• Published 28th Mar 2016
  • 1,013 Views, 15 Comments

Gash : We Forgive You - TwiRaptor

This is a short story of forgiveness, even when your nature is too kill and destroy whatever gets in your way. You and everything can be forgiven, in this story Gash gets his forgiveness from the OC's he hunted and killed.

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Gash We Forgive You

Author's Note:

Would you forgive a monster? What if everything you knew was destroyed and you were dead? The creature that ended it all on you has finally fallen and you get to meet face to face again just like in death the face is the same as when you met. What if this monster died protecting instead of destroying, instead of killing for itself it killed to save another? Would you forgive it?

Would you forgive a monster?

I ask you, before you go on reading this story read Alien: Twilight Signing Out and Alien: Twilight MIA If you don't then this story will make no sense too you, this story is a simple short tribute to a monster, a Xenomorph named Gash and Gash changed.

Would you forgive?

WARNING: Color change means flashback, mostly ;)

"NO!!!" Twilight jumped up and was stopped by White and Sunset Shimmer, "Gash!" Twilight screamed and White looked around for where it came from. The Xenomorph growled getting back up and another bullet slammed into the chest of the alien and Gash screamed up looking up to the ceiling and the escape he could make but was unable to reach. Gash fell to the ground as another bullet slammed into him,Twilight reached out and Gash started to crawl across the floor slowly as the acid blood started to badly pour from the body. Twilight teared up feeling sad seeing the creature in pain. Gash reached out to the group of ponies as if asking for their help , another round went off and White Lightning began to freak out.

"Where is it coming from dammit!!" Gash screamed and the creatures dome head smacked the ground from the bullet smacking the back of the creature. "Son of a bitch what the fuck!" Gash reached and stopped moving, Twilight pushed her friend off of her and ran out to the Alien, Gash was breathing slowly and laid there motionless in the body. The tail of the creature began to curl up close to the chest.Twilight stopped falling to the ground moving over to him laying her head on his dome. White stepped out and pointed up in the rafters.

"there he is, sniper rifle!" White then looked and started to shoot, the soldier ran off quickly leaving the weapon behind. Twilight began to cry on the aliens head, her tears looked like shiny diamonds as they rested on the beautiful dome of Gash. Gash was alive but not for much longer, Sunset stayed back allowing Twilight to be close to it, Gash wasn't going to hurt her. Twilight was the Queen in the aliens brain right now and thats why the Xenomorph fell to this point, to protect her a great creature must die. Gash seemed to pure from the ponies head resting on his. Twilight looked at his neck and noticed a scare that was a line of three circles, she moved her hoof along his dome and across the gash mark that was all dry , no longer leaking acid blood so Twilight wouldn't get hurt as she pet Gash.

"Your a good boy, thank you..." Gash hissed and the tail moved closer to him as the jaw of the creature finally went limp and the spit finally stopped dripping from it. Gash...was dead. Twilight was slowly pulled off the Xenomorph and Sunset Shimmer brought her into a hug, they had lost so much and now their main protection was dead.

Gash was now laying in a dark world, curled up on the ground letting out small hissing sounds as he laid there. The xenomorph uncurled from the black ground that rested in a black world moving his head left and then right looking around at the area, dark, cold, and empty the world was just dark and it seemed that Gash was all alone. Letting out a loud hiss the Xenomorph began to walk around as if looking for light or for something that was new or different. The Xenomorph didn't understand, how could it? The only thing it ever knew was death and destroying anything that wasn't its own kind. Gash was on all fours in the darkness , the dagger like tongue sliding in and out of the mouth as there was nothing else to do but that and walk. The Xenomorph seemed to remember it, it was obvious by the way it walked. Gash staggered and wobbled in every step it took, the Xenomorph was shot to death...protecting a pony, out of all things it could protect it was protecting her? Or was it because of the Queen the mare held inside of her? Gash didn't know and could it know with the simplistic of the mind it had? Gash's long tail began to rub against the ground in a form of a wag as the creature quickly stood up on the hind legs and then began to walk hissing as it did. Twilight, Twilight Sparkle was the mare the creature died next too, she laid her hoof on the dome head Gash possessed and pet it like the creature was a friend of hers but most of all she called Gash a boy, a good boy. The attitude of the creature always did seem like an aggressive male. Maybe that was enough to call Gash a him or he? He quickly moved his head up looking for a vent to jump in, there was none, there was nothing still but darkness! This darkness was starting to fade as a faint female voice began to spoke to him.

