• Published 13th Jun 2012
  • 16,956 Views, 98 Comments

Sparkling Cider - NightsGlory

Twilight reveals her new crush to Spike and, with his help, figures out what to do about it.

  • ...

Sparkling Cider

Twilight slammed the door to the library, bracing herself against it and breathing heavily. She stayed like this for a few moments, trying to collect her thoughts and gain her bearings. She had rushed back from Sweet Apple Acres so fast, she wasn’t even sure if she had made it into the correct building at first.

I could have just teleported, she thought, mentally hitting herself. I guess I’m not thinking too clearly right now…

“Hey Twilight, what’s up? You okay?” Spike said, coming down the stairs of the library. Upon hearing the front door slam, the baby dragon had decided to investigate. He approached his friend and sister, looking for a response.

Maybe I just need some sleep.


…Or a drink.


Yes. A drink is exactly what I…

“TWILIGHT!” yelled Spike, poking her in the side with a claw.

“What? Huh? Oh, Spike! I didn’t even notice you there!”

Her assistant raised an eyebrow and shrugged, saying, “I don’t think you noticed anything. You didn’t even seem like you knew you were home. You okay? You seem flustered.”

Twilight thought for a moment. She most certainly was not okay. She had completely embarrassed herself in front of her friends and couldn’t have gotten home faster. Well, if she had teleported, maybe…

“Yes Spike, I’m fine,” she lied. The last thing she wanted was Spike worrying about her. “I think I’m just going to have a drink and relax for a bit.”

She began walking towards the kitchen, looking out of the window at the setting sun. Soon, Luna’s moon would be out, and maybe she could go out on the balcony to admire the night sky. That usually calmed her down, regardless of the situation.

“Are you sure, Twilight?” Spike asked timidly, following her. “You hardly ever drink. What’s got you so worked up?”

The lavender mare knew he had seen through her ruse. He was right, of course; she hardly ever touched the drink. Even at Pinkie’s parties, she tried to only have one or two, and even then, they were weak. Of course, she would never tell Pinkie that, or else she would have to drink more.

“Yes, Spike,” Twilight huffed, “I’m fine. I just need to take my mind off of a few things.”

Spike shrugged, and went back into the library proper. “If you say so,” he called over his shoulder. “Just don’t forget that I’m always here if you need to talk.”

Twilight supposed he was right. She didn’t talk much about her problems with him…he was, after all, still a baby dragon. But every now and again, she did regale him with a few troubles. Maybe it wouldn’t hurt to tell him what was bugging her…

No, she thought, opening the wine cabinet with her magic, he wouldn’t understand. He hasn’t had any experience there…at least, I hope not.

She scrutinized the contents of what lay before her. True to its name, the cabinet did have several bottles of wine stored within. She mostly saved these for visits from Rarity, or the occasional visit from Princess Celestia. Fluttershy had shared a bottle with her once, as well. However, the cabinet did also contain some stronger spirits.

She read over the labels, repeating them out loud. “Applejack Daniels, Captain Maregan, Lunazul, Spitfireball…”

At that moment in time, Twilight knew which spirit she would choose for the night. Spitfireball it was. Flavored with cinnamon and as hot as the fires of Tartarus, it was sure to bring about the calm she was looking for. Twilight levitated the nearly full bottle down, and poured the golden liquid into a glass, retiring to the library proper for the moment. It was a cool autumn night, and a fire roared in the fireplace. Spike was sitting only a few feet away, looking at a book on the history of his race.

Twilight stared at the fire for a while, before she finally took a sip of the drink she was holding in her magical aura. The golden liquid flowed down her throat like honey, smooth and flavorful, the cinnamon burning the whole way. She instantly felt herself relax, muscles in her body that she didn’t even know she had uncoiling and allowing the liquid to take its toll. The lavender mare let out a contented sigh.

“Feeling better?” Spike asked, looking up from his book.

“Much.” Twilight answered shortly. “I needed this more than you know.”

Spike stared at her a moment longer, looking between his book and her. After a few moments, he stated boldly, “Listen, Twilight. I’ve known you since the day you hatched me. I know when something is on your mind. Obviously something big is bothering you. Why don’t we talk about it?”

Twilight regarded her number one assistant for a moment. The tome that was almost as big as he was spread out before him, knowledge lingering at the edges of each word. Spike had an almost protective glare to his eyes, willing Twilight’s story out of her mouth.

“Okay, Spike. I’ll tell you what’s on my mind. But promise not to tell anypony else?”

Spike made the familiar motions of a Pinkie Promise and stated, “I Pinkie promise.”

With the ever powerful Pinkie Promise in mind, Twilight knew she could trust the little dragon to keep his end of the bargain. She took a deep breath, and, with the help of Spitfireball, began her story.


It had all started a week ago, when she had visited Applejack to help her out with cider season. As it turned out, the year after the Flim and Flam fiasco, the Apple family needed a way to organize a town-wide effort to increase cider product. Twilight had willingly obliged to help the family, putting together the most efficient team to perform the various tasks needed to produce the cider. Of course, at the center of it all, the ponies of the Apple family still worked hard at what they were best at.

“How’s the groups comin’, Twi?” asked Applejack, as she strolled into her home’s kitchen. Twilight had set up shop at their little table there, papers and maps of different fields strewn out across the surface.

“She’s almost finished, hun,” came the reply from the family matriarch, Granny Smith.

“Granny Smith has really helped me out a lot, AJ,” Twilight said without looking up from a map. “She told me what orchards need the most work and which ones can be handled more delicately. I’d say she at least doubled the speed of this process. I just need to finish plotting this team’s route, and…done!”

The lavender mare looked up from her work and beamed at her orange friend, showing off the orchard map with a list of ponies from each team in their respective sections.

“That’s great, Twi! Why, ah bet we’ll be done with cider season in no time!” Applejack took the papers and gave them a quick once over, sure that Twilight’s planning with her grandmother’s help was spot on. “Now, come on! You’ve been workin’ hard all day, and I just got done with mah applebuckin’. Why don’t we go relax out by the pond?”

Twilight rose from her seat, walking towards the kitchen door that led outside. “That sounds wonderful, Applejack. Bye Granny Smith! Thanks for your help!”

“Thank ye, Twilight. Ye always help us out when we need it!” Granny Smith nodded towards Twilight, then slowly moved into the living room as the two friends departed the kitchen.

It was a glorious early autumn afternoon, and Twilight could tell that the receding heat of summer had worn her earth pony friend out. There were very few clouds in the sky, thanks to their weathermare friend Rainbow Dash, and life buzzed all around the farm. Somewhere off in the distance, Winona could be heard barking at what Twilight could only assume would be a squirrel.

“So how did your day in the orchard go, Applejack?” Twilight asked, walking beside the orange mare.

Applejack gave a little cock of her head before saying, “’Bout the same as always, Twi. Worked hard, tired mahself out, but I got the job done and had fun doin’ it!”

Twilight gave a hum of acknowledgement. “It’s great that we all do jobs that we enjoy. I’d hate to spend my days working just for the sake of keeping busy.”

Applejack laughed at this, and turned off of the path they were walking on to cut through some of her apple trees. “Well, ah’m not too sure that I know anypony who hates their job! As far as I know, if ponies don’t like doin’ somethin’, then they don’t do it. At least in Ponyville, anyways.”

Twilight giggled. “You haven’t spent enough time in Canterlot, then.”

Applejack raised a brow, but said nothing as they approached the pond. The area was completely shaded by oak trees, a small haven from the apple trees usually found out here. Applejack told her friends that the area was made specifically for “relaxin’ after a full days ‘o work,” as she always put it. Twilight had to agree, if there was any place to relax after a tiring day, that this was it.

Before Twilight even had time to realize what the farmpony was doing, Applejack tossed off her hat and galloped towards the pond, jumping in and soaking the area with a large splash.

“Ah! Applejack!” Twilight called out. “You didn’t say we were getting in the pond!”

The orange mare spat water out of her mouth towards Twilight. “Well shucks, Twi, what else would we do? Come on in, the water’s great!”

The bookish unicorn rolled her eyes, but smiled, got a running start, and plunged into the pond. She was immediately immersed in the cooling sensation that the pond always gave its swimmers. After a second, she resurfaced and laughed as her friend splashed her.

“Now see, don’t ya feel better already?”

“Definitely,” Twilight responded. They both suddenly heard a few thumping noises, and looked towards the shore. Sure enough, the sounds belonged to Applejack’s massive brother, Big Macintosh. The thunderous beats ceased, and the big red stallion looked out towards the pair and smiled.

“Howdy, Miss Twilight, AJ,” he said with his southern drawl, nodding towards each in turn. “How’re y’all doin’ today?”

“I’m doing well, Big Mac, thank you,” Twilight responded, feeling a bit of heat in her cheeks. “And you?”

“I’m right swell, ma’am. Thanks fer askin’. Just figured I’d come over and lay in the shade fer a bit, and then I heard y’all swimmin’.”

“I, um, hope we’re not intruding…” Twilight felt a bit of Fluttershy in her voice. For a reason that the studious unicorn couldn’t fathom, she was unable to speak straight around Applejack’s brother. They hadn’t spoken much in the past, but on those occasions when they had, she remembered always being tongue-tied.

Applejack and Big Mac laughed at the statement. “Twi, there ain’t no such thing as intrudin’ at our pond,” the orange mare said. “Everypony’s welcome here.”

Big Macintosh plopped himself down on the ground, in a shady spot near the edge of the pond. Swirling a lazy hoof in the pool, he looked around the grove for a bit while the two mares swam about in the pond, no doubt gossiping on the latest happenings. After a few minutes of reflecting on his day’s work, he looked back towards the pair in the water.

“I meant ta thank ya, Miss Twilight,” he said, when a lull in their conversation came about.

“Oh? What for, Big Macintosh?” Twilight said, cocking her head to the side. Her attention had been immediately pulled towards the deep throaty voice of the large stallion.

“Helpin’ us out with cider season this year. Granny Smith said you did a right good job, and she thinks we’ll be able ta finish quick-like.”

“Yeah, Twilight, thanks a ton,” Applejack repeated, next to her. “It really does mean a lot to us an’ the farm that yer willing to help.”

