• Published 26th Mar 2016
  • 4,937 Views, 121 Comments

My Kaiju-sized Ponies - OtterP

Twilight finds a portal to a strange new world where she is as tall as a skyscraper

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Chapter 5

“This is absolutely fascinating.” Twilight said, looking excitedly at the group of four tiny humans. The giant alicorn ponies had gathered around them, laying on the floor on their stomach, their legs folded nicely under them. Between them laid a pillow where they had lifted the humans, who in turn were sitting on it. The pillow was of course huge to them, big enough that a house would have fit inside it.

They had just finished a short explanation of where they came from and the situation on Earth.

“A whole technologically advanced civilization, created by tiny being like you.” Twilight looked at the ceiling smiling, imagining all the marvels they had told her existed in their world, before returning to look at them.

“But so many wars and suffering…” Luna said quietly.

“Well, it is getting better…” Susan said, taking a step closer to Luna.

“Either case, you understand why we must proceed with great care.” Celestia said, making Susan swallow a bit and others showed being nervous too.

“Princess Celestia…” James stood up, though a bit shakily on a soft pillow. “We do not wish any harm or problems…”

“Oh, that is certain, the well-being and safety of ponies are my first priorities.” Celestia said firmly but then softened her expression. “But we would like to learn more and continue the relationship of our people.”

“We would like to learn more of you too…” James said and paused when a thought came to his mind. “Maybe we could stay here for a bit longer. For that purpose.” He said, while looking up at the enormous alicorn in front of him.

Celestia smiled gently. “That would be wonderful. At least few days would be fine and maybe my former student would like to take you as guests to her home.” She said, turning her head to Twilight.

“Oh, I would be happy to!” Twilight said quickly, and brought her head down towards Susan and the others. “Would you like to come and live with me for a few days?” She asked.

“I would be honoured, Princess.” Susan grinned, using her title since the ponies had explained who they were, and she was actually quite excited to live and see what is like being here.

“Oh, call me Twilight.” Twilight waved her hoof, blushing a little.

“Well, ah…” James cleared his throat. “I would like to stay here, but Susan can go with Twilight.” He said.

“I will go with Miss Matthews.” Miller said. “If that is okay?” He looked at Susan, who nodded.

“Do you really want to split up?” Jacob asked. “I don’t like the idea…” He muttered.

“We will be fine, Twilight is with us after all.” Susan assured him.

“It is not that, but all right…” Jacob nodded. “I will then remain here with James. Someone has to keep eye on him.” He grinned, earning a look from the older man.

“It is settled then.” Celestia said, standing up to her two hundred meter tall full height. “Twilight will take Susan and… I am sorry.” She said suddenly. “Mr. Miller, perhaps first names would be better.” She said with a smile.

The Marine Sergeant grinned a bit. “It is John, Princess.” He said, rubbing the back of his head.

“John.” Celestia smiled sweetly and brought her head down. “So Susan and John will travel back to Ponyville with Twilight, while Jacob and James stay here.” She explained.

“Great!” Twilight grinned excited. “I will bring them back after a few days so they can all return to their world.” She said.

“But we also need to decide how we continue this after that.” Luna said, concern in her voice.

“I don’t see why we shouldn’t stay in touch with the tinies.” Celestia said. “We can open the portal when we want and visit their world as well as bring them here to visit ours.” She said, looking both Luna and Twilight and then turning her face to the humans. “But at this point, enjoy our hospitality.” She said with a smile.


Susan and John watched as Twilight levitated her saddle bags on her back and then turned towards them. “It amazes me that they can do that, seeming with no effort.” John said quietly.

Susan nodded. “Yeah… Twilight explained that it comes naturally to unicorns and alicorns, but by practising they can become more talented and powerful using it.”

Twilight looked them a bit shyly. “If you don’t mind, I would like to keep you out of sight, at least until we reach the train. It won’t take long, I promise.” She said.

Susan and John looked at each other and then back at Twilight, nodding. “All right, Twilight but where are you going to…” Susan started. Twilight let out a small giggle and patted the pocket of her saddlebags. “Right here. Don’t worry, you will be safe.”

“Uh… It is okay, I guess…” Susan stammered and they were suddenly lifted into the air by an invisible force. “Ah! You could warn us next time you do that!” Susan yelped, feeling her stomach lurching as they were lifted higher and higher.

“Sorry…” Twilight said shyly and carefully levitated the two towards her saddlebags. Susan swallowed a bit again, as she was floated closer to the enormous form of Twilight. She was about the length of football field, from the tip of the tail to her nose, and was covered with uniform, soft purple fur, except the star shaped sign on her flank.

The pocket of the saddle bag opened and they were floated in on the bottom of it. “Hmm… This is not that bad…” John muttered as he tried to peer out between the seams of the saddlebag. “I can even see out a little.”

Susan on the other hand went on to touch the other side of the saddlebag. She smiled as she could feel that the fabric a little bit warm from Twilight’s body heat. “This is incredible…” She sighed, smiling. “I want to come back many times!”
“Let’s just wait until we have seen it all-- Woah!” John begun and fell down as the bag suddenly tilted and moved. Twilight had begun to trot, presumably towards the train station, making standing impossible for the tiny humans inside the bags. “I hope that they start to be a little more careful with us around…” John muttered.

