbow colored crystal that hung from her neck by a golden chain.

“Howdy there stranger.” Applejack greeted slowly, taking a step in front of Caramel. “There something I can help ya with?”

“Indeed there is dear Applejack.” The mare cooed, in a voice that was sweet and yet venomous.

“How do ya know my name?” Applejack asked with a tilt of her head. The pink pegasus merely smirked.

“Oh I know all about the friends of Princess Twilight.” She said while running a hoof across the crystal rainbow heart. “I’m here to make her my slave.”

“Ha! Fat chance of that!” Applejack called proudly as she approached the mare in confidence. “Now why don’t ya just come along quietly before ya get hurt?” The pegasus only laughed.

“Oh I don’t think so, for you see-” clearing her throat she stared directly at AJ. “Applejack, I love you.”

“W-what!?” Applejack cried taking a step back in confusion. “Now see here I” She began, but Caramel was more focused on the gem around her neck that had begun to glow with it’s rainbow swirl of colors. In mere seconds there was a bright flash.

“I...I love you too my dearest.” Applejack said suddenly causing Caramel to stare in shock. AJ’s voice didn’t sound right to him, it sounded almost monotone. Concerned he took a step toward his boss.

“A-AJ? You okay?” The orange mare turned to him, showing her eyes with little pink hearts for just a moment before they faded away and she looked normal again.

“Shoot of course I’m okay. I’m just happy to be with the pony I love the most!” She announced before walking over to the new pink mare and giving her a nuzzle. Caramel’s eyes bugged out in confusion while the pegasus’s grin widened.

“Ha ha ha! Of course you love me dear Applejack!” She cried to the heavens. “And soon ALL the ponies will love me and be my willing slaves!” Applejack smiled.

“If that’s what you want, then that sounds mighty fine to me!” Caramel blinked. Did AJ really just say that!? What was wrong with her!?

“A-Applejack!” He stuttered, taking another step toward her. “You can’t mean that!”

“Of course I mean it!” She replied without a hint of hesitation. “This here mare is my one true love! I’d do anything fer her!”

“What!?” He shot back. “But you don’t even know her name!”

“So what?” Applejack shrugged. “Ah don’t need ta know it to know she’s the one fer me!”

Caramel couldn’t believe what he was hearing! This pony must have done something to her! That flash must have been the cause! Whoever this pony was had bewitched Applejack into being some sort of love slave!

Some rather naughty images ran through his mind for a couple of moments before he shook his head.

“You!” He screamed at the pink pegasus. “Let her go! Undo your spell!”

“Oh? You realize it’s a spell do you?” The mare answered with a laugh. “How perceptive. I guess you country bumpkins are smarter then you look.” She waved a hoof dismissively. “I’m afraid I won’t be letting your friend go however. I need her under my control so I can take down the Princess in these parts. With her under my command, it’ll be a cinch to waltz into Canterlot and take control of Celestia and Luna themselves!”

“Hear hear!” Applejack added with a hoot.

Caramel had to steel his nerves in order to not take a step back. Whomever this mare was, she had powerful magic on her side and could seemingly make anypony her slave simply by saying she loved them. He knew the crystal rainbow heart on her neck was the source, but how could he get it away from her? If he rushed her, she’d just put him under her spell as well. That or she’d just fly out of his reach using her wings. Fooey! There had to be something he could do!

“W-why are you doing this!?” He cried, hoping to buy himself some time. Maybe if he was lucky some other pony would overhear them and go warn Princess Twilight.

“Why? Why to make everypony love me of course!” The mare chortled as she turned to the side. “You see this cutie mark?” She asked pointing to her own of three red hearts with wings. Caramel nodded, glad his ploy to stall was working.

“Well they are suppose to mean that I have a talent of finding love!” She said, her voice suddenly filling with bitterness. “Except I could never keep a stallion! Nor even a mare! All of them would leave me for somepony else! It wasn’t fair! You hear me!? Why did everypony around me find love but not me!? Why!?”

“Uhhhh,” he said, unsure of how to answer that. Part of him almost felt bad for her, but then again she had just made Applejack her love slave, and apparently was on her way to get Twilight too. That kinda ruined the whole ‘pity me’ image.

“Oh, but then I found this!” She cried placing a hoof on her gem again. “The Love Connector! An ancient artifact that can make any pony within a twenty hoof radiance fall in love with any pony who says they love them! Provided they say their name first of course!” She gazed at the stone lovenly before turning her gaze back to him.

“And now you too will become my love slave!” She cried in glee, walking toward him. His own courage had failed, as he found himself stepping away. This mare was crazy! Crazy and powerful! How was he suppose to do anything against a power like this!

“Yes!” She cried licking her lips hungrily. “You’re a handsome stallion too. Maybe we’ll have some fun before I go capture your princess. I’ll even let you kiss Applejack here if you like. I heard you asking for a date.” Her grin turned downright evil. “Come on my dear. You know she’ll never love you. This is the only chance to have a kiss, and hey you’ll get to be the personal plaything of yours truly. That’s not so bad right? You do find me attractive don’t you?”

“Uh, uh, of course I do.” Caramel stammered, desperately trying to find a way out. It wasn’t even a lie really, the mare before him was gorgeous, the only issue was she was crazy. “I think you’re one of the most beautiful mares I’ve ever seen miss…er...”

“Oh my, flattery will get you everywhere my dear!” She said with glee. “Heart Throb, is my name. Now please, tell me yours so I can make you mine!”

Crud! He was doomed! Doomed to be this mares slave! If only he could think of a way to… wait didn’t she say?

