• Published 23rd Apr 2016
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“Yo, Principal Celestia, Can I Have My Headphones Back?” - reading is magic

Principal Celestia confiscated Vinyl's new pair of headphones. Vinyl decided to take them back.

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"Like, right now? I really need them."

Ah, the Alicorn Knight G. K711. It had a frequency response of ten Hertz to thirty-nine point eight kiloHertz, with an impedance of sixty-two Ohms. Based on its predecessor, it had better-increased bass response (one of the few weaknesses of the 700s) and a clearer, more detailed sound. It allowed the user to focus on the elements of a mix with much ease. It also featured memory foams, which not only did blocked out ambient noise but also avoided spill from the headphones.

And the shades-wearing Vinyl Scratch had it on her head and it covered her ears, blasting an electronic music with heavy drops. Her head bobbed as she walked down the hallway, listening to the intricate details of the music and her new headphones allowed her to do so.

Vinyl felt like she could wear them forever. The music on her ears just simply made the world a better place. She ignored everything else as she walked to her locker, opened it and gathered the books she needed.

As she slammed the locker door along with the bass drop, her dormmate stood behind the previous door.

“I can see that you’re enjoying your present,” Octavia said in her sultry English voice. “I guess I did pick the perfect gift.”

Vinyl thought of thanking her and telling her that she was forever grateful for the gift she had gotten her for Christmas and that she’s the best roomie ever.

Instead, Vinyl took off her headphones and gave her a thumbs up.

“No need to thank me,” Octavia pointed out. “I know how much of an audiophile you are.”

Vinyl thought of telling her that she just liked the better sound. Instead, she just shrugged with a smile.

“Well, I’m just glad that you’re having a blast with it. Just don’t let that mess with your schooling.”

Before Vinyl could give another gesture as an answer, the school bell rang.

“I’ve gotta go. Chemistry is certainly not giving me a break,” Octavia said as she walked away. “See you later, then.”

Vinyl nodded in her direction and started walking towards her class. She can’t even remember what her class was called, but she knew that it involved mathematics, an enemy of hers since she entered the education system.

She put on her new headphones and played from her phone a newly downloaded song. Her headphones had a neat feature of the capability to wireless connectivity on Bluetooth and also the choice of using wire, if wanted.

If anything, Octavia was an angel sent by the musical gods from a transcending plane of existence.

The song was a remix of various songs from different cartoon shows. It was amazing to her how vastly different songs and tunes were managed to create an amazing single. She walked slowly to enjoy the beauty and beat of the music and her head bobbed to the tune.

Vinyl didn’t realize that she was already at the door to her class, but when she did, she paused her walk and resumed to finishing the awesome mix on her ears. Even her body was bobbing along with her head. Eyes closed, she started doing air drums with her hands as she heard the finishing beat.

And then, the song ended.

It felt good. Too good, in fact. What did Octavia call it? Euphoric? Vinyl wasn’t sure what that meant, but she remembered Octavia saying it was something about feeling good.

Vinyl then felt her headphones pulled away from her head. Panicked, she turned around and saw the thief no other than Principal Celestia.

“Late again, Miss Scratch?” the tall woman questioned, holding Vinyl’s divine instrument. “I see you’ve gotten yourself another one. Very different from what I confiscated last time.”

Vinyl’s heart beat quickened. Behind her shades, her eyes were wide. She wanted to just grab the headphones and run inside the classroom, but she knew it won’t be that easy.

“I do realize headphones aren’t prohibited in this school, but if you’re going to keep getting late because of it, I’m afraid I’ll have to do what I must.”

Vinyl felt like telling her she was sorry, but she realized it won’t get her headphones back. She only stared at the floor.

Principal Celestia shook her head. “You’ll get this back tomorrow. As usual.” She then turned and walked away.

Tomorrow, huh? Vinyl was used to it, so she almost went inside the classroom, but then she remembered a crucial detail; tomorrow IS Saturday. Vinyl took a step forward and extended her hand as if to grab the principal’s shoulder. As if hearing Vinyl’s internal protests, Principal Celestia turned around.

