• Published 8th Apr 2016
  • 572 Views, 26 Comments

The Origins of a Pegasus - Snowliasion

You've seen her get a book, you've seen her crash into objects, now see how she became who she is today.

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Destiny Delivered

Finally, school was out. After having said goodbye to my friends I tore through the skies of Canterlot towards Sunridge Sweets. Today would be my very first day as a Sunridge Delivery Mare.

Stepping into the store I was greeted by the smiling faces of Sunbeam and Pepper Ridge. “Look dear,” Sunbeam said to her husband, "a sweet, young pegasus has wandered in. But she looks a bit under dressed don’t you think?”

The stallion grinned and placed a package on the counter. “Sure is cute. Think a pegasus adjusted vest and a delivery cap would suit her well?” They laughed and slid the package towards me along the counter. “All yours my dear.”

Eagerly I bit through the strings that bound the box and opened the package my eyes widening as I saw the cutest outfit I had ever seen. White and red in color with the vest pocket bearing a small tag with my name on it. I literally pranced on the spot as I slipped the vest on and placed the cap on my head with an excited smile.

“Now look who is ready for her first assignment,” Sunbeam said as she handed me a small bit pouch which also had the Sunridge logo on it. “This pouch has your change to pay customers back with Snowy, take good care of it please.”

“Yes Mrs Sunbeam I will keep a close eye on it,” I replied as I stashed the pouch in one of my vest pockets making sure that it couldn’t slip out.

Sunbeam nodded. “Just Sunbeam will suffice sweetie,” she said before placing a pair of saddlebags bearing the Sunridge logo onto the counter. “And this is your delivery bag. We filled it with the order for you to deliver already.”

I strapped the bags tightly against my barrel and checked the clasps a second time. Then Pepper Ridge gave me a paper with the address of delivery and the customer’s bill. “All ready to go young lady,” He said smiling.

Before I could step out of the door however Sunbeam halted me. “And sweetie Celestia forbid it ever happens, but if somepony tries to rob you, just give them your bits and saddlebags, don’t endanger yourself do you understand me? I would never forgive myself if any of our delivery ponies got hurt over such an unimportant thing.” I nodded and smiled unworried. Such things didn’t happen in Canterlot did they? We weren’t in Manehattan or Baltimare after all.

The afternoon sun warmed my feathers as I soared through the skies once more. Looking at the address I noticed it was in the older, more rundown part of Canterlot. Was that why Sunbeam had cautioned me? I swallowed once but then shook my head wildly. She would never knowingly send a young filly like me into a dangerous place. I was sure of that, Sunbeam would have sent an older mare if she didn’t trust the recipient.

Gliding down towards my destination my eyes widened when I saw I was headed for a large classically styled mansion straight out of a horror novel. There was a note on the door which read For delivery knock four times Swallowing I lifted my hoof and knocked four times as instructed while just managing to squeak out. “Cake delivery for Solar Skye?”

After a moment the door opened revealing a huge unicorn mare wearing a hooded cloak that made only part of her white muzzle and hooves visible. Looking up and up and up at the mare I started trembling, half-spreading my wings instinctively. The next thing I knew she smiled down at me and lifted my chin gently with a hoof. “Don’t be afraid my little pony, did you come here to bring my delivery?”

I nodded slowly, her voice sounded somewhat familiar and was strangely soothing causing my wings to fold and my legs to grow steady. Opening my saddlebags I took out the order that had her name on the boxes which she lifted in the golden glow of her magic. Had I seen this mare before somewhere? It felt like I had met her earlier but I could just be imagining that.

“How many bits do I owe you little one?” She asked giving me a gentle smile which somehow made me happy. The boxes whisked through the air finding their way to a nearby cabinet while she produced a bit pouch.

I checked the bill and replied. “That would be thirty-five bits ma’am.” I said giving her the slip of paper. She checked it and nodded floating forty bits from her pouch and into my hooves.

“Keep the change sweety.” She nickered kindly and stepped back inside the building closing the door behind her. I stashed the bits and cheered silently, five bits was quite a nice tip for my very first delivery seeing as it was as much as my normal allowance.

I returned to Sunridge Sweets proud as I could be. Inside, Sunbeam was waiting, ears perked as she asked. “How did it go sweetums? Could you find the place alright?” With an enigmatic smile on her face she waited my reply.

