• Member Since 14th Mar, 2015
  • offline last seen May 20th




Comments ( 55 )

But who drinks RC?

7105102 I've never seen that before.

7105122 I had no idea RC Cola existed until you just mentioned it...

7105141 "Pinkie Pie likes Pepsi"

To me, Coke will always be better. I'm with you all the way, Sunset...

Pinkie is a fan of Pepsi. To her, Pepsi is superior to every other soft drink.

“It’s Pinkie Pie,” I said. “She keeps talking crap.”

“Well, what did she say?”

“She keeps saying that Coke is better than Pepsi,” I said. “That’s fine but-”

“Enough of this,” I said, getting up to continue my march away. “Why is everyone being so difficult today?”

While asking herself this question, she stumbled upon a game in Canterlot High’s field. Rainbow Dash seemed to be going up against four other guys, which was impressive. She crossed two over and shot the ball, bypassing the next two and scoring her the goal.

I think maybe you needed to give this story another proofreading pass before publishing it.

7105278 Thanks, man.

I'm just going to leave this here.....

Coke all the way. But my fav soda of all time is A&W Root Beer.

A thoughtful and well-reasoned response.

Also, Pepsi is better than coke but whatever works when you're thirsty.

7105331 Hahaha!
Pepsi Man.

7105392 Root Beer is smexy...

I prefer Coke since the fizz is stronger and it helps me with a stomach ache (hard to believe, right?), but I'll drink Pepsi if there isn't anything else to drink.

Barqs rootbeer motherbuckers.........which is owned by the coke-cola co.

Coke is superior to Pepsi.

7105122 That's fucking disgusting. Don't ever talk to me again.

Pepsi sucks. It always has a coppery taste, even in a plastic bottle.

Fuck a can of Pepsi,
Fuck a bottle of coke,
Royal Crown cola is the way to go!

Spelled Barq's, actually.

Both are like cocaine

7105510 I just follow my grandma at this point. First, it was Diet Coke, and now it's Pepsi.

When I'm 21, it'll be Budweiser, I think.

7105614 Root Beer, whoever it's made by, is delicious. Excuse me while I take a sip!


7105675 I need to try this RC that people keep talking about.

7106398 agreed except for mug that tastes like shit

7105792 I know, right? As soon as you start, you can't stop, and on top of that, they make you super duper hyper, so much so that you don't ever want the crash t come so you continue drinking, only for the crash to be even worse and-

*Gasps* Excuse me a moment.


When Pinkie's corpse was found hanging upside down from a lamp-post, choked to death with a Coke bottle and with another rammed up her fundament, no-one could figure out who could have committed such a horrific act... until Sunset Shimmer turned up missing and the portal was found to be closed. After all, the Equestrians weren't about to allow any contact with their perfect society by a species so barbaric as to still drink Pepsi!

After all, everypony knew that civilised folk drank only Dr Pony (Dr Pepper)!

Coka Cola drinker here. Pepsi is just too Sweet IMO, and thanks to a couple HALO LAN Parties my brother and I had when we were still in High School, and the tons and Tons of Mt.Dew that was left over after each of them, I can't even touch the stuff even a Decade later...

As for the Sprite/Sierra Myst debate, I prefer Sprite because it's more bitter...

7107453 Old commercials make me crack up. When I'm older, my kids will probably think the same thing.

My uncle is the manager of the place that makes Pepsi and a lot of other drinks, such as Mountain Dew, Fruit Shoot, Tango ect...

7109304 Cool. Tell him I said, "Thanks for the Dew".

7106611 Dr. Pepper, Traitor!!! Root bear is the way to go.

7106402 *sips a glass of RC before clicking a button elsewhere.* :eeyup:

7126575 Seriously, where do you find RC cola? There seems to be none anywhere near me.

7126579 Probably more liable to find it in the S and SW USA area. Dr Pepper Schweepes is the company that overall owns it so it comes along with A&W and... well Dr Pepper and 7-up get confusing for who owns those. :derpyderp2:

7126601 I think I saw RC cola once and though it was a rip-off of Pepsi. Then again, I was 7 at the time and didn't know the difference between their, they're and there...

You know in Quebec, Canada French people drink Pepsi and English people drink Coke. Its unspoken rule.

That is why I drink Coke. Go Sunset you drink your Coke.

If they've got got actual sugar in 'em, I prefer coke (Pepsi Throwback and Mexican Coke). That costs more, though. If it's gonna taste syrupy anyway, may as well be the sweeter syrup.

“Mt. Dew is much better than Mellow Yellow,” said Pinkie.

This is true.

7192850 Man, Canada is awesome. It fathered (Mothered?) some of my favorite cartoons.

*Looks at MLP*


7248219 I have to look up this Mexican coke. Apparently, it's ace.

7297672 Well I don't want to over-sell it, but I do prefer it. Corn syrup leaves a, well, syrupy after-taste that cane sugar doesn't.

7297673 I basically live off that shit.

Coke or Doctor Pepper. Or indy soda; Virgil's is really good if you can find it.

I can and will drink both, but given the choice, I'll go with Coca-Cola.

They both used to have cocaine in them. Mostly coke because that's part of its name.
Actually, mostly every soda pop back then had cocaine in them because there wasn't my thing else to make it addicting!

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