“Oh yes. Tomorrow is the weekend, isn’t it?”

Vinyl nodded vigorously.

Principal Celestia rubbed her chin. “Well, I guess it can’t be helped. You’ll just have to wait until Monday to get these back. Consider this as small detention.”

Vinyl’s jaw dropped. The whole weekend?! No satisfying, detailed, beautiful euphoria? No! Vinyl panicked and started thinking of negative thoughts of a boring weekend. She just can’t go back to her old headphones, no! She had found Nirvana, and it came in the form of polished plastic and metal with memory foams, and it even came with Bluetooth. Also, Octavia will absolutely be angry if she heard about this. Vinyl decided to talk to Principal Celestia, so she turned to speak with her—

Only to find that she already left.

School flew by. Vinyl felt like one of her organs had been pulled out of her, and the gaping hole that was left ached a lot. She couldn’t pay any attention to any of her classes, flunked a bunch of quizzes, and even failed to write her name in one of her test papers. What a day. One minute she found heaven, and in the next, she fell into the deep chasms of hell. What was she going to tell Octavia? She could already hear the death knell, and it rang loud in her head.

Vinyl sat in the bleachers, watching the soccer team getting ready to play a game, but then Rainbow Dash, uh, dashed back into the main building. Other than that, nothing else was interesting. She then heard someone sat next to her.

“Hey, do you mind?”

The voice belonged to the curly-haired Bon Bon. Or was it Sweetie Drops? Vinyl wasn’t sure. She then shook her head with a smile to answer Bon Bon’s question.

“Thanks,” Bon Bon said as she sat down. “You alright? You’re usually rocking those headphones of yours.”

Vinyl shook her head, looking at the soccer match.

“Confiscated again?”

Vinyl nodded.

“Ouch. You’ll get them back, right?”

Vinyl shook her head.

“What? Why— Oh, weekend. You’ll have to wait the whole weekend.”

Vinyl once again nodded.

“That sucks. I’m pretty sure you have other headphones, so I guess it’ll be fine.”

Vinyl stood up and then grabbed Bon Bon’s collar, their noses only inches away from each other. She wanted to tell her that it won’t be fine. That it wasn’t the same with her other headphones. That Alicorn Knight G. K711 wasn’t just another set of headphones. That perhaps gods themselves built the sacred sound device.

But then she just let Bon Bon go and sank back into her seat.

“I guess those headphones are a big deal for you then?” Bon Bon asked as she unwrinkled her collar.

Vinyl nodded weakly.

“You could talk to Principal Celestia, but she’s pretty adamant with the rules, you know. Maybe try the Vice Principal? She can help you with your case— Wait, no she won’t. It’s not like you were misunderstood or anything.”

Vinyl felt like disappearing for the whole weekend. There’s no way she could tell Octavia that she carelessly had the headphones taken away. That would be asking for her ire. What to do?

Bon Bon then took her phone from her pocket, reading a text. “Gotta go. Hope you get your headphones back.”

Vinyl waved her goodbye and with that, Bon Bon left. She thought of going home herself, but she remembered Octavia. Vinyl didn’t want to disappoint her, then make her angry that she’ll have to sleep over with her other friends. Octavia was just extreme like that.

She pulled out her earbuds from her shirt pocket. Soundmeister NN17. The frequency response of eighteen Hertz to twenty-two kiloHertz and impedance of sixteen Ohms. It had a powerful audio performance with deep bass response and no distortion, although it could use a bit more high-mid presence that would make a more crisp sound.

Vinyl shook her head. She had to get her headphones back, and no one can stop her (except probably Octavia). And now, she had a plan in her head. All she needed was a group of helping hands. She looked around and saw Bon Bon just walking down the bleachers. Vinyl ran after her, grabbed her shoulder and turned her around, which surprised Bon Bon.


Vinyl took off her glasses and leered into Bon Bon’s eyes, as if to send a message.

“Vinyl, you’re creeping me out.”

