• Published 14th Apr 2016
  • 1,522 Views, 18 Comments

The Power of Friends - kurusagi16

Many years have passed since the heroic exploits of Princess Twilight and her friends, and now, a new adventure begins to unfold, with new friendships being forged, and new trials to face.

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Flurry Heart's Gift: A Symbol of Friendship

Flurry Heart's Gift: A Symbol of Friendship

As the airship landed into the dock, and the passengers began to leave, Flurry Heart rested a hoof on Harmony's shoulder before she had a chance to fly away. "Hey, do you mind walking back to Canterlot with me?" she asked. "There's something I want to tell you."

Harmony folded her wings and said, "Okay." She wondered what it was that Flurry Heart could possibly want to talk about. The twosome walked side by side along the dirt path that led upward back to town. Harmony then asked, "So, what's this about?"

"Last week, after you rescued me and agreed to be my friend, I wanted to do something special for you. You know, to show my thanks." said Flurry.

"You don't have to do that." said Harmony. "After the way you help me and the girls, I think that'd be thanks enough."

"Still, I wanted to show my thanks to you somehow, so, I had this made." Flurry Heart reached into a little purse she'd brought with her, and presented Harmony with a little box. "Here, open it."

Harmony looked at the box and reluctantly took it. She opened it and gasped at what was inside. It was a necklace with a rainbow quartz gem cut into a diamond tear-drop shape, a delicate golden chain was attached to the the tip of the gem. "It's beautiful." she breathed.

Flurry Heart grinned. "I knew you'd like it."

"I don't know if I can accept this." said Harmony, trying to hand the necklace back to Flurry Heart.

"Nonsense!" declared Flurry Heart, pushing the box back into Harmony's hooves. "I had it made for you, so you can keep it."

"But it seems so precious." said Harmony, looking back down at the necklace. "Like something you'd give to a special pony instead of one you've just met."

"But you are." insisted Flurry Heart, rest a hoof on Harmony. "You're my new friend, and that's enough to make you special."

Harmony stared into Flurry's sparkling blue eyes, at a loss for words. "Flurry..."

"Now hurry up and try it on so I can see how it looks on you."

Lifting the necklace out of its box, Harmony gently placed it on her neck, the rainbow quartz resting just below her throat. She touched the gem lightly, liking the way it felt to wear it.

Flurry Heart clapped her hooves together. "It's perfect!" she cooed. "And it goes so well with your eyes."

Harmony blushed a little. "Thank you." she mumbled quietly. "It's a lovely gift."

"Your welcome." said Flurry Heart. "I hope you can wear it to my party."

Harmony blinked. "Party? What party?"

"Oh, right, I almost forgot." Flurry's horn glowed with golden light, as she pulled out three invitations and gave them to Harmony. "You and the girls are cordially invited to my sixteenth birthday party this Sunday at 10:00 AM."

Harmony looked at the invitations, speechless. Each one was made of thick white paper, with looping, florid script that glittered in the light, and at the top was the Canterlot Royal Crest embossed into the paper. "I...I don't know what to say!"

"Just say that you'll be there. And Kimono and Razzaroo too of course." said Flurry Heart.

"Yes, we'll be there." Harmony started to fill with excitement. "I can't believe this, Razz and Kimono are going to be so excited when I tell them!" She then gave Flurry a beautiful and joyful smile, "Thank you so much Flurry, I can't thank you enough."

"What are friends for?" she said with a shrug. The two laugh, and continued walking on their way to town.

After walking a little ways, Harmony's ears perked up. She stopped in her tracks. "Did you hear that?" she asked, straining her ears to try and catch the sound.

"Hear what?"

"I don't know, I thought I heard something."

"It's probably nothing. Now come on, let's go."

Harmony was about to when she heard the sound again, this time a little louder. She looked up toward the top the cliff, where the sound had come from, squinting her eyes to try and see what had caused it.

"Harmony, hurry up!" called Flurry Heart, who had now gone ahead of her.

"Coming!" Harmony called back, warily eying the cliff before picking up the pace.

Little did they know, hidden from the top of the cliff, they were being closely watched, by many pairs of glowing blue eyes.

That night, Celestia had another vision. This one was different from the last. She saw a cavernous place that was dark and damp, and she saw Flurry Heart, desperately crying out for help. Malicious laughter echoed off the cave walls, becoming louder and louder, until a swarm of shadows appeared and engulfed Flurry Heart. The young Alicorn screamed in pure terror, as she began to disappear completely.

"Flurry Heart!" cried Celestia.

The vision drastically shifted, showing Celestia flashes of the Tree of Harmony, the pony from her previous vision, and returning to Flurry Heart's face, pleading for help.

Celestia gasped as she awoke in a cold sweat. The doors of her bedchamber swung open. "Celestia, are you alright?"

"I'm...I'm fine Luna." said Celestia shakily.

"It was another vision, wasn't it?"

Celestia nodded. "Flurry Heart is in grave danger, we must take every precaution to ensure her safety until after party. Once she's back in the Crystal Empire, the Crystal Heart will be able to protect her until the danger passes."

"Should we tell Cadence and Shining Armor?" asked Luna.

"No." said Celestia, shaking her head. "We can't give them any reason to panic before we know what exactly we're up against."

"But sister, they have a right to know! They are her parents, after all."

"I know, which is why I will tell them once they arrive this Sunday. I shall also alert Twilight Sparkle, and perhaps together we can keep my vision from coming to pass."

Luna sighed. "Very well, Celestia. I'll assemble some of my night guards to help keep an eye out for anything or anypony who might try to come after Flurry Heart."

"Thank you, Luna."

Luna was almost out the door when she stopped and said quietly enough for Celestia to be able to hear. "Do you think that she is somehow involved?"

Celestia paused and then answered, "Quite possibly, yes. But first we must wait and see, before we can know for sure."

Author's Note:

I based the necklace Flurry gives Harmony off of the silver imperium crystal from the sailor moon manga (in appearance only).

Hope you enjoy the upcoming birthday chapter!