• Member Since 17th Apr, 2013
  • offline last seen June 2nd

De Writer

After a long dry spell, De Writer has sort of returned. I am now writing again. Watch this space for more new tales and more chapters of the latest


For the Ponyville PD, it was a quiet day in the break room. Clance just had to say it . . . We could not stop him in time!
Discord's meaner cousin Murphy must have been listening . . .

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 2 )

“A beautiful day,” he sighed. “What could possibly go . . .” All six of us on duty lunged for him, careless of slopping our coffee, as we clamped hooves around his muzzle! We were too late! “wrong?” he finished, while we ponypiled him!

Dejected by our failure to prevent him from saying it, we got back up and started to dunk another round of donuts. Chief Haywire came in from the Council meeting that he had been attending.

With a sour face, he told us, “Council has just refused to authorize the overtime fund for future emergencies. They passed it unanimously. Things have been so quiet that they do not see the need for maintaining an overtime fund.”

We all glared at Clance. “You just HAD to ask, didn't you, Clance?”

Yes, yes he did:ajsmug:.

Aggrieved, Clance replied, “What? All that I done was ask what could possibly go . . .”

NEVER SAY THAT:twilightoops:!!!

We were quicker that time but it was no use. Discord's meaner cousin Murphy must have overheard!

Oooooooh boy:rainbowderp::rainbowlaugh:!!!

As the pumpers got close to the plant, we overheard the battalion chief ordering, “Deploy for explosion hazard! If one of those tanks cracks and takes air we could . . .” The thunderous detonation of a tank filled with liquid manure and highly flammable sewer gas completed his sentence for him!

And here he is:rainbowlaugh::rainbowdetermined2:!!!

Morty checked his watch and called, “Five O'clock! Quitting time!”

Cheerfully yelling, “Good call, Morty!” We all started to leave the scene.

The Chief demanded, “What are you doing!? You have to stay and help! This is an Emergency!”

We retorted, “It sure is, Chief! Second shift has it under control now! Thing is, we are not being paid overtime and those two hostages in there are partly responsible. No pay, no work. See you tomorrow. We will clock in right on time to see how this all works out.”

The Chief suddenly got a peculiar look on his face and hollered, “Wait up! Our whole shift should all clock out together!”

Those poor ponies:derpytongue2:!

We were all getting drenched when Pinkie Pie came bouncing past, with Gummy on his leash. Her two and a third meter long alligator was frisking about and splashing into the puddles!

As she bounded cheerfully through the rain, she called out happily, “It is a great day for walking your Alligator!”

For you Pinkie Pie, always:derpytongue2:!

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