• Published 8th Apr 2016
  • 3,995 Views, 63 Comments

The Tales Of A Night Stalker - Don Pedro von Poltergeis

A guy gets sent to Equestria as a ponified Night stalker.

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Chapter 4: Stay Safe

Author's Note:

Longest chapter I ever wrote. Hope I am getting better at writing. By the way both Keep Safe and Stay Safe are Stechkin APS with extended 30 round magazine and without the stock/holster.

The following morning I was woken up by my arch nemesis, The Alarm Clock.

With an annoyed hiss, didn't know I can do that, I reached out a foreleg in the general direction of my nemesis and was rewarded with clattering sound that shut up the alarm clock.

Unfortunately Windy seemed to have a different idea because she started poking my side.

“Wakey, wakey it's time to go to work.” She cooed still poking my side.

“Don't wanna…” I muttered sleepily before rolling on my other side.

“Okay it seems that we have no other choice. Mom go get the rope.” Windy said and I imagined Night Heart giving her a salute before rushing off for the rope.

“Whu?” I uttered before I heard Night return probably with the rope.

“Thank you.” I heard Windy say before she tied my forelegs and hind legs to the posts of the bed and as a final touch she tied my tail to the bed.

This left me feeling completely exposed and causing my eyes to snap open revealing Windy and Night standing there both of them sporting evil smiles.

“What are you doing?” I asked while tugging at the rope around my forelegs.

“Oh, nothing.” Windy said in an innocent tone of voice but the look in her eyes told me that it wasn't 'nothing' that they are going to do.

“We're just going to teach to wake up on time. Without grumbling.” Night added before continuing. “Now on the first lesson. Windy did you bring the teaching instruments?”
“Of course I did.” Windy replied before levitating out a pair of feather dusters and a muzzle, causing my eyes to widen.

“No! Please I'll--- Mmph!” I started but was silenced by Windy fastening the muzzle over my face.

“Now we will proceed with our lesson.” Windy said before tickling my belly and Night soon followed by tickling my hooves.

I couldn't do anything but laugh and squeal into the muzzle.

“I still can't believe you kept tickling me for an hour.” I grumbleed, giving the two mares sitting across the table a glare.

“But you made such cute noises!” Windy justified. I gave her a deadpan look in response

“Thought I think you would look cuter with a ball gag instead of a muzzle.” Night mused.

“You're both unbelievable.” I said in a deadpan tone causing the two mares to giggle. “Anyway when does the clinic open?” I asked quickly changing the subject.

“We don't open till nine in the morning, so that leaves us with an hour to get you into a uniform.” Night Heart replied.

“Uniform?” I asked with a confused tilt of my head.

“Yes, a uniform.” Night replied and rose up from her seat at the table, carrying the dishes left from our breakfast to the kitchen. “Now, would you kindly follow me?” She asked
as she returned back into the dinner room.

Without a word I followed her to the bottom floor. Apparently the upper floor serves as a housing for the family of two and lower floor serves as their workplace.
I followed Night as she led me down a hallway before opening a door labeled ´Nurse Room´, following her inside revealed a cozy looking room with a sofa sitting in front of a fireplace, small kitchenette in the rightmost corner of the room and a door labeled ´Changing Room´.

“Wait here, I am going to get a uniform your size.” She said before going to the changing room and she returned not a minute later carrying a stack on her back.

She handed me the stack of clothes with a wing and left the room for me to get dressed.

I spread out the pieces of the uniform on the sofa so I can have an easy access to them. I put on the white button-up shirt followed by a by a white skirt, into which I tucked the shirt, and finally I put the nurse cap on my head.

When I was dressing I noticed that I have a cutie mark, Windy explained to me what they are last night, of a rattlesnake holding a stick of dynamite with a lit fuse in its jaws.
I walked out of the room to find Night already dressed in a lab coat with her cutie mark, two crossed syringes, stitched on the beast pocket. Her eyes gave me quick scan but stopped on my head.

“You didn't brush you mane, did you?” She asked making me realize that I forgot about it.

“Oops.” I said sheepishly causing her to sigh and facehoof.

She led me back into the nurse room where she immediately removed my cap and attacked my bed mane with a comb, after she was done combing my mane she tied it into a bun and replaced my cap.

“Just one final thing.” She said when and pinned a badge to the breast pocket of my shirt. The badge read 'Nurse Spooks'.

I rolled up the blinds flooding the waiting room with light and signaling everyone know that the clinic is now open.

Just as I settled into the comfy chair behind the reception and took a sip of my coffee the ringing of a small bell echoed through the empty room and an annoyed looking earth pony mare followed by an embarrassed earth pony stallion walked in.

“Welcome to Night Heart's clinic, how may I help you today?” I said the greeting that Night Heart have drilled into my head.

“Hello, I would like if you could get Doctor Night Heart here.” The mare said trying her best at not sounding irritated.