Twilight felt the heat in her cheeks rise again at the praise, and shrugged. “It was no problem, really! I like helping my friends!” She shot a look at Big Macintosh as she said this, and he gave her a welcome smile. If she was blushing before, she thought that now Applejack may be able to feel the surrounding water’s temperature rise. Afraid one of the two Apples may see her embarrassment, she dipped under the water quickly and swam around, biding her time.

When she resurfaced, Applejack was just reaching the shore, and had begun to shake herself dry. The lavender mare followed suit, lowering herself to the ground several feet away from the large form of Big Mac once she was dry. Applejack leaned back against one of the nearby oak trees, hooves up in the air.

“Ah really needed that swim. It was hot as all get out today!” she said, closing her eyes. Then, popping one of them open, she looked towards her brother. “You aren’t getting’ in, Big Mac?”

The stallion in question shook his head. “Naw, not today, lil’ sis. I just felt like lyin’ down after work.”

Twilight felt his low voice rumble in her ears, a sort of smoothness to it that she hadn’t noticed before. Catching his gaze for a moment, she looked away, out over the pond, trying to fight down that incessant blush of hers. She thought that Big Macintosh must have noticed because he chuckled quietly before looking back up at the azure sky.

Trying to turn the conversation, Twilight began, “So, when did you two start applebucking?”

Applejack gave a small snort. “As soon as I could, and not a moment later. I reckon’ I was bigger than Applebloom, she ain’t quite ready yet. Big Mac over there…well, he’s a unique one. He started before I was even born.”

“Really?” Twilight asked, looking towards him. “Wouldn’t you have been younger than Applebloom is now?”

“Eeyup,” came the reply.

“Wow,” Twilight said. “I can’t believe that. You must have been strong, even as a colt.”

“He’s always had them big legs,” Applejack said. “He ain’t called ‘Big’ Macintosh fer nothin’!” Both mares laughed at that, Macintosh simply smiling the whole time.

“Was it difficult, at first? Applebucking, I mean. Since you were so young, and all.” Twilight stumbled over her words a bit, trying to get out her meaning.

The big stallion looked down at her and nodded. “Sure it was, Miss Twilight. I reckon’ I only got started so young ‘cuz I wouldn’t quit buggin’ Pa about it. He finally let me go at a tree, and it took me darn near a day to get even one apple to fall. But that was the best apple I ever bucked.” His eyes had an aloof nature to them as he said this, remembering vividly the taste of that apple he had worked so hard to get.

“Why do ya ask, Twi?” inquired Applejack.

“I was just wondering,” she replied. “I set up the whole town to help with the cider season, but I couldn’t find out where I belong. It’s a lot like Winter Wrap Up. So, you know, I thought it may be fun to try applebucking. But it seems so difficult…”

Applejack guffawed for a second before regaining her composure. “No offense, Twi,” she began, “but I’m not entirely sure you’d be up to it. Ya just don’t have the leg muscles fer it. I’m sure you could help out at the sortin’ station, though!”

“No offense taken, Applejack,” Twilight said, giving her orange friend a smile, “I know I’m not the strongest pony. I just thought it might be interesting to try.”

Big Macintosh looked over then, and made eye contact with Twilight. “Well, Miss Sparkle, if’n ya’d like to try, I reckon I could take you out to the orchard some day and let ya have a go.”

Twilight blushed, again, she thought to herself, as she regarded the large, and handsome, stallion before her. “You’d do that? For me?” she asked in a sheepish voice.

“Of course, Miss Twilight. If’n ya want to try it, I see no reason why not ta let ya. Granted, I won’t be able to teach you by the harvest tomorrow.”

The lavender mare gave Big Macintosh a big smile. “Thank you, Macintosh. That means a lot. I’m sure I’d be better use sorting apples than bucking them on such short notice anyways.”

Big Mac smiled and inclined his head, and Twilight thought she glanced a bit of redness across his cheeks. Although, it was hard to tell, what with his coat being that very same color.

The three sat there for a good while longer, until early evening began to fall upon the orchard. They all got up and stretched, and moseyed on back to the farmhouse, watching as the night sky drew ever nearer. None of the three ponies had spoken in a while, but instead simply enjoyed each other’s company. Once the trio arrived, Twilight stopped outside of the house itself.

“Well, I should be going. I’m sure Spike is back from Rarity’s and probably wondering where I am. If he hasn’t already fallen asleep,” she said with a giggle.

“Alright, Twi. Don’t take too long gettin’ home; you don’t want Spike worrying about you again! And thanks again for all the help you gave us.” Applejack tipped her Stetson towards her friend before entering the house, calling back over her shoulder, “Ah’ll see ya tomorrow, Twilight!”

This left only her and Big Macintosh outside the house, staring at each other in an awkward silence.

“Well…” Twilight began.

Big Mac cut her off suddenly, despite his normally quiet nature. “Come on out to the farm after the cider harvest, Miss Twilight. I’ll teach ya how ta buck them apples right off our trees.” He gave her a warm smile then, saying, “Have a good night now, ya hear?”

“Okay, Mac. Thanks again. I’ll see you tomorrow at the harvest!” And with that, Twilight did an about face and began the trek back to her tree home in Ponyville proper, face awash with warmth the whole way home.


“And, like I said, that’s where it all started.” Twilight took another shot of the Spitfireball, grimacing as the liquid both cooled and burned her throat. Throughout her retelling of that day from a week past, she had taken back somewhere around the area of four shots, and by this point, was feeling fairly loose.

“Where all what started?” Spike asked. He wore a look of confusion upon his face.

Twilight looked at him incredulously, unsure of how the baby dragon could have missed the key element to her tale. “You mean you couldn’t tell?” she asked.

“Tell what? All I heard was you telling me about a perfectly normal day with the Apples. And as I remember, that cider harvest went really well, what with everypony helping out.”

Twilight sighed. Of course he wouldn’t have understood. She kept forgetting the key word when it came to her number one assistant; baby. Sure, he knew the feeling, but he couldn’t recognize it in another pony.

“Spike, I’m talking about the start of…” she paused here for a moment. Should she really tell him? I mean, he told me about Rarity, she thought. But everypony knew that...but then again, he had no idea he was so obvious about it. There isn’t any reason not to tell him. He Pinkie promised, after all.

“Of what, Twilight? I’m waiting.”

“Oh, fine, Spike,” she huffed, the amber Spitfireball once again helping her out. “It was the beginning of my crush on Applejack’s brother, Big Macintosh. Or, at least, the start of when I actually realized I had a crush.”

Spike stared dumbly at her for a few seconds, mouth hanging agape. He looked down at his book—which he had all but forgotten about—and then around at the room, before finally locking eyes with his “sister” again. “You have a crush on Big Mac?” he asked, with an air of disbelief.

Twilight face-hoofed, groaning in the process. “I thought that was obvious, Spike.”

“Well, maybe to you. But anyways, what’s the big deal? Can’t you just do what I do with Rarity? Just spend time with him.”

For a baby dragon, he can be awfully insightful at times, the bookworm thought to herself. “Well, Spike, if you remember, I have been. The next day, I went over and he taught me how to applebuck. We must have been out there for a few hours before I finally got the technique down enough to get just a few apples off the tree.”

“Yeah, I remember,” Spike said. “I hadn’t seen a smile on your face as big as the one when you got home from that in a long time.” His eyes suddenly went wide with realization. “Oh! I get it now! Why didn’t I see that earlier?”

“See what, Spike?”

“Well, now, looking back on it, of course you have a crush on Big Macintosh. I remember you going over to Sweet Apple Acres a lot over the last week. You’ve seemed happier each time you’ve come home!”

Twilight’s signature blush—which she had gotten all too used to—came back at this statement. Of course she had been obvious; it was hard to hide a smile so big it approached a Pinkie Pie level of joy. At one point, she was sure even Applejack had noticed how she always seemed to seek out Big Macintosh when they were hanging out.

“So what are you going to do about it?” asked the little dragon. “And you still haven’t explained why you came in out of breath.”

Twilight’s ears went back at this. Through the daydreams and alcohol in her veins, she had almost forgotten the horrors that this day had put her through. I guess it’s time to tell him more, she thought. “Well, Spike, I was just getting to that. Like I said, this started a week ago. So today, I went to Sweet Apple Acres to learn how to applebuck with Big Mac…”

As she took another shot of the cinnamon whisky, so did she take another shot at her memories.


A week had come and gone quicker than Twilight would have liked to believe. Cider season had gone wonderfully well, and nopony lacked a stein on the day that they were finally allowed to drink the product that most of the town had helped produce. Granny Smith had been right; it only took three days to harvest the orchard and make the delicious brew. When Twilight had gone up to Sweet Apple Acres the next day to see if Big Mac could teach her how to buck apples, he had responded by kindly asking her to give him a few days to recover from all the extra work he had done over the harvest. That put her where she was today, with a scheduled lesson from the big red stallion. She was practically skipping towards the Apple’s homestead.

Once she finally got to the farm, she found Applejack in the yard with Winona, playing a game of fetch.

“Well howdy, Twilight! What’s got you so chipper today?”

Twilight stopped dead in her tracks, eyes wide and pupils dilated. She gave a nervous chuckle before stating, “What are you talking about, AJ? I’m my normal self!” The lavender mare gave a large, toothy grin before glancing both ways, trying to dispel anything her friend may be trying to insinuate.

“Uh…huh.” Applejack deadpanned. “Twilight, I’m the element of honesty, for pony’s sake. I can tell when a pony’s lyin’. So, what’s gotcha so chipper? It isn’t mah brother, is it?” The orange mare gave her unicorn friend a devilish grin as the latter part of her question sneaked into the conversation.

Twilight had resumed walking towards Applejack, but almost tripped when she heard her statement. “What? No! What would make you say that?!”

Applejack chuckled at Twilight’s expense. “Come on now, Twi. You aren’t exactly the most secretive pony. That’d be reserved for a pony like Rarity. I saw the way you were hangin’ off his words a couple ‘a days ago. Didja really think ah wouldn’t notice?”

Twilight’s charade fell, and her body visibly slunk. “I—I’m sorry, Applejack. I know he’s your brother…I shouldn’t be acting like this.”

