• Published 4th Apr 2016
  • 824 Views, 16 Comments

A Sunset For My Life. - PrismStrike

How one small pony changed my life forever.

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Chapter 4. Flare Up

The next movie I put on for her is Wreck It Ralph which she just seems to become absorbed right into eventually ignoring me rubbing her belly and sides for the movie. She hides her eyes behind her hooves when Ralph goes into the Hero's Duty tower for his "hero medal" the cybugs frightening her a little. She practically leaps off me when she see's the Sugar Rush lands, even growls at king candy just seeming to know that he's no good. She cheers for Vanelope when she first learns to race and again during her race against king candy/turbo. As Ralph makes Cybug Turbo drop him though over cola mountain something strange happens. As little Sunset begins to tear up, even her young mind thinking that Ralph is going to meet his end. Sparks come from her horn, just a few though enough to make me wonder if its just my eyes playing tricks on me. But then when Vanelope saves Ralph along with her shouts of joy comes a gout of fire from the tip of Sunset's horn.

I of course freak out over this "Holy hell she just turned into a flamethrower" is my immediate reaction to her, hers though is simply to stare cross eyed up at her horn.

"fwaaaaa" she lets out mimicking the sound of the fire as she throws her hooves up, another burst of flame comes from her horn as she does. Once it has dissipated she bursts into giggles. After making sure that my ceiling is not on fire I look down at the giggling unicorn.

"Well looks like I've got a little pyro on my hands huh" That's what I say out loud to her at least the thoughts running through my head being something more like this 'Holy hell. What did she just do. I have no way to explain this' to name just a few of the things running through my mind.

I pick Sunset up lifting her to my face. "Do you know how you did that Sunset"

A shake of her head is her reply. "Guess you don't know then huh. Something for us to work on together." I say nuzzling my nose softly against hers which elicits another round of giggles from the cute amber unicorn. The rest of the morning passes by more or less uneventfully. We watch a few more movies, I am very careful though of which ones I put on not wanting another burst of fire to come from her. After movie time I manage to tuck her into a backpack so I don't have to leave her alone in my apartment. With her all snug in it with a small blanket to wrap up in I go out into the cold to get fresh food for her.

The walk while cold for me is peaceful and calming. Sunset manages to remain completely quiet during the entire trip only shifting herself every so often to keep comfy. When we get back to the safety of my apartment the first thing I do is unzip my backpack, scoop my little Sunset out, pulling her right up against my chest in a big hug. "You were such a good girl Sunset" I praise her while smiling which brings a smile big enough to almost seem to split her face. She nuzzles her head against my chest, as her fore hooves spread out wide trying to wrap themselves around me only just barely making it to my sides. She gives me a squeeze and I give her one back just enjoying this sweet moment of happiness.

When our hug ends I lift her up to look at me smiling still. Her blue-green eyes sparkle as she looks back making her all the more cuter. "Even though you have only been in it less than a day. Your the best thing to ever happen in my life Sunset." The looks she gives me tells me she doesn't quite understand but she still smiles and giggles any ways before booping my nose with a hoof, sending us both into giggles. After our giggles die off I make her something to eat, which mostly consists of some vegetable based baby food I bought. Spoon feeding her turned out to be a rather difficult task as I think between the both of us we ended up getting as much on her, me and the floor as we did in her belly.

Author's Note:

bit of a short chapter. Am having trouble finding enough inspiration at the moment as I am having a few problems in my life but I am still trying to work on this one as it makes me happy to write. If you notice any spelling/grammar/punctuation(honestly my biggest problem in my own opinion) errors please point them out to me so that they can be fixed and the story made better