Vinyl kept her gaze upon Bon Bon.

“If it’s about the headphones, I’m more than willing to help you.”

Vinyl smiled. It was the very set of words she was waiting to hear. Vinyl opened her backpack and grabbed what seemed to be a leather wallet. She tossed it to Bon Bon.

“Um, Vinyl? I’m not sure what you want me to do with this.” Bon Bon opened the leather case and saw a set of lockpicks. “Oh no. Oh no no no no no no no no no no, I’m not helping you break into the Principal’s office!” Bon Bon immediately closed the case.

Vinyl clasped her hands together and gave her best puppy eyes impression to Bon Bon.

“I am not breaking into the Principal’s office! We could get suspended, or worse, expelled!”

Vinyl fell to her knees, holding her previous expression.


Vinyl’s tear rolled from her right eye. At that point, Bon Bon felt that Vinyl needed her and that she couldn’t refuse.

“Okay, fine! I did say I’m more than willing to help.”

Vinyl jumped up and gave Bon Bon a big hug and as she did, rubbed her face onto Bon Bon’s.

“I should not have said that. I should not have said that.”

Rock music flowed loudly from a room played by the band Flash Drive, and their music reverberated throughout the hallways. As they finished their new song composed by Flash Sentry, the double doors slammed open, revealing Vinyl Scratch. The drummer was so surprised that his drumsticks slipped from his hands and the sticks landed on his head.

“Vinyl?,” Flash Sentry finally spoke up. “What’s up?”

Vinyl went to Flash and grabbed his shoulders, and stared into his eyes.

“Uh, I’m getting weird vibes here,” the drummer said.

“Vinyl, do you need help or something?” Flash asked.

Vinyl smiled in response. She then pulled him away from the band and soon the room.

“Flash?! What about practice!?”

“Let’s wrap up for today! I have a feeling I won’t be back for a while!” Flash answered Vinyl pulled his arm.

“We’re going to what?!” Flash Sentry hollered.

“Would you be quiet?!” Bon Bon hissed at Flash as she opened her locker. “If we’re doing this, we want less attention and less noise.”

“I didn’t even agree to do this.”

“Well, you’re a part of it now. Deal with it.”

Vinyl nodded at her statement. She let Bon Bon explain to Flash what exactly they were supposed to do.

The plan was to wait till all students go home, which was 7:00PM to avoid getting caught in the hallway when Bon Bon lockpicks the door. Flash Sentry was going to be outside, hiding from the bushes to watch for anyone going inside the building. In case someone did come, he was to call them. Vinyl will be with Bon Bon, and the two of them will search the room for the headphones. Vinyl had a decoy to replace the headphones in the room, and knowing Celestia, Vinyl knew she wouldn’t be able to tell the difference. Alicorn Squire 2s looked like Alicorn Knight G. K711, albeit it lacked the features its successor had such as Bluetooth.

The plan was perfect.

“Can we at least wear something to hide our identities?” Flash asked. “You know, just in case we get caught, we can still run or something.”

“Here,” Bon Bon handed Flash and Vinyl each a ski mask and a black jacket from her locker. “Just be alert, Flash. If you miss a person, we’ll be busted and will be forced to take extreme actions.”

“Um, like what? Also, why do you have ski masks and jackets?”

“It’s seven,” Bon Bon said as she slipped on her mask. “Hold onto your phone so you can call us fast. Vinyl, you do the same.”

Vinyl nodded and wore her mask and jacket. While she was also curious to Flash’s question, there were more pressing matters at hand; it was now or never.

Flash went ahead to be their watch outside in front of the school. Bon Bon and Vinyl ran through the hallways and towards their destination. They stopped in front of the door to the Principal’s office. Bon Bon knelt down and took out a set of lockpicks. Vinyl noticed they weren’t the one she gave her.

“Oh, about your picks; they were the wrong kind for this kind of lock, so I left it in my locker I’ll give them back on Monday.”