“Twilight,” Applejack said sternly, approaching her friend and placing a leg upon her withers. “You think I’d have a problem with that? Honestly, the boy needs a good mare in his life. Ah already tried to set him up with Fluttershy, but as it turns out, they’re too quiet for each other. As far as ah can tell, you’ve got the best shot out of any of our friends.”

Twilight’s ears perked up at this, trying to believe what she was hearing. “So…you’re saying that it’s okay that I have a crush on your brother?”

“Of course it’s okay, you big dummy!” Applejack stated. “In fact, I’ll even help you out if you want me to! I know him inside and out, anything ya need to know, just ask me!”

Twilight stared at her friend, dumbstruck. She didn’t even understand what was reaching her ears. That Applejack had noticed her recent behavior was horrifying. But the fact that Applejack was willing to help? That was almost inconceivable.

“Well…ah…heh, I guess the pony’s out of the barn, huh?” Twilight said, scratching the back of her neck with a hoof. “Yeah, I didn’t even know I had a crush on him myself until we were all at the pond together. And then I just…felt something. If that makes any sense at all.”

“Sure it does, sugarcube,” Applejack said. “Shoot, ah’ve felt the same thing for a couple ponies around town, ah just don’t have the time or nerve to talk to them about it. But like ah said, he needs a quality mare in his life, and I think you might be up for the job. So, want some tips?”

“Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes!” Twilight repeated excitedly, dancing around Applejack for a minute.

“Hold yer horses, Twilight!” her friend yelled, holding up a hoof. “Calm down first and ah’ll tell ya what ya need to do.”

Twilight stopped and gave her friend a big grin, excitement clear in her eyes.

“That’s better. Now, ah reckon the first piece of advice is to be yerself. Big Mac’s a good judge of character. If you ain’t yerself, he’s gonna see right through it. Secondly, don’t be afraid to bring up the issue. He’s a stallion of forwardness. He likes a mare who’s gonna be straight with him. No games, ya hear?”

Twilight nodded before saying, “Well, Applejack, I don’t even know that I could play those ‘games.’ It’s not like I’ve had any experience or anything.”

The orange mare did a double take. “Say what now?” she said. “You ain’t never tried datin’ anypony afore?”

Twilight just shook her head.

Applejack mumbled a few words before saying in a low voice, “I keep forgettin’ that y’all wasn’t very sociable back in Canterlot…”

“He’s pretty much the first pony I’ve ever felt like this for,” Twilight said, timidly.

Applejack’s head snapped up at this, and she gave Twilight a stern stare. “Well in that case, missy, don’t you go messin’ anything up. Fer both of y’alls' sake. As far as I know he ain’t never had no feelings like this either, and I don’t wanna see you both hurt if somethin’ goes wrong.”

Twilight’s stomach flipped at this statement. The way her friend had put it, it almost seemed as if the earth pony’s brother had much the same feelings towards the lavender mare as she did towards him. “Wait a minute…are you saying that he feels the same way?”

Applejack looked away quickly before meeting Twilight’s gaze again. “Ah…uh, no! I ain’t sayin’ nothin’ like that. All’s I’m sayin’ is I don’t want y’all hurtin’ each other in the emotional way, ya know?”

Twilight raised her head, letting out a soft “Oooooh.” She looked off into one of the apple fields before saying anything further. “So…I’m just going to take it that he might possibly feel the same way. Even if it isn’t true, it still makes me feel better.”

Applejack simply shrugged, saying, “Whatever ya need, sugarcube. Now, why don’t ya just get on out there and spend some time with him? Just remember to be yerself, and if’n ya need any advice, I’m here for ya.”

Twilight gave her friend a thankful nod before heading off in the direction that Big Mac had specified on her last visit. Thoughts swirled all around in her mind now, and she had butterflies in her stomach. With the blessing of Applejack, the lavender mare wondered what she could do to convey her feelings towards Big Mac.

As she walked through rows of apple trees, she noted how many trees still had apples on them. She knew that the cider had only come from part of the orchard, but it still always managed to amaze her at how big the place really was. Even the maps she had looked at couldn’t do the Apple family’s pride and joy justice. Finally, she spotted something that was out of the ordinary; or, at least, different from all the surrounding trees.

Big Macintosh saw her approaching and gave a friendly smile, accompanied with a wave of his hoof. The mare in question gave him a friendly smile as she approached, saying, “Hey, Big Macintosh! I was wondering when I’d finally stumble upon you!”

The stallion gave a low, friendly laugh, and motioned for her to sit next to him. She obliged his offer, shifting uneasily as she was once again next to this fine specimen of a stallion. She noticed that his golden mane fell about his face and neck with sweat, a sign that he had been hard at work today. To Twilight, that made him all the more attractive.

“Howdy, Miss Twilight,” Mac said. “How’re you doin’ on this fine fall afternoon?”

Twilight giggled a little, saying, “I’m doing great, Big Macintosh. And yourself?”

“Right fine and dandy, ma’am. Now, I hear someone wants to try their hooves at applebuckin’?”

“Right you are!” Twilight sounded like a little schoolfilly, the way she giggled after that sentence. She thought she saw Mac’s coat grow just a shade darker on his cheeks.

“Well, then there’s one important thing ya need ta know!” He began, southern drawl making his instruction sound like honey in Twilight’s ears. “And that’s that it ain’t in the strength of the kick, it’s in the technique!”

“Really?” Twilight asked. “So, Applejack isn’t just good at it because she’s strong?”

Big Macintosh gave her a trademark low, hearty laugh. “No, ma’am, she’s good at it cuz she’s strong, too. Strength simply increases the amount of apples you’ll get outta each buck. That’s not to say you can’t get the same amount with proper technique. Strength jus’ helps a ton. Thing is, anypony can get an apple out of a tree if they hit it just right. It just takes strength an’ technique to get ‘em all down. And once ya start applebuckin’, the strength comes with time. Now, any idea where the ‘sweet spot’ of an apple tree might be, Miss Twilight?”

Twilight looked at the nearest tree, the one that they were sitting under. After considering the height of the tree for a while, and doing some mental measurements of width, she looked back at the stallion. “I’m guessing right in the center of the trunk?”

“Yes ma’am. ‘Cept there’s also a certain height you need to hit, too. It’s gonna be about a quarter of the way up tha trunk, and dead square in the middle. Now, watch as I hit this one.”

Mac rose to his hooves and positioned himself in front of the apple tree, front legs bent for leverage. He quickly lifted his back hooves up, and planted them right where he said they needed to be, and the ground shook when they made impact. The tree shook momentarily, and the next thing Twilight knew, she was being showered with apples. One hit her square on the head, just behind her horn.

“Ow!” she yelped, rubbing the place where it had hit. “Those apples fall with a vengeance!”

Big Macintosh was over in an instant, looking at the spot she was rubbing. “Ah’m right sorry ‘bout that, Miss Twilight. Are ya alright? I shoulda’ warned ya first, I certainly didn’t mean ta rain them apples on ya.”

Twilight giggled at his caring demeanor, but shrugged off the pain. “Don’t worry, Big Mac. It takes a bit more than a bump on the head to keep this mare down!”

The red stallion laughed again, helping Twilight to her hooves. “That’s good ta hear, ma’am. Now, why don’t you give it a try? We’ll move on ta this tree over here.”

Twilight allowed herself to be led to the next tree. This one had a few baskets underneath it, ready to catch any apples that may fall out of the tree. The unicorn positioned herself like Big Macintosh had done, and lowered the front of her body.

“Like this?” She asked.

Mac scrutinized her form, making sure she was in place correctly. “Lower yer front a bit more, so that yer hind legs are straight.”

Something inside the lavender mare suddenly made her speak up. “So you want me to get my rump a bit higher in the air?”

Big Macintosh definitely blushed when she said this. His cheeks were a whole two shades darker than the rest of him, and once Twilight realized what she had said, she too was blushing.

I can’t believe I just said that, she thought to herself. He must think I’m mocking him! Ugh, come on Twilight! Don’t be so awkward!

“Ah, well, yes, ma’am. I suppose you could put it like that. Ah didn’t mean to be so forward with mah instructions.”

“Um…no, Big Mac, I’m sorry. I just said it without thinking. So! Right! Back legs straight! Here we go!” She quickly moved on from the moment and positioned herself once again.

“Uh, right. Now, what’cha wanna do is put yer weight forward and lift yer back legs up while coiling them. Then ya gotta act like a slingshot, and push all yer momentum into explodin’ yer legs at the tree. A good solid hit should knock a few apples down.”

Twilight went through the motions first, trying to get a feel for her balance. When she finally thought she was ready, she brought her hind legs up, exploded, and….

Nothing. She completely missed the tree, and fell flat on her stomach.

“Oh! I’m sorry! I must have kicked the wrong way!”

Big Macintosh gave her his throaty laugh once again. She could feel the vibration of his voice inside of her chest, and it tickled. She giggled a bit.

“It’s alright, Miss Twilight. I did the same thing at first. Try again.”

Twilight recovered from her fall, and followed the stallion’s instruction. This time, she made contact with the tree, but it felt like somepony had sent a shockwave through.

“Ouch!” she wailed, shaking her back legs. “That actually hurt!”

“Ya hit a little low,” Mac pointed out. “Just about a foot higher, and that won’t happen. If ya hit the sweet spot, the vibration goes throughout the tree, and not back into yer legs.”

“I guess that makes sense,” Twilight mumbled. She reared up and tried again, this time making solid contact with the tree and feeling the vibration run out of her instead of through her. It was a satisfying feeling, like something had been done perfectly without any repercussions. She looked around for the resulting apples, but found nothing but empty baskets.

“Much better, ma’am!” Big Mac said. “On yer next one, ya gotta hit a little harder. Now that ya know where to hit, just put some ‘oomph’ into it!”

“Some what?” Twilight asked, looking at Big Mac and raising her brow.

“Ya know….some ‘oomph’!”

Twilight gave him the same look, longer this time.

Big Mac looked around for a second. “It’s like this,” he finally said. “If’n ya wanna get more power, ya gotta grunt. Helps tha energy flow through ya better.”

“Is that true?” Twilight asked, her scientific side questioning his words.