“Sure thing, just give me a second and I'll go get her.” I said with a warm smile and trotted over to the clinic.

I politely knocked on the door to the clinic and when I heard Night Heart call “Come in.” I walked in.

“Doctor, there is a mare and a stallion that want to see you.” I said to Night Heart, she nodded and followed me back to the waiting room.

“So, what seems to be the problem?” She asked the mare.

“Well, the brilliant friends of my brother here swapped the contents of his bottle of his lubricant with superglue and…… Well, you can imagine how that went.” The mare explained gesturing to the stallion who I noticed had a blanket wrapped around his hindquarters and was hobbling on three hooves.

“Okay, sir, if you would follow me into the clinic?” Night asked and the stallion nodded and followed her with a beet red face.

Hearing the mare sigh in annoyance I asked her, “Let me guess, it isn't the first time something like this happened?”

“No it isn't.” She replied settling into a seat closest to the door to the clinic.

“Wanna talk about it?” I asked her with a friendly smile.

“Sure. Oh, and my name is Apple Twilight by the way.” She replied with a small smile of her own.

“Nice to meet you Apple Twilight, I am Spooks.” I said.

But before we could continue our conversation Windy walked out the clinic's door.

“Spooks? Can you come with me for a while?” She asked sounding a bit nervous. I also noticed that she was wearing the same uniform as me she even haves her hair done up in a bun.

I followed her into the clinic and saw the stallion laying on his back with his right foreleg stuck between his hind legs and Night Heart standing a few feet away with a thoughtful look on her face.

“Nurse Spooks, what do you suggest we do in a situation like this?” She asked me still looking at the stallion.

“Well, the best way to remove superglue, which I know about, is to use an industrial thinner or an acetone nai-er- hoof polish.” I replied after a while of thinking.

“That is correct but I think that they are way too dangerous to use in sensitive area as this. So, what is your next suggestion?” She answered and I realized that she was testing me.

“Hmm, I think that with the help of nurse Side Winder´s magic we should be able to remove the super glue, other than that I have no other idea.” I replied with a shrug.

“Very good, nurse Spooks. You may return to your post.” Night said with a smile and I walked back to the reception.

Three days later

It was Friday and the clinic was closed for the day and I was walking to mine and Windy's room. When I arrived to the door I found a note taped to them.

'Dear Spooks,

Meet me at the back door at 6 P.M. Don't be late.

Signed, Windy.'

Is this a date invite?, I thought with a confused look on my face and looked at the clock at the end of the hallway and saw that it was 5:55 P.M. so I walked to the back door.

As I walked towards the back I saw Windy already waiting there with a strip of black cloth held in her magic.

Just as I was about to ask about the cloth she gently pressed a hoof to my lips and said, “Don't speak just follow.” And she tied the cloth over my eyes like blindfold.

I then felt her grab my left foreleg and she led me out through the back door, which I closed with a flick of my tail.

“You're getting better at using your tail.” Windy commented with a smile in her voice and I gave a little nod in response.

This was the last thing said for the following minutes as she led me somewhere. After about ten minutes of walking we stopped and Windy removed the blindfold and what I saw took away my breath.

We stopped at a cliff with a brilliant view of the setting sun and the apple orchard and to our right was spread a checkered blanket upon which sat a bottle of wine along with two glasses and a candle on a small stand.

“Do you like it?” Windy asked me nervously.

“No.” At this her expression fell. “I love it!” I exclaimed gleefully and her expression brightened. And yes I know how cheesy that sounds.

She walked over to the blanked, with me following close behind, and poured the wine into the glasses and levitated one over to me.

“So, is this a date?” I asked her and took a sip of the wine.

“Yes.” She replied, still sounding nervous, and took a sip of the wine too. Judging by how her face scrunched up she isn't a fan of it.

“Not a big fan of wine I take it?” I asked pressing up to her side.

I just noticed something. Windy is taller than me by a few inches and is build a little more, not overly so, robustly than me. During my second day working at the clinic Night
Heart forced me to get a checkup, which revealed a few things about me. First off I won't lay eggs like the Night stalkers in the game but will get pregnant like a normal mare. And even that I look rather diminutive my legs are strong enough for me to be able to jump higher than an average house, this is also helped by the fact that average houses don't jump.

“No.” She replied sounding embarrassed.

“Wanna hear a secret?” I asked her with a small smile, earning a nod in response. “I don't like it either.” I said causing her to blink.

“Wait, really?” She asked, sounding confused.

“Yeah, I am more of a beer mare.” I answered.

“Oh, good.” She said, sounding relieved, and levitated two bottles of beer from a saddlebag that I failed to notice before.

I started laughing and Windy soon followed my example, and I finally got a look on her cutie mark. A red climbing rope shaped like heart with two climbing hatchets crossed behind it.

