• Published 28th Mar 2016
  • 1,502 Views, 8 Comments

By My Side - Midnight Ronin

Even though Twilight and Moondancer are very alike, Moondancer comes to realize that there is one thing that sets them apart.

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Dancing Thoughts

As I read tome after tome in my lonely home, I find myself slipping further and further away from my studies. My mind would begin to wander as I soon start to think of him.... Him, one being that made a difference in a mare that is just like me. Me and her are definitely a like, but there is one major difference. She had him. She had a bond even if she didn't see it.

He helps her stay on task,even puts up with her anti-social behavior and even with all of the stress she puts on him, he continues to stay by her side. How I would love to have someone like that by my side as well. I would have at least had some interaction with someone, rather than the words within my dusty books that only looked back at me as I stare into its pages, only offering me what it had, and nothing more. To be the best doesn't mean one has to do it alone. I know this because she was never alone.

He cooks for her, he cleans for her, he makes sure she gets enough sleep and does what he can whenever she gets ill and he still wants to do more to please her. To show that he has worth in her eyes. It was love. A kind of love that is gained not from family, but from a friend. A love I didn't have as I hoofed my way to the top. A bond that I wanted to have with her and even him a long time ago, but fate had a cruel way at getting in the way. She had abandoned me and even took him away to Ponyville for something, but fate was soon kind to me, we reunited and had a party for me (even if it didn't go as she planned), but still, how much of a difference would my life be if he was a part of it from the beginning? A part of my world, my path in life. How far would I have gone with him by my side?

It was him that pushed Twilight to interact with others. His suggestions that helped her make a better choice and in the end she gained five amazing friends and by extension they helped her see the meaning of friendship and this transformation in life has made her a princess of the very thing that me and her didn't care much about. She now spreads friendship across Equestria and like always he will always be by her side. When she cries, feels alone, depressed and even when her spirit is broken beyond repair, he will never abandon her, forever by her side like a true knight of shining scales. Bound by his duty to protect the princess to ensure her safety and well being. That is who he is and that is what I want to have as well.

They share a bond on such a magnitude that he would even risk an entire kingdom to ensure his friend would pass a test. Only making a move when he is ordered to by her and when he does, he is willing to risk his life to accomplish whatever desires she has, like bring the Crystal Heart to his friends to save an entire empire. And even after he did what she asked of him, he still regrets his actions, fearing that she would fail her important test. He values her life over his own. How much love can this guy have? Why couldn't I have someone like that by my side?

I wonder if he would be with me, just as he is with her. I have friends now, because of her, but just imagine how many friends I would have because of him? He is a loyal friend after all. Ever so chivalrous, so kind, and loyal. A friend that can deal with my antics and still desire my company. I bet she reads to him all the time, even if he doesn't want to hear it, but knowing him...he would still listen. I wonder how much he knows because of her and if I had the chance I wonder how much he would know because of me.

A few weeks ago I went to my double's Cutie Mark class and there he was. He was so helpful, but even I could tell he was exhausted. Poor thing, she must have been overworking him. He fell right asleep and I didn't have the heart to wake him up. I watched him sleep as he laid beside me and then it happened. She needed him to help her and so I gently nudged him awake. It was so funny seeing him jump around a bit from his sudden wake up call and just like that he went back to work, showing the class pictures of what our 'teacher' was explaining to us and then he made me giggle again. He accidentally showed a picture of him relaxing in a chair with a glass of lemonade in his hand at the beach. It was a funny sight to see and then it made me think about him more, completely missing some of the lessons she was telling the class.

I never been to the beach to actually relax. Studying and learning was all I cared about. I could only imagine what he would say and do to get me out there. Maybe even try surfing which I know I would dislike with passion, but I believe he would have had the pull to get me out there to at least try it once. Perhaps even getting me to do something as fruitless as building a sand castle with him.

Now that I think back on it, I kicked myself for cutting him off when Minuette asked him to tell me the time my double had to read a book on sleepovers... I should have listened. To hear his voice, his opinion on the event. I'm sure it would have been a tale to hear, perhaps next time I see him, I'll bring it up...somehow. Next time I will be more attentive.

This guy, the ever loyal friend who will stick by you in the darkest of times.... I really wish I had someone like him. To have someone thrown into the life of a recluse and to give them the one thing they avoid, a friend, that is a blessing. A blessing that I would have love to have had during my growth, but fate isn't fair like that, but I guess I should see this as a positive. I did in fact meet him and now I know him, so it's not all bad.

Twilight Sparkle you are truly lucky to have such a great friend to share in your life. When you grow, so to does he with you. You two have gone through so many things together, good and bad and you two have come out of it even stronger. A bond that is unbreakable, almost like siblings. How does it feel to wake up to find him there by your side? Or to be able to share emotions that you just couldn't do with a book? I bet it feels good. To be able to cry on his shoulder, instead of soaking your books with your misery. How I would love to have someone like that by my side.

Comments ( 8 )

This was kinda depressing... But somehow in a positive way? I don't know how to feel!

But I know I enjoyed this, despite not know what some of my feelings are! Lol

7077766 Lol, I'm glad you enjoyed it. That is my first Slice of Life story :twilightsmile:

Interesting story. Moon Dancer seems to think Spike is the main difference between her and Twilight.


Yep! I always thought it was off that Moon Dancer is Twilight's other self if she never gained friends, but there was something missing, Spike. Moon Dancer doesn't have one for that created this.

Interesting, truly strong representative of the SoL genre, mildly sad and touching :twilightsmile: I really like the idea behind this, showing how much of an important role does Spike play and how only that one missing him can see that.

I'd be a little bit more cautious with the retellings of the show events, such as the one in the lecture hall. I can't really put my finger on it, but they contrasted with the rest of the thoughtful story a little too much.

Thank you for this read, it gave me a lot to ponder on :ajsmug:

Thank you!

I'm really glad you liked it. I'll keep that in mind next time.

You're welcome :twilightsmile: Though remember that I'm only one subjective person, others might see it differently. It may be good if you ask others as well how do these particular spots feel.

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