“Yes ma’am, it is. Proved even by Equestria’s leading apple scientists.”

The bookworm looked up at the sky for a moment, gears in her head turning, before making eye contact with her new friend. “Apple scientists?” she asked. “Those exist?”

“Sure as sugar, Miss Twilight,” came Mac’s drawl. “Ah’ve met a few of ‘em, and read several books. As one of the largest orchards in Equestria, some of ‘em even come here to ask me about buckin’, like you.”

Twilight laughed nervously, saying, “Well, I’m certainly no apple scientist. I just wanted to learn how to do it!”

“I weren’t sayin’ nothin’ else, ma’am,” Mac said, smiling at her. “Now, wanna try again?”

“You bet!” Twilight said with a confident smile.

The pair continued on like this for a couple of hours, with Mac giving Twilight a tip every now and again about how she could improve her form. Enough time had passed for the stallion’s mane to dry of sweat, and now he only carried the scent of a day’s worth of work. This, too, Twilight found attractive, and a few times it caused her to mess up on her bucks.

What is it about this one stallion? Twilight kept asking herself. He’s soft spoken, polite, he works hard, and…well, he smells wonderful. Even if Rarity would disapprove of the “farmpony’s scent.” She’s not into country stallions anyways…Twilight’s mind had wondered off on tangents like this throughout the lesson, sometimes causing her to miss the tree she was aiming at.

Twilight had been working so hard that she didn’t notice when she started to sweat, and her mane was plastered to her neck and forehead. The pair kept it up until the librarian was finally able to get several apples down all at once. Several times that day, she had downed quite a few apples at once, but on this last try, she had dislodged all the apples from the tree.

“Oh Celestia, I did it, Big Macintosh! I got them all down!” She jumped around the large red stallion, despite how tired and sore her legs were. Her feeling of accomplishment easily overcame any physical fatigue she was suffering.

The big stallion smiled down at his ‘student,’ wondering if that was how Celestia felt when she was teaching Twilight whatever it was unicorns studied. “Congratulations, Miss Twilight. Yer first applebuckin’ day was a success!”

Twilight was breathing hard, having worked more than she was used to in the last few hours. She turned her gaze towards Big Mac, and simply asked, “Now what? Do we keep going?”

Applejack’s brother shrugged. “That’s up to you. Personally, I think you’ve done more than enough fer yer first day learnin’. Ya look pretty tired, too. Why don’t we go to tha pond?”

Twilight instantly perked up. “That would be a wonderful idea,” she said.

Big Mac turned towards the general direction of the pond, and began making his way towards it. Twilight followed suit, pacing herself beside the big stallion and catching her breath. The pond was on the other side of the farm, so this left Twilight with plenty of time to start a conversation. Her mind began working over different topics as her lungs calmed down, and she finally decided to keep it short and simple.

“So,” she began, catching Mac’s attention, “how did I do on my first day, really? You said it was a success, but I know it took me a long time to get even one apple down…”

Applejack’s brother smiled, keeping his head forward. “Ya did great, Miss Twilight. Actually, I’d say ya did it faster than anypony I’ve taught afore, an’ that’s sayin’ somethin’.”

“I—I did?” the lavender mare asked, hesitantly. “But I’m not even—I don’t usually do manual labor!”

“Like ah said, it ain’t in the power, it’s in the technique. And you, ma’am, are a pony of technique. Unless ah’m mistakin’?” He gave her a teasing smile then, glancing at her out of the corner of his eye.

Twilight looked towards the ground, suddenly very interested in where her hoof steps were. “Yeah, I guess you’re right. I’ve always said, if you’re going to do something, do it the right way.”

Mac looked forwards again, nodding his head. “That’s a good way to look at life, Miss Twilight. Follow that advice, and I reckon ya can get anywhere.”

“Heh, I suppose you’re right…” she said. She glanced up at the big stallion, seeing a smile on his face. This, in turn, caused her to smile before she looked away, trying to hide it.

Ugh, I just need to say something to him, she thought. But what? How does somepony even start one of these conversations? I should have talked to Rarity before I came out here…

The two walked in silence a bit longer, getting closer and closer to the pond that Twilight could picture in her mind. She desperately wanted to get into the calm, cool waters, hoping that the pond’s embrace would calm her nerves. When it finally came into view, she broke away from Big Macintosh and galloped like a little filly towards the water’s edge. She plunged herself in, feeling the day’s work wash off of her in waves. When she finally emerged laughing and spitting water, she saw Big Macintosh just approaching the edge of the water.

Overcome with that calm, confident feeling the pond had given her several days before, she called out, “Come on in, Mac! The water feels great!”

“Ya might want ta close yer eyes, ma’am.”

Before Twilight could ask why, the red stallion backed up, and got a running start. By the time she realized what he had meant, it was too late. His huge form caused what could only be described as a small tidal wave as it washed over the lavender mare and pushed her underwater. Turning about under the surface, she soon felt strong hooves pull her back up above the surface.

“Sorry ‘bout that, Miss Twilight! Ah shoulda told ya what I was ‘bout to do!”

Twilight looked at him and laughed, hitting him lightly on the shoulder. “Oh, Mac, then it wouldn’t have been any fun! That was a huge splash! You must have worked on that for a while!”

The stallion laughed, splashing his new friend. “You could say that. AJ and I come out here almost every day after work, if it’s warm enough. I reckon’ we’ve been swimming in this hole since we were little foals.”

“Well it certainly shows. Think you can catch me?”

Big Mac looked confused.

“Come on! Catch me if you can!” Twilight said, swimming away quickly.

Where is this sudden bravado coming from? she wondered. Must be the water… She wasn’t complaining, though. Something in her subconscious told her that this was how a mare was supposed to act if she liked a stallion, so she just kept it up.

The two swam around for a minute, Twilight laughing the whole time. She was surprisingly fast in the water, Mac soon came to realize. He stepped up his game just a bit, before he was finally able to get a hoof on her shoulder. She turned towards him, laughing then.

“You got me! Took you long enough!”

Mac was laughing, too. “Well, ma’am, ah didn’t know you were a swimmer. Ah had to pick up the pace after the fact.”

Twilight looked at Mac for a second, and opened her mouth to speak. She closed it, and then tried again. “Mac, I have a question for you.”

The big stallion’s face got a bit more red than usual. “Ah…yes, ma’am? W—what is it?”

Twilight noticed how he fumbled for words in his response. So cute, she thought to herself. “Um, well…I was wondering why you keep calling me ‘Miss’ and ‘Ma’am’. Just Twilight is fine with me, really.”

“Just a matter of respect, ma’am,” Big Mac said, with an air of practiced habit.

“It’s okay, really,” Twilight assured. “We just spent several hours applebucking. I’m sure you can drop the formalities. If you’d like to.” She gave him a smile to reassure this fact.

Big Mac thought for a moment. It seemed to Twilight that he was working over the new knowledge in his mind, trying to decide whether it would really be alright to drop the formal names. After a moment of him looking to the sky, he replied.

“Alight, then. Twilight it is.” Then he gave her a goofy smile, and began swimming towards the shore. “Ah think ah’m gonna get out and lay under the trees. Stay in as long as ya like, though.”

He didn’t even have to finish his sentence before Twilight was moving towards the shore as well. “Shade sounds like a good idea,” she said, covering the fact that she just wanted to be where Mac was.

The two ponies emerged on the shore, shaking themselves dry. Each splashed the other with the water from their coats, bringing forth a few giggles from Twilight, and a low chuckle from Big Mac. After shaking a few more drops from his hooves, Mac lowered himself to the ground, underneath the protective shade of a large oak. It was late afternoon, and the sun was about halfway through its descent in the sky.

Twilight lay herself down next to Big Mac, a few feet away. She wanted to be closer to him, but she couldn’t push herself to overcome the awkwardness she believed this would bring. The pair sat in silence for a moment, Big Mac surprisingly being the first to speak up.

“Sure is a beautiful day, ain’t it?” he said, conversationally. Twilight thought she caught a bit of a hitch in his voice, but she couldn’t be sure.

“It is,” Twilight agreed. “I always loved when the sun started getting low in the sky back when I was in Canterlot. The princess has this one hallway in the palace where the sun reflects off of the walls at this time of day. I always used to study there.” The lavender mare looked in the general direction of the nation’s capital, remembering those days as a filly.

“What was it like?” Mac asked, quietly.

“Hmm?” Twilight looked back towards him. “What was what like, Mac?”

“Studyin’ under the princess. Did ya live in the palace?”

Twilight giggled again. “Yeah, I did. I went home every weekend, though. I didn’t have far to go, either. My parents only live about five minutes outside of the palace walls. I guess I only ended up getting a room in the palace because I always studied so late. Well, that and because my parents’ house wasn’t dragon-proof.”

Mac chuckled at her statement, a sound that Twilight was beginning to like more and more each time she heard it. “I can’t even imagine,” he said. “Ah’ve always lived on this here farm, just the simple life. Musta been a big change, goin’ from Canterlot to Ponyville.”

“You have no idea,” Twilight said. “Or, maybe you do. You’ve been to Canterlot before, right?”

“Eeyup,” said the stallion, his trademark phrase slipping through. “Only once, though. Just for a farming convention that was goin’ on. I was asked to give a talk on…well, ironically, applebuckin’. Apparently all them farmin’ critiques up in Canterlot think I have the best form outta anypony they’ve seen.”

Twilight looked incredulous. “You mean—you’re saying that I just got lessons from the best applebucker in Equestria?

Mac chuckled a few times. “Ah reckon you could say that, though ah’m sure there’s somepony out there better than me.”

“Oh, Mac, don’t be so humble. If the ponies at the convention thought you were the best, there isn’t any reason you can’t believe it, too.”

Applejack’s brother was silent a moment. “Ah don’t know, ah just never was a fan of tootin’ mah own horn, if ya catch mah meanin’. I’m just happy I mighta been able to help some of them ponies out with their form.”

“I know what you mean,” Twilight said. “And if it helps, you really are a great teacher. You knew exactly what to say when I needed help. I’m sure you did help a lot of ponies when you gave that talk.”

