• Member Since 30th Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago


Love to write whatever comes to mind and enjoy Brony stuff.


Sweetie Belle's birthday party had gone on without a hitch. Even with the presence of Diamond Tiara and her accomplice attending, things were pretty enjoyable. What made their attendance strange however was that Tiara had gotten her a present. Sweetie was hesitant to open it during the party, but once in the security of her bedroom she finds out what was truly inside.

Story contains, one diaper, pyjamas and sister bonding. No actual usage is present. Hardly counts as a diaper story to be honest.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 27 )

interesting reading.

Not bad, but some more detail would be nice. I take it this takes place before "Crusaders of The Lost Mark" considering Diamond Tiara is teasing Sweetie Belle, and Sweetie Belle is still a blank flank, right?

7049114 Yeah guess hta kidn o detail would have been stated. but yeah this is before thier cutie marks.

Well, there's quite a few grammer/punctuation errors scattered throughout, but they're the sort of errors that do not interfere very much with reading comprehension.

Overall execution was pretty good, have a thumbs up.

Hey! I really liked this story. Good job Mr. Zubric! : 3

That is adorable! Keep writing!

This was so adorable to read! :heart: this was soo fluffy and gives you warm feelings:raritystarry:

Could you please continue this? I'd love to this expanded on more. That ending made it seem as if Rarity might be interested in babying Sweetie Belle.

reminds me o another diaper fic near the end

7237751 never really had intention of making a sequel to it. I guess it sort of implied but no idea how is do it without breaking raroty character

Plus it also seems Sweetie Belle wouldn't mind it too much herself.
Possible sequel fuel: Also, I noticed that she forgot to use the bathroom before bed… Was that an intentional act on her part, or just an innocent mistake…? I know from experience when I was a little kid, the times I forgot to go to the bathroom before bed, certain events would happen…


She made a quick trip the bathroom before returning having no desire in using the thing.


Actually she did use the bathroom

My ADHD strikes again. Excuse me while I return to my corner…

Edit: But that doesn't mean she won't need to go again…

7748432 well she sort of went to the bathroom but still unsure how I'd make a cute follow up

7748507 Maybe have Rarity follow through with Sweetie's "request" for a bottle?

7748511 I suppse I just never thought of a a short story. Incept other then rarity babying Swwetie before bed. ' mayve some scene of Swwetie looking at her old foal photos

7748546 and maybe finding and latching onto an old teddy bear or other stuffed animal she used to sleep with…
Edit: it is also my headcannon that SB is the youngest of the CMC, of you want to use that somehow…
(Why am I using ellipsis so much?)

7748589 okay so I suppse a fluffy second story could be made eh idk I'll think about it

7749045 I could be of help if you'd like it, FYI.
Edit: I had another idea come to me in a dream last night. Sweetie Belle is troubled by the she felt being babied, and gets a visit from Princess Luna.

Sweetie Belle found herself in the void that was Princess Luna's domain.
"Princess?" the filly shouted, only to be answered by her own echo.

7749045 and maybe also have SB ship a few of her plushies? I think that'd be cute.

Shesh, Silver was just giving you a compliment, no need to be such a baby.”

Ha Ha! Foreshadowing.


But she did have a glass of milk before getting into bed.

Also please make a sequel because a lot of things really learn toward rarity babying Sweetie Belle. The dress she gave her sounds like this baby dress:
And the PJs sound like those a older baby/young toddler would wear, not to mention the slightly ominous words at the end:

She was just glad Sweetie birthday had turned out so well. Things are nice when they go as planned.

Though innocent enough when paired with the events of the story it seems as if Rarity ment for Sweetie to end up in the diaper.

8084396 Hmm good point I suppose. A sequel is possible since i left it open for one. Not sure how willing Sweetie would be. Or figuring out plot that doesn't break Rarity character.

8084788 well a part of it could be Rarity not wanting Sweetie to grow up. Another part could be Sweetie wanting to explore the feelings she feels while wearing a diaper.

It could start off with Sweetie walking up for school to find that she had wet the diaper. She could be mad and embarrassed at first but then be intrigued by the feeling before taking it off for school. While she's at school Rarity then buys her more diapers to wear to bed in case she has more accidents, this wouldn't be too out of character as Rarity hates messes. Rarity could then make a whole line of baby clothing for older foals using Sweetie as the model.

This was... weird.

But also very sweet. I love how you made Rarity and Sweetie Belle bond together. Even though they have their differences, they still love each other. And that cover picture os soooooooo adorable! :twilightsmile:

I enjoyed it. Would be nice to see a sequel. :)

This is just precious. Love how a gift Diamond gave in meaness became a bonding moment between Sweetie and her mommy sister. Right. Sister.:trixieshiftleft:

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