The following day

I was humming happily as I sat behind the reception desk, thinking about the gift I bought for Windy and I earlier this day, when a Pegasus mare wearing a postman uniform walked in.

“Welcome to Night Heart's clinic, how may I help you today?” I greeted her with a warm smile.

“Hello, I am looking for a pony called Spooks.” She said returning my smile.

“That would be me.” I said and she pulled a package out of her saddlebags.

“This is for you.” She said and left the waiting room back into the street.

I looked over the package trying to find the sender's address but came up with nothing. Stealing a glance at clock at the clock above the doors to the street I saw that it was about for the clinic to close down for the night.

I walked into the nurse room to remove my uniform and then I moved to mine and Windy's room with the package on my back. When I arrived to the room Winy wasn´t there so I set the package on the table in the corner of the room and opened it. And what was inside shocked me.

Inside the package were two CZ-75s colored matte black and with a gold carving on one slide of the slide of the first one that read 'Stay Safe' and the other with a carving that read 'Keep Safe' and on the grips of the two pistols was a serial number 'SP-00-K2'.

Next in the package was a dual armpit holster for the guns and note that read as following:

Hope you'll use them well.

Just then Windy walked into the room and hugged me from behind.

“Whatcha got there?” She asked giving the top of my head a nuzzle.

“Guns that my Mom gave to me when I finished my training.” I answered, returning the nuzzle, with a bit of sadness slipping into my voice.

She just nodded and hugged me tighter.

“Oh, I bought a present for you.” I said with smile.

Getting out of Windy's embrace I opened a drawer and pulled out two cases both containing the same choker Elizabeth from Bioshock: Infinite wore, thought it was entirely black and brooches were blank.

“Close your eyes.” I said to Windy and she followed my instruction.

I pressed the brooche to my cutie mark and it emitted a soft glow for a while and when the glow faded I fastened the choker around her neck, my cutie mark now.

“Your turn.” I said softly, giving her the case with the other choker and closed my eyes.

For a while I sat there in silence, then I felt her fasten the choker around my neck and I opened my eyes.

“So, what do you think?” I asked her nervously.

“Beautiful.” She said dreamily.

“I am happy that you—“ I was cut off before I could finish my sentence.

“I wasn't talking about the chokers, silly. I was talking about you.” She said giving me the bedroom eyes. I am tretty sure my face tried to ignite itself.

And then we kissed. And I don't mean just a peck on the lips but a full-blown kiss with tongue-play involved!

As Windy continued to explore my mouth with her long tongue I slowly fell onto my back with her pinning me down.

We pulled out of the kiss both of us panting and Windy gave me a lustful look before she grabbed me in her magic and threw me onto the bed. Four ropes slithered from under the bed and wrapped around my legs, effectively tying me down. Then Windy fastened a ball gag over my mouth.

“Ready for some fun?” Windy asked levitating over a horsewhip.

The following two months went by without any complication, if you don´t count the situation between Equestria and Arcadia –a country founded by baroness Winter Rose—getting more and more tense, but today was a very bad day.

First a platoon of Royal Guards appeared in Appleloosa and started babbling something about how baroness Winter Rose was using evil magic to brainwash the citizens of her country, I immediately realized that was bullshit, and then one of the guards pointed me out to the pony who seemed to be in charge.

“YOU! HALT!” The leader shouted at me and I knew that I was in trouble. I was proven right when the Guards started closing in on me.

“You are under arrest!” The leader said in a commanding voice.

“For what?” I asked, getting ready to cloak and bolt out of here at seconds notice.

“For disrupting the harmony of Equestria, Discord spawn!” After he finished his accusation I cloaked and run to the clinic as fast as my hooves could carry.

“WINDY! NIGHT! We need to leave!” I shouted in panic as I barged through the door to the waiting room.

“What?! Why?!” Night asked as she and Windy came out of the clinic.

“The…. Guards…. They want to ….. arrest me!” I panted out.

“Well, shit.” I heard Windy say earning her a smack upside the head by Night.

Then without saying a word we all rushed into our rooms and started packing our stuff. I put on the dual holster and put my guns into it, then I started filling my saddlebags with whatever I thought would be useful.

Meanwhile Windy filled the left side of her saddlebags with various BDSM gear.

After we finished packing we rushed out the back door. Why the back door? Well, let´s just say that I turned the space before the main entrance into a minefield.

As we ran away from Appleloosa we bumped into Apple Twilight thought she had some new additions to her appearance. Mainly the dragon horns and tribal tattoo. But before we could ask about them seven Guards rushed after her yelling stuff like 'Kill the human scum!' and some other stuff.

I quickly dealt with them with a bullet to the knees of their forelegs.

“Where are we going?” Apple Twilight asked as we hid in ravine about a mile from the town. She looked shaken and frightened.

“To Arcadia.” I replied.