"Gash..we forgive you, your a good boy" The female voice caused the creature to hiss and raise its tail above the ground in a ready stance as if ready to fight or attack. Gash had spit dripping more from the mouth that would fall on the ground but seemingly disappeared in the darkness. Everything that wasn't him seemed to disappear when left behind. "Gash...don't be so cruel, even though you have been for so long you have shown me that you can be different. Your a good boy, Gash" The Xenomorphs hiss began to stop and the creature looked around and that's when Soaring stepped out. The Pegasus spread his wings and as he did an angelic light cast down on him and he smiled at the creature. Black smoke was smudged on the stallions face and he smiled at the Xenomorph. Gash looked to him and hissed as the tail began to whip in the air as the Xenomorph approached on all fours growling.

"Hello Gash..." The stallion showed no fear but a tear did form in his eyes as a quick flash of his dead corpse appeared in between him and the Alien. "Long time...the ventilation is cold but not as cold as being here alone." The stallion walked closer to the alien and Gash whipped his tail at the figure of Soarin, the pegasus just kept walking and the tail of the Xenomorph curled back in and rested in front of Gash's feet as it passed through the pegasus like butter, was he a ghost? "Now now, you remember me don't you?" Soarin smiled and placed his hoof on the aliens head and Gash immediately calmed down.

"Pull! Pull me out, there is something in here!!" Sunset and two stallions got right next to him grabbing tightly. "Pulllll!!!" Everypony was watching when a loud hiss was heard from the vent followed by a loud crunching sound, Soaring screamed in pain as something started to pull him the other direction. Sunset almost fell down as she was yanked up against the wall, one of the stallion fell on his face as Soarin was yanked.

"Oh my God!! Pull Pull PULL!!" Everypony was shocked and started to lend a hoof but he was being pulled in more and more and the crunching got louder as his blood started to pool in his mouth.

"HELP ME!!! AHHHHHH!!" He was ripped from everypony's grip and his screams echoed through the vent as the went distant.

Soarin removed his hoof a smile on his face, his death was in the ventilation. Gash was stronger in the fight and it didn't take long at the time it happened for Gash to take him away. The Xenomorph had his head down as the memory was forced into his head after Soarin touched his head, Gash hissed lightly but this time not out of aggression.

" Your a monster Gash but now that has changed to, you were a monster. I may be dead but...I forgive you Gash. I know why you did it now and I understand that and I truly forgive you, its all you knew back then but now. You can know more and lets start with you knowing, I forgive you" Gash reached out and the figure vanished in that instance. The Xenomorph jumped back and let out a roar and looked around for the pegasus. He was gone like that, as quick as he had come he was gone. That's when the female voice returned.

"You see Gash, you only kill because its what you were born too do! Just like pony is born to eventually work and become part of a society! We work to put food in our guts, you kill to keep your race alive and most of all you were born to protect your Queen" Gash growled and stood up on his hind legs again. His tail smacked the ground and he looked around for the mare. She was unable to be found as the Xenomorph used its speed to try and run and find her but he couldn't tell if he was moving or standing still at this point, everything was the same. Black, the only time it was different was when Soaring appeared. That light that showed up when he came made the place bright and at one point one would think maybe it was going to knock away the darkness completely but it hadn't. Gash continued to growl and smack his tail against the ground in anger as he was still alone. "Perhaps you need time...perhaps we need to move forward for you too understand. Your a good boy, Gash" Gash jumped back and the light appeared once again. That's when she stepped out, it was Fractured Hearts. She flashed and her death looks appeared as her head lay on the ground but this was only brief and when she returned to normal she had a smile on her face.

"Gash, you ugly motherfucker! Thats what I said too you when you cut my life off. I was saving her and you took me out. You are a monster, well you were a monster" Fractured walked over to the Xenomorph and he hissed at her. Fractured simply shook her head and placed her hoof on his dome head, "Oh shut up and listen would you, please" Fractured blushed to herself and closed her eyes. Gash's head lowered again and he remembered.

"Run kid!! Run!!" Gash pulls her onto her hind hooves and she looks up at it, the dome head shines and the spit drips as it grins at her. Her eyes widened for the first time in her life she felt a new feeling. She felt the feeling of being slightly afraid. Gash lifted its hand before pressed its claws into her chest. She screamed in pain as he blood began to change her green clothing red. "Fuck you Gash, your going to die you ugly mother fucker" the mare cursed a bloody curse as blood collected on her white teeth. She let out an angry, fear filled scream as Gash shoves its tail into her spine pulling her close as the mouth of the monster opens, the lips shakes as the small dagger tongue slowly exited its mouth before retreating back inside the mouth. As the blood ran down the leg of the dieing mare Gash raised its hand once again and brought its hand down slamming the claws into her eyes and ripping off her head slowly, she was dead at impact.

