• Member Since 6th Mar, 2014
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I wrote hoers (Ko-Fi/Patreon)


This story is a sequel to Fluttershy Wants in Your Pants: Vol. 1

When the shy pegasus, Fluttershy, finally gives up hope on winning your heart, you should be overjoyed. However, when a new human arrives in Ponyville, you can't help but find yourself feeling jealous.

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 43 )

Fug. Thanks. Great point.

Evo #3 · Mar 26th, 2016 · · · Day 3 ·

Huh...that's kinda dark...:pinkiecrazy:
Great story tho :pinkiehappy:

Slight case of severe Stockholm syndrome detected.

Man that is evil, 'Oh he doesn't love me, well I guess I will just get my friends together, make a slightly altered copy of Anon, make him better than the original one and get him jealous enough to want me back but just in case here is a love potion that could possibly harm him. I know I shouldn't do this but I have no choice! I love him and only him-', I would have decked her and all of her friends if I found out that I was pretty much poisoned and betrayed by all of my friends just because I kept saying 'No' to someone and they never got the memo.

Oh the awkwardness.

Heh. Jealousy is such a weird thing coming from this guy :unsuresweetie:

7065295 you can't have a 'slight' case of 'sever', those are contradicting terms, one meaning a lot, the other meaning little.

Oh man this was a ride like something you'd regret! i kinda saw the pattern here and came up with 2 possible outcomes but you still got me in the end. The story felt somewhat similar to something you'd regret and it felt sort of like a "what if". Still loved it.

I was genuinely curious at how the story would go with a second human causing jealousy, i haven't read anything like it but i love how you come with new concepts to try out. Holy hell that ending though left me wanting something more since i feel it didn't give me enough closure except fluttershy will probably have to live with that for the rest of her life.

I have a few questions though, like was everyone in on the whole fluttershy and twilight clone thing? I know fluttershy did the love potion without anyone knowing but still i feel pinkie sort of knew this was right thing to do to anon.

I don't know how i should feel about this... I love it and hate it at the same time. It definitely had me captivated but that ending... and that video link... ughhh.. damn. :facehoof:

As fluttershy puts it -

How dare you play with my emotions that way

7065694 Thanks for clearing that up.
My doctors tell me I might have a massive case of light brain damage.

I do not like the manipulation. :flutterrage:

She bounces into the kitchen, and brings out a chocolate cake that would make Celestia's mouth water.

Somehow, I doubt making Celestia's mouth water over yummy cake is a difficult as one might think. It's her Achilles heal: she barely gets nicked their once and kaboom, she's history.

Oh man, now I want cake! It's going to haunt my brain!

7065694 Of course, there's a slightly major chance that one of those two terms was sarcasm. The world may never know.

Always with these kind of stories that leave you a bad taste because of fluttershy but are very good nevertheless

7067070 the drastic minor headache I have gotten going through this ordeal is real though.

Knowing that Twilight was involved in this is very disappointing, would she ever believe that manipulating someone into a jealous rage is justifiable?
Applejack was also a total piece of crap. Even if she was not involved in the underhanded scheme, she was a major player in forcing Anon 1 into issuing the challenge to Anon 2. Would the Element of Honesty really hire a new worker then treat an existing employee like dirt when she KNEW he was having personal problems? It was only business, right? Yeah, sure. Seems a bit too convenient to me. So much for honesty.
Rarity also had some involvement. Why else go out of her way to be generous to someone then run to Twilight to inform her of his visit to Fluttershy? She is so generous that she would design and fabricate clothing for someone that she was POSITIVE was going to upset a close friend of hers.
Pinky Pie seemed totally oblivious, but what's new there?
Anon 2... built to be used as a tool, designed to be a total scum, allowed to bang Fluttershy (unless he was involved in the plot as well, which I doubt) then either destroyed or sent away when his job is done.
As for the Element of Kindness... Yep, I saw a lot of kindness in her activities in this story. I didn't know there was an Element of Selfishness.
Friendship is Magic. Yeah, right. Only if it is a close friend, all others don't matter.

My apologies. I don't usually comment on stories posted here, but I felt strongly about how the characters appeared to be misrepresented.
I did feel it was an interesting story, perhaps if the "alternate universe" tag had been used I could have been more understanding.

Lol, I'd feel jealous of that other person in Equestria. It's always about me, Haha.

I'm not sure if this needs the tragedy tag with the ending ad all, maybe the sad tag would be better?

Holy shit that was amazing. Well done, sir.

Fluttershy snickers to herself as she shuts off the water.
“She even thought it was her idea,” she mutters under her breath. “Though, I admit her clone spell was a very nice touch.”

I F:yay:ing called it from Chapter 1!