“Thank ye, Twilight,” Big Macintosh said, inclining his head. A moment of silence more, and he asked, “So was it a good change? Comin’ here from Canterlot, that is.”

“Oh, definitely,” Twilight said. “I mean, I do miss my family and the Princess, and not to mention the Royal Archives. But this town is just so much more…”

“…Quiet,” Mac finished. “Laid back.”

“Yes,” Twilight agreed. “And, I have the best friends anypony could ask for. I’m so thankful that the princess sent me on that assignment a few years back.”

“Y’all’ve been through a lot together. Takes special ponies to have bonds like what y’all got.”

Twilight gave Mac a small smile. “Yeah…actually, I think anypony can have the kind of bond we have. You just have to put your heart into it.”

“I reckon’ that’s true. But ya can’t deny that tha elements don’t help ya out.” Mac gave her a sideways glance and a knowing smile.

“True, I’ll give you that,” Twilight laughed. “I suppose being an Element of Harmony helps. But honestly, through what I’ve studied of friendship, anypony can bond like we have. I mean, if a pony like me can make friends, anypony can.”

“Now, what’s that supposed ta mean?” Mac asked quickly, raising an eyebrow.

“Well,” Twilight’s blush was coming to her face, “back in Canterlot, I never really talked to anypony. I was always too busy studying. Other than my big brother, Cadence, and Princess Celestia, I didn’t have much contact with anypony else. That’s why I’m so thankful that I was sent here before that Summer Sun Celebration.”

Macintosh gave a hum of acknowledgement. “Everythin’ happens for a reason, I suppose.”

Twilight smiled up at the workhorse. “Yeah, it does, doesn’t it?”

They sat in silence for a bit longer before Twilight’s curiosity got the better of her. “So…what about you, Big Mac? I hardly know anything about you. I mean, I know what Applejack’s told me, but I don’t actually know anything about you.

Mac looked out over the water and smiled, readjusting himself slightly. “Well, Twilight, what would ya like ta know?”

Twilight thought for a minute. She remembered that the Apple family had pretty much started Ponyville from the
ground up, and certainly Big Macintosh must have had somewhat of a hand in it. There was only a generation separating him and his grandmother, and Mac, like her, was somewhere around twenty years old. Ponyville wasn’t that old, when she thought about it like that.

“Tell me a bit about your family, Big Mac. I know your grandmother practically started this town, and without the Apples, Ponyville wouldn’t exist.”

The big red stallion was quiet for a moment as he thought of what to say. Finally, after what seemed to Twilight like ages of worrying if she had said something wrong, he began.

“Well, like ya know, mah Granny Smith came here with her family and started the orchard. After she discovered the zap apples, other ponies started comin’ in and settlin’ down. After a couple ‘a hard years with only the zap apple harvest keepin’ ‘em afloat, mah Granny finally found out how to get regular apples to grow here. I guess ya could say she figured out tha science.”

“There’s a science to it?” the lavender bookworm asked.

“Proper soil, weather conditions and whatnot.”

Twilight made an “Oh” with her mouth, and then motioned for the stallion to continue.

“So once she figured that out, even more ponies started comin’ in, figurin’ that if there was food to be had, then they could trade with our family fer their skills. A few of ‘em even started farms of their own, like Carrot Top’s family. Their farm sprung up just a bit ‘o ways away from ours, as ya know.”

Twilight nodded in acknowledgement, looking to the general direction of that farm.

“So the years passed, each harvest gettin’ better an’ better. Granny grew up, had herself some foals, and one of ‘em was my Ma. Well the family kept the farm growin’, plantin’ more and more trees in the orchard. Eventually my Ma met my Pa, who had come here from Hoofington. He always said he was travelin’ because he hated stayin’ in one place fer too long. Well, he met mah Ma, and that all changed. He settled down here, and began helpin’ out the family. This is ‘bout the same time some of you and AJ’s friends’ parents came into town. I believe Miss Rarity’s parents moved in not too long after I was born, and Pinkie’s family visited here to trade some ‘o their gem rocks for some ‘o our apples.”

Twilight was listening with rapt attention, amazed that the stallion knew the goings on of the town at times before he was born. She remained silent though, waiting for the stallion to continue.

“So after a while, of course, Ma and Pa had me, AJ, and little Applebloom. Now I know ya haven’t met our parents, and yer probably wonderin’ why. Like I said, Pa liked to travel a lot. So Granny Smith told ‘em to get on outta here while they were young and still could. They been travelin’ for a while now, seein’ all sorts of things. Every now and again we’ll get a package from ‘em, with some souvenirs and postcards from all the different places they’ve been. Last I heard they were in the Dragon Kingdoms meetin’ all kinds of different dragons. That was ‘bout a month ago, so they’re probably in the Griffon Kingdom by now. I think they’ll be home in about another year, if I remember correctly.”

He’s giving a lot of information freely, Twilight found herself thinking. She’d never thought he’d be so willing to talk about himself, but here he was, doing just that.

“So ah think that just about wraps it up, Twilight. That’s mah family, from the first ones here to me and mah sisters.”

“Wow,” Twilight breathed. “I wasn’t expecting that much information.”

Mac turned towards her with a questioning glance. “Why’s that?”

Twilight shrugged, saying, “I don’t know, you’re just always so quiet. I wouldn’t have expected you to tell me—a pony that you’ve never really been around much—all of this so soon.”

The stallion cocked his massive head to the side, giving her a confused look. “Well, Twilight, when ponies ask me somethin’, I usually reply. But when it comes to more personal matters like mah family, I’ll only tell ponies I’m completely comfortable around.”

Twilight’s cheeks grew red hot, and she had to avert her gaze. He’s comfortable around me. Oh my, Celestia. What if…? No, no, he couldn’t… “Ah, what do you mean? What—um, what makes you say that?”

“Well, yer one of AJ’s best friends, and she’s one of the best judges of character ah know.”

Oh, it’s because I’m friends with Applejack, Twilight told herself, blush disappearing, that makes sense—

“And on account of the fact that yer just an all-around good hearted pony, an’ easy to talk to. A pony of worth can tell if the pony they’re talkin’ to is up to no good. Don’tcha think?”

And just as quickly as it had gone, her blush came back full strength. “Uhm—ah, that is, yes. I—I suppose you’re right. Thank you, Big Macintosh.” She flashed him a sheepish smile, then looked down at the ground and fumbled with her hooves.

“Somethin’ on yer mind, Twilight?” he asked, noticing her uncharacteristic shyness.

Just remember what Applejack said…and she’s okay with it! Twilight reassured herself. I can do this, just say something…come on, Twilight! Come on!

“Um, actually, Big Macintosh, yes. There is something on my mind. I, um—that is—oh, how do I put this?”

Use your words, Twilight! She berated herself. Just tell him, ‘I have a crush on you!’ No, not that…’Big Macintosh, I actually like you. Like, as more than a friend.’ Argh! Why is this so hard?!

Big Macintosh was staring at Twilight now, her mouth hanging open, cheeks flushed red, not a sound coming out of her. “Uhm…Miss Twilight? Are y’all okay?”

Hearing him call her “Miss” again sparked something in her. She wanted to show him that she thought of him as more than a friend. Instincts alone driving her, she rose up to her hooves, her head now only slightly above the level of Big Mac’s. She took a few steps forward, and, with her mind made up, leaned forward and…

…kissed him.

Just a peck on the lips, but a kiss nonetheless. As she pulled away, a smile on her face, she saw the stallion’s face. His cheeks were flushed red, and his eyes were as wide as dinner plates. Pupils dilated, he seemed to be staring at nothing in particular.

Oh no, oh no oh no oh no oh no, Twilight thought. I’ve really messed this up. Without even thinking another thought, she turned tail and ran for it.


“And that putsh me here, tellin’ you the shtory and drinkin’ mah favorite drink,” Twilight slurred, finally ending the tale of her day.

Spike didn’t even know what to say. He just stared at her, her with that goofy grin on her face. That was the alcohol showing, Spike knew. It wasn’t like his sister to drink, but when she did…well, he usually ended up with a few more chores to do the next morning.

The sun had now set, and Luna’s moon shone brightly through the window that Rainbow Dash was notorious for crashing through. It was only a few hours since Twilight had been at the pond with the object of her affection, but it felt like an eternity ago. She wanted so badly to go and make up for what she had done, but she couldn’t even think of facing the stallion now. Especially not in her current state.

“So, let me get this straight,” Spike said. “You just kissed him, and bolted for the hills?”

Twilight nodded slowly, eyes slowly wondering to the fire. “Yep. And there isn’t mush I can do ‘bout it.”

“Why didn’t you at least talk to him after it? Or even let him talk!” Spike said.

“Ya should’a seen his face, Spike. His eyes were ash big ash the moon.” Twilight was slurring more frequently now, eyes lost in the fire that kept her tree home warm.

“He was probably just surprised, Twilight. I mean, I’m sure he wasn’t expecting a kiss. I bet he probably likes you back, but you couldn’t even wait around to find out!”

“No, no, no, Spike. Dun be shilley. He couldn’t.”

Spike groaned. He forgot just how unreasonable Twilight could be when she drank, especially when she drank the cinnamon flavored Spitfireball Whiskey, which, thankfully, was a rare occurrence.

“Listen, Twilight. It’s late. Why don’t you get to bed, and then tomorrow, go talk to him? I’m sure you can get this sorted out. You’ll see him eventually, being Applejack’s friend and all.”

Twilight’s eyes went wide. “Oh my, Celeshtia! I can’t be Applejack’sh friend anymore! She’sh gonna hate me…”

Spike rolled his eyes, muttering to himself, “Sheesh. Talk about overthinking things.” Then, so Twilight could hear, “That isn’t true Twilight. Remember, you said Applejack wanted you to give it a go with Big Macintosh. If you’re so afraid to talk to him, talk to her first!”

The Ponyville librarian sat in silence for a moment, her head bobbing down every few moments, sleep creeping up on her. She contemplated what the little dragon had just said. It amazed her insightful he could be, at times. “I shuppose yer right. I’ll talk to her tomorrow. And…and maybe Big Macintosh. Thanksh, Shpike. I love you.” She have him her trademark drunken grin then, and finished what was left of her drink. “Good night!”