Eventually, after a somewhat uncomfortable ride, they were float out by Twilight and lowered next to a huge window. It took a moment for them to realize that they were in a huge train car and on the platform they could see other ponies, all as huge as Twilight and in all the colours they could imagine.

“Aw, look, they have children too! Er.. Foals…” Susan said, pointing at the few smaller ponies that were clearly with their parents. “Wow…” Susan breathed, as they saw the outside for the first time when the train began to move. She looked back at Twilight. “How long this will take?”

“We should be there before sundown.” Twilight said, and looked around, making sure that nopony else had come in their car.

John sat down beside the window. “I just hope those two will also be okay…” He muttered as he watched the Canterlot Castle leaving behind.


While Twilight was travelling to Ponyville with Susan and John, the Sun was getting lower and inside the Canterlot Castle, Jacob walking around, too excited to sit still and looked around the enormous room. Through the windows and closed glass doors, which seemed to lead to a balcony, the setting Sun was colouring the room with golden light.

“Pretty exciting, huh?” A voice behind him said, making Jacob jump a little.

“James, don’t do that!” He whispered, but then nodded. “This place is too amazing…” He said dreamily, turning back to look ahead again. “Too bad we can’t explore it…”

“Who says we can’t.” James said, stepping next to Jacob.

“The Princesses did.” Jacob said. “You heard them.”

“Oh come on, aren’t you a little curious… lets go.” James grinned, nodding towards the vast floor. “Who knows what we can find there. Besides, I want to take a good look at the palace, and I can’t do that in here.” He turned towards the door. “We go that way.”

“The doors are closed.” Jacob protested.

“I bet we are small enough to squeeze between the doors, or under them.” James said, thinking as he estimated the distance. “Hmm, maybe about a kilometer there. Maybe a ten minute walk, five if we hurry.”

“Yea, that reminds me. Look how small we are, if a pony comes and doesn’t see us…” Jacob said shivering a little. “We end up being just a stain on the floor.”

“We will be careful, Jacob! Where is your curiosity?” James insisted, starting to pull Jacob with him.

Reluctantly Jacob agreed and the two men hurried across the room, towards the door. As James had guessed, there was just enough room between the door and the floor for them to crawl under. They squeezed through and stood up, looking at the ceiling that seemed to be at least a mile from them. But everything was so big that it was difficult to estimate distances.

They decided to stay right next to the wall and slowly made their way until they reached the next door. “Excellent, the doors are similar so we can easily go from room to room.” James grinned, and got down on his stomach to crawl in.

Jacob looked around a moment, seeing no-one, and even hearing a sound. “I hope you know what you are doing…” He muttered as he too got down and crawled under the door. He stood up and observed the new room. James was already standing and doing the same thing. It was similarly luxurious as Celestia’s room. The Sun had set during their way to here but a Moon had risen and was dimly illuminating the room. A huge bed stood in the corner but the bedsheets were straight and they didn’t hear anything. Also there was a similar balcony but the doors were wide open.

“Looks like whoever lives here, isn’t home.” James said and started to walk across the room.

“Where are you going?” Jacob asked as he followed him, keeping his voice quiet just in case.

“I want to look at the city from that balcony.” He nodded towards it. “Hey, since we will be spending few days here and if we can find out a way out, we can discover more, you know, gather intelligence, during nights without ponies knowing about it.” James said, turning his head to Jacob.

“Yea, but it feels bad to take advantage of their hospitality.” Jacob muttered quietly.

“Relax, they will never know.” James waved his hand dismissively as they reached the doors and walked into the balcony. Just as they were in the open, both saw a huge, dark figure gliding towards the balcony, and recognized it as the other pony princess, Luna.

Princess Luna glided down on her balcony and her shoes made a quiet sound as they touched the polished marble surface. Luna was looking down as she landed and happened to notice movement on the floor. She squinted her eyes to see and then opened them wide as she recognized the two tiny figures who were running away from her at a snail’s pace.

“Ahem…” She said as she took a single step, effortlessly catching them.

Jacob and James turned to look as Princess Luna stepped closer, her huge, covered hooves making a metallic sound against the hard surface. They looked up and up as the giant alicorn stood right in front of them, towering over them like a somekind of goddess.

A mischievous smile developed on Luna’s lips and she activated her magic, carefully lifting the two tiny humans from the floor.

Both men screamed as they were lifted higher and higher by the irresistible force until they were in front Luna’s face. “Gentlemen…” Luna smirked. “While we might enjoy your company… Would you like to explain what were you doing here at this hour… In our bedroom?” Luna spoke quietly, but the tone alone send shivers down the spines of the two men.

Luna walked inside, closing the balcony door with her magic and climbed on her bed, setting herself down on her stomach, while carrying the two tinies in her magical grip. She lowered them on the bed, between her forelegs. “Now… We would like to hear an explanation for this intrusion.” She said firmly, smirking at the two terrified tiny humans near her hooves.

To be continued...