• Published 27th Mar 2016
  • 4,295 Views, 27 Comments

Catching an Egghead - huntersunday

Dash has a plan, and no stubborn egghead will stop it.

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Chapter one (Edited)

Catching a Egghead
By huntersunday
Proofread by Mister Phoenix
Edited by Delta Nutmeg
The sun rose, shining its brilliant light down,showing the beginning of beautiful hill tops of the one and only Sweet Apple Acres. Though the sight of luscious apple trees were a normal sight to regulars, in the spring, the fields always seemed warmer and brighter.

In the sky just above the ground, a beautiful rainbow frantically zipped around in the open air. Applejack let a smile form on her face Rainbow Dash had called her out here on this fine day, to supposedly tell her something important. She could easily see that whatever it was, it was causing her friend to be more active than a ticked off hornet’s nest.

“Now Rainbow, Ah came all the way out here to hear your grand plan. So get down here and stop actin’ like a filly that just got her cutie mark.” Applejack wasn't sore or upset, she had gotten used to Rainbow Dash’s antics over the years, but she could still be quite annoying at times.

Rainbow Dash tried to calm herself down, she took a quick glance to see her friend paw at the ground in agitation. She flew up once more, pulling a graceful somersault in the air, before landing in front of the farmer. Her wings stood tall as she stood in a proud stance.

“Okay, okay I’ll tell you. Oh, it’s gonna be so awesome. I have it all planned out.” Applejack held back a laugh while Rainbow Dash started to pace around her, whatever was on her mind was truly getting to her, she knew Rainbow would never admit being nervous, but she knew her well enough to see the signs.

“So you know how I challenged everypony to an egg hunt?” Rainbow paused her pacing to look at Applejack. "Anyways, I am gonna make sure to get a lot of eggs. Then I am gonna challenge Twilight to count them with me to prove who won.”

Applejack chuckled at Rainbow Dash started to really get into her plan, She had slowly started moving her arms around as if she was trying to pantomime her story. Rainbow took no heed in her friend’s chuckle as she spoke. “Then, while she is counting her eggs with me, I am gonna slowly start to spell out, ‘Twilight will you go out with me?’. It’s perfect!”

Applejack stared in awe as she tried to hold her laughter back, only to horribly fail. Falling to the ground she busted up laughing. A blush spread on Rainbow Dash’s cheeks, soon embarrassment turned to anger, stomping her foot. “Fine! Laugh it up, it was stupid anyways,” she screamed. Turning away, she spread her wings to flee, but stopped when her tail was yanked.

Applejack slowly tried to catch her breath. “Now wait just a darn minute, Ah’m sorry for laughing at ya, but Ah can't tell if that's the most romantic or silliest thing Ah have ever heard”. Rainbow Dash’s ears dropped as her demeanor fell, Applejack noticed and placed her arm around her friend.

“Now sugarcube, Ain't nothing wrong with your plan. Ah was just surprised to see you being so romantic. Ya should definitely do it.” she said, nuzzling against her friend. She smiled when Rainbow Dash smiled.

“You don't think she’ll laugh at me?” Rainbow’s voice was soft as she spoke, almost as soft as Fluttershy’s, Applejack just shook her head.

“Go get her cowgirl.”

The castle in front of her never seemed so haunting, and Rainbow Dash had been there plenty of times. Now it felt like the castle was towering over her small form. Letting a shuddering sigh leave her lips, she cradled a set of bunny ears and sack to her chest. She stood proud as her fears left her. She opened the door and walked inside.

“Twilight? Are you ready to go egg hunting?” Her call echoed across the hollow castle, to deaf ears. She started to roam its empty halls. The castle always felt empty to her, even after her and the girls added to the place to make it less gloomy.

Finally she found her prize, Twilight was sitting in front of a crystal desk, cluttered with unrolled scrolls and open books. Every now and then, she would move her head from side to side, letting small mumbles leave her throat. On any other day Rainbow would have thought it cute, but today, she had a plan and Twilight needed to be there for it to work.

Walking up to the table, she slammed her hooves down on the desk. “Come on Twi, it’s Easter, you said you go egg hunting with me.”

Twilight jumped at the sound and looked toward her friend. “Sorry Rainbow Dash, I can't join you today, I’m this close to unraveling a new spell. It needs all of my attention.” Rainbow’s face fell, she had been planning this for months, No, she wasn’t gonna give up now.

“No, Twilight, you said you would come and you will. Do the stupid spell later.” she exclaimed. Now it was Twilight’s turn to grow angry. She stared at Rainbow, giving her a death glare that would have frightened most ponies, but Rainbow was not most ponies.

“Stupid spell! Stupid spell? This spell could be revolutionary! Nom the spell isn't stupid, your dumb egg hunt is. Now leave me alone.” Rainbow Dash’s eyes started to fill with tears, but the brash pegasus bit back her sadness, with a sinister smirk suddenly gracing her lips.

“You know what Twi? I’ve fallen behind trying to get you to come, which means I have to catch the biggest egg to catch up.” Slowly Rainbow raised her bag ready to pounce “I’m gonna catch me a big, mean egghead!”

Twilight barely had time to react as her horn glowed, making her vanish only to reappear behind the crazed pegasus, steaming as she yelled. “I don't have time for this, Rainbow Dash!” Rainbow didn't seem to notice, as she turned to pounce once more.

Twilight flashed her horn once more and vanished, this time appearing right outside her castle. “What has gotten into that pony?” Her angry outburst was drawn away as she heard a window shatter above. Soaring into the sky like a missile Rainbow Dash shouted.

“You can teleport Twilight, but you can't hide, I will catch the biggest egg today!” Rearing herself back, she dive bombed toward the frightened mare. Twilight wasted no time, she turned on her heels and bolted.