“It went great!” I exclaimed as I shrugged off my saddlebags and handed Sunbeam the delivery bit pouch after fetching my tip from it. “She even gave me five bits as a tip, isn’t that amazing?” I had been wrong about this work. Looking for the address and the responsibility of delivering your goods to the customer felt great, the appreciation from that freshly cupcaked mare was likewise a good feeling. However I had rarely felt so appreciated as when I saw the broad smile on Sunbeam's muzzle upon returning from completing my task.

Then it happened, a warm sensation coursed through my body as a bright flash emanated from my flanks. When it faded it left the image of a blue feather with wings on each side of it in it’s place. I stared numbly at it for a few seconds then my eyes went misty as I felt tears of joy running down my cheeks. My cutie mark, it had finally appeared and it was the magical moment I had always imagined. I trembled all over in excitement.

Sunbeam’s smile only grew wider as she hugged me and nuzzled my mane. “I can’t believe I have the honor of seeing this happen before my very eyes Snowy, I am so happy for you sweetie.” She let me go and nickered. “Go home quickly dear to show your parents what a wondrous happening took place after an excellent first delivery they will be so proud.”

Nudging her back I nodded and galloped outside. Then spread my wings and was airborne in seconds beating my wings hard as I raced home in a record time to show my parents what had happened tonight.

When I burst through the front door of my home yelling for my father and mother their reaction was not what I had expected. From upstairs I heard hooves thundering along the wooden floorboards and in the kitchen I heard several items drop to the floor as a second pair of hooves sounded like they quickly made their way towards the foyer.

Both of my parents tore into the hallway looking like they had suffered a near heart attack. Their wings fully flared in distress and their eyes wide. Mother was on me in an instant nudging me and looking me over in concern. “Are you alright?! Where does it hurt baby?” In the meanwhile my father was glaring at the open door as he had moved protectively in between the entrance and the two of us.

Realizing why they were behaving like this I blushed in embarrassment and nickered softly. “I’m not hurt mommy I was just very excited to show you both something and stormed into the house without thinking.”

They both visibly relaxed and let out a heavy relieved sigh giving me a look of exasperation. “Snowy you can’t startle us like that sweetie we were very alarmed just now.” My mother admonished me, Yet she still began carefully looking me over just to be sure until her eyes found my cutie mark.

She blinked before a smile crept onto her face. “H-honey.” She addressed my father who looked over his shoulder. “Look at our little— no, big girl’s flank.” He did and I saw his eyes widen again as he turned around.

“Is that?” He began to ask but the enthusiastic nodding from me and mom left the sentence unfinished. A bright smile beaming on his face he nickered proudly. “Our filly is a proper young mare now.”

The rest of the evening was celebrated with delicious vegetable snacks made by my mother and board games of my choosing. Now I just needed to invite my friends for my cute-ceañera.

A few days later my celebration was in full swing. All my friends were there, naturally Autumn Breeze and Subtle Touch were at the top of the list but also a few school and neighbourhood ponies. Sadly Sunbeam’s family couldn’t make it but they had given me a couple of days off.

At some point Autumn trotted towards me smiling. “Snowy? Can you come with me? I have a surprise for you.” I nodded and followed her upstairs to escape the noise of the party. Once inside my room she kicked the door shut and took something from under her wing.

It was a pretty dark blue box which she handed to me. Taking it from her muzzle I opened it curiously and inside found the most beautiful pendant I had ever seen in my life. It was a blue gem that vaguely resembled my cutie mark hanging from a silk cord.

“It’s an Azurite,” she said and placed the pendant around my neck. “And I really think it suits you too.” I was speechless. My best friend bought me a wonderful gift and I could do little more but sit there looking impressed.

Autumn smiled. "I hope you like it." I nodded slowly then she sat down. "And I hope you like this too." I blinked, then found her lips on mine while she pushed me onto my back and leaned over me. My eyes widening as our muzzles locked in a passionate kiss.

My muscles tensed and my heart nearly leapt out of my chest. She was kissing me, as in seriously kissing me and I could only kiss her back. The mare I admired and felt feelings for had just ambushed me and the little pony in my head was cheering with a stupid grin on her muzzle. In that moment her lips were so warm and velvety.