Spike laughed as she stumbled up the stairs to her room, confident that she would find her bed just fine. He had just turned back to his book when he heard a loud thump from upstairs. The little dragon rolled his eyes, and began making his way upstairs to help his unicorn friend into bed.

“Well, she’s going to have a fun morning.”


Twilight awoke with the worst headache. The base of her horn was throbbing, and she felt like she was falling. Trying to shut her eyes closed even more than they already were, she rolled over in bed and pulled the covers up over her eyes.

“Why do you always have to be so bright, Celestia?” she mumbled, rubbing her temples.

“That’s kind of her job,” came the voice of her number one assistant through the fog in her head.

She mumbled something incoherent, and she felt Spike pat her head with his hand. “Come on, Twilight. You’ll never make it over to Sweet Apple Acres if you sleep all day.”

Suddenly, the lavender bookworm was sitting straight up in her bed, staring at the opposite wall. She immediately regretted this, watching as the world turned and feeling the hammering under her horn. She made a face that was somewhere between “mildly disgusted” and “downright sick.”

“Hey, if you’re gonna puke, the bathroom’s over there,” Spike said, trepidation in his voice.

“I’ll be fine,” Twilight said, a falter in her voice. “I just need to cast a spell…” Just the thought of using magic almost made her retch. She rolled out of bed and shakily made her way downstairs, Spike offering her support if she needed it. He normally complained on mornings like this, but after what she had been through yesterday, he figured he could give his friend a break.

Once she was at the kitchen table, Spike brought over a glass of milk and a glass of water, and set out a plate of waffles. Twilight quickly downed the glass of water, and then slowly began on the milk.

“I’ll just cast a small…ugh…spell,” she said weakly. She closed her eyes, and slowly, her horn sparked to life, sending a magical aura from the tip to the base, and over her head. When it was done, she glanced around for a moment, regaining her bearings.

“Well, now this hangover is at least bearable,” Twilight said. “I just need to hydrate.”

“Coming right up!” Spike said, refilling her glass of water. He sat down across from her with his own plate of waffles, with sapphire chips mixed into each fluffy creation. “So,” he began, “what’s the plan for today?”

Twilight was silent a moment as she took a bite of her waffles, savoring the flavor that the syrup offered. “Well, I suppose a few books do need shelving,” she began.

Spike quickly cut her off. “Not chores or work around the library, Twilight. What’s the plan for you with Big Macintosh?”

Twilight nearly choked on the waffle she had in her mouth. After a few seconds of coughing and sputtering, she was able to get the accursed breakfast item down. “I—uhm, that is, I haven’t thought about that yet.”

“Twilight,” Spike deadpanned. “You have to do something. You can’t just leave it alone. And besides, who knows what could happen?”

“Exactly!” Twilight exclaimed, raising her hooves. “What if he hates me!? Or what if he never wants to talk to me again! Or, or what if, what if Applejack hates me!”


“This could ruin everything, Spike!”


“How would you feel if some mare planted a kiss on you and then just ran off?!”

“TWILIGHT!” Spike yelled, finally getting the librarian’s attention. “First off, I’d probably want her to come back so I could ask her why she did that, and secondly, none of that’s going to happen! Your friends love you, and I’m sure that just because you planted a kiss on one of their brothers doesn’t mean anypony is going to hate you!”

“I—I suppose you’re right.” Twilight said, looking down in embarrassment and clopping her hooves together, nervously. “I’ll—I guess I’ll go talk to him today. After I clean up and get over this hangover.”

“Now that sounds like a good plan,” Spike said. “Go ahead and take a shower, I’ll clean up the kitchen.”

“Thanks, Spike,” Twilight said, giving her assistant a genuine smile. She got up and left the kitchen, headed for her coveted shower. She hadn’t even cleaned off after the swim in the pond, and she felt pretty disgusting.

A few hours later, Twilight was ready to go to her doom. Coat cleaned and mane brushed, she stood in the door of the library, looking out over the town. Though normally warm and inviting, today it looked like the Everfree Forest in the dead of winter. At least, that’s how her mind perceived it. She couldn’t bring herself to make the first step.

“Come on, Twilight, you’ve got to get a move on!” Spike said from behind her. “It’s midafternoon, and you know that’s the perfect time to catch any of the Apples for conversation! Now go!” As he said this last part, he gave Twilight a little push, shoving her out of her home and shutting the door after she was clear. She heard locks click, and sighed in frustration.

“If I wanted to, I could just teleport back inside,” she said, unamused.

“Well, I know you won’t,” Spike called from out of a window. “Now go!”

Twilight reluctantly took her first step forward. She kept her eyes on the ground as she passed through the town’s main square, avoiding the gaze of everypony she could. Of course, though, there was one pony that couldn’t be ignored.

“Heya, Twilight!” said the uppity voice of Pinkie Pie. “You don’t look too happy! Did you reach the end of a good book? Or maybe you ran out of books! Can a pony run out of books? I wouldn’t think so because I’m sure there are tons of books in Equestria, but if anybody could read them all, it would be you!”

Twilight sighed, knowing that Pinkie Pie was just being Pinkie Pie. She looked to her bouncing friend, and said, “No, Pinkie. Nothing like that. I’m just—I’m going to do something that’s really hard to do.”

Pinkie stopped bouncing then, and matched Twilight’s pace. “Is everything okay, Twilight? I’m not used to you being a Debbie downer! You’re normally all hip-hippity-happy!”

Twilight smiled a bit at Pinkie’s word usage. She had to admit, the party pony did have a way of making others smile. “I’m okay, Pinkie. I just did something yesterday that I need to find a way to fix.”

“What’s that?” Pinkie asked.

“I—I sort of kissed Big Macintosh. And then ran away.”

Pinkie just stared at her for a second, causing both mares to stop.

“Pinkie?” Twilight asked. “Everything alright?”

“Alright? Of course everything’s alright, Twilight! You kissed Big Macintosh! You know what this calls for?”

“Pinkie, I—“

“A PARTY!” Ponyville’s Premier Party Pony began jumping up and down in glee. “We’ll call it the ‘Hooray because Twilight and Big Mac are dating!’ party! It’s going to be so great!”

“Pinkie, I ran away after that. Do you pay attention to anything?”

“Well of course I do, silly! So go talk to him, explain why you ran away, and then you guys can date and come to the party! Duh!”

Twilight facehoofed. Sometimes her pink friend could be obnoxious. “Pinkie, please. Until I get this sorted out, no parties, okay?”

Pinkie Pie’s face dropped as she gave Twilight the world’s saddest pair of puppy dog eyes. Twilight was almost powerless against the Pinkie assault. After a few seconds of gritting her teeth and awkwardly looking around, she finally gave in.

“Fine, Pinkie. Throw a party. But let’s celebrate something else?”

“Hooray!” Pinkie shouted, jumping and hovering a few feet in the air, bringing Twilight’s memory back to her first day in Ponyville. “We’ll call it the ‘Hooray for NightsGlory’s first fiction party!’” And with that, she landed, and rushed off towards sugar cube corner.

Twilight just stared after the pink blur, shaking her head. “She’s just being Pinkie Pie,” she reassured herself. She continued on towards Sweet Apple Acres, albeit reluctantly.

Her thoughts and doubts wouldn’t allow her to relax throughout the entire way there. Celestia’s sun beat down upon her coat, unusually hot for this time of day, especially in autumn. Twilight couldn’t tell if it was just her perception of this day in general, or if Celestia was actually playing a joke on her Faithful Student. Either way, it was hot.

The farm that was her destination finally came into view, and the lavender mare felt her hoofsteps grow heavier and heavier. As she approached the farmhouse, though, she saw Applejack pulling a cart of apples into the family’s new barn. She made her way over to the orange mare, calling out to her.

“Hey, Applejack,” Twilight said, a touch of moroseness in her voice.

“Oh, hey, Twi! What brings you ‘round tha farm today? You still tryin’ ta learn how to applebuck?”

Twilight let loose a nervous giggle, more forced than anything. “Um, no, actually. I’m here to…”

She trailed off into nothingness, and Applejack gave her a perplexed look. Unhooking herself from the wagon that now sat in its proper place inside the barn, Twilight walked over to her friend.

“What happened yesterday, Twilight? Ah know what ya told me afore you and Mac went out to tha orchard, but when he came back he looked like he’d seen a ghost! Ah asked where you got off to and he just shrugged, and went ta bed.”

Twilight looked at the ground for a moment. “I—I kissed him.”

“Come again? I didn’t quite hear what’cha said, sugarcube.”

“I kissed him, and then ran away,” Twilight said, looking Applejack in the face.

Her friend simply stared at her for a moment. I knew it, Twilight thought. She’s going to hate me. Well, sorry Princess, looks like I just bucked up the Elements of Harmony…

Much to Twilight’s surprise, Applejack began laughing her rump off. “What?” Twilight asked. “What’s so funny?”

Once the earth pony mare finished rolling around in the grass, she stood up and wiped a tear from her eye. “Twi, sugarcube, why on earth would ya run away? If you’da stayed, ya might have gotten somewhere!”

“You mean…you aren’t mad at me?”

“Mad? Shoot no, I ain’t mad. I’m tickled pink, if anything! Now, why don’t ya get on out in the orchard and find mah brother so you can talk to him?”

“I—oh thanks, Applejack!” Twilight said, embracing her friend. “I was so worried you’d hate me! I’ll find him as fast as I can!” With that, Twilight turned and bolted out into the fields, looking for the big red stallion that she needed to speak to.

“I swear, sometimes that pony ain’t got no common sense,” Applejack laughed, as she disappeared into the farm house. She called up the stairs, “Applebloom, come help me with dinner! We’re gonna have a guest tonight!”


Twilight flew through the rows of trees, searching each row for Big Macintosh. After what had felt like hours, she finally saw a large red shape at the base of one of the trees, off in the distance. Changing direction, she began galloping towards where she knew the stallion to be. Then, suddenly, she stopped.