Vinyl only nodded at her statement, though Bon Bon didn’t see her acknowledgment since she already was working on the lock. It just came to Vinyl’s mind that she never knew Bon Bon was good at lockpicking. She herself wasn’t any good, so she didn’t question Bon Bon’s skills. She looked around as she waited for Bon Bon to unlock the door.

Then, a satisfying click graced their ears.

“We’re in.”

Bon Bon slowly opened the door. Vinyl didn’t waste time. She slid past Bon Bon and started going through cabinets and shelves. Bon Bon followed suit.

Vinyl made sure to put back what she moved to its previous place and position. She pulled drawers, opened boxes, and moved books, yet nothing seemed to show where her headphones were stored. Vinyl felt like shoving everything, but she knew she had to be patient. Moving around the room, she noticed a set of photos of Sunset Shimmer, with Twilight Sparkle’s on the very right. She noticed Sunset’s look of triumph escalate with each photo. She wasn’t sure what kind of person Sunset was. Hopefully, not how the photos show.

“Found something.”

Vinyl’s ear perked up from Bon Bon’s announcement. She went to Bon Bon and saw a safe on the wall.

“It was behind a portrait,” Bon Bon said as she pulled out a pair of stethoscope. “This is gonna take a while.”

While Vinyl was a little surprised to see Bon Bon to actually know more about lockpicking, it was more surprising to see her actually pick a safe. Do you pick a locked safe when it's on a dial lock? Or was it fiddling? Turning?

“I’m pretty sure you could have just waited ‘till Monday,” Bon Bon said as she held the stethoscope against the safe and turned the dial.

Vinyl shook her head, though she wasn’t sure if Bon Bon saw that.

“Of course, you have to be impatient.” Bon Bon continued to turn the dial in both directions. “Were the headphones a gift?”

Vinyl nodded.

“Figures. Well, I guess you were worried that she’ll notice you aren’t wearing them?”

Again, she nodded.

“You know, if she’s truly a friend, she’d understand that you got them confiscated.”

Vinyl shook violently. She promised Octavia she wouldn’t let that happen, and yet it did.

“You promised to not get them confiscated? Tough bet. Still, you don’t trust your friend to forgive you?”

Of course not! This was a special gift; not only she got it confiscated, she also broke a promise.

“Darn, I lost it.” Bon Bon stretched her neck and placed her stethoscope again on the safe. “Anyways, if you don’t trust your friend to forgive you, then… well, I guess you guys aren’t that close.”

Vinyl stomped her feet upon hearing Bon Bon’s words. Not close? Ha! They’re closer than any brothers or sisters, or even twins! They had been together for a very long time and Vinyl couldn’t even remember when it all started. Octavia was practically family to her.

“You guys are close? Really?”

Vinyl leered at Bon Bon, even though she wasn’t actually looking back.

“Look, I’m just saying; if you really think that you guys are close, then why can’t you consider that she’ll be willing to forgive you? Isn’t that what friends do? I mean, if Lyra ever ate my hidden favorite oatmeal from our apartment, then sure I’ll get angry, but I’ll get over it. I’ll forgive her, if that ever happens. Which I hope doesn’t happen.”

Vinyl looked down and thought about what Bon Bon had just said. Was Octavia going to get angry? Of course, and a lot too. But she knew that Octavia was her best friend and that she was smarter than holding a grudge against Vinyl for something that wasn’t even grand.

“Got it.”

Bon Bon opened the safe door slowly. The safe door creaked, and Vinyl and Bon Bon stared into the contents of the safe. Sure enough, there was a pair of headphones lying in the middle of other stuff, like a portable game console and a bag of confetti. A bag of confetti?

Vinyl excitedly took the headphones from the safe and gave it an embrace.

“Just think about what I said.” Bon Bon placed the decoy headphones, closed the safe and placed back the painting. “You’re risking detention just so you don’t get a mouthful from your friend.”

Vinyl looked at the headphones in her hands. Alicorn Knight G. K711. God’s gift to mankind. At last, she wouldn’t have to disappoint Octavia AND listen to music with unbeatable quality. But was she really scared of her own friend? Scared of consequences? Like Bon Bon said, it was likely that Octavia would forgive her. Didn’t she trust Octavia?