Caramel stopped dead in his tracks. Did she really just do all that?

“You’re name is Heart Throb?” He asked dubiously. Heart Throb only stomped in impatience.

“Yes! Yes! I just said that! Now tell me yours!”

“Sure, but real quick. You said that stone has a twenty hoof radius? You don’t have to be wearing it?”

“What? No!” She cried, clearly fed up, “what’s it to you anyway? Tell me your name!” Caramel stood there for a second, before taking a deep breath.

“Heart Throb?” He asked.

“Yes? What is it now!?” She spat back angrily. He simply stared back at her blankly.

“Heart Throb, I love you.” The mare blinked.

“What?” She asked confused before she noticed the jewel around her neck begin to pulse, her eyes widening in fear as she realized was was happening.

“Wait!” She shouted.

FLASH! Went the crystal.

* * *

“Seriously?” Princess Twilight asked as she stood there examining the Love Connector jewel which was currently sitting upon her crystal table. “She really just told you how it worked and her name?”

“Indeed I did!” Heart Throb replied as she nuzzled Caramel’s neck. “Sweetieplum here was just too smart for me, but that’s why I love him!” Caramel blushed at having the pink mare give him so much attention. One of her wings was even draped over his back. It felt really nice, much to his dismay.

“Y-yeah, she’d been um… like this ever since. Along with well…” He said turning to look at his other side where Applejack was also nuzzling his neck. “I tried asking her to release AJ from the spell, but she doesn’t know how.” Heart Throb giggled.

“I never thought to find that out! How silly of me huh?” Twilight just gave a slow nod, her eyes narrowing at Caramel.

“Mmm hmmm, and the reason she’s so affectionate to you now?”

“That was me again!” Heart Throb announced proudly. “I figure if my darling Caramel here enjoys having me as a marefriend, then why not the mare he originally asked out?”

“Makes sense ta me!” Applejack added with a smile. Twilight facehoofed.

“Right, you haven’t done anything bad with them have you?” She asked fixing Caramel with a glare. He immediately shook his head.

“No! No! Of course not!” He cried. “I was the one to tell them to think of themselves as my marefriends instead of l-love slaves!” Both bewitched mares nodded.

“Yep, he sure did.” Applejack said proudly patting Caramel on the back. “Said he didna want us as slaves.”

“Instead he decided for us to be in a loving and equal relationship.” Heart Throb added. Twilight still wasn’t convinced.

“And you didn’t tell Heart Throb to command Applejack to just act like herself because?”

“I did try that!” Caramel protested, but once more Heart Throb decided to speak for him.

“Why would I do that? After all, he’s our number one very special somepony!” She said, giving Caramel a quick peck on the cheek, causing him to blush.

“Well you certainly seem to be enjoying it.” Twilight observed. This only served to increase his panic levels.

“C-come on! I came to you didn’t I?” He stammered. “I didn’t even delay! Now can’t you fix them or something!?”

“True, you did come straight to me.” She repeated before shaking her head and finally allowing herself to smile. “Alright I believe you.” Caramel blinked.

“You do?” She nodded.

“It seems you really did do the right thing here. I shouldn’t judge you so quickly.” Caramel breathed a sigh of relief as he smiled back.

“Thank you princess. Now, how do we release them from the spell?”

“Well I’m not sure yet.” Twilight said, running a scan with her magic over the jewel. “It’ll take some time for me to figure out how this works. In the meantime, as long as you don’t take advantage of them, why not enjoy having two mares dote over you?”

“W-what!?” Caramel cried backing up. Twilight giggled.

“I know how I just was, but that was to make sure you didn’t have any ill intent. I can see now you were simply trying to stop her. Believe it or not you’re a hero Caramel! You very well may have saved Equestria!”

“I-I did?” He repeated, his gaze washing over the jewel on the table ten hooves from him. Huh, he guessed he did didn’t he? If he hadn’t said that to Heart Throb, who knows what may have happened? Applejack was right! He could do right! He had actually saved Equestria and even gotten the mare!

Well sorta. He’d eventually have to make sure they fixed that last part.

“Won’t Applejack get mad though?” Said mare laughed.

“Why would I get mad? It’s just a date silly.”

“And don’t worry about me being jealous.” Heart Throb added. “As long as I’m with you I’m happy!”

“Well you heard them.” Twilight said with a giggle. “Besides, I don’t know how long this will take, and it’ll keep them from getting into trouble.” She smiled. “Enjoy yourself, you earned it.”

Caramel didn’t know what to say. He could feel the joy of doing the right thing welling up inside him. Things were finally looking up! No longer would he be considered a screw up!

“Oh Thank you! Thank You Princess Twilight! I love you!” His eyes widened the moment he realized what he just said. “I mean!” Too late, a bright flash filled the room.

“I love you too my dearest.” Twilight replied as she walked up to him and began to nuzzle his neck, joined by the two mares on each side of him.

“Darn it Caramel.” He muttered to himself with a deep sigh. “You done screwed up again!”

Author's Note:

I dunno. I'm crazy.

Comments ( 6 )

A few spelling and grammar tweaks needed here and there, but rather amusing regardless. :moustache:

Caramel is the hero now! Sort of.

Nice idea. I like how it's turning out.

May I suggest for the next additions. Derpy, the cakes and Pinkie.

Basically pinkie should tell the cakes she loves them. They love her, and then when she is comforting Caramel, he says I love you and he gets his first stallion.

Yeah... this is a one shot...

Well this was random.

Don't be like that Caramel...you now got 3 mares fawning over ya!

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