Then my bedroom door opened and my blood ran cold as my father stuck his head inside my room. “Hey sweetie would you like s—.” He stared. We stared back our lips still entwined in our kiss as we were frozen in place. My face feeling incredibly hot due to my embarrassment.

The awkward silence lasted a few seconds before dad blinked. “I see that you’re already provided for. Sorry girls.” Then he quickly backed out of my room and hurriedly closed the door. I could still hear him call downstairs though. “She’s fine dear! She’s currently trying out something pegasus flavored!” Ever seen a pegasus change color? That day would have been perfect for that experience.

Autumn withdrew and giggled nervously then muttered. “Still enjoyed it though.” I could only nod in full agreement and smile, enjoyed it? I was ecstatic! My friend, the prettiest pegasus I ever met just kissed me. No, made out with me, yes I had enjoyed that!

I ruffled my feathers and licked my lips. “Y-yeah I wouldn’t mind another sample though.” Then grinned warmly at my friend. “I am trying out pegasus flavor after all.” She didn’t need to be told twice and brought her lips to mine again. Best, night, ever!

I made my way into Sunridge Sweets again wearing my delivery uniform still so proud! it was time to work and I had a big order today. It would be the first time I would be bringing orders to multiple customers on the same run.

Sunbeam was already waiting for me with Pepper Ridge by her side. On the counter rested a big pair of saddlebags filled to the brim with all kinds of delicious baked goods. A good part of this job was finding the willpower to resist sneaking a bite.

Seeing my look the earth mare chuckled and gave me a playful glare. “Now I better not hear about any missing bites from the orders sweetie,” she said while she helped secure the bags around my barrel.

“There could be something that falls out of my bags.” I quipped smartly. “It happens.” Then I gave the two a wide grin making a show of licking my lips.

She tapped me on my nose with a hoof and smiled. “Now Snowy Sugarplum Haze you better behave filly. And there might just be something nice waiting for you when you get back from your deliveries.” That was enough enticement for me.

“Okay!” I chirped, throwing her an innocent smile, I would never steal of course. Once outside I took a running start to compensate for this unfamiliar extra weight and took off flying east.

The first address was on the street I lived on which was either a silly coincidence or totally planned by Sunbeam. If it was then I needed to thank her later. It would give me a good chance to see Autumn Breeze or Subtle Touch.

Or of course it could also be the pegasus mare calling out for me as she closed in. Her teal coat easily identifying her since not many pegasi lived in this block let alone with that color. Mom had probably just returned from one of her weather duty shifts and noticed me approaching our neighbourhood.

“Hello sweetheart.” She nickered tenderly while hovering in front of me. “Hard at work today I see? Look at you being a responsible young mare, I am so proud.” Then she leaned in and caressed my cheek with her nose.

Letting out a happy squeak I nuzzled her back just as fondly. “Hi mom! Yup I have a few deliveries to make in our neighbourhood today.” I chirped hugging her a moment as I sighed contently. Mom’s scent and warmth always relaxed me for some reason.

She let me go after a while and smiled. “Well my hard working filly. Tonight we eat zucchini with carrots and radishes on the side slathered with honey. So I’ll see you in a few hours for dinner okay sweetheart?” I nodded, my love of zucchini nearly causing an unscheduled shower right there.
“Sounds delicious already mom.” I said giving her a quick peck on the cheek before turning to resume my way towards my first customers.

My customers turned out to be Subtle Touch’s parents which surprised me some, but I was sure that it would make the transaction easier. Trotting to the door I knocked and called out. “Double blueberry muffins and two shakes for Mrs Lotus Bloom and Mr Slate Hoof?!” Before waiting with an excited grin.

After a moment a black coated mare with a bright pink mane opened the door and smiled tilting her head at me. “Is that you Snowy? You deliver for Sunridge now? How delightful,” she said before turning her head. “Hey honey? Look who came to deliver our order.”

Answering her call a beige stallion with an unruly black mane appeared in the doorway next to Lotus Bloom. “Aw aren’t you just adorable in that get up?” He smiled and ruffled a forelock of my mane.

I felt a little embarrassed by the praise and scuffed a hoof. “Hello Mr Slate Hoof thank you,” I said and I took the bag with their order out of my saddlebags with my teeth. Then passed it to the stallion who took it from me to put away. Earth ponies always looked strong but Slate Hoof was just massive.