How do I even begin this conversation? she thought. Oh, hey, Big Macintosh. Sorry I kissed you yesterday. But you’re just so nice and I really want to go out with you so can we please go out and oh my gosh you’re so HANDSOME and…

She shook her head loose of the run-on thoughts. Keep it together, girl, she said. Just be yourself. Go with your instincts. This in mind, she made her way over, at a much more controlled pace. Applejack’s brother was sitting on his haunches underneath a tree that was bare of apples, admiring the view of the orchard around him. He must have heard her approaching because he suddenly froze solid and turned his head in her direction.

Off to a great start, Twilight thought, sarcastically. “Hey, Big Macintosh,” Twilight said. She gave him a sheepish grin, head lowered towards the ground. “How are you today?”

Big Macintosh seemed to relax a little as she completed her approach and sat across from him. “Ah’m well, thank ye, ma’am.”

Back to the formality, Twilight noted. You can do this, Twilight. Just don’t bolt this time. “Big Mac, I told you, you can just call me Twilight. I—I wanted to talk to you…about yesterday.”

The large red stallion was suddenly very interested in his two front hooves. “Don’t worry ‘bout it none, Twilight. We can forget it, if ya want.”

The lavender mare fidgeted uneasily for a moment. “Well…that’s just it, Big Mac. I—I kind of don’t want to forget it. I actually came to apologize for running away.” She looked up quickly, “Or for what I did, if that’s what you’re looking for. I definitely didn’t mean to overstep my bounds, and I completely understand if—“

Macintosh held up his hoof for her to stop, and waited until her voice trailed off. He lowered his hoof to the ground, and locked eyes with her. They stayed that way for a moment, Twilight’s mouth slightly open, looking for anything in the stallion’s eyes that showed sympathy.

“Twilight,” he began, “ah’m gonna ask you straight. Are ya sorry for kissin’ me yesterday?”

The librarian closed her mouth and glanced at the ground before meeting the stallion’s gaze again. She said, in a weak voice, “No, I suppose I’m not. I guess I did it for a reason.”

“Ah’m sorry, I couldn’t hear you fully,” Mac said, leaning in a bit closer.

Twilight drew herself up and looked right into the stallion’s eyes. “I said, no, I’m not sorry.”

“Good,” Big Macintosh said. He then did something that Twilight would never forget, something that would cause that little feeling of surprise to well up in her every time she thought back to that moment.

Big Mac closed the gap between them, and planted a kiss right on her lips.

It was light, almost like the wind had just whispered past, and briefly touched her lips with a taste of sweat and apples. It was a sweet taste, one that Twilight related to a fulfilling day of work, followed by a relaxing dip in the pond, and ending with the sunset viewed from the porch of the Apple’s homestead.

Macintosh lingered only for a minute, and when he pulled away, Twilight was lost in her senses. She didn’t let him get far, though, as she leaned forward and pressed into him, raising her hoof up and brushing his cheek. They stayed like that for a while, lips pressed together, breathing as one and feeling as one.

When the kiss finally broke, Twilight tucked her head down and, smiling, breathed out, “Wow…that was…amazing. I—I didn’t expect that.”

“Eeyup,” came the trademark reply of Big Macintosh, in a breezy whisper. “If you’da stayed yesterday evenin’, I coulda’ done that sooner.”

Twilight’s blush increased in intensity, and she glanced up into the calm eyes of her affection. “Yeah, sorry about that. I guess I just kind of freaked out.”

Macintosh let out a throaty laugh, and nuzzled the unicorn’s cheek. “Don’t think nothin’ of it. Ah guess it was your first kiss?”

Twilight gratefully accepted his nuzzle, and hummed an affirmative.

“Then ah can understand why you ran when ya saw mah face,” he smiled. “Ya caught me off guard, an’ that’s hard fer anypony ta do. I’m guessin’ ya went home and had a drink?”

Twilight shied away for a moment, and released a nervous chuckle. “How did you know?”

“Ah did the same,” he replied.

The unicorn’s ears perked up, and she looked at him inquisitively. “I thought Applejack said you went straight to bed?”

“Mah sister don’t know ‘bout the secret stash of Sparkling Cider that ah keep in mah room,” he said, with a grin and a wink.

A genuine giggle escaped Twilight’s lips, and Big Mac gave a small chuckle, as well. “Any intended symbolism there, Mac?” she asked, raising her eyebrows.

Big Macintosh rubbed the back of his neck with a hoof, blushing slightly, a sheepish grin across his features. “Ah didn’t even think ‘bout that, Twilight. I s’pose it is quite fittin’, ain’t it?”

The lavender mare giggled again, lightly brushing the big stallion’s cheek as she had a moment before. “I guess it is. So,” she asked, hesitantly, “was it—was that your first kiss, too? Not that I’d mind if it wasn’t, in fact I expect it wasn’t—“


“Oh, see, I knew you had—wait, what?” Twilight had assumed that she wasn’t his first, but what he just said…

“Eeyup. That was mah first kiss, too.”

Twilight looked at the red stallion, and stared into his deep green eyes. She suddenly found that she couldn’t control herself, and she threw herself at Big Mac, embracing him and pressing her lips against him, hard.

He pressed back, but just enough so that she didn’t knock him over. He didn’t want to put too much force into the kiss, or the lavender unicorn would end up on her back. And that would be an awkward situation.

Twilight began working the kiss, nibbling his lip and beginning to explore with her tongue. Mac allowed this, reciprocating her actions with his own. They each discovered the other for several minutes, caught in each other’s embrace as the apple tree shaded them from the receding sun. It was getting on towards late afternoon, and Big Mac knew dinner would be ready soon.

Finally, Twilight pulled away, looking up at the stallion with unfathomable adorableness on her face. Big Macintosh could only smile down at her.

“Ah think we better head towards the house. If ah’m any good at judgin’ mah sisters, and ah usually am, then they’ve probably almost got dinner ready. We can talk on the walk back.”

The two rose to their hooves, and began the trek back. They were relatively far out from the house, probably on the edge of the orchard, Twilight realized. The pair were silent for a moment, before Twilight asked the question.

“So,” she said hesitantly, “where does this leave us?”

Big Macintosh looked over at her, noticing that she was looking off to the distance. “Well, where do ya want it to leave us, Twilight?”

She made eye contact then, and he could see hopefulness in those deep purple eyes of hers. “I—I’d like to date you. If that’s what you want.”

Big Macintosh was silent for a moment. “Twilight,” he said. “Will you be my marefriend?” He looked back to her with a smile.

“I—yes. Yes, Big Macintosh, I will.” Twilight nuzzled up to the big stallion, her stallion now, and smiled warmly.

“Just Mac will work, Twilight. Ah’m alright with that.” He smiled down at the mare and returned the nuzzle. The two walked side by side the rest of the way, until they finally reached the Apples’ home. Holding the door open, Mac let Twilight inside first, and they made their way to the kitchen.

Applejack was just setting the places out, and both Granny Smith and Applebloom were at the table. “Well howdy there, y’all!” Applejack called. “Dinner’s ready. We’re havin’ steamed broccoli, a salad, cucumbers, and of course, apples!”

Big Mac smiled, and took his place at the table. Twilight noticed that there was already a place set for her, so she took her place as Applejack sat down at hers.

“Soup’s on, everypony!” And at that, the family and Twilight dug in. There was silence for a few minutes as silverware clinked on plates, the ponies hungrily eating up what Applejack had prepared. “So,” the orange mare said after a minute, “how was yer day, Applebloom? I didn’t get ta ask ya about school earlier.”

“Oh, it was good!” the filly replied with a smile. “Miss Cheerilee is teachin’ us about the history of Equestria! We jus’ got to tha part where Princess Celestia had to take over as the only princess. Ah’m glad Princess Luna is back, though. Miss Cheerilee says it was real tough on Princess Celestia for a couple of years.”

“Ah’m sure it was. Losin’ a sister can’t be easy,” Applejack replied. “Ah can say the Princess sure was happy when we saved Luna, don’tcha think, Twi?”

“Hm? Oh, yes! Definitely!” Twilight said, seeming distracted. She had been looking at Mac, wondering who was going to say something first. Applejack must have noticed because she looked between the two. She caught Twilight’s gaze, and gave a big smile.

“Anythin’ interestin’ happen to y’all today?” she asked both of them.

The couple shared a glance. Twilight pleaded with her eyes for Big Mac to do the talking. She wasn’t ready to say it just yet.

Mac, noticing the way her eyes shone, spoke up for them. “Eeyup,” he said. “It would seem that Twilight an’ I are a couple.”

Silence hung in the air for a moment as the new information was digested, and the one to finally break the silence was the one nopony expected.

“Eh, ‘bout time y’all started datin’. Took y’all long enough.”

Everypony at the table looked toward the matriarch.

“What?” Granny Smith said. “Nopony noticed every time these two were aroun’ each other?”

Again, everypony just stared.

“Darn kids these days, dun know nothin’ bout love…” The elder mare mumbled and went back to her meal.

“Well congratulations, y’all!” Applebloom said. “I knew ya had to find a special somepony soon, Big Mac!”

Applejack was just smiling, and Twilight caught her gaze. The orange earth pony gave her unicorn friend a little wink, and got back to her meal.

The dinner passed quickly, with small talk continuing throughout the course. Conversation and stories followed, Applebloom regaling the family and Twilight with her latest crusading adventures, and Applejack recounting her and Twilight’s adventure out at Dodge Junction. Finally, at the end, after the laughter at Applejack’s stubbornness and after everypony had put their dishes away, Twilight and Mac walked out onto the porch. The sun had set not too long ago, and the starlit sky shone down upon them now.

Twilight nuzzled up against her large coltfriend’s neck, planting a kiss on the spot that his yoke normally rested on. He had taken it off during dinner, having almost forgotten it was there in the first place.

“Thanks for everything today, Mac,” she whispered. “I couldn’t have asked for this to go any better.”

He nuzzled her back, kissing the top of her head, at the base of her horn. A tingling sensation went through Twilight, and it manifested itself in an audible sigh. “A course, Twilight. Ah couldn’t have asked fer a much better day mahself.”

They shared a kiss then, deep and passionate. Minutes passed before Twilight was able to pull away.

“Unfortunately I need to get home. I’m sure Spike is worried. But maybe I can come back tomorrow?”

Mac smiled down at her, pecking her on the cheek. “Of course ya can, Twilight. Yer welcome here any time.”