Gash hissed and lifted his head as Fractured moved her hoof back opening her eyes, she frowned and her ears pinned back. She was sad about her death but she knew why it happened and she felt slightly better about it knowing that her efforts kept the filly alive longer than she would have if Fractured did not help. Sweetie Belle then appeared and and image of her with a facehugger on her face flashed before Gash. The filly rubbed her head up against Fractured and the large earthpony smiled down at her. Then Fractured spoke again.

"Your not all bad, you were only doing what instinct told you too do. I forgive you Gash! I really do! I died doing what all ponies should die for, the children! They are the most important things in this world and without them what is the point of life, Gash?" Fractured smiled and looked to Sweetie Belle.

"I may not have died from you but if you weren't there I would not be dead, Gash, you brought the attention of Weyland Yutani and they brought the facehuggers" Sweetie Belle spoke in a squeaky voice and she wagged her tail. "I forgive you, Gashy. I can see my friend again! My death was painful having to give birth from my chest is something I would never wish on anypony else but it wasn't your fault" Sweetie smiled and looked to Fractured and blushed happy to see her, "I forgive you too" Gash looked at them and Fractured nodded.

"Your a good boy? I agree, you did change...I forgive you" Fractured disappeared and Sweetie Bell looked to Gash and the much larger creature looked down at her as he remained on all fours, Applebloom appeared and tugged on the fillies tail telling her it was time to go. Sweetie Belle waved and the two fillies quickly ran off disappearing as they did. Gash roared and spit sprayed from his mouth as he slammed the sharp tip of his tail into the dark ground the area he smashed turned white and he ripped his tail from the ground standing up roaring more. The area he stabbed turned black as soon as he moved his tail away.

"Gash, you know don't you? You are good...in your own way" Gash had to thoughts now, the memories the ponies were putting in his head and their words, the creature hissed and his dagger tongue flew from his mouth and slowly returned to the inside of his mouth. Gash slowly turned as a white light shined on his dome from behind.

"A good Captain...I am not. A monster....you aren't" Gash turned more and Iron Will now stood just a couple feet away. Gash stood up and looked ready to lunge. Iron Will shook his head raising his hand and that was enough to stop Gash. The Xenomorph began to pace and Iron Will placed his hands behind his back and smiled. "Yeah, we didn't get along too well, my station finally fell and it was because of you. You took my wife, my life, and my friends" the captain chuckled and opened his hand, the darkness began to fade and the walls of the station appeared, Valuntas Station was still here, wherever this was. "Valuntas was your home, it was just not comfortable to grow with all the ponies that were aboard it and your instinct told you to kill them" Gash paced more and the captain watched with his hands still at his side. "I forgive you, Gash...come at me" Iron Will extended his hand and waited for Gash. The Xenomorph stopped pacing and he looked at the captains hand. "Come on....you know what you need to do by now" Gash hissed and stomped over to the the captain, they both were large creatures. Gash was only slightly bigger in height. Iron Will nodded and placed his hand on the animals head closing his eyes as he pet Gash's head with a smile. "A perfect organism"

"Have at me, GASH!!" They both once again rush at each other, colliding together Iron Will slams his fist into the face of the creature, "This is for my ship" He punches Gash and the creature lets out a loud scream each time, "This is for my friends" He punches again, "AND THIS IS FOR MY WIFE!!!" He swings but Gash catches the punch and hisses opening its mouth, the dagger like tongue flies out but the captain catches it and keeps it out of the mouth. "If I am going down!! Your going down with me" with a loud scream he pulls the creature off of him as he rushes to the control rooms panel. Slamming his fist down on a button the ship rumbles. With a smile he spits out blood and tears up falling to his knees. stuttering he speaks as Gash grabs Iron Will by the head, "A G-good Captain I am n-not" a tear falls as he shakes lightly bleeding from his gut as a tail shoves all the way through, "B-but that doesn't make me a b-bad man" his chin was red and he smiles as he felt at peace, "I'm coming my love" flames engulf the room as a large detonated explosion detonates in the room destroying everything in the control room.

Gash hissed in pain as the memory shot into the large head of the animal, Gash staggered back and fell on his back and Iron Will grinned as he closed his hand to a fist bringing it to his side. He smiled and looked down at the Xenomorph.

