• Member Since 13th May, 2012
  • offline last seen Saturday




Big Mac, a notorious pedophile, takes the Cake Twins out for a wonderful night of SFW romance.

My entry into the SFW foalcon contest.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 59 )
Comment posted by Harmony Pie deleted Apr 6th, 2016

>MFW before and after reading this

Seriously though you're such a diabolical genius. :pinkiecrazy:

197/10 would fap again.

What was that about the parasites?

It's wrong! It's sick! It's horrible to behold! Look:

...whipping my fragile flesh with a belt he modified with bamboo splinters and and metal studs...

You said "and" twice here.

Go somewhere else for your child porn, you pedophillic freaks.


I can only assume 7+ people got really triggered by this ending, went outside, kidnapped an 8-year old little princess in pigtails and a pink dress or two, and channeled their frustration right into their tiny little cunts.

Nah, I'm just kidding, bronies don't go outside.

7101943 I was stuttering; it's very difficult for me to talk about that


Nah, I'm just kidding, bronies don't go outside.


This is hawt. Well done Regidar, two thumbs up.

You unoriginal twat.

This was funny.

7101951 It was a six year old, cuntmuffin.

This fic was okay but since the only other good entry's author was banned, you better win.

he’d shot his arrows into Archer;

Do you want a lawsuit? Because THAT'S HOW YOU GET A LAWSUIT.

Majin Syeekoh


You magnificent bastard.

This thing.

This is the best thing.

7102239 I don't even know how to enter it into the contest tbh

It's times like this I really don't know how to feel about myself or anyone else really.
But I have to agree, fuck serbians.

I was laughing from the moment I started reg, hilarious

7102788 thank you goatmom

7102490 Dont worry I've added your fic to the contest's folder.

Thank you for your entry and I'll admit this did get a lot of chuckles out of me :rainbowlaugh:

Pedophilia Is Both Normal And Okay


Even without looking at the top right, I can already see all the downvotes from rustled jimmies.
I have a feeling that reading the comments will be even more entertaining than reading the story. :rainbowlaugh:

I realize crackfics aren't my cup of tea, but this is neither remotely T nor SFW nor worth reading.

For some reason, I'm still following you. :facehoof:

and he fucked the shit out of Scootaloo

Haha, straight to the point, hilarious. Thumbs up.
Poor sweetie belle...


For some reason, I'm still following you.

I write good things sometimes too :fluttershysad:

You do! I actually know why I am following you I was just being silly. :heart:

FWIW, I'm actually mildly concerned about this getting reported. I know you need it to be T for the contest but I think it needs some editing to not be M. It's pretty explicit right now.

I would not be the one to hit the button, though. :pinkiesmile:

7104633 alright, we'll cross that bridge when we get to it
thank you for looking out for me though, it is appreciated

7102967 sometimes I think I should change my username just so I'm not just called goatmom

Twisted, but in a good way. :twilightsmile:

0/10 no vivid decription of Mr./Mrs. Cake's passionite death sex

Best fic out there?

7119032 not even close

The balance of power must be preserved.

I was recommended this by a friend. Thank you God for this wonderful man.

I feel like I should call the police and have them look at this. No joke.

7376464 shh
it's okay

Your race jokes are tasteless.

7619368 it was just a prank bro

The War of 1812 was a military conflict that lasted from June 18, 1812 to February 18, 1815, fought by the United States of America against Great Britain, its North American colonies, and its North American Indian allies. Historians in the United States and Canada see it as a war in its own right, but Europeans sometimes see it as a minor theatre of the Napoleonic Wars, as it was caused by issues related to that war (especially the Continental System). By the war's end in early 1815 the key issues had been resolved and peace came with no boundary changes.

The United States declared war for several reasons, including trade restrictions brought about by the British war with France, the impressment of as many as 10,000 American merchant sailors into the Royal Navy,[5] British support for Native American tribes fighting American settlers on the frontier, outrage over insults to national honor during the Chesapeake–Leopard Affair, and possible American interest in annexing British territory.[6] The primary British war goal was to defend their North American colonies, although they also hoped to set up a neutral Indian buffer state in the Midwest.

The war was fought in three theatres. First, at sea, warships and privateers of each side attacked the other's merchant ships, while the British blockaded the Atlantic coast of the United States and mounted large raids in the later stages of the war. Second, land and naval battles were fought on the U.S.–Canadian frontier. Third, large-scale battles were fought in the Southern United States and Gulf Coast. At the end of the war, both sides signed and ratified the Treaty of Ghent and, in accordance with the treaty, returned occupied land, prisoners of war and captured ships (though neither side returned the other's warships due to frequent re-commissioning upon capture) to its pre-war owner and resumed friendly trade relations without restriction.