The chase was on, every now and then Rainbow would get close to catching her, and Twilight would teleport just enough to get out of her reach all while screaming at Rainbow Dash to stop the entire time.

Their chase lead them to a field just outside of town, if ponies could explain what they saw, they would swear it looked like a rainbow kept trying to catch a flashing light.

While the chase was occurring, four other ponies were enjoying their egg hunt. Pinkie Pie was in front and bouncing along her merry way, while humming, ‘Here comes Peter Cottontail’, Fluttershy hovered just behind her with flowers gracing her beautiful hair, Applejack trotted happily behind her chewing on a piece of straw, and Rarity was right at the end staring into the sky.

Pinkie stopped mid bounce and paused. “Oh I get it, we’re background ponies!” Fluttershy also stopped mid flight and stared in confusion. Applejack just shook her head and spoke.

“Ah know Ah’m gonna regret asking this, but how are we background ponies?” Applejack asked while Pinkie stayed in her frozen state and beamed.

“We’re just here to make the picture whole, silly!” Pinkie explained. Applejack just shook her head, sometimes it was better not to ask.

Twilight paused to catch her breath, glancing up to the sky to see if her predator still waited. With no sight of the rainbow menace she let a sigh of relief pass, unaware of the shadow looming behind her.

With a swift pounce, Rainbow Dash brought her sack down upon Twilight’s head, the quick motion ripping part of the sack, letting some eggs roll onto the grass. With a grunt she grabbed the handles with her jaw and pulled it up, bringing the poor trapped mare with it.

With a triumphant stare and a small smile she mumbled, “I caught an egghead.”

Her victory was cut short with Twilight’s form started to tremble, and with a roar her body burst into flame, panting in anger. She stared Rainbow down with pure malice.

“I don't know if you thought this would be funny, well news flash, it’s not. That was foolish and childish, you should be ashamed of yourself!”

Twilight's anger was not misplaced, but slowly dissipated when she looked at her shaking friend. Rainbow Dash could do nothing as her tears fell. All of her plans gone straight down the drain, she had wanted today to be special, but like always she messed up.

Without giving Twilight a chance to speak, she took flight leaving a trail of tears glimmering in the light. Twilight sat in awe, she hadn't seen her friend that upset since the time Tank had to go into hibernation.

Applejack sighed witnessing the fight after hearing Twilight’s roar. “Well Pinkie if you don't mind, Ah’m done being a background pony” She spoke before walking towards Twilight.

Twilight sat upon the grass trying to process what she had done wrong. In all logic Rainbow Dash was in the wrong, but seeing her friend’s despair had made her wonder if she had been too harsh. Her thoughts were brought to a halt at Applejack’s voice.

”Ah don't know what happened here Twi, but Ah’m guessing you wouldn't come egg hunting?” Twilight nodded. “Now it makes sense, Ah can't say whether you were right or wrong for yelling at her, Ah can tell you though that she had wanted this day to be special for you, ya know how Rainbow is good at showing her feelings.”

Twilight finally spoke. “Why was it important to her AJ?” Twilight asked, causing Applejack to smile, even in anger Twilight still cared for her friends.

“Ah can’t tell you Twi, Ah made a promise, but Ah can tell you she had been planning this for months, she’s been a might bit terrified of your reaction. Now Ah can’t tell ya what to do, but if Ah was you Ah would fly up to her house and ask?”

Twilight nuzzled her friend before standing up. “Your right AJ, I might have over reacted, I’ll go speak with her” Twilight said. Applejack smiled while she watched her friend take off.

“Go get her, Twilight.” was her last words when she turned to meet back up with her still paused group of friends.

Rainbow held her pillow tightly against her chest, she buried her face into her pillow letting her tears fall freely. Everything had gone wrong, and now she held no chance at getting Twilight to date her.

Her depressing thoughts were interrupted by a tapping at her door. “Rainbow Dash? It’s me, Twilight” Rainbow rolled herself over to where she was facing her door.

“You're not going to yell at me more, are you?” Rainbow asked. Twilight sighed before opening the door. She winced at the sight of Rainbow’s slumped form.

“Rainbow, I didn't mean to yell so much, Applejack told me you had planned for today to be special. I’m sorry that I was too wrapped up in my own world to notice.” Twilight smiled, making Rainbow to start to unclutch her pillow. “Care to tell me what you had planned?”

Rainbow Dash sighed. “Y-You'll think it's stupid...” Twilight just smiled while shaking her head. Rainbow Dash gulped, it was now or never. “Okay, I had this like awesome plan to trick you into competing with me, and then we would sit down and count our eggs to see who won. While you weren't looking I was going to spell out a question in the eggs.” Rainbow Dash slowly clutched her pillow, her nerves catching up with her.

A reassuring hoof touched her shoulder, Rainbow looked up once more at her crush before stuttering. “I was gonna ask you out.” Rainbow Dash said, quickly shut her eyes, not wanting to see Twilight’s reaction.

Twilight was in shock. Never would she have thought Rainbow had feelings for her, it never occurred to her that one of her friends would like her, she took a moment to ponder if it could work, there were so many possible outcomes. All of her thoughts stopped as Twilight let out a chuckle.

“You know what's funny?” She asked, making Rainbow Dash opened her eyes once more ready for any words Twilight would throw at her, only to gasp when Twilight leaned in and captured her lips in a kiss. Rainbow did nothing but shudder into her friend's lips, letting her fears drain away.

Twilight pulled back with a smile. “I guess you really did catch a egghead!”


Author's Note:

Hey guys, so this little short got real popular, so I decided to get it edited.
I really want to thank Delta Nutmeg for his help. I hope you guys enjoy, I love all the faves and watch is I got for this thanks agian.