• Published 1st Apr 2016
  • 3,299 Views, 21 Comments

A Bittersweet Life - MarcellusMiro66

Her name is Sunset Shimmer. Her game is violence and nothing else. (An "Anon-A-Miss" story)

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Chapter 2: Scars Never Heal


"Just me, myself, and I... Nobody else."

Sunset cracked her neck, shoulders, and pretty much every other muscle in her small body. Slowly stripping down until she was completely nude, she didn't dress in her new leather clothing yet. She sauntered over to the mirror and gazed at her reflection; it consisted of a girl who beared a very exact resemblance to her... But was her. Instead, it was a girl who was troubled, fragile, afraid... Afraid of the mare in the mirror with nothing to lose now. Yes, before her now was her pony form, a beaten and bruised mare with cuts and lacerations. Yes, those scars were inflicted... By herself.

"Look at you. Just look at you. Look at what your life has given you. First, you were a troubled mare who was the former apprentice of a Queen Alicorn. Second, you were an Alpha Bitch who ruled an alternate dimension's school version of Canterlot for three long years. Next, you were a reluctant anti-hero seeking redemption who became a full-fledged hero after helping the Humane 6 defeat the Dazzlings. Finally... You are back at square one."

Sunset sighed softly and gently caressed one of her scars on her stomach; it wasn't severe, but it was enough to cause her pain. In fact, her aforementioned pain wasn't the effect of the accusations against her, but instead the cause was her parents' double deaths that occurred in front of her very eyes. The criminal who committed the crime was evidently horrified, and he could only cry silently in unison with her as the nearby police cruiser came pulling up to the sidewalk. From that moment, besides the goal of making and doing her parents proud, that young orphan girl learned one valuable lesson that day...

Scars never heal, as stated by Sunset Shimmer.

A few minutes later, Sunset donned her leather uniform and took one more gaze at her reflection; she was a female version of Mad Max... In her opinion. Knowing that the temperature would drop drastically where she was going, she headed to her closet and pulled out a black long-sleeve collared shirt with a matching T-shirt and a pair of skinny jeans, placing the former clothes both underneath the leather jacket and the latter clothing above the leather pants. She then took the Glock 21 and two spare magazines, placed the box underneath the pillow, and tucked away the gun in her jacket pocket. Taking up her iPhone and not her journal, Sunset dialed up a number and held it up to her ear,

"Hey, this is Sunset Shimmer. If any of the Dazzlings are there, you better bedazzle up in this address..."


Logan hung up his coat and vaguely listened on to the conversation between the father and his daughter. It had been a while since he was informed that his superior was also a loving and caring dad; this surprised him to the full extent that he was unaware of the fact his boss – a gruff, old (old was a mere understatement) bastard – could also be a big jerk with a heart of gold. This secret also pained him to the full extent because he never had a father, let alone a father figure, when he was younger. He only had an aunt, a depressed druggie named Chrysalis, who cared for him deeply as did her FBI agent boyfriend only known as "King Sombra". He has known little about him beside the fact that the reason why he became a member in the first place: his old love interest before Chrysalis was killed in an assassination attempt.

That, and the reason why he was called "Sombra" was that he killed most of the terrorists responsible using only a Remington 870 Police Magnum Riot, a tank of propane, and a hacksaw. The following fire resembled something of a fiery shadow demon. Talk about a case of Mad Max-itis. Still, that young boy learned a valuable lesson that day...

Scars never heal, as paraphrased by Logan Lazuli.

Logan sighed softly at his reminiscing and detached his belt, placing it in his built-in locker in his newly renovated office. He unloaded his SIG-Sauer P226R and placed it in his fingerprint verification safe. Exiting his office, he began to make his way to the coffee machine down the hall and felt that the message was going through his mind clearly: he was seeing blurred lines as of this moment. He quickly regained his vision, however, and proceeded to grab a plain old vanilla latte with whipped cream to keep himself awake at this time of the day. Even though it was almost nine, he wouldn't make past ten.


Logan dared to drop his coffee and swiftly turned his neck that a crack-like sound bounced off the wall, "Yes, co-boss? You required my presence?"

Hunt Order worriedly winced, fearing that he had set something off in her father's protégé, "Yes, Lazuli, I hope that I haven't derailed your train of thought."

"No, sir, that train had long derailed before you called for me."

Hunt bit her bottom lip and blew her hair out of her face, "Listen, Logan – "

"Lazuli," Logan drank his latte as he stated this.

Hunt rolled her eyes, "Okay, Lazuli... I know that it should be my dad who should be saying this, but – "

"Just spit it out."

Hunt nodded slowly and carefully chose her following words, "My dad wants me to tell you that he wants you... To take a case involving an online persona only known as 'Anon-A-Miss'".

Logan could only blink in response, "Anon-A-Who?"


Danielle emerged from her apartment bathroom, a violet towel wrapped around her dampened hair and a robe wrapped around her naked body. Knowing that the temperature would drop drastically, she had to get dressed and fast. A few minutes later, she came back to the living room sporting a pair of navy blue pajamas above an equally colored robe. Today was Throwback Thursday, which meant today celebrated the movies of yesteryear; her entertainment section was chock-full of the 70s/80s grindhouse/exploitation flicks, Hong Kong martial arts films, and Chinese Wuxia/Japanese Chambara movies she soaked up during her childhood. One of those films was Mad Max, a 1979 Australian dystopian action flick of the "carsploitation" genre. That particular film was the last film before...

Danielle shook the negative memory off and made her way to the kitchen; her current intention was to cook up an "everything but the kitchen sink" sundae. She then placed said sundae on the coffee table, turning on her TV and slipping in the DVD in its player. Okay, she needed to stop thinking and talking about sex. She needed to relax and feel pleasure –

"Damn it."

Danielle hungrily took big bites of her ice cream monstrosity as she watched Max's breakdown transpire into a Roaring Rampage of Revenge. The reason why she loved this film was this: unlike most action movies today (or any general genre), the story was focused and thought-provoking, the characters were layered and relatable, and the action was gritty and ultra-realistic. She felt that she and Max were so relatable that they could be practically married by now for only one reason... Both were motivated by their desire for revenge. It was then the young gratuitous girl learned a valuable lesson that day...

Scars never heal, as commented by Danielle Ingram.

After Mad Max was finished, Danielle placed on its sequel, The Road Warrior: Mad Max 2. She then took and opened up her laptop, "Alright..."


Sunset never thought it would come down to this: a Mexican Standoff between her and Adagio Dazzle, the leader of the Dazzlings. Two girls, two guns, and a hell of a lot of squinting; the both of them stood a few feet away from each other. The former aimed her Glock 21 at the latter as the latter held her Heckler & Koch P30 at the former. Both wouldn't break away from each other's sights any time; both had all the time in the world. The only ones worried were Adagio's sisters, Aria Blaze and Sonata Dusk.

"So... You gonna break, Shimmer?"

"Fat chance, Dazzle."