"You did what was instinct but you did more than that later, didn't you? Gash I forgive you, even if you did kill my wife. I hold that pain with me forever and it kills me remembering her body laying on the floor but in death" Iron Will looked to the darkness as the Head Mare stepped out wearing a white dress and a flower in her mane. "She is here with me now...I love her more than ever now that I know that even though our bodies are motionless and forgotten, we will always have each other here" Iron Will blushed and then looked to Gash who was still on the ground. He screamed and hissed as his tongue shot out to show he hated the pain in his head. "I forgive you Gash, I would protect my family too" the captain disapeared and Gash now lay on the floor of Valuntas Station, the blackness was gone. As soon as the Xenomorph gained the strength too get up he quickly jumped onto the ceiling and crawled into a ventilation shaft as soon as his body came to rest he came face to face with the robotic eyes of Coco Pommel.

"Hello Gash! I forgive you" Gash quickly moved back and the soft eyes looked at him from the darkness of the ventilation. The darkness resembled that of the dark world he was originally in, it was cold and isolated. "I was shot by Weyland Troops, they would not be there if you had not caused the purge of Valuntas, or if you did not exist. I would still be alive, well running" Coco giggled and reached out to him, "You fought for her didn't you? Or perhaps you need to see it from a new point of view? I never thought robotics got an afterlife til I died thinking I was real, she made me change too" Coco reached out and touched the creature on the head and he immediately let out a loud roar much like the one he would make if he saw a pony in the halls of the station and he wanted to kill it but he went quiet and limp as once again a memory was pushed inside of him.

The door opened and immediately as it did a gun shot was fired. "COCO!!!" Twilight looked to see Coco Pommel fall to the ground. A large group of Weyland troops stood in their way. The room was large and the Evacuation station was not far.

"LAY DOWN YOU WEAPONS!!! NOW!!" One of the troops screamed, they were out gunned and outnumbered. Twilight rushed to Coco as the rest of the group did as asked laying down their weapons. Twilight shook her head kneeling down by Coco.

"Thank you Twilight, I'm not real but I want to thank you" Coco smiled and the tears in everyponies eyes quickly began to fall from their faces as she spoke. "I want to thank you for making me feel real, Twilight" Twilights lip began to tremble as those words were spoken, "thank you for making me forget what I was" Coco Pommels head went limp and her body started to stiffen as her circuits and wires froze up. Coco was dead.

Coco removed her hoof from the Xenomorph and smiled, She wagged her tail and her robotic eyes stared at him. Gash raised his head and hissed once again as spit began to collect below his head on the vent floor. The Alien tilted his head and the large cut on his head began to bleed slightly from all that was being forced inside of him.

"Your a good boy, Gash. You may not have killed me but it was your fault but you were doing it for a cause, we all would do the same if we were you" Pommel started to vanish, "If I can have an afterlife...so can...." Coco disappeared and Gash felt the ventilation rumble below him and it quickly buckled. Falling onto the ground with a loud thud Gash smelt a familure sent as he looked up. The crazies surrounded him and they held guns by them, they had crazy looks on their face and the leader of them stepped forward pressing the barrel on the Xenomorphs head and spoke.

"We forgive you, you traitor, you monster, you killer....well aren't we all a little bit of that inside? I forgive you after all you were a gift to us, even if in the end you threw away our love and killed us. I blame the purple mare you worked so hard to save...then again...we would do the same if it was for you. WE FORGIVE YOU!" They faded and Gash swung his tail at the lead quickly, hoping to impale him against a wall but did this with no prevail. Gash growled and a hoof now lay on his shoulder. The Xenomorph jumped forward and used his weight to turn himself around now looking at the pony who had touched him. It was Silverstar, she had bloodshot eyes and she smiled at the Xenomorph as blood rested on her neck and shoulders from the bullet she received to the head. Gash slowly moved over to her and growled again.

"I forgive you too, even if I will never see my love again. He will live a long and happy life, one day he will move on but I know he will always love me" Silver smiled and pet the Xeno as she stepped forward. "If you hadn't come to Valuntas I would never have taken that bullet. I would still be alive and on that station"

With a smile Silver looks over to her boyfriend with a blush. They both lock eyes and Silverstar stopped pushing the cart. Sunset slowly raise her gun walking over to the pegasus. Twilight reaches out and cries.