‘Give dose every 24 hours for three days. After third day, love potion will take full effect.

Fluttershy you insane, sociopathic b:yay:tch

"N-no. I'm... I'm afraid I don't know what it is."

Manipulate the guy into a fight, brainwash him with love potion, and risk his death so you dont have to admit you drugged him. You Monster

The funniest thing is he going to beat the

**** out of the other guy and it all goes back to normal or does it (EVIL LAUGHING)

Why does every comment on the last chptr every danm time CD

7065694 Looks like you don't know how to British. Over here we have such things as 'a mild case of death' and 'a possible chance of something definitely happening'. It's a great system!

7331990 no, sorry I am American. I am unfamiliar with your terms, thus I hate them. (don't be mad I am trying to be funny and play off of stereotypes.)

7334299 Of course you do, several hundred years of breeding dictates your inbuilt need to hate the British. On the other hand, more than three thousand years of breeding allows me to be amused and aloof in equal and proportionate amounts to your hatred ^^


7336955 That she's... AMERICAN! And that she hates the British.

Although not quite as much as you, that's how breeding and evolution goes. I guess... thinking about it... There might be some throwbacks to correct and proper living, but I've found that those elements quickly get weeded out by the masses when they can be. And statistically speaking there are cases where bloodlines get a little mixed and the results aren't as strong as the parents, but the genetics are then latent and the mildest, non-hate-filled American can give rise to offspring that are as vituperant and anti-British as any.

[Sigh] Selective breeding is a tough process.

7341904 going off the assumption you ARE British, what is your thoughts on the Brexit?

7344638 I'm going to lose my job and my grandparents, cousins, uncles, aunts and more distant relations (and my mother if she were still alive) will be kicked out of Britain in a fit of racism and xenophobia.

I'm a white, born-and-bred British man, I have the most British of British accents, and you wouldn't pick me out of the crowd as only half that. And yet I'm no more British than half the people that are getting called out in the streets and being told to 'go home' by the ridiculous racists that swung the vote to leave.

Add to that I work in an industry that relies solely on things staying the same. In times of uncertainty (which this definitely merits) we always, always take a hit to our profits, which have been at an all-time low for a few years already. Unless this whole thing is played very carefully and negotiated well, my company is going to tank and I have to re-train for another profession because the value of the pound has already dropped by a third and people are already starting to cut back on buying the key product that I work to sell; printed advertising.

So, yeah, I'm pretty put-out about having my future stolen from me by a bunch of people who only voted dis-establishment because they have forty to fifty years *less* than me to live with the consequences.

7065414 Many would go far for love (or to be loved), I suppose.

I was liking the story until the whole love potion business came up. It just kind of comes off as an unnecessary plot twist when you already had a plot twist with the whole twilight being involved thing.

It did explain why there were so many OOC balls to go around.

*yays internally* :yay: Good girl, Shy! Now I see assertiveness courses were not completely futile. *thumbs up*

It's all fun and sexual harassment till the brainwashing happens. :trixieshiftleft:

Yeah:flutterrage: ima fuck him up

Sinister. So sinister.

I feel like she's like a smart and cute Jerry.

If anon ever found out :

“What’s up, broseph?” he asks.

First red flag; no normal person says "broseph."

You know..

I've never been genuinely angry while reading a story before, but this has somehow achieved that.
Specifically, this line -

"No thanks, but I'm sure I can tell you how I fucked her."

Like, bro, that was so fucking uncalled for.

Also, what's up with everyone being so against the Protagonist?
Why does everyone side with Anon, even though they just fucking witnessed him being an asshole.

Also also, that whole rant Fluttershy had made me even more mad, and the protagonist feeling bad made me fucking pissed beyond reason.
Like, dude! She's been basically sexually harassing you for a long time, and has broken into your house multiple times. I mean yeah, she was there for you all those times you needed someone, but that doesn't fucking excuse all the shit she's done.

Also also also, why an eviction notice?
What does personal issues have to do with Real Estate?

Anyway, I'm not saying this is a bad story, it's actually really good, just wanted to vent my thoughts a little.

“Fluttershy, that’s not the point. I’ve been in bad relationships. I’ve concealed a bruise before. That human is bad news.

Uh... What?
Hm... that's implying something.... not good...

“Well… see, it’s about. Uhm. you know who. ” Fluttershy says quietly.


"Anon... could you... um... come here for a minute?" she asks.

Wait, so both of the human's are named Anon??

Alright, just finished reading, and I gotta say...
Good story, mildly infuriated me last chapter, but good nonetheless.
Incredibly dark, but I guess it explains things.

I'll read this again at some point

"You are going to be fantastic. I know you will," she says gently.

Nice reference

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