With the majority of its land and naval forces tied down in Europe fighting the Napoleonic Wars, the British used a predominantly defensive strategy in the Provinces of Upper and Lower Canada. Early victories over poorly-led U.S. armies, such as in the Battle of Queenston Heights, demonstrated that the conquest of the Canadas would prove more difficult than anticipated. Despite this, the U.S. was able to inflict serious defeats on Britain's Native American allies, ending the prospect of an Indian confederacy and an independent Native American state in the Midwest under British sponsorship. U.S. forces were also able to make several gains and score victories on the Canadian frontier; taking control of Lake Erie in 1813, seizing western parts of Upper Canada. However, a large-scale U.S. attempt to capture Montreal was repulsed in November 1813. Despite the major U.S. victory at Chippawa on July 5, 1814, serious U.S. attempts to fully conquer Upper Canada were ultimately abandoned following the bloody Battle of Lundy's Lane on July 25, 1814. The U.S. then fell back roughly 30 km (19 mi) from Lundy's Lane to Fort Erie, where they withstood a siege for several months. The British eventually withdrew, but as winter set in, the Americans demolished the fort and fell back across the Niagara.

In April 1814, with the defeat of Napoleon, the British adopted a more aggressive strategy, sending larger invasion armies and tightening their naval blockade. However, with the end of the Napoleonic Wars in Europe, both governments were eager for a return to normality and peace negotiations began in Ghent in August 1814. In the Deep South, General Andrew Jackson destroyed the military strength of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation at the Battle of Horseshoe Bend. In September 1814, the British won the Battle of Hampden, allowing them to occupy eastern Maine, and the British victory at the Battle of Bladensburg in August 1814 allowed them to capture and burn Washington, D.C. They were repulsed, however, in an attempt to take Baltimore and Fort Bowyer, and during their assault at Fayal. An American victory in September 1814 at the Battle of Plattsburgh repulsed the British invasions of New York, which, along with pressure from merchants on the British government, prompted British diplomats to drop their demands at Ghent for an independent native buffer state and territorial claims that London previously sought. Given that it took six weeks for ships to cross the Atlantic, news of the peace treaty did not arrive before the British suffered a major defeat at New Orleans in January 1815.[7]

In the United States, late victories over invading British armies at the battles of Plattsburg, Baltimore (inspiring the United States national anthem, "The Star-Spangled Banner") and New Orleans produced a sense of euphoria over a "second war of independence" against Britain.[8][9] The war ended on a high note for Americans, winning the final engagements of the war and bringing an "Era of Good Feelings" in which partisan animosity nearly vanished in the face of strengthened American nationalism. The war was also a major turning point in the development of the U.S. military. The poor performance of several U.S. militia units, particularly during the 1812–13 invasions of Canada and the 1814 defence of Washington, convinced the U.S. government of the need to move away from its Revolutionary-era reliance on militia and focus on creating a more professional regular force. Spain was involved in fighting in Florida but was not an official belligerent; some Spanish forces fought alongside the British during the Occupation of Pensacola. The U.S. took permanent ownership of Spain's Mobile District.

In Upper and Lower Canada, British and local Canadian militia victories over invading U.S. armies became iconic and promoted the development of a distinct Canadian identity, which included strong loyalty to Britain. Today, particularly in Ontario, memory of the war retains its significance, because the defeat of the invasions ensured that the Canadas would remain part of the British Empire, rather than be annexed by the United States. In Canada, numerous ceremonies took place in 2012 to commemorate the war, offer historical lessons and celebrate 200 years of peace across the border.[10] The conflict has not been commemorated on nearly the same level in the modern-day United States, though it is still taught as an important part of early American history,[11] and Dolley Madison's and Andrew Jackson's respective roles in the war are especially emphasized.[12][13] The war is scarcely remembered in Britain, being heavily overshadowed by the much larger Napoleonic Wars occurring in Europe.

7641346 jokes on you
I'm a history major
You just c/p'd something I already had an intimate knowledge of

7641567 I was gonna post that brownie recipe that was posted as a Bad Rats review, but Valve never ceases to fuck up and they made looking for popular reviews an ordeal. So you get this.

wtf did i just read Oo

also tushe -.-

Wtf is this cancer?

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