Bon Bon raised her phone to her ear. “Flash? We’re done here.” She then placed her phone back in her pocket. “Let’s go.”

“Well, that was uneventful.” Flash took off his ski mask and gave it to Bon Bon. “Took you guys long enough.”

“Had to pick a safe,” Bon Bon blankly stated.

“Sure you did,” Flash joked, giving a look of false astonishment. “Look, I’m heading home. Let’s not talk about this ever.”

“Same thoughts. Vinyl, we’re going home. What about you?”

Vinyl was still staring at her headphones. Bon Bon’s words circled her mind and she couldn’t take her words off of her head.


If you really think that you guys are close, then why can’t you consider that she’ll be willing to forgive you?

Vinyl knew she was doing a wrong thing. In fact, she was cheating, running away from the truth. She did trust Octavia. Heck, she trusted her to do the opposite thing of what she had done; Octavia would face Vinyl even if she did something to make Vinyl angry.

At that point, Vinyl had another plan, and boy did she hated it.

Vinyl was back inside the school, and right now, her mind was cursing herself for letting her doubt Octavia. She had to make things right, and she would face Octavia with the truth.

She looked around the hallways, making sure no one would see her. Vinyl dashed cover to cover using lockers and pillars, and finally reached the Principal’s office. She took out her set of picks and started on the lock. Everything was going well so far. She remembered Bon Bon/Sweetie Drop’s advice on how to pick locks, and while she already knew the basics, Bon Bon’s word on the topic made it easier than doing it the way she had read online. It made her think why Bon Bon would know lockpicking in the first place.

Vinyl heard a satisfying click and uttered a silent thank you in her mind to Bon Bon. Sweetie Drops. Whichever.

She entered the already familiar room. Vinyl went straight to the painting and took it off the wall. The safe seemed to stare back at her. Fortunately, she didn’t have to do all the stethoscope trick; she asked Bon Bon the combination code. After a few twists and turns, the safe opened its door to Vinyl. She felt like James Bond, if he ever was a mad bass dropper.

Vinyl took out the decoy headphones and placed back the Alicorn Knight G. K711 on top of other things. Then, she shut the safe, turned the knob, and placed back the painting. It was only then that she noticed what was in the portrait; a picture of Principal Celestia and the vice principal. They stood beside each other, and both of them gave a Mona Lisa-esque smile. Vinyl wasn’t sure what to think of the portrait, but she knew if it were her and Octavia, they’d pull off a better portrait. Of course, she would had to find a painter and they would be standing for hours. Ugh, never mind.

Right. Gotta leave before one of them finds me here.

Before leaving, out of conscience, Vinyl even tidied up the table, dusted the shelves and swept the floor. Though it took a bit of time, she was sure that no one would be in school at this time. Pretty sure the principals went home already.

Vinyl closed the door slowly after locking it. Behind her glasses, Vinyl closed her eyes.

This is it. This is me facing reality. I trust Octavia, and while she might not for a while after this, I know she’ll forgive me.

She felt silly thinking all that, but she knew it was right. Letting out a sigh of relief, Vinyl smiled and turned, putting the door behind her and then in front of the one she much hated to be in front of, Vice Principal Luna. Her arms were folded and her face did not look friendly at all. Of course, who would? You saw someone was in your sister’s office, sneaking around after school hours, why would you be friendly.

“Miss Vinyl Scratch, is it?”

Vinyl could only gulp, then nod slowly.

“I know you are dedicated to your music, but breaking into the principal’s office for your confiscated headphones crosses the line.”

Vinyl felt her heart hastened its heartbeat and her mind in rolling panic mud.

“I know it’s late, but come to my office.”

Vinyl hung her head in defeat. As a response, she only nodded. Vice Principal Luna then turned and gestured Vinyl to follow. Dejectedly, she did.

How am I gonna explain this to Octavia?