"NO!!!" A loud gunshot was fired and Silverstar falls to the ground a hole in the back of the ponies head. Whites eyes fill with tears and he falls to the ground. Shaking he holds back the urge to murder Sunset knowing he was out gunned. Twilight screamed and got up onto her hooves. "I loved you!! I loved you and now your killing my friends!!

Silver quickly removed her hoof and the Xenomorph began to tremble in the knees and his lips did as well but he wasn't hungry or wanting to kill her. He seemed sad as she lowered himself to the floor and moved his dome head to look at her. She smiled down at him and quickly faded, the female voice returned and Gash rose to his feet. She sounded calm but also sad at the same time as it sounded she was crying as she spoke to him now

"Gash...you really are good...you don't need to kill anymore, you are dead like them and they forgive you! I forgive you!" Gash looked up and let out a small hiss before lowering his head to the floor, the spit dripped slowly to the ground and it formed a heart that slowly broke before disappearing. "A queen, you are loyal to her and would fight for her! However you didn't just fight for it did you? The voice disappeared and the area around Gash went dark again as Valuntas disappeared. Gash jumped back and let out a weak growl, the mare could be heard sniffling, "There is just one more thing you need to see, Gash, one more thing you need to know" the mare let out a small giggle and then wined, Gash stood up and his tail slid against the ground and he began to growl deeper as he looked around for her but he still could not smell or sense her, only hear her. Gash lowered his head and let out a hiss before going silent.

Twilight was still, quiet, sleeping in the cryotube as the ship continued to fly. The Queen that lay inside her was no longer growing and was not a threat to the well being of the alicorn as she slept. The ship howled and Sunset Shimmer lay not far from the tube, she had fallen asleep while looking at Twilight, she and White were worried every second that went by about Twilight. What would happen when she was awake again? They didn't know, nobody knows except for the higher force but right now...right this moment...Twilight was at peace and the protection that was given by Gash in the end is why she was here, sleeping, at peace. She was safe....safe from Weyland, safe from death, resting. Resting until the day comes that she had to wake up but she was okay now because of Gash. Gash saved her, it wasn't just her friends Sunset and White. It was an alien who helped, helped get them on that ship, if not for him they would all have been shot dead

Gash raised his head and looked around, he was on Valuntas and everypony who died was around him now. Iron Will, Fractured, Sweetie Belle, and Silverstar, practically the whole crew and they all looked at him with a smile. Gash hissed and curled up in a defensive curl. Stepping in the dead keelt around him and began to hug the Xenomorph, they forgave him. They all spoke at once and Gash rose up allowing them all to be around him.

"Gash, we forgive you!" Gash used his tail to seem as if he was hugging back, the Xenomorph had no spit dripping from his teeth or chin. One by one the ponies began to disappear, Gash lowered his head and let out one last his before he himself began to fade with them. Standing up and looking around the Xenomorph looked forward and his tail wagged and he quickly jumped up into the darkness and finally faded away. The mare spoke again in a soft voice.

"We forgive you Gash, You are a good boy!"

Comments ( 15 )

iron will was my favorite :D besides my own ocs of course

7071082 Would you forgive Gash, Pathious?

7071141 not sure he did kill one of my ocs and the almighty will :D

Try not to cry try not to cry..... Gash you are forgiven for your past deeds! You will be remembered! I said that I wouldn't cry but now I am! Gash lives on in our hearts and gives us the strength we need when it is needed. May he finally rest in peace.

7071260 Crying is something I did not expect but is something I do find flattering...

making the reader tear up or feel sad shows me that I wrote it correctly enough to make you feel a feeling. Thanks for the comment and yes he shall be remembered for the Xenomorph he is and was.

7071431 I'm more connected to xenomorph species than you think. When one dies it really can get to you especially when they are forgiven by those he killed.

7071478 Yeah, well I tried my best to make the short story work. I hope you enjoyed it, even if it made you sad.

7071502 Even sad stories can be enjoyed by all.

Is there by any chance of writing flashbacks to see what happened to Iron Will before he appeared again in Aliens:Twilight's Final Chapter, as well as Sunset Shimmer in Aliens: Twilight MIA?

Comment posted by TwiRaptor deleted Jan 25th, 2017

7894208 You never know there might be someday. As of right now I will finish the base stories and go from there!

This is so sweet! I love it!

too sugary not enough ectoplasm flying



Just by reading this whole thing and I gotta say I was close to crying because of how not only did this one xenomorph kill ponies but it was because of his instinct and was able to pull of one last thing before he died and that was to protect the host that had the new queen xenomorph what I'm trying to say in the short run of things is "gash was a good boy."

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