The lavender unicorn smiled and blushed as she felt the warmth of his lips on her cheeks. “Thank you, Mac. I—I guess I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Have a good night, Twilight,” he whispered. He planted one more kiss on her lips, then locked eyes with her.

“You too, Mac. Goodnight.” She returned the kiss, not wanting to go, but knowing she had to.

“Goodnight, Twilight.”

The stallion watched as Twilight—his Twilight—made her way down the path. His heart played a beat that he had only ever dreamed of, and as he watched his marefriend disappear through the gate, he turned back inside to where his sister was undoubtedly waiting.

“So, good day, huh?” Applejack said as he emerged into the living room. Granny Smith was asleep in her rocker, and Mac knew that she’d wake up in about an hour and move into her bedroom. It was her routine, and she had followed it religiously for years.

“Eeyup,” Big Macintosh replied. He couldn’t hold it back. A huge grin crossed his face. “Ah guess you could say it was the perfect day.”

Applejack came up and embraced her brother. “Well, ah’m proud of ya. Y’all are gonna be happy together. Shoot, maybe we’ll even get to add a unicorn into the family!”

Big Macintosh blushed furiously at this, and fumbled over his next few words, forming an incoherent sentence. Applejack could only laugh at his expense, before she hung her Stetson up on a hat rack and climbed the stairs.

“Ah’m plum tuckered out,” she called back over her shoulder. “Ah’m goin’ to bed. Night, Mac!”

“G’night, AJ,” Mac replied.

Once Macintosh heard her door click shut, he went out on the porch and admired Luna’s night sky. Somewhere in his mind, he knew that Twilight was looking at the same sky with the same stars, and in that way they were still together. As his mind wandered over the events of the day, a smile spread across his face, and he could only think of one word to describe the experience. He whispered it into the cool night breeze, and felt as it washed over his body, across the fields, and into the oak grove that contained his family’s pond.


Comments ( 97 )

TwiMac is best ship! Loved it, can't wait for the sequel!

Thanks! I wrote this with a sequel in mind, so hopefully I'll be getting on that pretty soon. It will most likely be a multi-parter, once I figure out how story is generally going to go. There will be more of the Mane Six in there, too! Glad you liked it :pinkiehappy:

And it would seem I don't know how to make a proper linked reply :derpytongue2:

:fluttercry: .....so.......beautiful................

This was very nice, I look forward to the sequel.

Yay for possible sequel!:yay:

742945 there is a reply button in the top right corner of the comment boxes :twilightsmile:

Also amazing fic :twilightblush::heart::eeyup:

Lol thank you! I wasn't sure if that would work because it shows all those weird numbers. :facehoof:

(\ Brohoof to you as well, and thanks!

Thank you!

And to the ones looking forward to the sequel, I'm looking forward to writing it. Thanks for the feedback, guys!

A TwixMac story. I shall expect to see more great works like this later with this pairing. That is all

Great story here! TwiMac is one of my favorites! :twilightsmile::heart::eeyup:

I dont always read random shipping fics but when I do I read twimac or fluttermac. Stay Bronies my friends



I honestly think I would have wept a bit if you didn't plan on doing a sequel. This was such a touching story, and while not my favorite ship, TwiMac is always welcome. I find it a rather interesting prospect to think about what Twilight being a part of the Apple family would mean not only for the present, but the future (i.e. marriage and foals). Not to say that's what your sequel would have planned. Just thoughts that come into my head that I like to mull around.

Moving on, I find it sad that stories like this don't get more recognition and instead spots on the feature box, where this belongs, often get taken up by meta-fics and troll fics.

I like most ships with the mane 6 and big mac, except Applejack because incest is just wrong...
Anyway... Nice twimac fic! I felt my hearth melt over the whole story and I'm sure I will read this fic another time, when I feel like it.

:twilightsmile::heart::eeyup: Good, very good.

This is an amazing story. You ever consider adding it to other groups to pick up some more viewers? You definitely deserve it.

746114 Great idea, I actually meant to do that but completely forgot. Thanks! :twilightsmile:

This made my day. The first thing I do in the morning is start reading a story, I'm glad it was this one today.

This is absolutely fantastic. The fanfics need more TwiMac! :eeyup::heart::twilightsmile:

Retrieves Cleaver Shunk here have a thumb. great story. sequal is not optional.:eeyup:

Honestly, my favorite pairing has always been Fluttershy/Big Mac.
But that did not stop me from enjoying a very well written story. I tip my hat to you, good sir. I eagerly await the sequel.

743694 I too, am confused by the numbers. Ah, well. Good story.:eeyup::moustache:

Ah....This story is awesomesuase.

This was very good, I can't wait for the sequel. :twilightsmile::heart::eeyup:

You're cover image is by cartoonlion, Here's the link to it: http://fav.me/d3g6dkl

Awsome story! There needs to be more TwiMac OuO

Nice... that was really nice

This is wonderfully well done. Twilight is herself (as neurotic as she can be sometimes- lots of ponies and people get like that now and then), Mac is very Mac (I love how you sort of wove an explanation for his usual conciseness in. I almost didn't realize.), and the whole thing is just nicely assembled.

The pacing is good, the flashbackness is good, and I really like that you were able to put dialogue in without resorting to the overused 'he said' 'she said' repeating themselves- referring to the characters by their appearances or natures instead of simple pronouns, for the sake of variation and holding interest.

That Granny Smith moment at dinner was worth a giggle too.

Gonna keep an eye on this and the sequel, love your work. Keep writing!:twilightsmile:

Thanks to everybody who's been commenting and liking the story! I just submitted it to Ponychan for an edit, in hopes that I can get it on EQD sometime soon. I haven't begun work on the sequel yet, but I believe I've finally thought of how it's going to flow. All I was lacking was some conflict (because really, there's not much conflict in the Ponyverse), but I've finally come up with a pretty solid idea. I'll probably start writing it in the next few days, and it will be a multi-parter!

TwiMac is now tied for my favorite shipping (with FlutterMac). Sequel please! :twilightsmile:

TwiMac is now tied for my favorite shipping (with FlutterMac). Sequel please! :twilightsmile:

The first chapter is written! And the second one is in progress. After some editing, it will be up. So it's on its way!


Can't wait to read more when the sequel comes up. :) Keep up the good work!

oh sweet luna i think this is the best story ive read in a long time loved it :pinkiehappy:


Well, that was adorable beyond all reason.

Epic Granny of Epicness had better get moar screen-time in the sequel! xD

I had the stupidest grin on my face while reading this :pinkiehappy:
It was so sweet and awkward that you couldn't help but love it.:twilightblush:

bravo, my new fav TwiMac story.... Bravo:heart::heart::heart::twilightsmile::eeyup:

An adorable story, with only one thing I really disliked.

I hate how every goddamn fanfiction has Pinkie shatter the fourth wall. I really do. It kills any immersion in the story and makes me lose a little respect for the author.
Sure, it may be cute once in a while, but when you can't go two chapters without a "For the audience! DUH!" or "Silly filly, the author said so!" it gets really old really fast.
The fourth wall's there for a reason people. :twilightangry2:


Otherwise, a thoroughly enjoyable story. Very few (if any) noticeable technical problems. I don't know why, but I really enjoy TwiMac ships. Seems to make more sense to me than Rari- or FlutterMac. :twilightblush::heart::eeyup:

Normally I preffer Fluttershy for Mig Mac but I hadn't considered the "too quiet for each other thing". It makes sense when you think about it. I like to balance things out in shipping, which is part of the reason I'm not a huge fan of the AppleDash pairing.

Wow, this is excellent. Definitely gets a spot on my user page wall of great shipping stories.

Glad I saw the sequel go by in the featured box earlier.

That... was TwiMacLicious. :twilightsmile::eeyup:

A decent story. Not the best I've read but it's you've certainly done a good job considering this is your first fic.

There are a couple of problems I spotted at the beginning of the story.

First off, when Twilight said "a drink", everyone there seems to automatically know she meant alcohol, which you've later said was an unusual occurance. A drink could mean a simple cup of water, since for all Spike knew at the time, she just ran a marathon or had to rush home because she had something important to do. So basically, on one side, you say she drinks sand on the other, you say she doesn't. Contradiction in narration tends to damage a story.

Next, your mention of dragons. At one point, you say Spike was reading a book on the History of Dragons. In the episode Dragon Quest, they had practically stated that the library was devoid of any information on dragons, and considering the contents of that episode, for all intents and purposes, the four in the episode knows more about dragons than anypony else, having been amongst the few to have actually seen one up close. And I doubt that there would be whole books written within the year of that event, much less on the history of dragons.
Now, it is an interesting take that Applejack's parents are off travelling, it is different than the usual "they are dead" interpretation. However, again, the issue of having traveled to the draconic lands rises. As far as I can tell, they're not exactly welcome there, and dragons are "too scary" to approach. The implication being that ponies tends to stay as far away from dragons as they can get. Of course, you could argue that AJ's parents are risktakers or just really likes to travel everywhere, but for some reason, I doubt they would take such a risk, especially when they would be leaving behind three admittedly self-sufficient children.

So like I said, pretty good for your first fic, but there are a few details you'll need to watch out for.

Just finished reading Treasure in the West, and I find a reference in this story. Coincidence? I think NOT.

Exceptionally nice story. Nice ship, if a bit awkward. I'll have to read the sequel.

Truly adorable... this was worth it for drunk-twi alone. One of my betas had asked me if I could write a tipsy-Sparkle in "A Canterlot Courtship, but I think I'll just send her here, because this was totally cute.

A TwiMac story? And it's Well-Written? FAVORITED

It took me a few days to read this whole thing because I get home in the evening and I wanted to give this the attention it deserves. Would have liked to see more reaction from Applebloom, but I was grinning through just about all of the latter half. Will definitely read the sequel


1119154 Thank you so much for devoting time to my fic. It means a lot, so that earns you a badge of pure :rainbowkiss:

I'm not usually one for the shipping stuff, but I gotta say, that was pretty good.

I shall never again look at a bottle of Sparkling Cider the same again.

*Cut to a few days later of me, adoring look on my face as I hold a bottle of Sparkling Cider in the middle of the store.*



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