Lotus Bloom laughed and took out her bit pouch. “How much do I owe you my darling?” she asked when I gave her the bill.

“That would be twelve bits Mrs Lotus Bloom ma’am.” I replied as I grabbed my delivery purse incase she only carried larger valued bit pieces. Smiling warmly, but not to warmly, at the mare who was like a second mother to me I waited. I was on the clock after all so a little formality was expected. Good manners and all.

She gave me fifteen bits and shook her head when I tried to give her the change. “Oh no darling none of that now. Those three bits are for flying over here and being such a perfectly professional pegasus.” I must admit that this job did wonders to my financial state.

Waving goodbye I flew up and looked at my list to see where my second customer lived. Apparently that creepy manor to the north again where that —Saddle Arabian?— mare lived. I nodded to myself and beat my wings flying towards my next destination.

Once there I knocked four times, again, and waited. After some time the door opened and a less intimidating Miss Skye smiled down at me. “Hello again my little pony that certainly looks heavy. How about you come in for a while?” I didn’t know if such was alright with Sunbeam so I hesitated a moment.

Still this mare had a calming effect on me and she honestly didn’t give off any bad vibes at all. Besides Sunbeam knew where I went so after a few seconds I nodded. “That sounds nice Miss Skye if it’s no bother.” Following her inside we ended up in a huge living room which seemed to double as a library or study if the conspicuous number scrolls and books were any indication.

Moving to the large table I carefully took off my saddlebags, piling various cake boxes and other delicious treats onto the surface. My eyes though made it increasingly difficult for my muzzle to resist sneaking a sample.

“Would you like one dear?” I heard the mare’s voice behind me ask. “You certainly look tempted by that strawberry muffin.” She laughed at my startled reaction and eased a hoof along my back smoothing my ruffled feathers back down.

I nodded demurely and she set a strawberry muffin down in front of me. “Enjoy dear, may I ask your name?” I hoped she wasn’t asking that to complain about my rude behavior. Staring at her food like that wasn’t the most professional thing I had done today. Despite that worry I gave her a nod and answered anyway.

“My name is Snowy Haze, Miss Skye.” I said while I indicated my name tag for her to read. Looking up at her with a careful smile.

She smiled back at me and sat down. “Then, please, enjoy your snack Snowy. First though, how much do I owe you today?” She asked while she levitated her bit pouch out of her cloak’s pocket.

“Ninety-seven bits ma’am.” I replied then swallowed, that was a lot of bits for me to carry around. She produced a hundred bit piece and my eyes widened. I carefully stashed it away before giving her three bits in return. Taking a big bite of her muffin I smiled in delight. “Oh sweet Celestia this tastes so good.”

“Oh I know dear.” Miss Skye nickered as she nibbled a corner from a spongy piece of cake. Pepper Ridge was an excellent baker that’s for sure.

After finishing my muffin the mare trotted with me to the front door and smiled. “As another mare with an appreciation for a good muffin, I hope to see you again next time my dear.” She said with a wink.

I nodded happily at that, She was such a nice mare and I wondered if all Saddle Arabians were this kind. Due to her size she just had to be from those southern lands right? “Sure thing Miss Skye!” I nickered earning me a smile before I flew off.

The last address was in south Canterlot and the house was pretty fancy. After knocking and announcing my presence a yellow mare around my age opened the door scowling at me. “You’re late.” She snapped at me. “I thought you pegasi delivered faster than that. You have wings don’t you?”

The smile that had been on my face fell into a more neutral expression. “I’m very sorry Miss it will not happen again.” Giving her the last box from my saddlebags I flicked my tail. “That will be twenty bits please ma’am.”

She huffed and floated a twenty bit piece towards me dropping it just out of my reach and snorted. “Don’t expect a tip. Those are for ponies that know how to deliver promptly.” Without another word she slammed the door in my face.

Well somepony had a stick up their flank today or was she permanently set to bitter pony? I didn’t know, I didn’t care, at least the other deliveries had gone well without any complaint. Who did she think she was anyway?

Huffing to myself I took flight again and made my way back to Sunridge Sweets. I just needed to drop the bits and delivery bag off and then I could go home to enjoy a delicious zucchini salad.

Author's Note:

And chapter 4 is done, prepare for more my dear readers.